Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, March 22, 2014

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 22, 2014 

Sears to Stay Open as


HomeGoods Moves In 

 Nationwide, Seas has 


 Although Sears Holding closed 300 stores since 2010 
has closed hundreds of and another 500 stores are 

to Help 

stores nationwide, the expected to close sometime 

Pasadena location will stay in the near future. Sears 
Soon bright orange parking 


open, only to, spit part of Roebuck & Co merged with 
meters will dot the sidewalks 

the department store into Kmart in 2005, a deal worth 
of Pasadena —used as mini 

a second location that will $11 billion.
donation centers— as part 

house a new HomeGoods In Related Newsof an Art Center College 

home furnishing store. The outdoor clothing 
of Design project Real 

 HomeGoods, owned by retailer, Lands’ End, will spin 
Change Movement to help 

TJX Companies, has not off from Sears Holdings in 
homelessness. William 

officially announced a grand April allowing it to exist on 
Huang, Director of Housing, 

opening date for the new its own as a publicly traded 
City of Pasadena made the 

location in the 3800 block of company. Lands’ End will 

Council to Discuss Parklets on Colorado 

East Foothill Blvd. Signs out enter into a lease agreement 

announcement Wednesday.

 The city council is set District, the Playhouse to the staff report.

front say the store is opening to keep their products in 

 “There are ‘real changers’ in 

Monday night to discuss the District Association elected City staff also looked what 

soon. Sears stores.

Pasadena already.” He said. 

idea, first proposed by the to forward a configuration for types of uses could be done 

 “We’re not going anywhere,” Sears Holding also recently 

“Nonprofits and homeless 

Pasadena Playhouse District parking that would change such as, sidewalk dining, curb 

said an unnamed Sears spun off Orchard Supply 

service providers, the city—

Association, of putting the existing parallel parking use, etc., or if sponsorship 

employee. “They just put up Hardware, a majority of the 

but they need more people, 

“parklets,” a temporary to angled parking, which and/or advertising could be 

that wall, selling off part of assets, of which were sold to 

more businesses and more 

sidewalk extension into the would increase the supply of allowed.

the store to HomeGoods.”Lowe’s hardware. 

individuals to be a part of 

roadway, along Colorado curb parking in these blocks Possible funding could 

this to end homelessness in 

Blvd.even with space given over to come from the Playhouse 

Pasadena. This project is a 

 The plan calls for a series parklets.Parking Meter District Fund 

step in creating that.”

of parklets to be installed They also said, the change or Gas Tax, Transportation 

 The idea of using 

at select locations along to angled parking is the Sales Tax (Measure R) and/or 

repurposed parking meters 

Colorado Boulevard between second component of the the General Fund staff said.

came from students last 

Los Robles and Hudson initiative since it would The item is on the agenda 

fall in the Welcome Home 

Avenues. The plan also require reconfiguration of as presented for information 

studio class, “addressed 

calls to add reverse angled Colorado Boulevard from a only, the council will not 

homelessness in Pasadena 

parking.five-lane roadway to a three-take a vote, although public 

by designing a transmedia, 

 According to city staff the lane roadway to make room comment is allowed. 

public awareness campaign 

parklets would be temporary for the added dimension of 

in conjunction with City of 

platforms designed to city angled parking.

Pasadena leaders.”

standards and removable The Transportation 

 According to organizers, 

so as not to interfere with Department has been 

“Its three-pronged approach 

the Rose Parade. Since the evaluating the potential 

Join Mayor Bill Bogaard, 
community members, 
Pasadena residents, civic, 
business, student, and 
educational leaders and 
the Interfaith Community 
for the Pasadena 
Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast, 
Wednesday, April 30 from 
7 - 9 am at the Pasadena 
Convention Center. 
The keynote speaker is 
Elise Buik, President and 
CEO of United Way of 
Greater Los Angeles. 
Buik has been honored with 
the “Nonprofit CEO of the 
Year” award from the Los 
Angeles Business Journal, 
and the “Leadership Award” 
at the Peace Over Violence 
Annual Humanitarian 
Award Dinner. In addition, 
she is the first woman to 
head the United Way of 
Greater Los Angeles. 
Doors open 6:20 a.m. 
Program starts promptly at 
7 a.m. 
Convention Center is at 
300 E. Green Street. 
Purchase tickets online at 
For more information 
call Monday-Thursday 
41st Annual 
Sears to stay open

is comprised of: a public 

parklets would use curb effects of the proposed 

outreach and education 

parking space, which has angled parking on Colorado 

Celebrate One City, One Story

campaign, the installation 

traditionally been a scarce Boulevard using a traffic 

Teen Art Contest: forms are available online and 

of re-purposed parking 

commodity in the Playhouse simulation model according 

at all Pasadena library sites. 

meters, “donation stations” 

“Unlocking the Secret” 

Visit http://cityofpasadena.

(citywide), allowing 

 Teens are invited to submit a 

net/library/teens/ for more 


interested people to 

one frame illustration depicting 

information. The winning 

contribute their spare change 

an idea or scene inspired by Mr. 

entrant will receive full tuition 


and/or credit card donations 

Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore. 

for a 10-week class or 5-day 

Entries will be judged based on 

in productive ways, and 

workshop. See www.artcenter.

creativity, technical skill, and 

thirdly, the redirecting of 

to Speak 

edu/sat for details. This contest 

execution. Deadline to submit 

funds from panhandlers to 

is co-sponsored by Art Center 

is Monday, March 31. Contest 

College of Design. 
and job training programs. 

homeless service providers 

at PCC 

Gene Luen Yang, author of 

Informing the public 

Work to Close Lanes on

the “Avatar/ Airbender series,” 

that not all panhandlers 

will give a special presentation 

Rosemead Blvd Till May

are homeless, and not all 

Thursday in Harbeson Hall 
homeless are panhandlers, 

at Pasadena City College. Cultural Center, the Student 

Boulevard will be closed 

Yang is also the author of the Services Fund, the College 

is key.”

 Crews will be working to thru-traffic between 

award-winning graphic novel Diversity Initiative, and the 

 The meters are set to be 

on the underpass of the Colorado Boulevard and 

“American Born Chinese,” Asian Pacific Islander Visiting 

installed early this year in 

I-210 Freeway Bridge Foothill Boulevard for 

and the newest graphic novel Scholar Committee.

both Old Pasadena and 

over Rosemead Boulevard approximately two (2) weeks. 

“Boxers and Saints.” The event is free. The program 

along South Lake Avenue in 

between Colorado Boulevard The two left lanes along 

Gene Luen Yang’s presentation runs from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

the Playhouse District. 

is part of the annual Asian For more information, contact 

and Foothill Boulevard, southbound Rosemead 
Pacific Islander Visiting Scholar Dr. Tooktook Thongthiraj at 

as part of the 11.5-mile Boulevard will be temporarily 

(626) 585-3162 or Dr. Mikage 
Metro Gold Line Foothill closed to thru-traffic nightly 

program in honor of Asian 

Kuroki at (626) 585-3372. 

Pacific Heritage Month. It is 

Extension Light Rail Project. from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. the 

Pet of the 

sponsored by the PCC Cross-

During this work, Rosemead following morning. The 
Boulevard will have lane right lane on southbound 

Former U.S. Ambassador


closures at night and early Rosemead Boulevard will 
morning for approximately remain open for access to the 

Elected as Caltech Trustee 

two months. westbound I-210 Freeway 

 Barbara McConnell Barrett, 

 Lanes on northbound on-ramp only. 

chairman of the Aerospace 

Rosemead Boulevard “No Parking” signs will 

Corporation and former U.S. 

will be closed to thru-be posted along Rosemead 

ambassador to Finland, was 

traffic between Colorado Boulevard. Parking 

recently elected to the Caltech 
Board of Trustees the college 

Boulevard and Foothill restrictions will be strictly 
announced Thursday.

Boulevard for approximately enforced. Detour signs will 
Barrett is a member of the 

seven (7) weeks. be posted to direct motorist 
governing boards of Sally 

 The three left lanes along during the closure. During 
Ride Science, the RAND 

northbound Rosemead construction, sidewalk 

Corporation, the Smithsonian 

Boulevard will be temporarily access for pedestrians will 

Institution, the Lasker 

closed to thru-traffic nightly remain open on one side of 

Foundation, and the Horatio 

from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. the the street. Access to local 

Alger Association. She has also 

following morning. The residences and businesses 

served on the boards of the 

 Anna is a one-year-old 

right lane on northbound will remain open. Bus stops 

Space Foundation, Hershey, the 

blond Siberian Husky mix. 

Rosemead Boulevard will in this vicinity may be 

Mayo Clinic, Exponent, the 

She loves to go on walks in 

remain open for access to the temporarily relocated.

