Around San Gabriel Valley
MountainViews-News Saturday, August 7, 2010
Sierra Madre
Tickets Available Today for Taste of Sierra
Madre on September 11
Sixty Year Resident of
Sierra Madre, Frank
Saumur Passes
Francis E. “Frank” Saumur, resident of Sierra
Madre since 1950, died at his home on July 26,
2010 at the age of 88. Frank was born the 5th of 6
children to Philip Francis Saumur and Euphemia
Hamel Saumur in Grand Forks, North Dakota.
He grew up on the family’s 640 acre farm and
moved to Southern California along with a
brother, sister, and their families in 1940 to work
in the aircraft industry. He served in the Army
Air Corps during World War II and married
Marcella Hoover, daughter of Alfred Hoover
and Eva Schlueter Hoover, in February 1944.
In 1950 Frank and Marcella built their home in
Sierra Madre and shortly thereafter started their
plumbing company, Sierra Plumbing and Heating
(later Saumur Associates, Inc.) Frank was an
active member of St. Rita Catholic Church and
a strong supporter of Mater Dolorosa Passionist
Retreat Center. Frank leaves behind Marcella,
his wife of 66 years, daughters Joan Saumur of
Walnut Creek, CA, Kathleen Saumur Roach
of West Linn, OR, and Carol Saumur of Sierra
Madre, brothers Joe and Paul Saumur, as well as grandsons, great granddaughters and numerous
nieces and nephews. Funeral Mass was held on July 31, 2010 at St. Rita Catholic Church in Sierra
Madre. Interment was at Sierra Madre Pioneer Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family requests
memorial contributions to Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center, 700 N. Sunnyside Ave., Sierra
Madre, CA 91024.
Paul at Best Buy Drugs in Kersting Court is all smiles as he places the Taste of Sierra Madre
Poster in his Pharmacy window.
Sample the food, fun, fine arts
and music that make Sierra
Madre so special… including
favorite specialties from many
local restaurants and gourmet
food purveyors! This year’s
fundraising recipients will be
both local and far reaching,
funding expanded arts
programming offered through
the Sierra Madre Youth Activity
Center and cleft palate surgeries
for children and adults who
would otherwise not receive
this care through the nonprofit
Rotaplast Foundation.
A day of food, fun and the fine
arts will include a morning tour
of local “Coolest Kitchens,”
restaurant and culinary stations
from local businesses beginning
midday, a chef demonstration
and talk about making healthy
food fun and appealing for
children, children’s essay and
art contest awards plus a fun,
Sierra Madre Fire Department
vs. Police Department cook-off.
A wide variety of professional,
live music will fill Kersting
Court throughout the day.
Check the event website for
the latest news on local and
national talent performing that
day. Noted restaurant critic and
television personality, Peter
Dills will be part of the day’s
For a taste of life here in Sierra
Madre, local private and public
schools plus service clubs such
as Kiwanis and the Chamber of
Commerce will share samples
of their own offerings. A closing
musical event will bring local
singers together for patriotic
songs in a memorial of 9-11.
Now is the last chance for Sierra
Madre students to participate in
the art and essay contests being
held in conjunction with the
event. K-12 residents and those
who attend school in Sierra
Madre, La Salle and Pasadena
High Schools are invited to
submit artwork and essays until
August 23. Contest rules and
submission forms are available
at the website.
Tickets are now on sale at Savor
the Flavor, Best Buy Drugs, The
Bottle Shot and Belles Nest, all
in downtown Sierra Madre. All
access VIP tickets including the
morning’s Coolest Kitchens
tour (an adults only, presale
only event) and all Kersting
Court events on Sept 11 will be
$35. Kersting Court Only Event
tickets will be $20 presale before
Sept. 10. Same day tickets will be
$25. For more information or
to sign up as a sponsor, please
visit the event website, www.
ATasteOfSierraMadre.com or
contact event chair, Tom Brady
of The Destination Group at
Jazz Theatre Extraordinaire Phyllis Battle
To Perform “Satin Dolls” at Sierra Madre
By La Quetta Shamblee
Phyllis Battle is synonymous with jazz
mastery among her peers. Her signature,
scripted performances include historical
facts delicately intertwined with jazz vocals
and music, and her latest work, “Satin
Dolls,” is a tribute to jazz divas, Sarah
Vaugh, Dinah Washington, Carmen McRae
and Nina Simone. Phyllis will bring them
to life with renditions of some of their most
familiar songs, with costume changes and
nuances to capture their personalities. Two
performances are scheduled to take place at
the Sierra Madre Playhouse on consecutive
Sunday afternoons (August 22 & 29).
As a child, Phyllis Battle would frequent the
Apollo Theatre on 125th Street in Harlem,
and amidst the razzle and dazzle of the talent
onstage, she was always most intrigued by
the jazz singers. When she was a teenager,
her cousins entered her in Amateur Night
at the Apollo where she placed as a finalist.
Phyllis moved to Los Angeles to pursue a
career as a professional singer and worked
as a secretary to make ends meet. Soon,
she found herself touring as a background
singer for Frank and Nancy Sinatra, Rita
Coolidge, Donna Summers and others. She
later joined the 5th Dimension, touring and recording for sixteen years.
Throughout her adventurous career providing a vocal backdrop for many prominent entertainers,
Phyllis also enjoyed an impressive career as a solo artist, which has been her focus in recent years.
Phyllis’s CD, Night Flight, was produced by jazz greats, pianist Cedar Walton and the late drummer,
Billy Higgins.
Phyllis was the artistic director for the critically-acclaimed Instrumental Women Project’s Annual
“Lady Jazz” Series at the Ford Amphitheatre during its first four years. Her special brand of scripted
concerts was key in garnering a “Best Live Jazz Performance of The Year” distinction by the L.A.
Times, followed by five annual consecutive “Best Bets” designations as the recommended weekend
jazz venue. In 2006, she sang for an entourage of international dignitaries attending the celebration
of the 60th anniversary reign of the King of Thailand. Within days after returning to the U.S., she was
the opening act for Pancho Sanchez.
“For a small theatre, this one is among the most impressive I’ve ever seen throughout my travels,” says
Battle. The transformation of the Sierra Madre Playhouse into an entertainment time capsule will
be complete when jazz radio host, James Janisse embodies bygone announcers to introduce Phyllis’s
creative tributes to Sarah Vaughan, Dinah Washington, Nina Simone and Carmen McCrae. Pianist,
Vanessa Burch who has performed with Natalie Cole, Aretha Franklin and other prominent artists is
the musical director, leading a jazz trio with bassist Michael Saucier and drummer Quinton Dennard.
“Satin Dolls” is directed by Lady Walquer, a professional dancer and choreographer who has
entertained and taught around the world. Her film credits include The Color Purple and she has also
performed with her brother entertainer-actor Ben Vereen, as well as Harry Belafonte and Miriam
Satin Dolls is produced by The Instrumental Women Project, a member agency of the Pasadena Art
Council’s EMERGE program that serves as a nonprofit umbrella for local arts agencies. THE Facts:
August 22 at 3pm & 29 at 6pm. Tickets: $30, include after-show reception with a complimentary
tasting sponsored by luxury liqueur company Carnivo. For info, tickets and group discounts: www.
instrumentalwomen.com or (626) 305-7338.
City to trap killer coyotes
Amid a flurry of reports of
coyotes showing up in many
different parts of Arcadia and
killing and injuring many dogs
and cats, the City Council on
Tuesday directed staff to hire
Animal Pest Management
(APM) at a cost of $30,000
per year to conduct a trapping
program similar to what was
done in Arcadia a few years ago.
APM will trap for up to one
year in 10-day sessions in the
areas most impacted, according
to Linda Garcia, the City’s
Communications, Marketing
and Special Projects Manager.
According to state law, the
trapped coyotes will be
euthanized by lethal injection
since the City is prohibited from
relocating wild animals.
