Mountain Views-News Saturday, September 17, 2011
Episcopal Church of the Ascension, 25
East Laurel Avenue in Sierra Madre will
be celebrating its annual start of Fall
season with the “Ministry Celebration”
on Sunday, September 18th following
the Mass at 9:30 a.m.
All are welcome and encouraged to this
festival of ministries, which features
decorated booths that illustrate
various church ministries in serving
the needy, spreading God’s word,
educating children, making music and
worshipping God. Other opportunities
include feeding the hungry, attending
to the sick and visiting shut-ins as well
as assisting the homeless. Daughters
of the King and Cursillo will also have
information available. The Church’s
ministries are great ways to give
back and share in opportunities of
fellowship at Church of the Ascension.
Refreshments will be served.
The event will provide an opportunity
to learn about Christian Education
at Ascension Church including sign-
ups for Children’s Sunday School
(Catechesis), Young People’s Ministries
and for adults to learn about small
groups which begin meeting on Sunday,
September 25th. Small Groups meet
between church services in Parish or
Hawks Hall. This ongoing program is
facilitated by various parishioners and
• Meets in the Hawks Hall Library
• Summer Fellowship - Trusting
that God will provide
• Genesis:12-23 “Abraham &
Sarah’s Journey”
• A parent’s group which
explores the question: “How can this
generation of parents raise self-reliant,
compassionate, and ethical children?”
• The Rector’s Forum is currently
reading The Jesuit Guide to (Almost)
Everything, a Spirituality for Real
Life, by Jamaes Martin, SJ.
This event makes for a wonderful
family outing to meet new neighbors
and check out a wonderful community
church. For more information, please
call (626) 355-1133 or visit: www.
Karen Klemens, owner of Mother Moo Creamery, began
selling her organic ice cream made with locally sourced
ingredients last Saturday afternoon. Within a short time, a
reported long line of interested customers trailing out the
door sold out most of her offerings to locals who wanted to be
among the first to sample her wares.
Located at 17 Kersting Court at the site of the former Domino’s
Pizza, Klemens has been working since late spring to transform
the site into her creamery, as well as a home preservation
center with workshops and canning demonstrations. She
joins several other new businesses who opened this year in
the town of 11,000, including Taco Fiesta, Sierra Bistro and
Wistaria Grill.
Klemens plans to use a local, South Pasadena source for
peaches as her basis for the first canning class to be held on
Saturday, September 17th.
Moth Moo indicated she has hired locally to fill out her staff,
and will continue to do so as her business becomes established.
For more information or a class reservation, visit www.
MotherMoo.com or call 626-355-0650.
Robyn Giannotta and Andrew Moss were married by
Father Matt Elshoff, OFM Cap. on August 27, 2011 at the
San Gabriel Mission. The reception was held at the elegant
Langham Huntington Hotel.
Mrs. Moss is the daughter of Dr. Steven and Mrs. Sharon
Giannotta of Pasadena. Mr. Moss is the son of Mr. Irvin and
Mrs. Andrea Moss of Sierra Madre.
The Bride is a graduate of USC and works for Morgan
Stanely. The Groom is a graduate of USC and holds a Master's
from John Jay College of Criminal Justice and works
for JetBlue Airways. The couple resides in New York City's
Lower Manhattan.
An Historic Adventure with Costumes
Get gussied up
and come to the
Fabulous Fall
Fashion Show and
Tea sponsored
by the Sierra
Madre Historical
On Saturday,
October 15, 2011,
costume designer
Shon Le Blanc of
Valentino’s Costumes will present textiles, clothing and
accessories Sierra Madre style. Having furnished costumes
for many plays, movies and television shows, as well as the
Sierra Madre Rose Float in 2008, Le Blanc will narrate the
show’s different eras, as he describes costume details.
Based on the photographs from our award-winning
book, “Southern California: Seeking the Better Life in Sierra
Madre”,this historical fashion revue will reveal how Sierra
Madreans dressed through the ages. Tableaus of models will
be accompanied by a slide show of historic images taken
from the book and the archival files.
To complement this unique show, the Society will serve
a sumptuous tea consisting of finger sandwiches, hearty
appetizers, scones, including a special orange marmalade
cake as one of the desserts.
The event is in celebration of the Sierra Madre Historical
Preservation Society’s 80th Anniversary. Founded in 1931,
the Society continues to participate in community activities,
promoting and preserving the history of Sierra Madre,
including the stewardship of the Sierra Madre Historical
Archives and the City’s two museums: Lizzie’s Trail Inn and
the Richardson House. The program will be held in Hartzell
Hall: 695 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. at 2:00 p.m. The parking
entrance is located off N. Michillinda Avenue. Tickets are
$40 and are tax deductible. All proceeds support the work
of the Society.
Tickets are available at Arnold’s Hardware, Savor
the Flavor, Sierra Madre Library, Mary’s Market and
Prudential Reality, and from SMHPS Board members.
Don’t miss this opportunity to see The Way We Were!
For more information, call 626.355.1389 or visit www.smhps.
A Senior Information &
Health Screen Fair will be
hosted by the Sierra Madre
Community & Personnel
Services Department
and Sierra Madre Senior
Community Commission,
St. Rita Senior Ministry,
and be.royal oaks
retirement community.
The event takes place on
Saturday, September 24th
in Memorial Park. The
Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast
will run concurrently
from 7am to 11am,
$5.00 per participant. At
9am to 12pm, the FREE
Health Screenings for
Seniors, which include
osteoporosis, hearing,
body fat, dental, FREE
flu shots (for those whose
primary insurance is
Medicare, all others
$25), healthy eating &
downsizing tips, and so
much more...
Please join our
community leaders,
participating vendors,
and your neighbors for
a morning filled with
valuable information. For
additional information,
please contact Susan
Clifton at 626-355-5278.
Sierra Madre Police Blotter
During the week of Sunday, September 4th, to Saturday September 10th, the Sierra Madre
Police Department responded to approximately 316 calls for service. See crimereports.com
for updated information.
Sunday, September 4th:
1:31 AM- Prohibits Person Under 21, Alcohol 0.01%, Baldwin Ave and Foothill Blvd. An
officer stopped a 20-year old Pasadena motorist for a Vehicle Code violation and determined
that the driver was under the influence of alcohol. The driver was cited and the vehicle was
03:37 AM- DUI Alcohol/Drugs, Mariposa Ave and Hermosa Ave. An officer stopped a 26-
year old Monterey Park motorist for a Vehicle Code violation and determined that the driver
was under the influence of alcohol. The driver was arrested and transported to Pasadena
police Department for booking.
11:53 AM- Use Another’s Personal Identification to Obtain Credit/Etc. This case involves
an unknown suspect(s) using the victim’s Visa credit card to buy a DVD club membership and
DVDs without the victim’s permission.
Wednesday, September 7th:
7:06 PM- Danger to Self/Other/Gravely Disabled, 600 blk. W. Montecito Ave. This case
involves a woman being placed on a 72- hour hold for a psychiatric evaluation.
Thursday, September 8th:
2:58 AM- DUI Alcohol/Drugs, 300 blk. Sierra Woods Dr. An officer stopped a 51-year old
Sierra Madre motorist for a Vehicle Code violation and determined that the driver was under
the influence of alcohol. The driver was arrested and transported to Pasadena Police Department
for booking.
9:18 AM- Possession of Controlled Substance, 600 blk. Woodland Dr. This case involves
LA County Probation officers and SMPD officers conducting a probation check on a 29-year
old male Sierra Madre resident. Officials spoke to two people, and arrested one for possession
of a controlled substance and narcotic paraphernalia. The female suspect was taken to
the Century Regional Detention Facility for housing and the Probation Department took the
male suspect was taken into custody.
Friday, September 9th:
7:08 AM- Battery, 100 blk. W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Officers responded to a battery investigation
between two men. Further investigation revealed that an argument occurred and the
suspect punched and kicked the victim multiple times while he was on the floor defenseless.
The investigation was referred to the District Attorney’s office for review.
10:33 AM- Petty Theft, 100 blk. N. Lima St. An unknown suspect(s) stole a black bird feeder
and fled in an unknown location.
12:31 PM- Danger to Self/Others/Gravely Disabled, 400 E. Grandview Ave. This case involves
a 35-year old man that was placed on a 72 hour hold at USC Medical Center in Los
Photo from the Sierra Madre Historical
September 24th
Memorial Park
Sierra Madre
7:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
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