Mountain Views News Saturday, March 10, 2012
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Joan Schmidt
Patricia Colonello
Richard Garcia
Lina Johnson
Ivonne Durant
John Aveny
Jeff Brown
Pat Birdsall
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Stuart Tolchin
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Hail Hamilton
Rich Johnson
Chris Bertrand
Ron Carter
Rev. James Snyder
Bobby Eldridge
Mary Carney
La Quetta Shamblee
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Greg Wellborn
Dr. John Talevich
Meaghan Allen
Sean Kayden
HAIL Hamilton My Turn
STUART Tolchin......On LIFE
It annoys the hell out
of me every time I hear the claim that
America is a “Christian nation.” And I am
not just referencing this to America since I
am equally miffed by statements about any
nation being a one-religion nation--or be it a
Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, or Buddhist nation.
A theocracy is the antithesis of democracy--
They just don’t mix!
Religious zealots love to trot out the ‘Christian
Nation’ line. They use the expression to try
and prop up support for their lame ideas,
and they try to imply that being a supposedly
Christian nation gives them justification
for imposing chaplains upon school kids,
funding catholic youth day, Presidential
Prayer Breakfasts, etc.
To me it is a meaningless concept and not
only meaningless but also demonstrably
untrue. So I would like to give an analogy to
show why I think it is a silly idea:
Suppose I have a box of fruit. Most of the
contents is apples, but there are a reasonable
number of oranges, and some pears etc. It
would clearly be incorrect to describe this as
a box of apples. I could describe it as a box
which consists predominantly of apples. Or
even more accurately as a box consisting of
a mixture of apples, oranges and pears. But
under no circumstances would it be correct
to simply refer to it as a box of apples.
So why do Christians think it is acceptable
to label a country consisting of many
different religions, and of course atheists,
as a Christian nation? To label America as a
Christian nation when most probably 40%
or more are not Christian is inappropriate.
Christians may defend such a statement
by saying it refers to a country founded on
Christian values (conveniently putting aside
such notions as stoning to death for cursing
your parents). Admittedly America does
have a significant Christian background.
Historically Christianity has been the
dominant religion, and in times gone by the
church had far more power than it has today.
Had another religion dominated then
America would most likely have a somewhat
different culture, for example, sharia law
may be present in this country if Islam was
the dominant religion historically. So it
would be silly to deny a Christian influence,
but such an influence has waned and is no
longer relevant in our modern society.
With only 23% going to church regularly
we can see that the influence of Christianity
is becoming a thing of the past, except in
the eyes of the devout Christians and some
American politicians pandering to the
Christian Right.
Let me make another analogy to illustrate
another of my objections to the “Christian
nation” concept.
America is a white dominated country, but
obviously there are many people of different
races living here. Most people would regard
it as racially offensive to label America as a
“white nation”.
So if it is offensive to label Americans as
a “white nation” because it ignores the
significant presence of various other races
then why is it regarded as acceptable to
label America as a “Christian nation” and
offend atheists and other religious groups?
And it makes no more sense to call America
a Christian nation than it would to call
America a “heterosexual nation” just because
there are fewer homosexuals.
A country is a collection of individuals, and
while a country may have characteristics
(such as ‘sport loving’) trying to lump us all
into a single category is crazy. Even saying
America is a country which is predominantly
Christian (according to the last census)
would be to miss the point that religion is
NOT a dominant force in the lives of the
majority of Americans.
So to all you Christians zealots out there
I say: wanting America to be a Christian
nation does not make it so. So stop labeling
all Americans as part of your deluded belief
system and accept that you no longer have
things your own way.
America is NOT a Christian nation and was
never intended to be one by our Founding
fathers. Thomas Jefferson, a product of the
Enlightenment, the author of the Declaration
of Independence, and an outspoken Deist,
disdained Christianity. He said: ”There is not
one redeeming feature in our superstition of
Christianity. It has made half the world fools,
and the other half hypocrites.”
One of
my oldest
friends in
the world
died last
week and the
Rabbi conducting the services
called on me to be the first one
to speak at the funeral. There
had been a message the night
before requesting that a written
speech be submitted ,which the
Rabbi would review to be sure
there were few duplications
or something. I really didn’t
understand the purpose of the
writing, but I reluctantly wrote
some paragraphs and e-mailed
them to the Rabbi.
Prior to calling on me to
speak the Rabbi spoke and, it
seemed to me, had basically
given my speech. I realized that
he had probably never met my
deceased friend and perhaps
had used my writing gain a
sense of who my friends was.
It’s all understandable, but I felt
kind of naked and used. What
was I going to say? I wish I
could tell you what I said, but I
really don’t remember much of
it. I know I was tearing but I
had the feeling that most of my
emotion was stuck inside me
and not being communicated
to the audience.
Maybe I was thinking too
much about me and not enough
about my friend. Really, I
didn’t want to think about
my friend. He was now gone
and the last months had been
pretty horrible as his body was
bloated by medications and
he had lost most of his mental
facility-but this person and I
had grown up together. We
met in junior High School and
went to High School, College,
and Law School together. He
brought me notes from class
while I was hospitalized in
College, he let me use his
apartment in Law School
as a place for my secret girl
friend and I to be alone. After
Law School we travelled the
Country together and attended
our respective weddings.
After our divorces we both
became single parents and
travelled around with our kids.
He helped to conduct my next
wedding to my present wife.
Right before we knew
anything was wrong he was
staying with my wife and me
and we went out to play golf.
He had been my golfing mentor
and was always better than me,
but that doesn’t really say much.
On this particular day he had
real trouble teeing up the ball.
It wouldn’t stay balanced on the
tee. The next day he stepped on
his computer and lost his cell
phone. We, mainly my wife as
I recall, prevailed upon him to
go to a doctor. He was operated
on the next week and a brain
tumor was located. The news
was not good, and there were
four more operations as and his
daughter travelled around the
Country hoping he could be
cured. Last year my son and I
took him from the hospital to
my mother’s funeral and then
to the memorial at my sister’s
house. I was glad he was there
and other than a slight limp and
a little befuddlement he seemed
mainly like his old self.
The next day he went
home from the hospital but
soon there was a seizure and
a couple of more operations.
He travelled to Europe with
his daughter and her husband
but things got worse, and now
he’s gone. At the funeral I was
one of nine pall-bearers who
carried the casket from the
hearse to the grave. Before
we pulled the casket from the
car the funeral director asked,
“Who has a strong back?” No
one spoke up and eventually
someone said, “We aren’t going
to get any stronger. Let’s do
this.” We nine white haired-
old men carried the casket to
the grave. As I returned to my
wife, son, and friends my son
was crying. I tried to comfort
him and later asked my friends
if they knew what particularly
had caused him to break up.
My friend’s wife said, “I think
it was because you all looked
so old.” Who knows? We are
old and my friend was gone.
Really, we aren’t going to get
any stronger or any younger. So
what is there left to do or to say
in this life?
My only way of living
consists of just telling others
how I see daily life My aim in
this and all my other articles is
to share the truths that come to
me as I, along with everyone
else, struggle along trying to
make the best of things. No, I
am not getting any stronger or
any younger, but I hope maybe
a little wiser. This life that I
have lived and shared with my
family and friends is uniquely
my own - and yet it is all of
ours. My generation had the
best of intentions and now we
look around and wonder if we
had made mistakes. What has
happened to the world and to
our values? Are we about to
enter other wars and watch
the destruction of our whole
planet? I like to think that if
we lasted this long we must be
doing something right and the
best thing we can each do is to
share that sense of right with
everyone else so “Let’s do this”.
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OUT TO PASTOR A Weekly Religion Column
I find it quite amusing
that some of the brightest
and richest people in
our country do not seem
to have a clue as to what
they are doing. Most do
not have the common
sense that God gave to a caterpillar. As Abraham
Lincoln used to say, common sense is not
as common as it used to be. Amen, to that one.
The financial experts are telling us that we
need to buy gold or silver to safeguard our investments.
I am way ahead of the game. Several
years ago, I got a gold tooth. Fortunately,
for me, I got it before the financial crisis in our
country. I cannot tell you what a remarkable
feeling it is to walk around with your fortune
in your mouth.
I hear about all of the investment schemes that
are supposed to make me rich. I have a sneaking
suspicion that the only people getting rich
are those with the investment schemes. They
want us to buy stocks and bonds and futures.
I never heard of anything so silly in all my life.
What would I do with stocks, bonds and futures,
whatever in the world they are, in my
portfolio. I have no idea what a portfolio is but
I am certain it has something to do with these
investment schemes. I just do not want anybody
folioing around with my port, thank you
very much, sir.
If I got my facts right, and I looked it up in
the dictionary, port has something to do with
wine. Why would I want to put a bottle of port
into my folio and pretend it is some kind of an
I really have to give it to these investment
schemers. They really know how to pull the
wool over our eyes. I want to go on record as
saying that they are not pulling any wool over
my eyes. Just leave my wool alone. If I want my
wool pulled, it certainly will not be over my
eyes, I will tell you that right here. This wool
pulling sounds more like sheep fleecing to me,
and I want nothing to do with it.
For me I have discovered a way of safeguarding
my wealth. My basic financial philosophy
is simply spend less than I make. I know that
is a revolutionary concept in today's world, but
it has stood me in good stead for many a year.
We live in a culture that has absolutely no
spending control whatsoever. This culture
does not know the relationship between saving
money and spending money.
For example. The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage
came home the other day and in a very
exuberant tone told me how much she saved at
the grocery store. "I saved $119.23 today at the
grocery store. Isn't that terrific?"
Being the humble, demure sort of guy that I
am, I did not ask her a question that was buzzing
around my head at the time. The question
was, how much did it cost me to save you that
much money?
Having a happy home is more important to me
than exploring truth at its core. Especially in
this area.
