Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, November 4, 2023

MVNews this week:  Page 9


Mountain Views-News November 4, 2023 


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicts a wet El 
Niño winter in the coming months, likely lasting through the spring. Even 
with anticipated above-average precipitation this winter season, it is still 
crucial that we all continue to conserve water to ensure that future dry seasons 
have the proper water levels to serve all Monrovia residents.

Water conservation tips to help conserve during the rainy season:

Turn off irrigation systems while it is raining and for 48 hours after the rain 

Install weather-based irrigation controllers that automatically shut off sprinklers 
when it rains.

Use barrels to capture rainwater for later landscaping watering use

Install drought-tolerant landscape.

To learn more ways to save water or for information on rebates offered, 
please visit our website here.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with Brittany Jasso at bjasso@ or (626) 932-5562.

 Mr. Manners with a Fork in Hand

Must admit with all the World Series and handicapping for this weekends Breeder’s Cup, I almost missed 
out on National Sandwich Day and National Chinese Take out Day, and what type of food fanatic would 
I be, but fear not friends, I did partake in a Trust the Cook from the Pasadena Sandwich Company. I 
have to take my Andy Rooney Card out again and give you my fellow diners the rules of Etiquette 101. 
I love my daughter, and some of my friends kids. But here goes.

 I am asked frequently asked about etiquette and table manners, so I compiled this simple list based on 
the most common questions.

 Your napkin goes in your lap, folded in half, as soon as you sit down. Many people wait until the 
food arrives, but the proper form is to be prepared.

 If you leave the table, place the napkin to the left of your plate, loosely draped.

 A napkin is never for blowing your noise or wiping your mouth. Use it to dab at the corners of 
your mouth or your fingertips. If you need to cleanse further, leave the table and use the appropriate 
products in the restroom.

 In formal dining, a charger will be under the place setting. It remains there during the starter 
course and is removed at the main course.

 Your eating utensils go in the order of use, starting from the outside (furthest from the plate) and 
working their way in. Forks go on the left; knives and spoons on the right, as you face the plate. Dessert 
utensils are placed at the top of the plate, sideways.

 The bread and butter plate goes to the left, above the forks.

 The water glass goes above the knives (behind the wine goblet, if there is one).

 Food should be passed counter-clockwise.

 It is considered impolite to start eating before everyone is seated and served, including your host.

 Only the meal settings and food belong on the table. Do not place your elbows, eyeglasses, notebook, 
pen or other objects on the table.

 Cut no more than two bites of any item at a time. When it comes to bread, tear off one bite at a 
time and butter it, rather than buttering a whole roll.

 Do not season your food until you have tasted it.

 It is permissible to use a piece of bread to wipe up excess gravy, as long as you use your fork and 
not your fingers.

 If you need to leave the table, place your utensils on the edge of your plate so that the tips point to 
the plate’s center, in a V-shape. To signal when you are finished, lay your utensils side by side diagonally 
on the plate.

Listen live to Dining with Dills at 5 PM Sundays KLAA AM 830. 

Save Water...
We also offer an Irrigation Controller 
Retrofit Program: $1,000 VALUE 
FLOW MONITORNew, Faster Payment 
Process! Apply for 
rebates at 
www.sgvmwd.comResidents of Alhambra, Monterey Park and 
Sierra Madre are eligible for rebates.
For more water-saving information, 
contact, call 
(626) 969-7911, or visit 
with this QR code.
Use itWisely 

ALL THINGS By Jeff Brown


"It seems to me that the natural world is the greatest 
source of excitement; the greatest source of visual 
beauty, the greatest source of intellectual interest. It 
is the greatest source of so much in life that makes 
life worth living." - Sir David Attenborough

 John Muir, the influential naturalist and advocate 
for the preservation of wilderness areas, left 
behind a wealth of inspiring quotes that capture his 
love for nature and his conservationist spirit.

 "The clearest way into the Universe is through a 
forest wilderness."

 "In every walk with nature, one receives far more 
than he seeks."

 "When we try to pick out anything by itself, we 
find it hitched to everything else in the Universe."

 "The power of imagination makes us infinite."

 "Keep close to Nature's heart... and break clear 
away, once in a while, and climb a mountain or 
spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean."

 "Most people are on the world, not in it—having 
no conscious sympathy or relationship to anything 
about them—with undismayed wonder they see a 
calf in the field and never give a thought to what it 
is to the calf."

 "One day's exposure to mountains is better than 
a cartload of books."

\ "When we try to pick out anything by itself, we 
find it hitched to everything else in the Universe."

 "The sun shines not on us but in us. The rivers 

flow not past, but through us. Thrilling, tingling, 
vibrating every fiber and cell of the substance of our 
bodies, making them glide and sing."

 “The mountains are calling and I must go” 

We are stardust We are golden And we got to get 
ourselves Back to the garden -Joni Mitchell

"When I was 19 years old I couldn't go to college because 
I came from a poor family. We had no money, 
so I went to the library at least three days a week and 
I read every possible book. At the age of 27 I have 
actually completed almost the entire library instead 
of university. So I got my education in the library 
and for free. When a person wants something, they 
will find a way to achieve it. I would like to remind 
you of one thing: Humans should never forget that 
we have been assigned only a very small place on 
earth, that we live surrounded by nature that can 
easily take back everything that she has ever given 
to man. There is absolutely nothing in her way to 
stop her from one day blowing us all off the face of 
the earth or flooding the land with waters of the 
ocean in a single breath, just to remind man once 
again that he is not as all-powerful as he still foolishly 
thinks. "- Ray Bradbury 12% WorldwideReal Estate Cooked to Perfection!
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: