Mountain Views News Saturday, November 3, 2012
I can’t think of a single friend or neighbor of mine here in Sierra
Madre who doesn’t look forward to spending time trekking
the trails, and checking out the birds and other local wildlife
while exploring the forest as a means of relaxation during their
evening and weekend time off. It seems for we foothill dwellers,
there is no better way to find quiet time away from the hustle
and bustle of city life than to head to the hills where the serenity
of nature can bring healing to our hard-working hearts. Even
people I know who are not what you’d call nature freaks admit
they would rather be surrounded by the calm vibrations of the
wilderness so readily accessible to us, than in any other place in
LA, including the beaches. It pleases me to know that so many
people appreciate nature and wildlife, but the people who invest
their ‘time off’ actually doing what needs to be done to preserve
those natural areas we all so enjoy, are the ones who impress me
the most.
The Arroyos & Foothills Conservancy is a fabulous network of
nature-loving citizens, dedicated to preserving the wild habitats
that some of us tend to take for granted, or are even completely
unaware of. The group was born out of the need to prevent the
development of foothill and arroyo natural areas that would
otherwise become part of what I call the “progressive pavement
process“. The La Vina estate development at the top of Lincoln
Ave. in north Pasadena was in part what prompted the Arroyos
& Foothills Conservancy to life. Unfortunately in spite of much
effort and intervention, that project did move forward and we
now see the results of what happens when an enormous natural
land mass with a healthy vital ecosystem is suddenly replaced
with human dwellings. I guess it’s a matter of perspective and
those immediately affected were unable to voice their opinion
in a language humans understand, because they are animals
and plants, however time tells the true story and in the long run
humans are also very much affected by the loss of wilderness
land space.
The Pasadena Audubon Society is a great group of people who
love the outdoors and not only enjoy, but thrive on observing
wildlife in it’s indigenous environment. Aside from their drive
to learn and share their knowledge about nature and it‘s habitat,
they are also self-appointed advocates of preservation for local
natural areas, so it came as no surprise that they teamed up
with Arroyos & Foothills Conservancy to help raise funds to
save 13 acres of threatened land in Altadena’s Millard Canyon.
The appropriately potentially protected property was relatively
recently purchased by an individual with the intention of
building private residential homes to market for sale but as it
turned out the buyer decided that it made more sense to sell
the property to the Conservancy, if they indeed could afford to
purchase it.
As a major part of the effort to procure and preserve the 13
acres of natural wilderness in Millard Canyon, Mickey Long, a
local resident and retired biologist/botanist who probably knows
more about LA’s natural areas than most, offered to orchestrate
a 12-week research study of bird species in the Millard Canyon
this past Spring. Remarkably, 16 of the most knowledgeable
local birders also volunteered to join in on the study, and the
results were quite astonishing. The research team was successful
in documenting 73 species of birds that either dwell and nest in,
or annually frequent the area all of which strongly depend on
the natural resources of the creek bed and the foliage it sustains.
The results of the study ended up being extremely instrumental
in gaining a government grant to help meet the $675,000 goal
necessary to purchase and preserve the property, however a huge
gap still remains to meet the goal even with the government
funds that were granted.
There are numerous reasons why Millard Canyon should be left
alone and allowed to remain as it is, versus being invaded and
developed for human residential consumption, but among the
most delicate issues is the fact that it is a common connection
between the hillside wilderness and the urban lowland sprawl
where most of us live. Whether we are aware or not, there are
very good reasons for nature to be allowed to thrive and survive
as it typically does absent of human intervention. Secondly,
Millard Canyon facilitates a major creek bed for the water
that runs off the hills and down through the arroyo, which is
essential to feeding the fauna that grows there, which in turn
feeds the amphibians and other small species of wildlife, which
ultimately feed the larger species of wildlife, all of which play a
major part in the process of nature simply taking it’s course and
ultimately keeping we humans healthy and happy. Without the
natural resources that are provided by that particular area, the
indigenous wildlife population would be expected to eventually
migrate to a lesser appropriate location, such a into the urban
areas, or potentially die out.
The latest and greatest of good news about Millard Canyon
came today, November 1 from John Howell Executive Director
of the Arroyos & Foothills Conservancy, who was very happy to
report that the financial deficit for saving those 13 acres from
potential destruction and urban development had dropped from
$40,000 down to $27, 350 since mid October, which presents a
promising hope for finally bridging the gap to save that area for
the sake of the wildlife and ourselves.
