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SIERRA MADRE’S FIRST 16U COLT DIVISION BANNER EVER - 2013 REGION CHAMPIONS! ..Page 7 SATURDAY, JULY 20, 2013 VOLUME 7 NO. 29 Inside this week: WALKING SIERRA MADRE…. The Social Side By Deanne Davis We Sierra Madre folk are a healthy bunch! We can be found day and night, crack of dawn till…for the radical fitness extremists… almost 9, walking, running, bicycling and, as Harvey Hyde (our former Mountain Views News Sports Guru) always said when we ran into him on his walk, usually with a phone glued to his ear, “gettin’ it done!” Walking ‘round town is actually quite a pleasant pursuit, checking out whose roses still look decent in spite of the water situation and the burning heat; whose lawn is just clinging to life (like ours); who’s painted their house; and whose sprinklers are watering the street. This particular item brings out the seven-year-old tattletale in me, you know: “I’m telling!” Well, I won’t name any names, but some schools and churches need to take a look at their sprinklers. The mornings lately have been cool and pleasant and, walking up Canon Drive into the canyon, we have spotted groups of three and four deer several times in the last week or so. It is such a delight to see these lovely creatures turn and look at us, then go back to nibbling, keeping one eye on us just to see if we’re going to turn into large, ravening wolves. We don’t, we just take their pictures. Walking downtown today, we admired the new STOP sign at the corner of Baldwin and Highland, which went up with astonishing speed and is probably going to be a real shock to a lot of drivers who whiz down Baldwin at a great rate (myself included)! We looked in the window at Mother Moo’s to see if she still has Rum Raisin ice cream! Woo hoo, she does! Noticing the yogurt place has cleaned all the posters off their front windows, which looks really nice now you can see inside. Seeing if P E Dean’s, that fabulous furniture resale store, has anything we can’t live without and, frequently, they do! Did you know that we have an amazing number of places here in town where you can do just about anything associated with fitness? There’s Sierra Health & Fitness on South Baldwin, Village Yoga on Sierra Madre Blvd.; there’s Curves right by P E Dean’s on Sierra Madre Blvd.; Body Shop Fitness on North Baldwin, which is a private fitness studio; Yoga Madre upstairs at 16 W. Sierra Madre, and even more! Most of these folks feature Pilates and just about everything you can think of to lengthen, strengthen and tone your bod! We had no idea! Also in the fitness realm, there’s our new G3 Academy of Martial Arts on Sierra Madre Blvd. where, in days of yore, Highlander Liquor used to be. Didn’t you love seeing all those kids in their martial arts uniforms in the July 4th parade! All learning life skills, discipline, and respect, in addition to balance, flexibility, coordination, fitness, focus and strength. Not bad at all! The Jacaranda trees are still blooming a little, the Crape Myrtle Trees are coming into bloom, the Pepper Tree in Kersting Court is looking great, we still haven’t tried out the wine tasting room at The Bottle Shop but it’s not going anywhere! If you haven’t taken a stroll around town lately, just to see what’s going on, you need to give it a try! Have a cup of coffee at Beantown or Starbucks, maybe a little breakfast at Corfu or Only Place in Town Café and see who’s out that you know. Hey, how about this Saturday?! PLANNING COMMISSION DENIES STONEGATE PERMITS; APPEAL FILED SIERRA MADRE Calendar Page 2 Sierra Madre News Page 3 PASADENA/ALTADENA Pg. 4 ????? AROUND SGV Pg. 5 ???? ARCADIA NEWS Pg. 6 ????? MONROVIA/DUARTE Pg. 6 EDUCATION & YOUTH Pg. 7 Region Champs BEST FRIENDS Pg. 8 Doggie TV?! In the ongoing struggle to complete the Stonegate Development (formerly known as 1 Carter), the developers recently filed an appeal of he Planning Commissions decision not to grant conditional use permits for three of the homes that are ready to proceed. At the June 20th meeting, the commission denied the applications on the basis that in general the size of the proposed residence was out of character for the project. According to staff reports, tn the instance of 638 Baldwin Court the proposed development “is inconsistent with Policy L12.1 because of the density of the development proposed.” Similar reasoning was used in denying permits for 630 Baldwin Court as well. For the latter, the Commission felt that the scope of what was proposed was not in complicance with the