Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 14, 2012
Former Mayors Gary Kovacic and
John Wuo Win Arcadia Election
Election Results (All)
Gary Kovacic-3769
John Wuo-2716
Mary Doughtery-2109
Sho Tay-1806
Henry Nunez 806
City Clerk-Gary Glasco-3321 (unchallenged)
Measure D Passed:
Motel/hotel tax- Extends period from 30 to 90 days that people are taxed/ Funds will go to
City's General Funds.
Transportation Deputy Michael Cano Gives
Update and Supervisor Antonovich Stands
Alone By Joan Schmidt
At a
recent Arcadia
Chamber of
Forum meeting,
Michael Cano,
Deputy from
office gave much
began with the
210 Freeway and
the presence of
so many trucks.
Prior to the
extension of the
210 to the 15
Freeway, the 10
Freeway had the
most traffic. He pointed out how the 5 and 15 Freeways are the major routes going north and south
and the 210 now connects them. There also was mention of building a connector road from the
Palmdale/Lancaster area and also utilizing air service out there.
There has been an environmental study of a Regional Connector. The goal would be to
construct a light rail connector in downtown Los Angeles that would directly link the tracks of the
Metro Gold Line light rail system with the Metro Blue Line and future Metro Expo line. If this is
accomplished, I am sure more people would utilize the rail system. To find out more details please go
on line and type in “Regional Connector”.
The subject of who controls Ontario Airport was brought up. I had no idea that the City of Los
Angeles controls it. That is why there are higher fees. Everyone, especially the City of Ontario, wants
the City to control the Airport.. Several Chambers of Commerce in our local cities have formally
supported this action.
Supervisor Antonovich would also like to see the Gold Line extended out to Claremont and
Ontario Airports. Federal funds are being sought.
Besides Michael Cano, other representatives gave updates. Hovanes Gasparian shared a list of
bills that Assemblyman Portantino has initiated. Key bills include AB 1527-Firearms, AB 1682-Rape/
Statute of Limitations, SB 1089 (With Senator Lui)- Boot Camp and AB 1956 Tattoo Removal.
Field Deputy Briand Mejia reported that the Board of Supervisors approved a plan allowing
some parolees and probationers the first chance at Section 8 vouchers for federal housings. The
rule seeks to aid low-level offenders and was intended to help reduce chronic homelessness, but it’s
giving ex-prisoners priority over thousands of non-offenders who are awaiting government housing
Emilio Salas, Los Angeles County housing authority’s chief director feels this will get
“homeless off the streets”.
However Supervisor Mike Antonovich, the ONLY one of the five supervisor to do so, voted AGAINST
this! “With a waiting list in the thousands for Section 8 vouchers, it is irresponsible for convicted
felons to leap ahead of law-abiding citizens who have patiently waited for years for housing. This
deplorable policy sends the wrong message-commit a crime, receive Section 8 housing.”
Here is another example of Supervisor Antonovich looking out for his constituents. I greatly admire
this man because he looks out for everyone from Senior citizens down to young children. He is a
true patriot with a love of our country as shown by his annual Veterans Fair scheduled for May 26 at
Arcadia County Park. I hope to see him and thank him for looking out for all of us.
Arcadia Police Blotter
For the period of Sunday, April 1st, through Saturday, April 7th, the Police Department responded to
980 calls for service of which 120 required formal investigations. The following is a summary report of
the major incidents handled by the Department during this period.
Sunday, April 1:
1. Around 5:38 p.m., an officer responded to JCPenney at the Santa Anita Mall, 400 South Baldwin
Avenue, in regards to a theft report. A juvenile suspect concealed merchandise inside his sweatshirt, and
exited the store without making payment. The 15-year-old Hispanic male was arrested and transported
to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. A records check revealed the juvenile had run away from a youth
center and was reported missing by the Baldwin Park Police Department. He was later released to the
Department of Child and Family Services.
2. At approximately 10:22 p.m., officers responded to Bar Louie, 400 South Baldwin
Avenue, regarding two male subjects refusing to leave the location. Officers discovered the suspects were
intoxicated and unable to care for themselves. One suspect also exposed himself to patrons, including
children. The 25-year-old Hispanic males were arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for
Monday, April 2:
3. At about 2:33 a.m., an officer was dispatched to the 000 block of West Arthur Avenue regarding
a burglary report. The victim returned home and discovered several items missing, including cash and
electronics. One resident believed she may have left a rear door unlocked. No one saw or heard anything
4. Shortly after 4:00 p.m., an officer responded to the UPS Store, 713 West Duarte Road, in regards
to a burglary report. The manager discovered unknown suspect(s) stole a bag of cash from an unsecured
filing cabinet. No signs of forced entry were located and the manager was not sure if he activated the
Tuesday, April 3:
5. At about 11:06 a.m., an officer responded to Foothill Boulevard and Baldwin Avenue regarding
a hit-and-run traffic accident. While the victim was yielding to make a left turn, a driver sideswiped her
vehicle and fled the scene. The vehicle is described as a white box style truck. No injuries were reported.
6. At approximately 2:30 p.m., an officer conducted an enforcement stop on a white Expedition
for an illegal turn, on Huntington Drive at Centennial Way. The driver was observed turning left from
the number two lane. An investigation revealed the 45-year-old Hispanic female was never issued a
license. She was cited and released in the field, and her vehicle was impounded for 30 days.
Wednesday, April 4:
7. Around 10:35 a.m., officers were dispatched to Right Start Mortgage, 130 East Huntington
Drive, in regards to a vandalism report. A juvenile male climbed onto the building and jumped onto the
hood of an employee’s car, causing significant damage. An investigation revealed the juvenile and his
friend thought it would be funny to video record the incident so they could post it on Facebook. The two
13-year-old White males were cited and released to their parents.
8. At approximately 3:38 p.m., an officer pursued a black Ford Mustang with three occupants in
the area of First Avenue and Duarte Road, which he discovered was reported stolen out of Monrovia.
The suspects exited the vehicle and led the officer on a foot pursuit through a strip mall near Duarte
Road and Santa Anita Avenue. Shortly after, they were located in an office building parking lot, 16
Campus Drive, where they were taken into custody without incident. An investigation revealed the
driver, a 26-year-old Hispanic male, was on felony probation and had a suspended license. The 18-year-
old Hispanic male passenger was also on felony probation and had an outstanding misdemeanor
warrant, and the 28-year-old Hispanic female passenger was found to be a parolee-at-large.
Thursday, April 5:
9. Shortly after 3:27 a.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop on a Honda for tinted windows, on
Santa Anita Avenue at Wistaria Avenue. The officer noticed several spray paint cans in the back seat
of the vehicle and recovered spray paint can tips and gloves on the driver and passenger’s person. The
19-year-old Hispanic male and 18-year-old White male were arrested for Possession of Vandalism
Tools, and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
10. At about 6:06 p.m., an officer responded to the Arcadia Police Department front counter
regarding an identity theft investigation. The victim discovered his social security number had been
used by an unknown suspect to file a 2011 Tax Return. The victim has no idea how his information
was compromised and is desirous of prosecution.
Friday, April 6:
11. Around 1:30 p.m., an employee at CVS, 188 East Live Oak Avenue, observed a female subject
conceal make up brushes inside a black purse and exit the store without making payment. The suspect
is described as Hispanic, between 30 to 35-years-old, 5’6” tall, 200 lbs., with dark hair with blonde
highlights, wearing a dark jacket, brown shirt, and black pants. She suspect was recorded on video
surveillance and can be recognized if seen again.
12. At approximately 3:30 p.m., officers were traveling westbound on Huntington Drive, west of
Santa Anita Avenue, when they discovered a vehicle with expired registration. The driver explained the
vehicle did not belong to her. A records check revealed she had an expired license and no insurance.
She was cited and released in the field, and the vehicle was left legally parked.
Saturday, April 7:
13. At roughly 4:05 p.m., an officer was dispatched to Sport Chalet at the Santa Anita Mall, 400
South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a theft report. A male juvenile was observed concealing an air soft
gun and air soft ammunition inside his backpack, and exited the store without making payment. A
search of his person revealed he was in possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. The 12-year-
old Asian male was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. He was later released
to his mother.
14. Around 7:13 p.m., a male subject was observed removing cash from a cash register at
Nordstrom at the Santa Anita Mall, 400 South Baldwin Avenue. An investigation revealed the
suspect was a former employee previously terminated for theft, who used an unknown employee’s
identification number to open the register. The 60-year-old White male was arrested and transported
to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
The City of Arcadia Recreation & Community Services Department in conjunction with the
Arcadia Rotary Club is hosting the annual Rotary Salute to Seniors luncheon on Tuesday,
May 8th from 11:30am-1:30pm at the Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Drive.
Jack Lamp has been selected by the Senior Citizen Commission to be the 2012 City of
Arcadia Senior Citizen of the year and will be recognized at the luncheon by the Mayor and
the Rotary Club for his extensive volunteer commitment to the community.
There are still tickets available for the luncheon and may be purchased at the Community
Center. The cost is $4 per person. For more information, please call Arcadia Senior Services
at 626.574.5130.
The City of Arcadia Recreation & Community Services Department – Senior Services
Division spring registration has begun for adults (50 years of age and older). The course
offerings include yoga, yogalates, strength training, line dancing, kinetic tai chi, zumba
gold, balance and mobility, oil & watercolor painting and aerobics. Courses are offered
at the Community Center, 365 Campus Drive AND the new gymnasium located at Dana
Middle School, 1401 S. First Avenue.
For specifics on class dates, times and locations, please contact Arcadia Senior Services at
626.574.5130 or log onto the City of Arcadia Website at ci.arcadia.ca.us.
The City of Arcadia Recreation and Community Services Department is excited to announce
a spring session of cooking classes for tots (ages 4-6) and youth (ages 7-12) taught by Jan
Sayvongsa, a Graduate of Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts. The Cooking for Tots
offers hands on basic cooking for younger children. The Fun with Cooking for youth
teaches kitchen basics, table setting, manners and shopping tips as well as cooking simple
meals and snacks.
Both the Cooking for Tots and Fun with Cooking classes are held once a week on Mondays,
Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays (no Monday class on May 28th) starting April 9th for
5 weeks at a cost of $30. A $30 materials cash fee for food prepared during the class series
must be paid at the first class meeting. Children need to bring an apron and a container to
each class. Tot class times are from 4-5pm and Youth class times are from 5:15-6:45pm.
All classes will take place in the kitchen at the Community Center, 365 Campus Drive,
Arcadia, CA 91007. For more information please call 626.574.5113.
Come and learn how to cook quick, easy and delicious 3-course meals with Jan Sayvongsa,
a Graduate of Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts. Every week will be an adventure
for your taste buds. Enhance your knife skills and perfect all the cooking techniques. This
class is for all skill levels of cooks! Classes are held once a week and start the week of April
9th. The fee is $50 for five weeks plus $50 for materials. Classes are held in the Arcadia
Community Center Kitchen, 365 Campus Drive, Arcadia 91007.
You can register now on-line, by mail or in person! For specific times, location, fees and to
download the registration form go on-line to the City of Arcadia’s website: ci.arcadia.ca.us
or stop by the office, 375 Campus Drive.
For more information please call 626.574.5113!