Mountain Views News Saturday, September 10, 2011
STUART Tolchin..........On LIFE
HAIL Hamilton My Turn
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Joan Schmidt
Patricia Colonello
Richard Garcia
Lina Johnson
Ivonne Durant
John Aveny
Jeff Brown
Pat Birdsall
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Stuart Tolchin
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Hail Hamilton
Rich Johnson
Chris Bertrand
Ron Carter
Rev. James Snyder
Bobby Eldridge
Mary Carney
La Quetta Shamblee
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Greg Wellborn
Dr. John Talevich
Meaghan Allen
Sean Kayden
Giving the store away... AGAIN!
Before I start talking about the movie, the
“Debt,” I want to acknowledge my debt to
Rich Johnson. Rich is another columnist
in this paper and it is he who is responsible
for starting the strange turn of events
that resulted in me becoming a regular
contributor to this paper. Thank you Rich
and, to repay your kindness, I hereby follow
your suggestion contained in your article of
last week and shamelessly plug the appearance of your musical
group, J.J. Jukebox on September 30, 2011 at Corfu Restaurant
right around dinner time. I saw the group perform at Corfu a
couple of weeks ago, and the whole evening had a very pleasant
Sierra Madre feeling. Somehow in the midst of this world that
is falling apart, our little hillside oasis maintains a feeling of
community and shared experience. Stores open and close; the
bank across the street has had six different identities in the
thirty-plus years I’ve lived here, there are constant feuds; but
the Fourth of July parade continues, as does the Mount Wilson
Trail Race, and the Wistaria Festival, and the special snow
day and ad hoc festivals celebrating parking lot openings and,
notwithstanding everything else, I think most of us are pretty
happy living here.
Up here in the canyon, many people have a sense of the history
about the place and its colorful past. I think this knowledge
has a positive influence upon all of us. The poet Wendell Berry
has said:
Well, if you don’t know any of the past you literally wouldn’t
know anything. You have no language, no history and so the
first result would be a kind of personal incompleteness.
Mr. Berry has written that the recognition of a debt, of
an obligation, maintains a connection with the past. It is
continuing the statement that some things matter, that we live
in a society with certain ethics and rules and, that as individuals
we have a responsibility to be worthy of these ethics and rules.
Really, he asserts, there is no freedom without responsibility
and I think this is what the movie “The Debt” is all about. I
don’t want to spoil the movie for you and talk about plot details
and it is very possible that what I think the movie was about
will have little to do with your experience of the film.
My take on the movie is that it deals with the creation of Israel
as a place of freedom and hope. The movie refers to the debt
that one generation has to another and it is a testament to the
fact the obligations run both ways. The older generation has
the responsibility to convey as much of the truth of the past as
it can and the younger generation has the responsibility to be
respectful of that past and absorb its lessons and build upon
them. To me the movie illustrates that TRUTH is absolutely
required. If what is being conveyed is not truthful, then what
follows is not a recognition of the past but rather the maintenance
of delusion. The consequences of delusion, as predicted by
Wendell Berry, is a kind of personal incompleteness inevitably
resulting in confusion. .
My next transition is perhaps predictable. I believe, or rather
I assert, that ever since the non-election of the President in
2000, the United States has willingly allowed itself to live
within lies. We have not followed our own rules and are no
longer connected to anything. It is as if we have no language
and no history and live day to day within arbitrarily created
pseudo-crises, as the basic premises of freedom and equality
are ground into the dust of forgotten and ignored history. Our
political parties represent nothing—how can they when both
parties are beholden to the same super-rich corporations that
are the only sources available to fund the unbearably costly
Today, the American population no longer trusts its institutions
or its elected representatives. The various primaries are just
media-events that have little significance the following week.
We are all failing to pay our debt to our own history. Is it time
for class warfare?
I always suggest the same thing. Turn off the technology, just
look around and hold on to your families and communities.
Notice what’s happening and be nice to one another. There
are more of us than there are of them and we need to hold on.
Somehow all this technology pulls us apart from one another
and leaves us easily manipulated. Remember that that the major
threat to our whole way of life is not out there - but is right here.
Our greatest need is the ability to recognize Truth. We must
keep searching for it as this is our continuing obligation to our
grandparents and to our grandchildren. It also might be a
good idea to call Corfu and see if there is any space left to hear
Rich Johnson and his group. Sometimes it takes a little effort
and preparation in order make our good intentions a reality.
Here we go again.