My financial strategy down through the years
has been a very regular and wise investment
plan. I am not quite sure how I came up with
this marvelous plan, but one day it just hit me.
Ever since that time, I have been using my financial
investment plan.
My investment plan only cost me $19.79 back
in the year of our Lord 1986. Since that time,
it has faithfully served me and I have no complaints.
I have through the years thought about
upgrading my investment plan, but then what
would the purpose be?
Back in 1986, I saw in the men's department of
the JCPenney store in our community a very
nicely tailored navy blue and gold striped gentleman's
vest. It immediately caught my attention
and as I examined it, I noticed that inside
this vest was a variety of pockets. I looked at
them and that is when it hit me.
Down through the years I have often wondered
why somebody else did not come up with this
idea. I guess I am just a genius.
I bought the vest and brought it home and
hung it in my closet after I first labeled each
of the inside pockets. There was a pocket for
dollar bills, one for five-dollar bills, one for
ten-dollar bills and one that I do not use as often
for $20 bills. Every time I have a little bit
of change left over I go to my closet turned to
my best and invest that money where nobody
can find it.
My investment plan is more or less an in and
out exchange program. When I have a need,
I sometimes divest some money. Through the
years, it has been a great blessing in my investment
plan and is something that I am rather
proud of.
Solomon put it in great perspective concerning
wealth when he said, "Remove far from me
vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor
riches; feed me with food convenient for me:
lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is
the LORD? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take
the name of my God in vain" ( Proverbs 30:8-9
My investment plan is well buttoned up for future
The Rev. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family of
God Fellowship, PO Box 831313, Ocala, FL 34483.
He lives with his wife, Martha, in Silver Springs
Shores. Call him at 352-687-4240 or e-mail jamessnyder2@
att.net. The church web site is www.
RICH Johnson
the 17th of
March is
St. Patrick’s
Day. The
first St.
Day Parade
was held
17, 1783 in Dublin (of course).
Interestingly the celebration
appealed to both the Roman
Catholic and Irish Protestants in
Ireland. One of the big reasons
to celebrate the holiday was it
was made an official “feast day”
which permitted lifting the Lenten
restriction of eating and drinking
alcohol. St. Patrick’s Day is not a
legal holiday in the U.S. but it is well
celebrated with a mix of displays of
the color green, feasting, drinking
of alcohol, numerous parades and
religious observances.
According to legend, St. Patrick
drove what reptile from Ireland?
Snakes. Ireland never had snakes
cause they don’t like the cold and,
oh yeah, they can’t swim well. By
the way, there are also no snakes in
New Zealand and Hawaii.
What sugary breakfast cereal
features a dancing leprechaun
who claims his cereal is “magically
delicious?” Lucky Charms.
What are the colors in the Irish flag?
Green, white and orange. The green
represents the Gaelic tradition of
Ireland; the orange represents the
followers of William of Orange;
and the white represents the truce
between the two.
Name a college sports team with
the name “Irish” in it. Fighting Irish
(Notre Dame) The team had also
been given the nicknames “Rovers”
and “Ramblers.” “Fighting Irish”
became the official name in 1927.
Where is the biggest St. Patrick’s
Day Parade in the world? New
York. 150,000 marchers travel the
1.5 mile parade route in New York
City. 20 major cities in the U.S. have
parades on St. Patrick’s Day.
What does “Erin Go Braugh”
mean? Ireland forever.
What is the name of the Irish
Gryffindor student in the Harry
Potter series? (Hint: He attends the
Yule Ball with Lavender Brown).
Seamus Finnigan.
What happens when you “Kiss
the blarney stone?” The gift of
eloquence or skill at flattery.
Almost 25% of people from what
state are descended from Irish
immigrants? Massachusetts.
What happens to a leprechaun if
you look away? The leprechaun will
Several sports teams adopt special
St. Patrick’s Day jerseys. These
teams include in baseball, the Los
Angeles Dodgers, Detroit Tigers
and Philadelphia Phillies (all done
during spring training). Basketball
teams that have “third” jerseys
exclusively for St. Patrick’s Day
include the Boston Celtics, Chicago
Bulls, Toronto Raptors and the New
York Knicks.
What it means to be Irish:
You will never play professional
At least one of your cousins is a
firefighter, cop, bar owner, funeral
home owner or holds political
You think you sing very well.
You have no idea how to make a
long story short.
Much of your childhood meals
were boiled.
You never hit your head on the
You’re strangely poetic after a few
You will be punched for no good
reason…a lot.
Many of your sisters and/or
cousins are named Mary, Catherine
or Eileen. At least one is named
Mary Catherine Eileen.
Someone in your family is
incredibly cheap. It is more likely
1. You may not know the
words but that won’t stop you from
2. There is not a huge
difference between your last Wake
and your last keg party.
And finally, why did God invent
whiskey? To keep the Irish from
ruling the world. So, from the
15% or so representing my Irish
Ancestry, Happy St. Patty’s Day.
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