Mountain Views News Saturday, February 11, 2012
HOWARD Hays As I See It
GREG Welborn
Any politician who takes on the Catholic Church
over one of their most fundamental doctrines is
presumed at face value, with no other evidence
needed, to be utterly stupid. Such is the common
explanation for why President Obama signed off
on the Health and Human Services ruling that
Obamacare would force Catholic institutions
to provide and pay for health insurance
which covered contraceptives, abortions and
sterilizations. I don’t buy into that explanation.
Unfortunately, I think it’s something else much
more insidious.
Most of the time when a politician flubs a speech
or public event, it’s along the lines of some of
Mitt Romney’s most recent ones. Usually, the
politician says something like, “I like being able
to fire people” or “ I’m not concerned about the
very poor”. In hindsight, they always look stupid,
the context always tells you that the quote is out
of context, nobody really believes that’s what
was meant, and the politician apologizes and
survives. These are the normal growing pains
of the politically naïve on their way to becoming
the experienced national leader. These are not
at all similar to what President Obama has just
First of all, I don’t believe President Obama
believes it was a mistake. The evidence shows
that an awful lot of thought and calculation
went into this decision. Secretary Sebelius did
not make this decision on her own. This was
approved by the President himself, and it’s
obvious Obama believes now is the time to try to
make a game changing point.
The impact of this ruling is stunning. It
announces to the nation that the federal
government has the right to tell the Catholic
Church that it cannot be Catholic anymore.
The Catholic Church has as long a tradition as
you can possibly have telling its adherents that
contraceptives, abortions and sterilizations are
sin. They are forbidden as a bedrock provision
of the faith. To contradict this is to give the
government the power to coerce all faiths.
Our country has long relied on what’s knows
as the “conscience clause”. It’s a provision of
law, stemming from the protections of the first
amendment, which
exempts legitimate
religious institutions
from rules that clearly
violate the tenets of
their faith. The first
amendment prohibits
the establishment of
a state religion, but
it also prohibits the
government from
restricting the free
exercise of religion.
Our laws and court cases have reaffirmed this
principle since our country’s founding.
To further prove that Obama couldn’t possibly
have simply made a mistake, I’d point to last
month’s Supreme Court decision in the Hosanna-
Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church and School
case. The church fired an employee because they
found her beliefs and practices contrary to their
religious mission. The employee sued based on
anti-discrimination employment laws, but the
Supreme Court decided in favor of the church in
a unanimous decision. Sadly, President Obama
had his solicitor general file a brief with the
Supreme Court insisting that employment law
should trump church doctrine. Whatever you
think of the wisdom of this argument, the fact
that Obama lost the argument in a unanimous
decision and then still proceeded with the
contraceptive ruling afterwards tells us that this
was not naivety or political miscalculation. This
was a fight purposely picked and a battle to be
won if possible.
But to what end, you might ask. We need look
no further than the President’s own words
as a candidate. He intends to fundamentally
transform the U.S. He believes in a secular state
where the government is supreme and faith is
stripped from the public square. The election of
2012 is about so much more than the economy,
taxes and deficits. This election is about the soul
of this country.
Gregory J. Welborn is an independent opinion columnist. He
writes and speaks frequently on political, economic and social
issues. His columns have appeared in publications such as The
Los Angeles Daily News, The Orange County Register, The Wall
Street Journal and USA Today. He can be reached at gwelborn@
“By denying
contraception as part of
employee health plans,
what the bishops seek is
more like religious fascism
than religious freedom.”
- Daniel C. Maguire,
Professor of Moral
Theology, Marquette
It’s no coincidence that
Republicans routinely
create controversies over
emotional issues, even to presume government
jurisdiction over a woman’s health, around
election time – especially when it’s hard to argue
the relevant issues.
When George H.W. Bush ran in 1988, the issue
was black inmates paroled under Gov. Michael
Dukakis. As Bill Clinton moved to strengthen
our economy and confront al Qaeda, Republicans
obsessed over marital infidelity. With Al Gore,
the threat was he’d confiscate guns from fellow
Tennesseans. John Kerry seemed “French” and
doubts were manufactured over the legitimacy of
medals earned in Vietnam. Now, the issues are
religion, contraception and reproduction.
Our troops are coming home and the economy
is rebounding. As Vice President Biden put it,
“Osama bin Laden is dead and General Motors
is alive”. In this context, no candidate appears
capable of sufficiently firing-up even those
disappointed with President Obama.
Mitt Romney is a candidate worth a quarter-
billion, with a $100 million trust fund set up
for his kids, who asks us to believe he shares
the anxieties of the unemployed; a candidate
who urged we bail out the banks but let car
manufacturers go under; who’d rather speed up
foreclosures than help families keep their homes.
Newt Gingrich offers moon bases and another
Middle-East war. Rick Santorum dismisses
basic science (global warming is a “hoax”) while
advocating a Fundamentalist Sharia. Ron Paul
faces an electorate not ready to turn our national
parks over to private developers (and would
permit morning-after contraception only in cases
of “honest rape”).
Republican options are limited. One is to block
efforts they know would spur the recovery, such as
investing in infrastructure or breaks for middle-
income taxpayers. Another is to hearken back to
the days when Spiro Agnew was a familiar name,
disco had yet to break out of gay nightclubs, and
contraception and women’s reproductive rights
were still unsettled controversies.
Last month when the Susan G. Komen
Foundation cut ties with Planned Parenthood,
they claimed it was non-political. Karen Handel,
the individual who carried out the move, came to
the organization with little foundation experience
but a long record in Republican politics, having
ran unsuccessfully for Georgia governor under
a rigid anti-choice, anti–Planned Parenthood
platform. She was recruited for the Komen job
by former Bush press secretary Ari Fleischer.
Within days of the announcement, Planned
Parenthood, which provided 170,000 breast
exams and 6,400 mammogram referrals through
Komen support over the past five years, received
a flood of donations which surpassed the amount
they would’ve gotten from Komen. Handel
resigned and the Komen Foundation reversed its
The Affordable Care Act is based on the premise
that prevention is cheaper than emergency
treatment. Preventive measures are to be offered
without co-pays. Twenty-eight states (including
California) already mandate the inclusion of
family planning in health coverage, as does
Medicaid. The new HHS regulations exempt
religious institutions from these contraception
requirements; those nonprofits whose “primary
purpose” is the “inculcation of religious values”
and that “primarily” serve and employ those
who “share the religious tenets”. Churches and
seminaries are exempt. Women working for a
large university or hospital, though, are not to
be denied contraception coverage because of the
institution’s religious affiliation.
Were it not for the election, this wouldn’t
be controversial. According to a recent Public
Policy Polling survey, 57% support coverage
for contraception, including at Catholic-
affiliated universities and hospitals. Support
among Catholics is 53%, with 60% support
among Catholics identifying themselves as
Rick Santorum denounces contraception as “a
license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter
to how things are supposed to be.” The Institute
of Medicine within the National Academy of
Sciences sees it as a means of reducing the risk
of endometrial cancer and pelvic inflammation
disease in women, and in preventing infant and
maternal mortality. President Obama decided to
go with the Institute of Medicine.
Twenty-three Christian, Jewish and Muslim
leaders wrote, “We believe that women and men
have the right to decide whether or not to apply
the principles of their faith to family planning
decisions, and to do so they must have access to
services . . . Hospitals and universities across the
religious spectrum have an obligation to assure
that individuals’ conscience and decisions are
respected and that their students and employees
have access to this basic health care service.”
Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), said on the
Senate floor, “For the first time in a long time,
our nation is talking about women’s health . . .
but unfortunately, too much of it isn’t really about
women’s health. It is politics disguised as women’s
Newt Gingrich characterizes it as an “outrageous
assault” on religious freedom.
Prof. Daniel C. Maguire of Marquette
University (a Catholic / Jesuit institution) writes,
“Catholic theologians overwhelmingly support
contraception. Dozens of Catholic hospitals
and universities cover prescribed contraceptives.
Ninety-eight percent of Catholic women have
used contraceptives. Only 2 percent of Catholic
women use the ‘rhythm method’ of birth control
favored by conservative Catholics. Therefore
the decision of the Obama administration,
rather than threatening Catholic teaching on
contraception, is actually more attuned to
actual Catholic teaching than are the American
Catholic bishops with their idiosyncratic taboo
on contraception.”
Those who’d exploit such an intensely personal
matter in an attempt to score cheap political
points are undeserving of participation in the
discussion, let alone being considered for high
TINA Dupuy
“Gen X” was
popularized as an
advertising term.
Marketers used the label to describe young
people of the late 80s, and the focus was on
how to sell goods to the MTV generation.
Advertisements at that time, just as one
example, started to feature unmarried couples
to appeal to this group of consumers. This
was a first and in the early 90s it was pushing
the envelope. It apparently resonated. The
advertisers gauged correctly: They successfully
sold their products to Americans with the now
documented lowest marriage rate in history.
The argument could be made (mainly by those
who want to take us back to a mythical innocent
time of the supposedly recent past) that it’s
advertisers who’ve corrupted our culture and
changed what’s socially acceptable through their
manipulations. Or, if you have sold your proverbial
soul to the gods of unfettered commerce – like
the rightwing self-described Culture Warriors,
or the (formerly) Moral (former) Majority –
advertisements are the market speaking for the
greater culture at large. And the greater culture,
funny enough, largely disagrees with the rightwing.
Here’s how it works: Advertisers put out an image or
an idea – the greater public concurs by buying those
products. Successful ads equal agreed upon ideas.
Marketing is, after all, the definitive pandering.
And here is what the culture is saying through
advertisements: We like racial diversity. Why can
I say that? Because commercials not only have
racially diverse groups of friends and co-workers
– they now regularly feature bi-racial couples in
ads. In a Budweiser Super Bowl spot this year,
there were black men flirting with white women
sans scandal. If those spots are moving widgets
it means consumers agree with the message.
It’s a type of voting. Even if some viewers don’t
notice or don’t have a visceral reaction one way or
another – it’s an indicator of a new cultural norm.
Also Americans are okay with homosexuals. The
American Family Association, an association for
only pre-approved families, threatened JC Penney
with a boycott after they hired Ellen DeGeneres
as a spokesperson. Now, DeGeneres, besides
being a comedic genius, is also a successful talk
show host and a popular pitchperson for brands
like Covergirl and American Express. The
market has spoken time after time, and Ellen
is adored and sought after. She also happens
to be a lesbian, which has made her the target
of the AFA whose influence is clearly eroding.
What else does the market proclaim? Well,
Americans widely approve of birth control.
And yes, even legal abortion. In the dust-up last
week between Susan G. Komen for the Cure
and Planned Parenthood the market picked
the winner. It was Planned Parenthood. The
nonprofit health care provider saw a spike in
private contributions after Komen announced
they would no longer give Planned Parenthood
a grant to screen for breast cancer. And
Komen’s brand has been forever tarnished by
putting politics before their cure-finding goal.
It’s already resulted in one resignation of the
Vice President of Public Policy, Karen Handel.
You can think of the market as a leading
indicator of our social mores and the
Republican primary as a lagging one.
Disgraced former Speaker of the House, Newt
Gingrich, has been trying to play the well-worn
Goldwater Southern Strategy to rile up the base.
He calls Obama the food stamp president and
said he wants to go talk to the NAACP about
“why the African-American community should
demand paychecks and not be satisfied with
food stamps.” He also said immigrants should
learn English and not use the “language of the
ghetto.” That phrase hurt him in the Spanish-
named (former Spanish colony) state of Florida.
Why? Because the market has spoken, we have
our first biracial president and we no longer care
for these antiquated wedges Gingrich peddles.
The GOP-worshipped market has chosen
the winner of the culture wars, and it
hasn’t looked favorably on its most devout.
Of course, the market for Republicans is just like
the Bible or the Constitution. They worship it
piously as long as they believe it agrees with them.
If their deified market is all-knowing and
all-powerful – it clearly favors a progressive
social agenda…and not the GOP’s.
Yeah…tough sell.
Tina Dupuy is an award-winning writer and the managing
editor of Crooks and Liars. Tina can be reached at tinadupuy@
Independent’s Eye by
JOE Gandelman
– Barring some big
political development
that again upends the
conventional wisdom,
former Massachusetts
Gov. Mitt Romney
still seems poised
to win the 2012
Republican presidential
nomination. Here in
the center of America
newspapers are filled with stories about
the Republican political nomination battle.
The former moderate-but-now-conservative
Romney is dominating the national political
news cycle here in America’s geographical center.
But his biggest battle lies ahead: can Romney win
the country’s political center in what increasingly
is shaping up to be a toss-up presidential
election? And can he do it without risking the
wrath of the GOP’s distrustful conservative base?
By most measures, these should be happy days
for the man who would have been the perfect
late 20th century Republican candidate. Despite
gaffes suggesting his mouth is a powerful
magnet and his feet are made out of metal,
Romney is the race’s current front-runner (but
unloved). The way Romney unleashed his
PACs and used his own rhetoric to politically
dismember chief rival, former House Speaker
Newt Gingrich in Iowa and Florida proved
he has the ruthlessness to go all the way.
But this has taken a huge toll on Romney.
Press scrutiny and increased coverage haven’t
been kind to him. The media has chronicled
his often clumsy and unconvincing move to
the right and dutifully covers an outraged
Gingrich, now pursuing what Gingrich’s
former colleague Dick Armey calls a “first-class
vendetta” against Romney. Stories about the
low taxes Romney pays plus his gaffe about not
caring about the poor got widespread coverage
and provided material for TV comedians.
The result? An ABC News/Washington Post
poll finds that 52 percent to 24 percent the more
Americans learn about Romney, the more they
don’t like him. Why is this important? The public
already knows what can be known about Barack
Obama. Romney faces the prospect of more erosion
as more unflattering info about him seeps out.
It’s a truism of American politics that to
win a nominee has to move to the center to
attract independents after wooing the more
ideological party base in primaries. But can
Romney? If he does he’ll have to do it slowly
or risk angering conservative GOPers. Given
the nature of 21st century communications,
it will be harder for him than ever.
More than ever, Romney’s every word and breath
will be analyzed and draw a response from not
just Democrats but 24/7 cable news, new and
old media, You Tube posters, bloggers, and
the growing number of activists among the 300
million worldwide who Tweet -- and link to the
new and old media. Candidates used to be able
slowly tip toe towards the center. No more. Plus,
team Obama has a wealth of footage of Romney
in his moderate incarnation waiting to be aired
that’ll be new to many Americans. If Romney
tries to shift too much to the center, conservatives
could stay home. Analysts point to lower turnout
in the Republican primary in Florida and the
Nevada caucuses compared to 2008 as partially
due to a lack of conservative enthusiasm.
Romney must keep his party’s conservative
base, run an aggressive campaign taking it to
Obama, positively redefine himself, offer solid
policy alternatives, and perceptively edge to
the center to win independents. Polls show
that as he battles Gingrich his negatives go up
-- and his appeal to independents goes down.
What can Romney do to soften his image
while playing hardball? More often than not
when attempting humor he stumbles or brings
to mind part of the lyric from “Oh What a
Beautiful Morning” from the musical Oklahoma:
“The corn is as high as an elephant’s eye, An’
it looks like its climbin’ clear up to the sky.’
From the look of it, it’ll be easier for the corn to
climb clear up to the sky than for Mitt Romney to
easily move to the center.
Joe Gandelman is a veteran journalist who wrote for
newspapers overseas and in the United States. He has appeared
on cable news show political panels and is Editor-in-Chief of
The Moderate Voice, an Internet hub for independents, centrists
and moderates. CNN’s John Avlon named him as one of the
top 25 Centrists Columnists and Commentators. He can be
reached at jgandelman@themoderatevoice.com and can be
booked to speak at your event at www.mavenproductions.com.