Mountain Views News Saturday, April 14, 2012
Mountain Views News Saturday, April 14, 2012
Last year, during a Youth Tobacco Purchase Survey in Duarte, three of the 23 local
tobacco retailers were willing to sell cigarettes to minors under 18 years old. The City of
Duarte can and should address this problem to protect the health of its children.
The American Lung Association in California (ALAC) recently released the 2012 State of
Tobacco Control grades for cities throughout California. Duarte has not updated its tobacco
control laws since 1995 and again, received an “F”, according to the ALAC methodology.
Reducing youth access to tobacco sales is a major concern. Many jurisdictions in California
(86 in Los Angeles County) have addressed this concern by adopting local tobacco retailer
licensing programs. A tobacco retail licensing (TRL) program is neither a punishment for
tobacco retailers nor a duplication of tobacco laws that already exist. Rather, local TRL’s
and enforcement have been proven to be the most effective policy at reducing illegal tobacco
sales to minors by merchants.
There are state laws on the books that make it illegal to sell tobacco products to minors;
however, retailers continue to sell tobacco to kids at alarming rates. The statewide STAKE
ACT (Stop Tobacco Access to Kids) enforcement program is under funded. The STAKE ACT
program conducts compliance checks at only 8 percent of the estimated tobacco retailers
in California each year. The great majority of tobacco retailers encounter no enforcement
when it comes to laws prohibiting illegal sales to youth, yet enforcement has shown to be the
most significant factor in changing retailer behavior.
From the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service in a report to Congress:
“Studies indicate that retailer compliance is higher when there is active enforcement of youth
access laws (i.e., unannounced compliance checks, and penalties for retailers caught selling to
minors). Studies conducted in California and New York reported that enforcement led
to significant reductions in sales to minors whereas education alone decreased sales only
Keeping tobacco out of the hands of our children is a responsibility of local stores and
shops that sell tobacco. Right now in Duarte, children are buying cigarettes from retailers,
and it’s time for that to stop. As a community, we must do all we can to help prevent future
generations from getting addicted to tobacco and suffering from tobacco-related disease.
For more information, contact: Guadulesa Rivera, Glendale Adventist Medical Center
Community Services, Tobacco Control Program at GuadulE1@ah.org
This Week In Monrovia
The Monrovia Fire Department received approval from the Los Angeles County Emergency
Medical Services Agency (EMSA) to begin the delivery of Continuous Positive
Airway Pressure (CPAP), a medical procedure for patients suffering moderate to severe
respiratory distress. This approval allows the department to purchase new equipment and
provide a higher level of care to specific patients.
This new procedure has been shown to have a dramatic positive impact on survivability
and recovery of patients suffering asthma attacks, congestive heart failure and other respiratory
ailments. Each Paramedic and Emergency Medical Technician has been taught
the signs and symptoms of patients that meet CPAP and specialized equipment has been
ordered that will be carried on all of the Paramedic units.
By the end of this month it is expected that the Fire Department will be ready to use
CPAP for all patients having moderate to severe trouble breathing. Given this approved
medical protocol, we anticipate improvements to the exceptional level of care rendered by
the Monrovia Paramedics.
Sunday, April 21, 9:30 a.m. Smart Gardening Workshop, Recreation Park
Friday, April 27, 5-9 pm Chamber Business Showcase, 700 Block of Myrtle Avenue
Sunday, April 29, 2 p.m. Cinco de Mayo Celebration, Old Town
Tuesday, May 1, 7:30 p.m. City Council Meeting
Tuesday, May 15, 7:30 p.m. City Council Meeting
Teen volunteers who participated in the Youth Tobacco Purchase Survey
-Sunday, April 29 in Old Town Monrovia -
The Monrovia Cinco de Mayo Association will host its signature event, Monrovia Cinco de Mayo
Cultural Art and Music Festival Sunday, April 29 from 12 pm until 9 pm on Myrtle Avenue in Old
Town Monrovia. This free, all-ages Old Town street festival features musical performances from
popular local and international artists, a children’s area, over 100 booths featuring local artists, a
canned food drive benefiting the Foothill Unity Center, and more.
Over 15,000 people are expected to attend the second year celebration. Monrovia will join over 100
US cities celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Puebla.
The all-day festival kicks-off with ballet Folklorico and traditional Oaxacan calenda dance performances.
Followed by musical renderings by La Santa Cecilia, whose unique sound blends Pan-
American rhythms like cumbia, bossa nova, rumba, and tango with modern rock and jazz. The
fiesta continues at the children’s stage where circus clowns, a bubble and exotic animal show and
more await kids partaking in the festivities. Attendees will also be treated to Monrovia’s own Delgado
Brothers performing their Latin infused blues and have the opportunity to savor many flavors
of Mexican cuisine from local area favorite, Rudy’s Mexican Food as well as other delicious cuisine
from participating restaurants.
The cultural and arts festival will also include performances from Juan Carlos Quintero, Los Dominantes
and Potro Norteno. The celebration will culminate with a very special performance from
ranchera Mexican crooner Hector Dominguez and Los Caporales de Santos Beccerra belting out
heartfelt ballads and classics.
