Mountain Views-News Saturday, February 11, 2012
A camera aboard one of NASA’s twin Gravity
Recovery And Interior Laboratory (GRAIL)
lunar spacecraft has returned its first unique
view of the far side of the Moon. MoonKAM, or
Moon Knowledge Acquired by Middle school
students, will be used by students nationwide
to select lunar images for study.
GRAIL consists of two identical spacecraft,
recently named Ebb and Flow, each of which is
equipped with a MoonKAM. The images were
taken as part of a test of Ebb’s MoonKAM on
Jan. 19. The GRAIL project plans to test the
MoonKAM aboard Flow at a later date.
View the 30-second video clip: http://go.nasa.
In the video, the north pole of the Moon is
visible at the top of the screen as the spacecraft
flies toward the lunar south pole. One of the
first prominent geological features seen on the
lower third of the Moon is the Mare Orientale, a
560-mile-wide impact basin that straddles both
the Moon’s near and far sides.
The clip ends with rugged terrain just short of
the lunar south pole. To the left of center, near
the bottom of the screen, is the 93-mile-wide
Drygalski crater with a distinctive star-shaped
formation in the middle. The formation is a
central peak, created billions of years ago by a
comet or asteroid impact.
“The quality of the video is excellent and
should energize our MoonKAM students as
they prepare to explore the Moon,” said Maria
Zuber, GRAIL principal investigator from
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in
The twin spacecraft successfully achieved
lunar orbit last New Year’s
Eve and New Year’s Day.
Previously named GRAIL-A
and GRAIL-B, the washing-
machine-sized spacecraft
received their new names
from fourth graders at the
Emily Dickinson Elementary
School in Bozeman, Montana,
following a nationwide naming
contest by students.
Thousands of fourth- to
eighth-grade students will
select target areas on the lunar
surface and send requests to
the GRAIL MoonKAM Mission
Operations Center in San
Diego. Photos of the target
areas will be sent back by the
satellites for students to study.
The MoonKAM program is
led by Sally Ride, America’s
first woman in space. Her
team at Sally Ride Science,
as well as undergraduate
students at the University of
California, San Diego, will
engage middle schools across
the country in the GRAIL mission and lunar
exploration. GRAIL is NASA’s first planetary
mission carrying instruments fully dedicated
to education and public outreach.
“We have had great response from schools
around the country—more than 2,500 signed
up to participate so far,” Ride said. “In mid-
March, the first pictures of the Moon will be
taken by students using MoonKAM. I expect
this will excite many students about possible
careers in science and engineering.”
Launched in September 2011, Ebb and
Flow are periodically performing trajectory
correction maneuvers that, over time, will
lower their orbits to near-circular ones with
an altitude of about 34 miles above the lunar
surface. During their science mission, the twin
spacecraft will answer long-standing questions
about the Moon, and will give scientists a better
understanding of how the Earth and other
rocky planets in the solar system formed.
You can contact Bob Eklund at: b.eklund@
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Earlier this month news outlets and computing
security sources reported a major security
breach at Symantec Corporation and the theft
of valuable source code that has left millions of
its users possibly vulnerable to the internet and
network security threats that the software claims
to provide protection against. Source Code is the
basis for modern computer programs and as such
is protected under Intellectual Property legislation
in this country and around the world.
A computer programs’ source code is what makes
it unique among other similar programs in the
marketplace and contains proprietary secrets as
to how a program works. Often the source code is
replicated through multiple versions of a software
program and among different products from the
same software manufacturer.
If you get your hands on the source code and
know what you’re doing, you have an effective tool
for use in developing software and techniques for
neutralizing security softwares’ effectiveness. In
the world of computer security the name Symantec
is as big as they come. They’ve been around since
the early 80’s and they have long enjoyed a large
consumer and business customer base numbering
in the millions.
As the nature of personal and business computing
has changed over the years, Symantec has adapted
their products to match industry needs and earned
a degree of trust that many modern business
would do well to match. Earlier this month that
trust was put to the test as the company was forced
to admit that they themselves had been the victims
of a security breach which resulted in the theft of
the source code for several of their best-selling
computer security and remote access products
News of this breach hit particularly close to home
for your humble columnist as I have installed
several of the affected products for various home
and business users, including the company that I
currently work for now.
Symantec’s public response didn’t do much to
allay my fears about the depth and breadth of
the possible damage done by the security breach.
Symantec began its PR response to the rumors by
denying that anything of real concern had taken
place at all and ended up by participating in a
police sting to catch the perpetrators and shelving
one of its flagship products – all over the course of
two weeks. Many, including myself, are beginning
to believe that things are far worse than we’ve been
KATIE Tse..........This and That
Happy Tails
by Chris Leclerc.
Canyon Canine Dog
Walking & Pet Sitting Services
Besides the familiar
cultural and religious
holidays, February is also
the month to promote
children and pets’ dental
care! With eleven other
months to choose from,
you’d wonder why children and pets have
to be lumped together into the shortest
month of the year. Surely our offspring and
loyal best friends are important enough
to warrant their own months. Online, I
found a resoundingly greater number of
references to dogs and cats than to children.
One hopes that this discrepancy is due to
parents’ ongoing concern for
their children’s hygiene, and
not the lowering of children
to pet status or the elevation
of pets to human status.
Perhaps another reason
pet dental care is highlighted
above that of children’s is
because, if you can achieve
brushing your cat or dog’s
teeth without losing a digit,
your toddler’s little tooth
buds will be a piece of
cake! One video I watched
explained the methodical
steps necessary for getting
Fido from tolerating the
smell of canine toothpaste,
to loving enthusiasm of
having your hand stuffed
in his mouth. It’s a painstakingly gradual
progression. The first objective is your
dog’s acclimation to the sight and smell of
the doggy toothbrush.
Then, slowly introduce the concept of
toothpaste by smearing a bit on his nose for
him to lick off. Apparently it comes flavored
as bacon, fish, or mint. The first two might
even be popular with some adults I know.
Tell me, however, how many dogs are drawn
to the scent or taste of mint? But I digress.
Some pet brushes are rubber bristled things
that fit on your finger. These are for people
who have faith that their pet won’t take the
opportunity to clamp down on their hand.
Others brushes are nearly identical to their
human counterparts. Needless to say, it is a
long tedious road leading from your dog’s
sniffing to brushing tolerance.
Though the video stressed the importance
of feline dental hygiene as well, there were
significantly fewer videos of cats getting
their teeth buffed than dogs. Most of the
clips of cats were very short, suggesting that
Fluffy only put up with a minute or so of
brushing before resorting to violence. Come
to think of it, in the longest continuous
segment of a cat getting it’s teeth brushed,
the victim looked somewhat catatonic (Ha
ha! CAT-atonic!). I think perhaps the vets
gave it a “happy cat” shot
before attempting to pull
back its lips.
All said, if you master
the art of brushing your
pet’s teeth, you’re bound
to at least feel confident
attempting to brush your
children’s. Of course,
one must consider some
of the main differences
between the two groups.
Unlike your dog or cat,
your kid doesn’t have
fangs or claws. (If they
do, they might be one of
the X-Men, switched at
birth with your biological
child.) It’s safe for your
pet to ingest toothpaste
(although it is not a food product), but
swallowing too much may send your kid to
the E.R.
Finally, regarding both humans and
animals, be sure to keep your toothbrushes
and toothpastes separate. You might not
gag after using your kid’s toothpaste, but
you’ll probably retch if you mistake Fido’s
brush for your own. Of course, considering
the bacon-flavored toothpaste, it’s hard
to predict owners’ reactions one way or
the other. Some might retch, while others
might entertain the thought of squeezing
it over nachos. And you thought February
was all about heart-shaped chocolates!
In August, 2011 a tragic turn of events took place
on Washington D.C.‘s capital hill, resulting in the
maniacal massacre of countless Northern Gray
Wolves residing in the wilderness across three
states. Through an underhanded, un-scientific,
politically manipulated bit of legislature that is
sure to render the Gray Wolf population sparse
at best, and cause an unpredictable ripple of
wild animal population imbalance, our nation‘s
loving leaders ordered the aerial killing of
thousands of gray wolves at the tax payer‘s
expense. Three questions came to my mind
when I heard the news of this gruesomely grim
development. The first was “Why?”, followed
immediately by “How?.. on earth could such an
irrational injustice be imposed on an indigenous
animal that has survived so many human attacks
in the past, and has been tenacious enough to
repopulate and continue to do their part in
keeping some semblance of balance in the
natural food chain on our continent?” The third
and most blatantly obvious question came to me
with a sense of vengeance; “Who are the idiots
behind this hair-brained idea?” Or, to put it
more politically-friendly terms, “Who is afraid
of the big bad wolf?”
Apparently there are 2 interest groups who
harbor a virtual vendetta against the American
Gray Wolf , a top-pier predator with an
environmentally important mission. Mainly to
blame are the livestock & agriculture lobbyists
who have managed to convince our nation’s
most powerful legislators that wolves have posed
a threat to their livestock, causing irretrievable
profit losses. The other groping, grappling
group of would-be wolf haters are gun-packing
hunting enthusiasts who approached the issue
from another asinine angle, purporting a
significant lack of “game” during open hunting
season due to the wolf‘s natural need to prey in
order to survive. I say to both of these special
interest groups, the arguments you’ve made are
nothing but pure poppy-cock!
First of all, the wolf is only accredited for 1% of
lost livestock over the past several years, which
can hardly equate to a major profit loss or a
significant reduction in our nation’s marketable
meat supply. Let’s face it, considering the mass
over production of food in our country, where
one could just as easily dine by diving in a
garbage bin behind a grocery store at closing
time, versus shopping inside, 1% is a drop in
the bucket, and certainly no excuse for the mass
murder of a beautiful beast we nearly caused to
be extinct just a couple of decades ago. Secondly,
to the hunters I wish to say, anyone who
considers the act of killing a “game” might not
even deserve the right to vote, much less lobby
on the hill! I know, that’s a narrow-minded
opinion, but I’m just saying, think about! You’re
telling me that because there aren’t enough elk to
kill, to satisfy your blood thirsty need for “game”,
we have decided to start killing the wolf as well?
Something about that logic just does not add up
in my mind. But, that’s just me.
I view this new legislation as yet another example
of the human’s narrow-minded negligence to
think globally and responsibly on behalf of the
whole. Somewhere along the line, we Americans
lost our way. The fact that our country’s leaders
have declared what I call “open season” on the
American Gray Wolf just to satisfy the needs and
greed of folks who have learned to pull the right
strings on ‘the hill‘, sets a precarious precedent
for annihilating any ole species that might get
in the way, which brings to mind yet another
final question; When will the killing end? How
far along the food chain must we go before we
realize the damage we have done?
If you have similar sentiments to mine,
regarding this legislation, please take the time
to log on to The Animal Rescue Site at: www.
theanimalrescuesite.com and sign the petition
asking President Obama to stop the aerial
killing of American Grey Wolves in Idaho.
Although this initiative impacts only one of
the states effected, at least it is a start. If you get
on board and do what you can to help save the
American Grey Wolf from being shot down
in cold blood by gun-runners in the sky, you
will also be playing a part in helping maintain
a healthy balance among wildlife populations
on our continent. Sometimes a little loss (1%
in this case) is worth it, to allow some time for
nature to heal from previous wounds caused by
the human’s need to intercede and satisfy their