Raytheon Company, and Piper 

composed of 42 trustees, 19 

the park and play with toys. 


eastbound I-210 Freeway For more information go to 

senior trustees, 23 life members, 

Anna has a lot of puppy 

 The Board is led by David L. 

on-ramp only.

and one honorary life member.

energy so an active home 

Lee, chair, and vice chair Ronald 

 May 5, 2014 – May 17, or call the Hotline at (626) 

K. Linde, and is currently 
would be a great match for 

2014, 8 p.m. to 6 a.m.; Lanes 324-7098. 


on southbound Rosemead 

 Anna’s adoption fee is 

Crackdown on Texting

$125, which includes her 

Learn How to Produce 

spay surgery, a microchip, 

and Cell Use While Driving

the first set of vaccinations, 

with subsequent tickets costing A Look at 

Your Own TV Show

as well as a free follow-

As part of April’s Distracted at least $281. 

 In anticipation of Pasadena 

Driving Awareness Month “We take the issue of distracted 

up health check at a 

the History 

Media opening new studios at 

campaign, Pasadena Police driving very seriously,” said 

participating vet. New 

150 S. Los Robles Ave, they are 

Department will be joining Pasadena Police Chief Sanchez, of Vroman’s

adopters will receive 

offering free television-training 

with over 200 other local law “because we see the aftermath 

complimentary health and 

programs for producers. Plan 

The public library is set 

enforcement agencies and the of these totally preventable 

wellness exam from VCA 

to attend an orientation to 

to hold an event, taking 

California Highway Patrol in crashes. Is that text message 

discover the right classes for 

Animal Hospitals, as well 

a month long “zero tolerance” or cell phone call really worth an intriguing look at 

you. Producers’ Training 

as a goody bag filled with 

enforcement and education $161, or worse, someone’s life?” the history of Southern 

teaches how to produce shows 

information on how to 

available in citizen journalism 

campaign to curb those texting Drivers who use hand-held California’s oldest and 

for The Arroyo Channel. Studio 

care for your pet. Ask an 

and digital film groups. Call the 

or operating hand-held cell devices are four times as likely largest independent 

Production/Equipment training 

adoptions counselor for 

office (626) 794-8585 or go to 

phones while driving. Officers to get into crashes serious bookstore Vroman’s on 

is also offered to volunteer 


will be on alert throughout enough to injure themselves. Saturday, March 29 at 

more information during 

crewmembers. In addition, 

explore what Pasadena Media 

the month for those who In addition, studies show that 

your visit. 

Pasadena Public Library’s 

on-going training will soon be 

has to offer. 

break the cell phone laws and texting while driving can delay 

 Call the Pasadena 

Lamanda Park Branch, 140 

place themselves and others in a driver’s reaction time just 

Class Offerings 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Nightly 

Humane Society & SPCA at 

S. Altadena Dr. at 11 a.m. 
danger. Special high visibility as severely as having a blood 

626.792.7151 to ask about 

and then at the San Rafael 

enforcement operations to cite alcohol content of a legally 

Producers Training 

A351256, or visit at 361 S. 

cell phone violators will take drunk driver. According to Branch, 1240 Nithsdale 

Raymond Ave. in Pasadena. 

Monday March 24 at 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 

place on April 4, 2014. research, sending or receiving Rd. at 2 p.m. Vroman’s, a 

Adoption hours are 11-4 

Training Orientation 

 The increased enforcement a text takes a driver’s eyes Pasadena landmark, was 

Sunday, 9-5 Tuesday – 

and education aims to persuade from the road for an average named the best independent 

Monday March 31 at 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 

Friday, 9-4 Saturday. Pets 

drivers to recognize the dangers of 4.6 seconds. Even a three bookstore in the United 

PCAC Board Of Directors - Regular Meeting 

of distracted driving and reduce second glance at freeway speeds States by Publisher’s Weekly.

may not be available for 

Tuesday April 1 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm 

the number of people impacted means a driver has traveled the 

adoption and cannot be 

For more information 

Studio Dedication and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 

by this perilous behavior. The distance of a football field. 

held for potential adopters 

contact Leonard Lane, 

Wednesday April 2 at noon - 2:00 pm 

“It’s Not Worth It!” theme These operations are funded 

from phone calls or email. 

Branch Manager (626) 744

emphasizes that a phone call through a grant by the California 

Directions and photos of all 

7266 or (626) 744-7270, or 

Citizen Journalism coming soon 

or text isn’t worth a hefty fine Office of Traffic Safety through 

pets can be found at www.

Digital Film Group coming soon 

or a collision. The current the National Highway Traffic

minimum ticket cost is $161, Safety Administration.