Mountain Views News Saturday, February 17, 2024
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Peter Lamendola
Stuart Tolchin
Harvey Hyde
Audrey Swanson
Meghan Malooley
Mary Lou Caldwell
Kevin McGuire
Chris Leclerc
Dinah Chong Watkins
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Rich Johnson
Lori Ann Harris
Rev. James Snyder
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Jeff Brown
Marc Garlett
Keely Toten
Dan Golden
Rebecca Wright
Hail Hamilton
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta ShambleE
Okay, Valentine’s Day is behind us for at least, another 360+ days.
Those of us who make up the male of the species now have a very
short window of time to vent our frustrations toward the fairer
of the species, regarding the fairer of the species, and hopefully
recover love and affection by the fairer of the species before next Valentine’s Day.
(World’s longest sentence.)
You see, it seems men are generally perceived as the only gender in need of
correction. (I can hear the snickering ladies!) If we dare suggest differently, we
are ostracized, blackballed, blacklisted, shunned, spurned, and given the cold
shoulder by the fairer of the species. I am only speaking out as I have been forced
at something slightly less than gunpoint to come up with words of wisdom for
women in how to interact with men. (Like it’s really important?)
By the way it’s no typo that all the rules are numbered one. They are numbered
that way on purpose. So here they are ladies:
Learn to work the toilet seat. If it’s up put it down. We need it up, you need it down.
Do we complain about you leaving it down?
Sometimes we are actually not thinking about you. Live with it.
Sunday equals sports. It’s like the full moon so let it be.
Ask clearly for what you want. Subtle hints do not work. Strong hints do not work.
“Obvious” hints do not work. Just say it.
We don’t remember dates. Mark special events on a calendar and remind us
frequently beforehand.
Yes’ and ‘No’ are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.
A headache lasting 17 months IS a problem. See a doctor.
Anything we may have said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. All
comments become null and void after 7 days.
If you think you are fat, you probably are. Don’t ask us. We refuse to answer.
Ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done. Not both. If you already
know best how to do it, do it yourself.
Please strive to say whatever you have to say during commercials.
Christopher Columbus and Marco Polo did not ask for directions. Neither will we.
Men see in only 16 colors. Peach, for example, is a fruit, not a color. Pumpkin is
also just a fruit. And who knows what mauve is?
If IT itches, IT will be scratched.
If we ask what is wrong and you say “nothing” we will act like nothing’s wrong.
When we go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine. Don’t ask.
Foreign films are best left to foreigners. Unless it is a Bruce Lee or war movie.
I’m in shape. ROUND is a shape.
Men, if you put this column up on the refrigerator and end up sleeping on the
couch simply say the following: “I don’t really mind, cause it’s just like camping.
Please keep www.freeanimaldoctor.org in your hearts and in your thoughts. If you
can, donate what you can.
When I was in Junior High School, I remember
writing something like “It is terrible that most
Americans take so little interest in politics.
Thankfully, our loyal American Political Parties
make sure that whoever the final candidates
are they will both be qualified, experienced,
competent, and honest. Both candidates will be fully capable of
doing the job and the final selection makes little difference. If
the political parties failed in their responsibility, then Heaven
help the American People.”
I don’t remember what grade I received on the essay. In Junior
High School I don’t think grades mattered much. But what has
changed is my belief in institutions and the underlying belief
that there was a Heaven around that can and would help us if
we needed it.
In 1974, I had been flown to Washington by the Democratic
Party and was prepared to speak before Congress. Unfortunately,
for me and for America all such plans evaporated and were
consumed by the Watergate Scandal. At the time I was the
Director of Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance and had
devised an idea to create a Statewide Legal Assistance Program
that would meet the needs of the rural poor in the same way
that the urban poor received help. I’m a little bit hazy about the
details now but anyway I never got to testify before Congress
and soon left my job in Bakersfield as I was recruited to be a
clinical Professor at UCLA Law School.
Now I bring all this up to emphasize how different things were
back then. First for me, I thought I had something special to
contribute back then. But let’s talk about the country though.
Eisenhower was considered old at the time of his re-election –
he was only 65 and had just suffered a heart attack. The point
was that as Americans we could trust the political parties to
only nominate individuals who could handle the job and would
be surrounded by a staff of able people.
