Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, May 6, 2023

MVNews this week:  Page B:5



Mountain View News Saturday, May 6, 2023 


The last day to vote in person or drop off or 
postmark your ballot is Tuesday, May 9th.

By Kelly Kriebs, Sierra Madre Mayor Pro Tem

Everyone should understand that, irrespective of the outcome of the 
vote on Measure M, there will be development on the Meadows portion 
of Mater Dolorosa (Monastery) property. This has been the subject of 
hundreds of words in this publication, dozens of social media discussions 
and a formal debate this past week. Due to state law and because 
the land use designation of the Meadows property currently is residential, 
the City will have far less discretion in considering the alternative 
SB 330 project proposing 50 homes and none of the negotiated Meadows 
project concessions. While approval of the SB 330 project is not 
guaranteed, there is a very high legal bar for rejecting it.

As for the Meadows project itself, there have been many accusations that the approval process 
was rushed and that the Planning Commission and the City Council did not listen to citizens’ 
voiced opposition to the project. Consideration of the Meadows project began in mid-2020 and 
the City Council vote was in October 2022. In that more than 2-year period, there were over a 
dozen public meetings and many, many hours of public comment. Councilmembers and commissioners 
also spent many hours reviewing reems of reports, drafts, memos and written public 
comment and speaking to residents. That process culminated in the two meetings at which the 
Planning Commission and the City Council approved the Meadows project. At those meetings, 
most of your elected and appointed officials painstakingly detailed the rationale for their decision, 
including point by point responses to the key concerns of the opposition. These responses, and the 
many concessions wrung from the developer (e.g., over $900,000 for water mitigation, capping the 
number of parcels with the highest lot density, ensuring no repetition of house design on a single 
street), ably demonstrate that we heard and considered the public concern. Ultimately, it is our job 
to assess what the broader citizenry prefers and make decisions that are best for the entire City.

It’s not that we don’t listen to opponents of the Meadows project, it’s that the Planning Commissioners 
and City Councilmembers don’t agree with them. And, based upon the November election 
results, neither do a majority of Sierra Madre voters. Let’s turn out that majority again. Vote YES 
on Measure M. 


This referendum seeks to overturn Ordinance No. 1461, which

approved (1) a Zoning Map Amendment; (2) a Specific Plan;

and (3) a Development Agreement for "The Meadows Project"


The Congregation of the Passion, Mater Dolorosa Community, ("Congregation") is the owner 
of property located at 700 North

Sunnyside Avenue, Sierra Madre, CA 91204 ("Property"). 

In partnership with NUWI-Sierra Madre LLC ("Developer"), Congregation seeks to develop 
approximately 17.3 acres of the Property. The proposed development, referred to as "The 
Meadows at Bailey Canyon" or "The Meadows Project",

includes up to 42 single-family homes (9.19 acres), roadways (3.68 acres), a public park (3.01 
acres), HOA open space (0.35), and a landscape buffer (1.07 acre).

Procedural History

On August 18, 2022, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of 
The Meadows Project to the City Council. On September 20, 2022, the City Council adopted 
Resolution No. 22-58:

• certifying an Environmental Impact Report;

• adopting findings of fact and a mitigation and monitoring

program under the California Environmental Quality Act;

• approving a General Plan land use map amendment; and

• approving a lot line adjustment.

On September 27, 2022, the City Council adopted Ordinance

No. 1461 approving:

• a zoning map amendment;

• a specific plan; and

• a development agreement.

On January 10, 2023, the City Council certified the sufficiency

of a petition to referend Ordinance No. 1461 signed by 1,222

qualified residents.


This referendum does not protest the City Council's decision to

adopt Resolution No. 22-58, which has now taken effect. This

referendum only protests the City Council's decision to adopt

Ordinance No. 1461. The individual components of Ordinance

No. 1461 are summarized below.

• The zoning map amendment proposes changing the zoning

designation of the Property from Institutional to Single Family

Residential R-1 with a Specific Plan Overlay.

• The Specific Plan outlines the development standards and guidelines governing the construction 
of homes in The Meadows Project. Where the Specific Plan is silent as to a development 
standard, the Sierra Madre Municipal Code controls.

• The development agreement is a contract between the City,

Congregation, and Developer. The development agreement

secures additional concessions from the Congregation and Developer as part of The Meadows 
Project that cannot be obtained through either the Sierra Madre Municipal Code or 
as an ordinary condition of a development approval. Those additional concessions include 
the following:

• Recordation of conservation easements on the northern most

portion of the Property above the Retreat Center and on two additional hillside parcels;

• Development of a public park of approximately 3.01 acres to be dedicated to the City;

• Payment of $983,500 to increase the City's supplemental water supply and offset the development's 
impact on the City's

water system; and • Payment of $250,000 to the City for public safety purposes. Vote

A YES vote would uphold Ordinance No. 1461, allowing the zoning map amendment, specific 
plan, and development agreement to take effect.

A NO vote would repeal Ordinance No. 1461.


February 15, 2023

Sierra Madre City Attorney

The above statement is an impartial analysis of City Council Ordinance No. 1461. If you 
desire a copy of the

ordinance or measure, please call the City Clerk at (626) 355-7135 and a copy will be mailed 
at no cost to you.

Alternatively, you can download a copy of City Council

Ordinance No. 1461 at


The City of Sierra Madre reminds 

residents to protect the integrity of our 



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