Hillside Management Zone. A Conditional Use Permit is required to insure that the proposed residences “which can be seen from the historic Macomber Cabin, Carter Barn and Willis Estate contrasts with the design of these structures.” An appeal has been filed with the City Council by the developer, CETT Investment Corporation of Rosemead, Ca. It will not be heard by the council, however until perhaps sometimes after the summer recess in September. CETT Investment Corporation owns 23 of the 28 lots in the development. Five are owned by individuals. To date, the most progress that has been made are the completion of the access roads, utilities and for the three before the council, some basic layout as shown in the photo above taken on Friday. This land, which begins at the intersection of Baldwin and Carter Avenues, has been a bone of contention in Sierra Madre for more than a decade, beginning with the attempt to build Maranatha High School on the property. After that attempt failed, the property was sold to another developer who proposed building 50 ‘McMansions’. After years of litigation, and Greg Galletly lost the property in foreclosure, an agreement was reached with the bank and the city on just what could be built on the property. The agreement prohibits building anything that conflicts with existing city codes, including the Hillside Management Zone. The settlement also reduced the number of units to 29 and the size to less than 4,000 sq. ft., 5 bedroom, 5 bath homes. S. Henderson/MVNews THE GOOD LIFE Pg. 9 Savvy Senior Senior Happenings BUSINESS Pg. 10 HEALTHY LIVING Pg. 11 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Pg. 12 Left Turn/Right Turn World Around Us ScienceNews Pg. 13 New 4-Way Stop Sign at Baldwin and Highland Avenues OPINION Pg. 14 LEGAL NOTICES Pg. 15 PUBLIC NOTICES Pg. 19 Time is running out! The Sierra Madre Honors Awards Dinner is the way of honoring the true treasures of Sierra Madre. To Nominate: Simply e-mail Dorothy Costello or drop off a short letter at City Hall listing qualifications of your nominee by 5:00 pm, Thursday August 1, 2013. The award categories are: George Mauer Lifetime Achievement Award - Awarded to a person / entity whose lifetime of service embodies the spirit of volunteerism Wistaria Award - Recognizes a City / Community partnership that assists with providing community-wide programs and services Police Chief’s Special Award - Presented for outstanding service and duty to the community Public Safety Award - Awarded for protecting and maintaining safety in the community Public Service Award - The Employee of the Year award Community Youth Service Award - Presented to a youth (under 18) for outstanding service Sierra Madre Honors Awards Nominations FYI Pg. 20 WILL THE FARMERS’ MARKET MOVE TO SUNDAYS IN KERSTING COURT? By Noah Green The Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce has teamed up with the company that runs the Sierra Madre farmer’s market, Raw Inspiration, Inc., in an effort to move the farmer’s market to Sundays in Kersting Court. The market’s current time and location on Wednesday afternoons on Hermosa Avenue next to Memorial Park has been an obstacle and an inconvenience to many customers who simply cannot get off of work in time to make it to the market. The location has also been a problem for the market vendors because of the general lack of foot traffic in the area. The Chamber believes that moving the market to Sundays in Kersting Court will benefit customers by providing them with a more convenient location with abundant parking. Attracting more customers will hopefully boost the vendors’ business. The Chamber also hopes that the new time and location will encourage market customers to patronize local businesses in and around Kersting Court, as well as enrich the town’s sense of community by providing residents with a central location where they can shop and mingle during the weekend. Thus far, the Chamber has received an overwhelmingly positive response to its initiative from the community. Indeed, the Chamber was able to get every business in the Kersting Court vicinity to sign a petition in support of the move. The decision as to whether the move will actually happen now lies with the City’s Community Services Commission. If you support moving the farmer’s market to Sundays in Kersting Court, please contact the Commission and let them know! For more information on the effort, contact Noah Green at 626-355-5111. www.facebook.com/ mountainviewsnews Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |