Mountain Views-News Saturday, September 17, 2011
On that day, Jonathon Todd
Robinson was born and
named after his father, who
was named after his great
great grandfather, who was
the Mayor of Vancouver, BC
during the last year of WWII!
He never ventured far from
home, living in Vancouver
most of his life and briefly in
And then….in 2006 he
moved to the enchanting
village of Sierra Madre,
which reminded him of his
hometown, especially at
Christmas and
He is loved by many,
Especially his girlfriend
Gina and his
two best friends,
Scottish Terriers
Mortimer & Addie!
“Wellness in the Park”
Senior information & Health Screening Fair
Hosted by the Sierra Madre Community & Personnel Services Department
and the Senior Community Commission, St. Rita Senior Ministry and
be.royal oaks.
Saturday, September 24th
Memorial Park, 222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre
Schedule of events
7 am to 11 am – Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast; $5.00
9 am to 12 noon – FREE health screenings for seniors which include
hearing, osteoporosis, body fat, flu shots (primary insurance needs to be
Medicare – otherwise $25), File of Life, healthy eating & downsizing tips and
much more…
For more information, please call Susan
at (626) 355-5278