Mountain Views News Saturday, April 28, 2012
President Obama,
First Lady Honored
for Leadership
to End Veteran
By National Coalition for Homeless
PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The National
Coalition for Homeless Veterans
has announced that President Barack
Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama
have been selected as recipients of the
2012 Jerald Washington Memorial
Founders' Award, the highest honor bestowed
by the nation's homeless veteran
assistance community.
President Obama is the first person to receive the
award more than once. He was honored in 2009
as the first president in U.S. history to make ending
veteran homelessness a priority of his administration.
Within months of that event, Secretary
of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki announced the
"Five-Year Plan to End Veteran Homelessness," an
ambitious initiative to ensure veterans in crisis will
never again be left to fend for themselves on the
By June 2010, every member of the president's
cabinet had signed onto "Opening Doors: Federal
Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness,"
the nation's first comprehensive blueprint for
multi-agency cooperation to end all homelessness
in America. That historic document incorporated
Secretary Shinseki's Five-Year Plan, which calls for
increased access to housing, health care, income
supports and homelessness prevention assistance
for veterans and their families.
"Since the announcement of the Five-Year Plan,
President Obama has consistently demonstrated
his commitment to ending veteran homelessness
in his budget requests to Congress," said Patrick
Ryan, Chairman of the NCHV Board of Directors.
"His budget submission for FY 2013 brings
the nation to within reach of that goal. Secretary
Shinseki and Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) Secretary Shaun Donovan
have dramatically improved the systems in place
to help veterans in crisis; and the steady decrease
in the number of homeless veterans since 2009 is a
testament to the president's leadership."
According to the most recent Annual Homelessness
Assessment Report to Congress (December
2011), there were 67,495 homeless veterans on
a single night in January 2011. That represents a
decline of more than 56% since the president was
sworn into office.
"By any account, a tremendous achievement," said
John Driscoll, NCHV President and CEO. "And
we're not yet at the midway point of the Five-
Year Plan. The president's FY 2013 budget request
would bring the number of HUD-VA Supportive
Housing (HUD-VASH) vouchers to 60,000,
the number needed to end chronic homelessness
among veterans with serious mental illness and
other disabilities."
It would also triple the amount of funding to help
at-risk veteran families avoid homelessness, and
provide rapid rehousing assistance for veterans
working their way out of homelessness. For the
second straight year, President Obama's budget
request provides record funding for the VA Grant
and Per Diem Program, which provides transitional
housing, health services, employment preparation
and job placement assistance to more than
30,000 homeless veterans each year through local
integrated service delivery systems.
"Under the leadership of President Obama, we are
witnessing unprecedented national unity in the
campaign to end and prevent veteran homelessness,"
Ryan said. "The progress we have seen from
the federal agencies, the Congress, the community
partners NCHV represents, and the American
people in just the last three years give rise to the
expectation that this campaign will succeed."
First Lady Michelle Obama is being honored for
exemplary leadership in launching Joining Forces,
a national campaign to ensure military and veteran
families receive the support they have earned
and need to fully enjoy the peace and prosperity
they served to protect. Thousands of local service
providers, businesses, faith partners, colleges and
universities, military bases, veteran service organizations
and volunteers have answered the call,
providing affordable housing, employment services,
job placement assistance and access to family
health care in communities across the nation.
During the first year of Joining Forces, more than
50,000 military spouses and veterans have entered
employment. More than 1,600 companies have
joined the campaign with a promise to hire another
160,000. Fourteen states have passed legislation
accepting licenses from other states for military
spouses who are required to relocate, and another
13 have proposed similar legislation.
The campaign will connect veterans with community
health centers in areas that are under-served
by the VA, particularly in rural areas. More than
150 medical schools, 500 nursing schools and 80
physician assistant programs have signed on to
provide quality care to veteran families, with special
training to care for those who have experienced
traumatic brain injury (TBI) and post-traumatic
stress disorder (PTSD). This initiative will
empower about three million health professionals
to better serve veterans returning from the wars in
Iraq and Afghanistan.
"The immediate impact of Joining Forces is remarkable,"
Driscoll said. "This really is where
homelessness prevention begins. Local communities
of care – involving businesses, the faith community,
local government, community service
providers, informed citizens, veterans and volunteers
– can help veteran families before their hardships
become too great to bear.