AB540, which was passed
back in 2001, allows “qualified”
undocumented students
to be exempt from
paying significantly higher
out-of-state tuition at public colleges and universities
in California. According to MALDEF
(Mexican American Legal Defense Foundation)
site students are eligible for the AB 540
exemption if they meet ALL of the following
• Attend a California high school for 3 or
more years;
• Graduate from a California high school
or receive the equivalent, such as a GED;
• Submit an affidavit (a written promise)
to the California public college or university
where they are attending or plan to attend. In
this statement students declare that they meet
all AB 540 requirements and if they are undocumented,
that they have filed an application
to adjust their immigration status or will do so
as soon as they are eligible to do so. These are
benefits NOT available to U.S. citizens or legal
Big deal?... THINK AGAIN!
These are benefits are NOT available to U.S.
citizens or documented legal residents from other
states applying to California colleges and are
paid by California tax dollars!
On July 25, Governor Jerry Brown signed Part
A of the California Dream Act (AB130). This
section grants undocumented students who
meet the in-state tuition requirements outlined
in AB540 permission to apply for and receive
specified financial aid programs administered
by California’s public colleges and universities.
Again, these are benefits that are NOT available
to U.S. citizens or documented legal residents
from other states applying to California
colleges and are paid for by California tax
Now the state legislature is a dog’s hair away
from passing Part B of AB130. Part B will allow
students that meet the in-state tuition requirements
of Part A (again as outlined in AB540) to
apply for and receive Cal Grants by California’s
public colleges and universities.
This is not a Dream Act, it is an expensive
nightmare. It is a slap in the face to all California
taxpayers and American students from other
states considering attending college here.
That this misguided, feel-good, to hell with
the consequences legislation is even being considered
when California is up to its eyeballs in
red ink with a budget shortfall this year of $19
billion is mind-boggling!
Who the heck is minding the store? What are
these clowns in Sacramento thinking?
California currently is not only the most taxed
state in the Union, it is also in the worst economic
shape. With a population of 37,844,000
we have: 2,082,000 Unemployed (12% of the
workforce); 3,856,000 Food Stamp Recipients
(10.2% of the total population); $1.970 Trillion
GDP; $375 Billion Debt; 19.06% Debt to GDP
Ratio; $330 billion in Revenues; $403 billion in
Expenditures; $73 Billion Shortfall; and $9,967
Debt per Citizen.
Thank God for that $54 billion we got this
year from the federal government or we’d have
to come up with the whole $73 billion, rather
than just $19 billion we’re stuck with.
To make matters worse, there are currently an
estimated 3 to 6 million (no one really knows for
sure) undocumented immigrants living in California.
Of these party crashers, it is estimated
that 60% are from Mexico, and 20% are from
other Latin American countries, primarily from
Central America.
Meanwhile, Congress--through its policy of
unchecked illegal immigration--imposes huge
costs on California and the state budget. Last
year the state spent an estimated $22 billion on
illegal aliens including $12 billion on education;
$2 billion on prisons, police, and courts; and $8
billion on medical services.
And now we’re being asked to subsidize college
for undocumented students too! Does anyone
besides me see something wrong with this
Now you know why I changed my party affiliation
from a lifelong Democrat to an Independent.
Being progressive doesn’t mean giving the
store away.
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OUT TO PASTOR A Weekly Religion Column
Where have all the heroes gone?
Rev. James L. Snyder
In celebrating the 10th
anniversary of one of the
most horrific events in the
history of the United States
one cannot help but reflect
back on the past decade.
We have come a long way, but I am wondering if
we have gone the right way.
My wife and I were thinking about this the
other night and she startled me with a question.
Most of the time she just startles me, but this
time she had substance in the form of a question.
“I wonder,” she said rather thoughtfully,
“where all the heroes are today?”
At first, I did not quite get her drift, and so I
query her on the subject.
First, I was thinking of all of those movie
heroes that we hear about so often. Perhaps she
was thinking of Superman or Batman or some
such hero. These days, most of our heroes are
manufactured in Hollywood and have no real
affinity for the average person’s life.
One of the things that amaze me about
Hollywood is when they produce their infamous
reality shows; there is very little reality to it. The
only reality about these shows is that makes real
money for those who produce it. I could live
with that reality. Hollywood cannot do anything
without pizzazz to dazzle the imagination of the
intellectually starved populace.
Then my mind drifted back to my wife’s
“Those heroes of 9/11,” she responded.
“Whatever happened to all of those heroes that
stepped to the front when the need called for it?”
Then I knew what she was talking about. A
hero is someone who does ordinary work under
abnormal or dangerous conditions. Ten years
ago, when our country was attacked these heroes
stepped forth, did their job and then stepped
back into the shadows of obscurity almost as
quickly as they came.
Many of those heroes gave the ultimate
sacrifice, their life. Not thinking about their own
well-being, they put their life on the line to save
someone they didn’t even know. Many of these
heroes died doing their heroic deed. Some are, 10
years later, suffering physical consequences from
their acts of bravery.
Just what is a hero?
A hero is neither a Republican nor a Democrat.
A hero is simply an American who does his or
her job when the need arises without any thought
of political affiliation. I am rather tired of the
political minutia that is paralyzing our country
today. Let me say that I believe our country is
bigger than all the politicians in our country
If only we get the media to understand that
all these politicians are simply caricatures of
some political ideology and not real people at all.
Politicians are Washington’s version of a reality
show that has no basis whatsoever in reality.
A hero never blows his or her own horn
and consequently many heroes fade into the
background and are never acknowledged or even
thanked. After all, a hero never looks for thanks;
a hero only does his or her job to the best of his
or her ability. Sometimes a hero only does one
heroic action in his life. He’s a hero nevertheless.
A true American hero does his or her job when
called upon and then fades into the background
so that some politician can step forward and take
the credit. That seems to be the way politicians
operate these days; the credit system. When
something goes right, they take credit for it. If
something goes wrong, they give the credit to
someone else. I’m ready for the politician to step
forward with cash on the barrelhead.
I just have one simple question. When you are
in trouble, whom do you want? The real American
hero or some politician… any politician?
When the aircraft was smashing into their
target, where were the politicians?
When the buildings were collapsing and lives
were being destroyed, where were the politicians?
Back in “the day,” the politician was a servant
of the people, sent to Washington DC to do
the people’s business. That day is far over and
probably never will return.
Today, these politicians have the idea that we,
the people, are to serve them. After all, they know
what’s best for us. These politicians, who cannot
take care of their own lives or their own business
or even pay their own income tax, are fully
qualified to take care of our business. Is it any
wonder our country is in the mess it’s in today?
A real hero is someone who puts someone else’s
welfare ahead of his or her own. They bravely put
themselves in harm’s way to save someone they
may not even know.
Perhaps, and I know this thought probably
comes from Mars, we ought to stop sending
politicians to Washington and start sending
Another kind of hero is needed in our country
today. That hero is the one who will pray for our
country and ask God to help us get out of the
mess were in.
The formula for this is found in the Old
Testament. “If my people, which are called by my
name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and
seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways;
then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive
their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles
7:14 KJV).
In 10 years, we have tried everything else, and
everything has failed. Why not try God?
The Rev. James L. Snyder is pastor of the
Family of God Fellowship, PO Box 831313, Ocala,
FL 34483. He lives with his wife, Martha, in
Silver Springs Shores. Call him at 352-687-4240
or e-mail jamessnyder2@att.net. The church web
site is www.whatafellowship.com.
It is common knowledge that most
problems can be solved once the
appropriate actions are taken. There are
studies which show reducing a child’s
consumption of carbonated drinks will
aid in preventing childhood obesity. Then
why aren’t more children encouraged to
avoid these drinks? Because it is sometimes
difficult to convince a child not to eat
foods which are not good for them, parents acquiesce and allow
their children to indulge in unhealthy eating habits.
Since diet and exercise play an important role in curing
childhood obesity, it is incumbent upon parents to be vigilant
about the foods their children consume. Parent should
encourage their children to engage in outdoor activities. The
rise in childhood obesity parallels the fear of parents reluctance
to have their children play outdoors unsupervised. Gone are
the days when a child could ride his/her bike or play stick ball
outdoors. Over-hyped media reports of child abduction adds to
the heightened fear parents feel. So, children are allowed to stay
indoors at the computer with a bottle of carbonated drink, a bag
of chips and left to their device.
I believe childhood obesity is a very serious health care issue
which must be curbed immediately. I am advocating children
should 1) eat healthy while enjoying the foods they consume 2)
avoid fatty foods, foods rich in calories and cholesterol 3) exercise
– at least three times a week 4) learn the childhood obesity facts
5) read the labels of the foods being consumed and 6) understand
that self-esteem matters (I discussed childhood obesity and its
effect on self-esteem in a prior blog post).
The biggest challenge parents will encounter is balancing the
commercial interest of the food industry with what’s healthy for
their children to eat. It is a challenge which should be embraced,
because our children healthy lifestyles depend on parents making
the correct food choices for their families. Parents should set good
examples – established healthy eating habits – for their children.
Ron Carter
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