We could trust then; we believed the news that was broadcast
to us. We weren’t afraid of being lied to by all the networks and
by everyone else. Yesterday, if the news can be believed, the
Republican party refused to support the compromise proposal
that would have met the need for immigration reform at the
Southern Border together with supplying needed funds for
military support to Ukraine and Israel.
Of course, now everything seems ridiculous. The whole
Republican party seems like a very bad joke. The Republican
platform is to get that 77-year-old man re-elected because he
represents a return to the good old days of racism, anti-gay, anti-
abortion, anti-books, anti-history, anti-women, and the return
of white skin privilege. It makes me sick just to talk about it.
What about the Democrats? I just can’t trust them. I believe the
major reason for the support of Biden’s re-election is the belief,
perhaps correct, that he is the only candidate who could defeat
Trump. If there was no Trump, then there would be no Biden.
All right maybe so. But I would like to believe that at least
American voters are being accurately informed about the state
of Biden’s health. I know that it was decided in 1944 by the
Democrats to keep secret the state of FDR’s health as that was
important to win the election.
Politics is about winning and maybe that’s all it’s about.
Quoting the recently resigned Homeland Security Committee
Chair, Republican, Mark Green “This is so broken, and making
a difference here just feels like a lot of something for nothing.”
I’m afraid that’s where we are today.
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This year marks the 45th season of Survivor, the reality
television series, as it celebrates its 24th year. The fight for
Food, Fire, Shelter and most importantly $1,000,000 has
put 697 not-ready-for-prime-time cast-aways through
the dense jungles of Borneo, the deadly underbrush
of the Australian Outback, the wild rain forests of the
Amazon, the mountainous hillsides of Cambodia and the predator heavy
savannas of Kenya.
Survivor has challenged geolocations in almost all primitive terrains with
the exception of Arctic climates - viewers want to see those lean buff bodies
covered only by strips of PG-13 rated loincloths. As for the token “older”
cast-aways, they’re allowed a mumu or board shorts to retain what little
dignity they can muster; with the exception of Season One winner Richard
Hatch who to his tribe’s chagrin, went au natural - a strategic move or itchy
But while we'll never have to dig a hole for our daily constitution, shimmy
up 30 feet to hack off a coconut, or build a flea infested lean-to out of palm
fronds, arduous obstacles abound in the mean streets that we perilously
navigate on a daily basis.
Food: The most deadly craving of all - 8” hot dogs glisten with beads of juicy
meat stuffing as they hypnotically revolve on the heated metal carousel.
The bun, a crisp but pillowy duvet with just a hint of sweetness. Squeeze
bottles of mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise and sriracha wait to adorn the
sausage for a cheap thrill. Like the Greek mythological Sirens that seduced
desperate sailors to shipwreck, the lure of the Quikie-Mart hot dog is almost
impossible to resist. An involuntary glug of saliva pools in your mouth
while at the same time your gut is all hands on deck for the coming bout of
acid reflux. Should you accept this challenge, remember to purchase a gas-
busting roll of Tums conveniently located by the cash register.
Fire: Hot tip #1 - buy Municipal Utility Stocks as gas and electricity rates
soar into the hemisphere. In Southern California, sheepskin lined UGG
boots come out when the temperature plunges to a teeth-chattering 64°F.
Swaddled in Dodgers (Sho-hei Hi!) and Angels (Sho-hei Bye!), Chargers
and Rams, Lakers and Clippers sweatpants and hoodies, we gather with our
little mittens round the electric space heaters and crank up the furnace to
80°F - Jimmy Carter, forgive us! We'll do a dance of outrage on Nextdoor
followed by weepy resignation when we receive the XXL utility bill at the
end of the month.
Shelter: When a parking space costs more than a 2024 fully loaded Chevrolet
Suburban, that childhood dream of buying a house with a white picket fence
is well, maybe we can still afford the fence. The upside to rising home prices
is the kids are staying home. The downside to rising home prices is the kids
are staying home. And the gramps are in the mix too. That is a lot of toilet
And there we have it, living out our own Survivor, a real real-life reality
series. We navigate complex relationships between inter-generational
cultural mores and for the hundredth time, fix Nana’s IPad by turning the
power button off and back on. We forge alliances and balance privacy issues
at great personal risk (“When I was your age…”) and reward (“You can have
the car tonight, the tank's full”).
At the end of the day, who will be the one that will outwit, outplay and
Dinah Chong Watkins column appears every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the
For more Close Encounters Of The Wrong Kind go to www.ceotwk.com
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Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com