"In most cases, access to affordable housing, employment
at a livable wage, and health services
greatly reduce a family's risk of becoming homeless.
Joining Forces is helping communities learn
how to anticipate the need for and provide these
critical supports."
For more information about the National Coalition
for Homeless Veterans and our mission to
end homelessness among veterans, visit our website
at www.nchv.org.
The latest on Business News, Trends and Techniques
By La Quetta M. Shamblee,
Have an idea for a product or service and you think someone might be willing to pay for it?
For anyone serious about moving an idea into the marketplace, it is necessary to learn how
to plan and package the idea into a system that makes it convenient for people to purchase.
Individuals with knowledge and experience in certain areas of expertise are often unaware
they may be sitting atop a gold mine of opportunity. Anyone who has found themselves
watching television in the wee hours of the morning is familiar with the entrée of infomercials
that promote different ways to earn money. Some of these companies are making millions of
dollars selling some type of how to make money system.
This industry has evolved from the days when cassette tapes and VHS cartridges generated
millions for Jane Fonda’s original best-selling “Workout” book and videotape in 1982 that
sold over 17 million copies. Three decades later, Workout is still for sale, now on DVD. The
success of this program paved a wide road for a list of best selling exercise programs that have
created hundreds of millionaire in the fitness industry.
From buying and selling foreclosed real estate to learning creative stock investment strategies,
there are hundreds of goods and services across many industries. Many are designed to teach
the buyer how to use it to make money. Certainly, the individuals who own and promote
the products are the ones positioned to make the most money. For them, it’s a business, and
like any other business, if they provide a quality product that is backed by a strong marketing
program and good customer service, they will reap the financial rewards.
Thousands of people will descend upon the Hilton Bay Front Hotel in San Diego from
May 15-17 to share and learn the ins-and-outs of the industry that is largely defined by
infomercials. However, the most popular infomercials represent a very small sampling of new
and established companies that have continued to thrive throughout the recent recession.
Apparently, these companies are onto something that works.
“Response Expo 2012: The Ultimate Direct Response Marketing Expo” is an annual
convention that brings the top sellers of top products to one venue to share strategies and
techniques that have made them very wealthy. The event features a number of workshops,
exhibits and opportunities to network and learn from the best in the business.
“Timing is everything,” may be the most important message for those with ideas that are just
waiting to be brought to life. This annual convention is a timely opportunity to learn the
basics needed to position your great idea as one of the potential new best-selling packages in
the direct response industry, online, on television or both.
Arcadia Association of Realtors announces
that a sponsored bill that prevents banks
from foreclosing after agreeing to a short sale
scheduled for hearing next week
ARCADIA (April 26) – According to the Arcadia Association of Realtors® (A.A.R.) a bill that
will allow homeowners who face losing their home yet have negotiated a short sale in good
faith with their lender or servicer are not forced to go through foreclosure. This bill is sponsored
by the California Association of Realtors® (C.A.R.) and is yet another move to protect
struggling California homeowners.
Assembly Bill 1745 (Torres, D-Pomona) prevents lenders or servicers that have agreed to a
“short sale” from foreclosing on a home. For any number of reasons (e.g., sickness, job loss,
etc.), a homeowner may be unable to continue making his or her monthly mortgage payment.
Rather than go through a lengthy and stressful foreclosure process, the homeowner
will attempt to negotiate a “short” sale with the lender in which the lender agrees to accept
less than the amount owed by the homeowner.
“This is a huge step in helping our homeowners salvage their home and keep them from
being foreclosed upon after an agreement with their lending institution has already been
made” says 2012 A.A.R. President, Ryan Asao.
Foreclosures and short sales are usually handled by two different departments within banks.
Unfortunately, these two departments often do not communicate with each other, which can
frequently result in a homeowner being foreclosed upon, despite having previously negotiated
a short sale with the same bank.
AB 1745 will likely result in banks implementing a dual tracking system to prevent foreclosing
upon homeowners with whom they have already negotiated a short sale. The measure is
scheduled for hearing on April 30 by the Assembly Banking and Finance Committee.
Representing local Realtors® in the San Gabriel Valley for 88 years, the ARCADIA ASSOCIATION
OF REALTORS® (www.TheAAR.com) is one of the oldest trade organizations in
CA. The AAR is dedicated to the advancement of professionalism in real estate and is an
advocate for private property rights. A.A.R. is headquartered in Arcadia.