Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, November 10, 2012

MVNews this week:  Page 10



 Mountain Views News Saturday, November 10, 2012 




Book Reviews by Jasmine Kelsey Williams 

Review By Sean Kayden


DOG BLOOD By David Moody 

‘Dog Blood’ is the second in Moody’s “Hater Trilogy” and 
picks up where ‘Hater’ left off. Copyrighted in 2010 and still 
receiving praise from Booklist and Publishers Weekly, ‘Dog 
Blood’ continues the dynamic story of Danny McCoyne 
and his mentality of “me against the world” after his transformation 
into a “Hater”. 

 What makes this sequel so compelling is that the story 
is not just told in Danny’s point of view, but also contains 
interludes that are told from the perspective from a member 
of Danny’s family who recounts his own life so far after 
the transformation of the “Haters”, and what remains of humanity. 
There is more to this story: one of the core points 
is that Danny is searching for his daughter, who in essence 
is also becomes like Danny in his “Hater” nature, and as 
a result is stronger, faster, and deadlier than previously 
thought. Danny is a changed man in this second story, but 
still holds some of his passive qualities when encountering 
others and only fights when he has to. Moody does a fantastic 
job preserving the flow of the first story into this next 
one, and the tone is immediately noticed. The connecting 
points of different perspectives plus the backstory of humanity and how it falls apart is what 
provides the central focus of ‘Dog Blood’ and is what keeps the reader engaged throughout 
the story without the theme being too rushed or lengthy. This is not meant for young readers, 
which means that this work by David Moody will provide a thrill and an adrenaline rush for 
those looking for something apocalyptic and adventurous. David Moody’s ‘Hater’ will not 
only provide just that, but also present a deeper look of what we as humans can become in 
our rawest state.

 Hugo Manuel’s Chad Valley isn’t quite the one-man show anymore with his 
debut LP. He has a number of guests contributing including romantic doom 
pop enthusiast, Twin Shadow. For what it is, “Young Hunger” is a silky smooth, 
tropical paradise of seductive beats that is carried by the warm vocals Manuel 
belts out. Far from perfect or even wildly innovative, Chad Valley’s takes cues and 
notes from previous generations to craft tightly produced material that is utterly danceable and blissful. 
“Young Hunger” benefits from its supporting players to give variety to the album since Manuel sounds 
exactly the same on each track. His real talent is the way he mixes his songs. They are considerably 
accessible which allows the listener to become instantly enthralled with. What evolves is the perfect 
balance of pop and electronic. Ultimately, Manuel has a keen sense of taking chances when you least 
expect it. “Young Hunger” won’t rock the boat and certainly isn’t going to blow you away, but the 
likability factor is huge and the fun, sweet vocals, and romanticism wrapped tightly around the record 
should delight fans and curious listeners. 

 With ten full length tracks and an interlude, the album clocks in over 42 minutes. It’s a good 
duration given the genre and especially since things 
start to sound too alike after awhile. The real treat 
is “Fathering/Mothering,” which features the vocals 
of Anne Lise Frøkedal. It’s a slow, methodical, and 
tranquil song that will subdue any negative thoughts 
you may have. That’s why Hugo Manuel is so damn 
good at what he does. His music is unbelievably 
soothing and lovely. While his lyrics aren’t anything 
to go bonkers over, they are still enjoyable and come 
across deeply personal at times. There is a subtle 
sweetness to “Young Hunger.” The first half of the record makes you want to bust a move on the dance 
floor, but the second half slows you down, puts away the worries for another day. Come to think about 
it, the record feels like two EPs that make up one LP since how both halves of the album take different 
directions. The second half of Chad Valley’s solid debut asks you to put aside any problems and concerns 
for a moment because you can always return to them but why not try to just let yourself go for just a bit. 
I can definitely roll with and in this day and age, who can’t? 

 For the genre it plays into it, Chad Valley is quite the magician. His song often cast spells on its 
listeners because your body is present, but mind travels somewhere else, somewhere better. On the title 
track, Manuel is at his undeniable best. The song is a spectacular showcase of tenderness and beauty 
found within polished beats. Somehow, this guy manages to move you in deeper way ever imaginable 
with the electronic sound—a genre that quite often expands to very shallow and inept musicians. 
Unfortunately, Manuel almost falls into this on the track, “My Girl,” where he inexplicably quotes a Spice 
Girls’ lyric for some odd reason. Other than that noticeable misstep, the guy is pretty legit as an artist. 
By the end of the record, Chad Valley does an admirable job with what he set out to do. With “Young 
Hunger,” Manuel covers additional ground than he probably should have since he could have benefited 
more by taking the shorter, more distinct route rather than weaving through the highways to finally 
reach his destination. Then again, at least he made it to the end. 

7.4 out of 10 

Key Tracks: “Tell All Your Friends”, “Fall 4 U”, “Young Hunger”, “Fathering/Mothering” 




(downward facing dog)

If you have not been to a yoga class yet, you are in for a treat. The pose everybody 
loves is downward facing dog. Just like it sounds, your paws are on 
the ground, you lift your tush up and face down. Dogs and cats do it every 
morning. Since the hands are at the top of your mat and the feet at the bottom, 
it stretches the back, chest, shoulders, and legs. At first, it's really hard. 
There may be too much pressure on your wrists, too much weight on your 
shoulders. We are not used to being upside down! We are not used to even 
touching the floor. 'Why am I here? How long do I have to stay here?' But then the most incredible 
thing happens - we wish we could do more down dog. We get to liking touching the earth. The stretch 
feels great. We get stronger, stronger in the back, stronger in the abs, shoulders and legs. Our bodies 
crave it, everyday. The rest of our activities get better; walking, running, cycling, hiking, it all gets 
stronger and we feel empowered.

In the yoga room we can use it at the beginning of class to warm up. Then after we get moving we use it 
to rest. Yes, we actually hope the next pose is DD, we tune our breath, spread the hands wider, feel the 
rib cage open and feel the spine lengthen and decompress. Research shows how much more productive 
we are at work if we do yoga. We are more focused, less reactive, we have more energy and miss less 
work. We are teaching to our kids yoga at school because we can see the benefits for learning and for 
learning challenges. What are you waiting for? 

So get your tail up in the air, turn your world upside down and see how happy and grounded it makes 

Namaste, Rene

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