The Arroyos & Foothills Conservancy will meet
their deadline for purchasing the 13 threatened
acres in Millard Canyon on November 15, 2012.
Hopefully by then they will find themselves in
the position to celebrate and announce that
those gorgeous acres of natural space indeed
escaped the rape of the “progressive pavement
process” and will be allowed to remain as they
are; an healthy ecosystem where nature can to
take it‘s course.
If you would like to take part in saving the 13
threatened acres of natural space in Millard
Canyon, spread the word with others in your
community and visit the Arroyos & Foothills
Conservancy website at: arroyosfoothills.org to
make a tax deductible donation. In my opinion,
there is no better way to invest one’s energy than
to protect the environment that sustains them.
Happy Tails
by Chris Leclerc
Lending a Paw Therapy Dogs is sponsoring a Pet Food Drive to
support Foothill Unity Center’s Pet Food Bank as part of a pet
wedding celebration.
On Sunday, November 18 at 10:00
Arcadia Congregational United Church of Christ
2607 S. Santa Anita in Arcadia
Therapy Dogs Ms.Margaret Rose Cortland and
Mr. Sundance Kid Melle
Will celebrate their wedding vows to be officiated by
Rev. Dr. Jolene Cadenbach
Because the happy couple is aware of how the poor economy has
affected many pet owners’ ability to keep their pets, they are requesting
donations of dog and cat brand name dry food for the
Foothill Unity Center in lieu of wedding gifts; www.foothillunitycenter.
org. Donations by check (made out to the Foothill Unity
Center) or cash also will be accepted. There will be a donation
collection point at the wedding reception, or
contact Lending a Paw Therapy Dogs at 626-357-3575 to arrange
a pickup.
Foothill Unity Center serves the Foothill communities of the San
Gabriel Valley and is headquartered in Monrovia. The Pet Food
Bank helps people that would otherwise have to give up their pets
because they do not have the money to feed them. In the first
eight months of 2012, the Center has provided 671 unduplicated
families with pet food. Lending a Paw Therapy Dogs has established
a goal of at least 2000 pounds of pet food to be collected in
order to sustain this program through the Holidays.
In addition, Maggie and Sundance would be honored to have
you and your significant dog* attend the festivities. The reception
will be on the church grounds immediately following the
ceremony. The blessing of the animals will take place during the
reception. (*It is extremely important that your pet is on a leash,
friendly and have “church manners.” Clean up bags will be supplied
if needed.)
Please RSVP to either twokuute@gmail.com or Immelle@aol.
Our grateful thanks to this event’s generous supporters including:
wonder Dog Ranch, Karren’s Kritters (Pet Rescue), Voice Communications,
Cactus Communications, Happy Paws Dog
Grooming, and Monrovia Floral.
Meet the amazing and adorable Pumpkin (A4496749)! Pumpkin is a phenomenal one year
old brindle male Mastiff/Pit Bull mix puppy, found in La Puente and brought to the Baldwin
Park Animal Care Center on October 8th. Weighing sixty-eight pounds, Pumpkin walks
beautifully on the leash, sits on command and is undoubtedly housebroken. He seems to
like other dogs, and we think he is the perfect playmate for children. Gentle and very treat-
motivated, he is a staff favorite who scored an “A” on his temperament test. Pumpkin will be
an amazing indoor pet for an active individual or family living in a private home. To watch
a video of Pumpkin please visit this link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=rd6GYu1WxdM
To meet Pumpkin in person, please see him at the Baldwin Park lter, located at 4275 N.
Elton St., Baldwin Park, CA 91706 (Phone: 626-430-2378 or 626-962-3577). He is currently
available now. For any inquiries about Pumpkin, please reference his animal ID number:
A4496749. The shelter is open seven days a week, 12 pm-7 pm Monday-Thursday and
10am-5pm Friday-Sunday. This is a high-intake shelter with a great need for adoptions.
For more information about Pumpkin or the adoption process, please contact United Hope
for Animals Volunteer Adoption Coordinator Samantha at samanthasayon@gmail.com
or 661-309-2674. To learn more about United Hope for Animals’ partnership with the
Baldwin Park Shelter through its Shelter Support Program, as well as the many dogs of all breeds, ages, and sizes available for adoption in local
shelters, visit http://www.unitedhope4animals.org/about-us/shelter-support-program/.