Mountain Views News Saturday, February 4, 2012
HAIL Hamilton My Turn
STUART Tolchin......On LIFE
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Joan Schmidt
Patricia Colonello
Richard Garcia
Lina Johnson
Ivonne Durant
John Aveny
Jeff Brown
Pat Birdsall
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Stuart Tolchin
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Hail Hamilton
Rich Johnson
Chris Bertrand
Ron Carter
Rev. James Snyder
Bobby Eldridge
Mary Carney
La Quetta Shamblee
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Greg Wellborn
Dr. John Talevich
Meaghan Allen
Sean Kayden
The Operators’by Michael Hastings
copied from Blue Rider Press
In April 2010, Rolling Stone
contributing editor Michael
Hastings spent a month
with Stanley McChrystal in
Europe and Afghanistan,
reporting on a profile of the
four-star general in charge
of America’s longest-running war. McChrystal
and staff shocked Hastings by openly jeering at
the White House over its handling of the war
– and when Hastings published their reckless on-
the-record comments in an explosive and award-
winning Rolling Stone article, President Obama
ordered McChrystal back to Washington, where
he stripped the general of his command.
Now, in a new book, The Operators: The Wild
and Terrifying Inside Story of America’s War in
Afghanistan, Hastings recounts the behind-the-
scenes tale of the McChyrstal affair, set against
the larger backdrop of America’s doomed war.
Frank Rich calls the book “an impressive feat
of journalism by a Washington outsider who
seemed to know more about what was going on in
Washington than most insiders did.”
“The Operators” is packed with fresh reporting
and never-before-published revelations about the
major players in America’s endless war, including
President Obama and Vice President Biden, the
intensely competitive generals McChrystal and
David Petraeus, the legendary diplomat Richard
Holbrooke, and Hamid Karzai, the Afghan leader.
Here are ten of the juiciest details from the book:
1. The identity of the McChrystal staffer quoted
in Hastings’ Rolling Stone article as dissing the
vice president: “Biden? Did you say: Bite Me?” It
was McChrystal’s close friend, confidant and top
advisor Jake McFerren, a retired Army colonel. [p.
2. McChrystal’s tense relationship with Gen.
David Petraeus, the former U.S. commander in
Iraq. The two generals were longtime rivals, and
both claimed credit for the apparent success in
Iraq. But McChrystal and his staff felt they faced
a much harder task in Afghanistan. “[Petraeus]
couldn’t command this,” McChrystal said,
referring to the war. “Plus, he’s one and ‘oh.’ This
one is very questionable.” [p. 89]
3. McChrystal on Petraeus’ potential
presidential ambitions, and the worries they
caused the White House. McChrystal says he
was told, “We don’t want a man on horseback.”
He responded, “I don’t even have a horse.” The
White House, he told Hastings in 2010, was “very
worried about Petraeus. They certainly don’t
have to be worried about me. But Petraeus, if he
wanted to run, he’s had a lot of offers. He says he
doesn’t want to, and I believe him.” [p. 90]
4. McChrystal’s surprising reservations about
the war in Iraq. “We co-opted the media on
that one,” says the general, who served as the
Pentagon’s top spokesman during the 2003
invasion. “You could see it coming. There were a
lot of us who didn’t think Iraq was a good idea.”
[p. 90]
5. “Worshipping the god of beer” and other new
details about Hastings’ month-long road trip with
McChrystal, including a drinking session on a 14-
hour bus trip, a suspected foreign agent’s attempt
to infiltrate McChrystal’s team, and a midnight
bash at a Mexican restaurant hall in Berlin, where
Gen. Michael Flynn, a top intelligence officer,
“worship[s] the god of beer” and wonders how he
still has security clearance. [p. 156]
6. McChrystal’s 2009 clash with Gen. Colin
Powell over Afghanistan. Powell sent a critical
note to McChrystal, who was thought to be
pushing behind the scenes for a troop increase,
in opposition to the less troop-intensive
counterterrorism strategy being pushed, most
prominently, by Vice President Biden. Power
“thought I was fighting our government, which I
wasn’t,” McChrystal said. [p. 170]
7. An exclusive account of Petraeus’ meeting,
after he takes over command from McChrystal,
with a high-ranking member of Afghanistan’s
military. Col. Abdul Razzik, a warlord and
human rights abuser now implicated in acts of
brutal torture, said: “General Petraeus and I have
very similar opinions. I want to kill the Taliban,
he wants to kill the Taliban.” [p. 361]
8. Petraeus’ rivals trashing him for
subordinating everything and everyone to his
own driving ambition. “Petraeus,” Lt. General
John Vines confides to colleagues, “leaves the dead
dog on your doorstep.Every time.” Another U.S.
military official complains, “He has the ability
to make anyone who comes before him look like
a total fuckup.” According to U.S. officials, this
kind of behavior earned Petraeus the nickname
General Betray-Us long before Moveon.org used
the moniker against him in a 2007 ad campaign.
[p. 347]
9. A thorough debunking, with new details, of
the Pentagon’s whitewashing investigation into
McChrystal and his staff for insubordination
after the publication of Hastings’ Rolling Stone
article. Pentagon officials, writes Hastings,
privately told journalists that the primary
intent of the investigation was to “damage” his
credibility. Far from “exonerating” McChrystal,
as the media widely reported, the investigation
simply failed to find anyone who would admit to
saying what they did. McChrystal, for example,
claimed to investigators that he didn’t remember
hearing the “Bite me” comment, though he made
the remark that prompted it and laughed out loud
in Hastings’ presence when he heard it. [p. 372]
10. What America’s top civilian and military
leaders really thought of Afghan leader Hamid
Karzai. Hastings reports an accusation from Kai
Edie, the former U.N. head of mission in Kabul,
that Holbrooke wanted to “get rid” of President
Hamid Karzai. McChrystal’s team, meanwhile,
refers to Karzai as “the man with a funny hat.”
U.S. officials who work with Karzai think he’s
a manic-depressive and that dope may fuel his
paranoia. One veteran Kabul journalist believes
Karzai is a “two pipe a day man.” He is known
in the West for his karakul – a V-shaped hat
made from the pelts of newborn sheep – which
McChrystal’s staff calls “the Gray Wolf’s Vagina.”
[p. 228]
Read more: http://www.rollingstone.
No, this article isn’t anti-Christianity but it
might be considered anti-humanity. The direct
inspiration for the article is an e-mail from an old
friend of mine that I received a few days ago. My
old friend had seen an article of mine and wrote telling me about the
events of her life. This lady and I have known each other since High
School and went to Grad Night together in 1961. We both went away to
college at the University of California, Berkeley and have been attending
anti-war rallies independently for approximately fifty years. I learned
that she had long ago moved to England after her first marriage. Her
first husband, a Berkeley student, had become among other things, a
professional Conga drummer. What else would you expect? Now, get
this, I have learned that she has remarried and that her youngest son is
an enlisted member of the Royal British Artillery Force.
Imagine my disappointment and perhaps hers. What is it with
Human Beings and their love of War? I am reminded of the story of Jesus.
Prior to the crucifixion - the guy in charge, Pontius Pilate, to please the
crowd - annually offers to release one prisoner. Among the prisoners is
Jesus Christ. As most of you know, better than I do, the crowd screams
out, “Gives us Barabbas.” Who is Barabbas? The Gospels tell us little
about Barabbas other than he is a criminal and a thief. So why does the
crowd ask for the release of Barabbas rather than demand the release of
Jesus Christ? I have always taken the message of the Gospels to mean
that that the crowd is really not saying, “Give us Barabbas,” but is in fact
saying RELEASE ANYONE BUT JESUS. I think the story stands for
the fact that the crowd is aware of the message of Jesus that mankind can
turn the other cheek and fight against Human Nature which normally
favors aggression, retribution, and ultimately Death.
Throughout recorded history the greatest minds of Man have busied
themselves with creating instruments of War. Pythagoras utilized his
geometric equations to create catapults that could hurl death-dealing
weapons great distances and fly over high-protective walls to do injury.
The great genius Leonardo Da Vinci used his brilliance to create weapons
of Death. In the last century, as soon as Man could use airplanes to
fly, those planes were used to drop bombs. The United States has the
dubious and frightening distinction of being the only nation to drop
atomic bombs on another nation and to kill hundreds of thousands of
people beneath a never-before seen mushroom cloud.
After World War II was finally ended through the use of these bombs
all sorts of talks were begun to effectuate nuclear disarmament and to
eliminate the possibility of Mankind destroying itself through War.
These attempts have gone on for my entire lifetime and no disarmament
has taken place. The countries possessing nuclear capabilities have
expanded and the risk of a nuclear holocaust is in the News every day
as Iran moves towards the creation of its own nuclear arsenal. Even
as the larger more powerful countries try to halt Iran’s attempts it is
understood that Iran’s unstated position of exercising their sovereign
right to have nuclear weapons just like any other nation makes pretty
good sense in this insane world.
As far as I am concerned WAR IS A CRIME AGAINST
HUMANITY. The request of Jesus Christ that Mankind turn the
other cheek made perfect sense two thousand years ago and still makes
sense today—only more so. The ridiculous posturing that goes on,
as prospective candidates present their political policies without ever
mentioning the need to end war, is some kind of travesty. Our political
debate is so limited, as men and women all over the world continue to
be needlessly killed. Politicians in all countries seem so proud of their
accomplishments without ever noticing what is really taking place.
At this particular time and place technology presents consumers
with video games that create virtual realities that are so entertaining
and diverting that real-life can almost be entirely ignored. Maybe that
is our future. When we destroy ourselves we may be so focused on
something else that we man not even notice.
As usual at the end I am left with the question of, What Should
We Do? Maybe the Occupy movements are a Beginning? I think the
answer has something to do with getting people together to work toward
a common goal and not compete with one another. You know simple
communities conserving energy and not fighting all the time. Isn’t that
that what Jesus said? Isn’t that how Israel began - with simple Socialistic
Kibbutzes? Really, I think it’s possible. Mankind has a tremendous
capacity to inflict injury but also has an even greater capacity, I believe,
to willingly turn it all around and focus on the achievement of common
good and I believe the most import common good is Human Survival. I
hate to be trite but Let’s Give Peace A Chance.
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OUT TO PASTOR A Weekly Religion Column
Giving Credit Where Credit is Due
by Rev. James L. Snyder
I am rather old-fashioned
in some areas of my life,
which I do not intend
to upgrade to current
standards. I do not believe
in changing something
unless it really needs to be
changed. A crazy phobia
is going around these
days suggesting that if
something is old, it must not be any good and if it
is new, it must be good.
I think old Solomon was right when he said,
“there is no new thing under the sun” (Ecclesiastes
1:9 KJV).
So, I am never intimidated by some new gizmo
or gadget that comes down the line. One of the
things I have no intention of upgrading is in the
area of giving credit. I believe in giving credit
where credit is due. After all, I need all the credit
I can get these days.
If somebody does something that blesses me, I
am beholden to give them their due credit. I am
under the opinion that if I give enough people
enough credit that one day I just may be able to
cash in.
This all came to me this past week when I
had my visit to the dentist. I make it a rule that
once a decade to visit my dentist whether I need
to or not. The thing that spurred my visit to the
dentist this time was one of my fillings had fallen
out. Actually, I am assuming it fell out because
where it used to be was a hole in my tooth. Upon
pondering the situation to its logical conclusion,
I must have eaten my filling.
This dental hygienic situation brought me to
my latest visit with my dental hygienist. While
I was there, I thought I would save time, if not
money, and have my teeth cleaned. Every decade
I like to have my teeth cleaned. According to my
dentist’s records, the last time I had my teeth
cleaned was 13 years ago. So, it is time.
Because it was so long since my last visit with
the dentist, he insisted on taking pictures of all
my teeth. I hope to get copies so I can post it on
my Facebook. After all, what would my Facebook
be without pictures of teeth?
I had forgotten the whole procedure of
dental photography. It took an entire hour to
photograph all my teeth one at a time. During the
sixty minutes of my photography shoot, I had to
keep my mouth open. I have never had my mouth
open for so long in all my life.
After this, I have a new appreciation for
women. How they keep their mouth open for
so long is one of those mysteries husbands will
never be able to unravel.
The upshot of my visit with the dentist was I
had a clean bill of health regarding my teeth and
gums. I must have been doing something right
to have such healthy teeth and gums for a person
my age.
When the dentist said “a person my age,” I was
not sure if he was insulting me or congratulating
me for good health. Being the gentleman that I
am, I took the latter.
“I don’t know what you’re doing,” the dentist
said cheerfully as I left his office, “just keep it up.”
With that, I left the dentist office.
I thought a lot about what he said and I have
come to a major conclusion. I like giving credit
where credit is due, so I had to think long and
hard about whom to credit for my good dental
Certainly, I could congratulate the Gracious
Mistress of the Parsonage on her superb dietary
work in the kitchen. Without doubt, it pays to
eat the right food if you are going to have good
health. But I think it goes much further than this.
What am I doing to credit such a good dental
health report?
Then it came to me.
Have you ever given serious thought about
something for so long, you seem to be getting
nowhere, and then all of a sudden, it hits you?
I know what I can credit my excellent dental
health. Apple Fritters. That is right. The reason
I have good teeth and good gums is because of
a consistent diet of Apple Fritters. After all,
everybody knows the main ingredient of an
Apple Fritter is an Apple. There is nothing better
for a person than an Apple.
Where the Fritter comes in is very simple. The
Fritter part of an Apple Fritter is the means by
which my body can assimilate the nutritional
aspects of the Apple. The Fritter facilitates the
good parts of the Apple to every part of my body.
Therefore, with a deep sense of humility and
gratefulness, I credit my dental health to the
regular consumption of Apple Fritters. A friend of
mine recently suggested that I might be addicted
to Apple Fritters, but I kindly remonstrated
him by explaining I am addicted to good dental
My spiritual health is a different matter.
“Now unto him that is able to keep you from
falling, and to present you faultless before the
presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to the
only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty,
dominion and power, both now and for ever.
Amen” (Jude 1:24-25 KJV).
God gets all the credit in my life for my spiritual
health now and forever.
RICH Johnson
I wrote this article back in 2007 as a precursor
to the 2008 Presidential election. Well, here
we are again and the field of candidates is a
fair bit smaller. This is particularly true as the
Democrats are offering up only one candidate
who just happens to be our current president. If
the truth be known, I had been predicting a challenge to President
Obama by Hillary Clinton. The last time a sitting president was
challenged by someone in his own party was 1980, when Ted
Kennedy challenged Jimmy Carter. My reason for suspecting
Hilllary might mount an offensive? She will be 65 by the time
election day rolls around. Her clock is ticking and I was not (am still
not) sure she wants to wait another four years. Also, in four years
the country might be ready for a change of philosophies if President
Obama is re-elected. Apparently I was wrong.
As I reported four years ago, we might catch a glimpse of what
makes a successful president by taking a look at their early career
choices. What did our former presidents do before they became
president? Let’s take a gander.
Okay, surprise, surprise: 25 of the 43 presidents were lawyers. The
next highest profession is no surprise either: 8 were soldiers, 3 were
teachers, 2 were farmers and 2 were businessmen.
Only 10 presidents came from unique early careers. Care to guess
who did what? (This can be tricky because some of these presidents
were better known for secondary careers)
Let’s see how you do: We have a surveyor, writer, postmaster, tailor,
sheriff, rancher, editor, engineer, journalist and one you’ll never
guess…an actor.
15 presidents also served as governors, 24 served in Congress, 14
were Vice Presidents and 7 were cabinet secretaries (Did they have
to get coffee?)
In case you forgot, Ronald Reagan was the actor who became
president. The surveyor was George Washington. Thomas Jefferson
is our writer. Our postmaster was an obscure fellow named Abraham
Lincoln. Andrew Johnson was our tailor and Grover Cleveland was
town sheriff. John Kennedy was a journalist. Teddy Roosevelt was,
of course, our rancher and Warren G. Harding was a newspaper
editor. Rounding out our unique careers was Herbert Hoover, the
It might be interesting to note our 3 teachers were John Adams,
Lyndon Baines Johnson, and Chester A. Arthur. Three of our
presidents are listed with only one previous career. And it was the
same job…General. Can you name them? Zachary Taylor, Ulysses S.
Grant and Dwight David Eisenhower.
Finally, our businessmen were late additions to the list and they
both had the same last name…Bush. What do you think of that?
Two items of note. If you wanted to know what a radio version
of my column might sound like, tune in the Barry, Lisa and Rich
radio show. It’s on an internet station www.radiofishbowl.com . We
broadcast our show on Mondays and Saturdays at 10:00 am. Other
than myself are Barry Schwam (known by many of you), and Lisa
Bowman (a Sierra Madre resident and onetime sportscaster on
The other item is the return of Cinderella to the Sierra Madre
Playhouse. I have seen this play approximately 7 times. It is
spectacular both on stage and off stage. The actors interact with
the younger members of the audience. Example, Prince Charming
comes out and dances with every little girl in the audience who so
desires. It is heartwarming. Performances are Saturdays at 11:00 am
February 4th through March 17th. Reservations can be made by
calling (626) 355-4318. $18 adults and $12.00 kids 12 and under. See
this play even if you bring now kids. You will love it.
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Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com