The City is in the process
of getting the contract and
insurance documents in place
and expects to begin the
program in the next couple of
weeks, she said.
A July 23 news report at
ArcadiasBest.com of two dogs
and a cat being killed by a
coyote within a few days of
each other on San Antonio
Road and nearby streets
between Huntington Drive
and Colorado Blvd. prompted
a handful of comments by
readers who reported spotting
coyotes and dead cats and dogs
in south Arcadia last week
and for several months on 4th
Street between Camino Real
and Duarte Road, near Camino
Real and El Monte Ave., and
even south of Longden on Palm
Drive near El Monte Ave.
Arcadia, which had the
trapping program in place
until a couple years ago when
it was scrapped due to budget
cutbacks, has received dozens of
complaints in the past couple of
weeks and will thus reinstitute
the program.
The City also posted general
information on its website about
precautions regarding wildlife
in the City.
Story Courtesy Arcadias Best
Dreier, McKeon, Schiff Lead Bipartisan Request
for Full GAO Report on 2009 Station Fire
Congressman David Dreier
(R-CA), Congressman
Buck McKeon (R-CA) and
Congressman Adam Schiff (D-
CA) are leading several of their
California colleagues today in
requesting the Government
Accountability Office perform
a full investigation of the
Station Fire Incident from its
inception on August 26, 2009
to its containment on October
16, 2009. The bipartisan
request comes as news reports
indicate that critical Forest
Service dispatch recordings
from the start of the fire, which
claimed two lives and resulted
in the destruction of numerous
homes and structures, were
withheld from federal teams
that have already conducted
reviews of the Station Fire
Joining Congressmen Dreier,
McKeon and Schiff in
requesting the independent
investigation are Senators
Dianne Feinstein and Barbara
Boxer, and Congressman
Brad Sherman (D-CA) and
Congresswoman Judy Chu (D-
CA). The letter states in part:
“Both the Forest Service and
Los Angeles County Fire
Department have conducted
reviews of the fire and the
response from both of these
agencies. However, we have
learned today that critical
Forest Service dispatch
recordings from the start of the
fire were withheld from federal
review teams. This casts a dark
cloud over the findings of the
review panel and immediately
warrants an independent
review of the Station Fire
“Our purpose for this review
is to ensure that all actions in
the response to the fire were
taken swiftly, properly and
competently. Our constituents
must know that every possible,
reasonable and proper action
was taken to fight the fire, and if
there were instances where the
proper actions were not taken,
we must know why.”
It continues:
“Most important, we must
establish what lessons were
learned from this devastating
fire. By identifying mistakes
made and where different
choices would have caused
better outcomes, agencies
tasked with preventing and
fighting fires will be able to
better prepare and respond in
the future.
“Thank you for your timely
response to this important
issue for our constituents. As
fires again are breaking out
in Southern California, this
review is timely and more
important than ever to ensure
the devastation of the Station
Fire never happens again.”
Duarte to Host Free Home Energy Performance Workshop Aug. 23
The City of Duarte will host a
free home energy performance
workshop on Monday, Aug.
23, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the
Duarte Community Center,
1600 Huntington Dr
The workshop will provide
participants with money saving
solutions ranging from quick
energy-efficiency fixes to green
remodeling or retrofitting
options to allow homeowners
to take advantage of the latest
technology, rebates, tax credits
and incentives. Participants
will also learn how simple home
weatherization measures can
be affordable and effective ways
to achieve energy and money
savings that can offset the costs
of many of these improvements.
While solar panels may be all
the rage, simple, affordable
improvements will eliminate
wasted energy and increase
home comfort. The workshop
will feature experts from
Hartman/Baldwin Design
Build, an architecture and
construction firm based in the
San Gabriel Valley. There will
also be information about the
County of Los Angeles new
energy-efficiency and solar
home improvement project
loan program and Southern
California Edison’s Whole
House Retrofit rebate program.
All participants will receive a
reusable grocery bag filled with
energy efficiency information.
To register, go on-line at www.
sgvenergywise.org or call (626)
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com