“The Monrovia Cinco De Mayo Cultural Art and Music Festival in 2011 began as a way to showcase
local talent, build community, and celebrate the many historic contributions Mexican Americans
and all Hispanics have made to this great country. I am thrilled at the amazing response the event
garnered last year and am excited to continue and expand this wonderful cultural celebration," said
Rutilio Castrellon, President of the Monrovia Cinco de Mayo Association.
In addition, the Monrovia Cinco de Mayo Cultural Art and Music Festival will involve a philanthropic
aspect to the celebration. With the events strong ties to the community a can food drive will
take place at the event to benefit the Foothill Unity Center. The Foothill Unity Center provides food,
crisis assistance and access to health care resources to San Gabriel Valley families. All services are
free. Last year, the Foothill Unity Center helped over 12,000 families.
The public is encouraged to bring canned foods to the event. The goal is to collect over 5,000
canned goods and non-perishable food items at the event.
The second year, Monrovia Cinco de Mayo Cultural Art and Music Festival is a high-spirited affair
that celebrates community, music, and philanthropy. The focus of Monrovia’s Cinco de Mayo
Celebration is to bring the community together for a fun-filled, family event while celebrating the
beauty and rich-history of the city.
For more information on the Monrovia Cinco de Mayo Cultural Arts and Music Festival, please
visit www.monrovia5demayo.org.
Monrovia Police Blotter
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 430 service events, resulting in 76
investigations. To see a complete listing of crimes reported, go to http://www.crimemapping.com/
map/ca/monrovia for crime mapping. For Police Department news and information, visit our website
at www.monroviapd.org and follow us on twitter for police notifications.
April 5 at 2:14 p.m., a robbery was reported in the 1600 block of South Mountain. A female victim
went to a business parking lot to meet a subject she contacted on Craigslist. The victim was purchasing
a brand new iPhone from the suspect. The suspect approached the victim, who was standing
outside her vehicle, and handed her a box. As she inspected the box, the suspect grabbed her money
from the front pocket of her sweatshirt, and the force caused her to fall backwards. The suspect fled
with the money, running north towards Evergreen. He was described as a male White, 30 years old,
6’0”, 180 pounds, black spiked hair, wearing a grey sweatshirt. Investigation continuing.
Residential Burglary
April 5 at 5:42 p.m., a resident in the 100 block of Mountain reported that someone had broken into
their home. The suspect entered the location through a front window and ransacked the home, taking
jewelry, a safe, and other miscellaneous items. A neighbor saw a possible suspect on the property. The
suspect is described as a male Hispanic or Filipino, 25 years old, 5’5”, thin build, wearing glasses, a tan
sweater and blue jeans. The suspect was driving a white, 2 door, older model Acura, with pink primer
around the doors and a black paper license plate with the word “power” written on it. Investigation
Vehicle Burglary
April 5 at 5:54 p.m., a vehicle burglary was reported in the 300 block of South Canyon. The victim
parked her vehicle on the street at 7:30 p.m. and returned to her vehicle the next morning at 9:00 a.m.
There were no signs of forced entry, and the victim did not realize a seat was missing from the vehicle
until 5:00 p.m. that day. She then reported the burglary to police. Investigation continuing.
Vehicle Burglary
April 6 at 10:48 a.m., a vehicle was reported burglarized in the 1800 block of Sixth Avenue. The vehicle
was parked in the street in front of a residence at 1:00 a.m. and locked. The victim returned to
vehicle 10:30 a.m. and found the passenger door unlocked. The glove compartment was ransacked
and her purse was taken from the trunk. The investigation is continuing.
Brandishing a Handgun in a Threatening Manner - Suspects Arrested
April 8 at 7:00 p.m., officers were dispatched to a residence in the 100 block of Los Angeles Street
regarding a suspect that drove by in a black Nissan Altima, brandishing a handgun in a threatening
manner. The Foothill Air Support Team helicopter was monitoring the radio frequency and located
the suspect vehicle. The helicopter directed responding units to the vehicle and it was stopped at Ivy
and Cypress. The victim positively identified the vehicle and the driver, as the suspect, but she did not
desire prosecution. The vehicle was searched, but the gun was not located. The driver was unlicensed
and did not have valid identification. He was arrested and later released upon verifying his identity. A
passenger was arrested for violation of Monrovia’s gang injunction and was taken into custody. Two
other occupants in the vehicle were identified and released.
Grand Theft Auto
April 11 at 3:12 a.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the driveway of a residence in the 1700 block
of Encino. The incident occurred sometime between 10:30 p.m. and 3:00 a.m. The vehicle is a burgundy,
four-door,1993 Toyota Camry. Investigation continuing.
Possession of Narcotics / Burglary Tools - Suspect Arrested
April 12 at 3:53 a.m., an officer observed a suspicious vehicle in the area of Eighth and Duarte. The
vehicle made some evasive moves and then suddenly stopped on Tenth, south of Duarte. The driver
jumped out of the vehicle and threw something, which was later found to be methamphetamine. The
suspect was detained and a search of the vehicle revealed burglary tools and a sack of pistol ammunition.
The suspect, a known gang member, was arrested without further incident.