Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, March 29, 2014

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Mountain View News Saturday, March 29, 2014 

Looking for 

developed an electric and 


 The City co-sponsored Hack water consumption calculator 
for Pasadena, a two-day team based on daily activities to 

collaboration event, held Over help individuals contribute to 
March 15-16, on the campus conservation efforts. 
of Pasadena City College This is the Start of Something 
(PCC) for techies, developers Really, Really Special: Go Play 
and data geeks using open Pasadena/A Billion Steps App: 
data and hands-on problem “Biggest Loser” type game to 
solving to re-imagine the help fight the child obesity 
way the web, software apps, epidemic through organizing 
data and technology can weight loss competition 
shape the future of the City. between schools.
Hack for Pasadena was part Most Innovative and Creative 
of CONNECT Weekend: A Use of the ESRI ArcGIS 
Weekend for Difference Makers Software: Urban Harvester App: 
and Disruptors sponsored by Ending hunger in Pasadena 
Innovate connecting residents and 

 Teams formed around businesses with homegrown 
community challenges inspired and excess food supplies to local 


 Pasadena police detectives 

Pasadena Media studios. Photo D.Lee/MVNews

by the personal experiences food banks and soup kitchens.

are asking for the public’s 

and interests shared by the All team entries and winners 

help in identifying suspects 

Pasadena Media TV Studio Set to Open

participants along with newly will be showcased on the 

believed responsible for 

released City data sets made Hack for Pasadena website 
a series of pharmacy 

 The newly constructed City officials, including will include music by The Jazz 

available on the City’s new www.hackforpasadena.comburglaries that occurred 

television media production Bogaard, are expected to be Zone. Free light refreshments 

Open Data portal at data. in the coming days. Also, 
between September 2013 

studios and facilities, Pasadena on hand for the ribbon cutting will be served. full timeline of the event, 
Four apps were selected by the including many photos taken 

Media, is set to open Wednesday and tours of the new facility Pasadena Media is located at 

with a ribbon cutting ceremony beginning at 1 p.m. 150 S. Los Robles Ave., Suite 101.

and March of this year. 

judges and awarded cash prizes throughout is available through 

by Pasadena Mayor Bill Bogaard. With the new facility Parking is available at the 

 Most burglaries took place 

along with opportunities to Twitter @hackforpasadena or 

“The ribbon cutting marks operational, Pasadena Media Hilton parking lot and the lot at 
the beginning of a new era will be better equipped to work the corner of El Dorado and S. 

during the early morning 

meet with venture capitalists. by visiting

hours at businesses in the 

 Best Application of City Data hackforpasadena. 

for Pasadena Media,” said with community members Oakland Ave. 

area of Fair Oaks Avenue 

to Meet a Civic Need: Traffic Over the next few months, 

Lizelle Brandt, Board Chair for seeking production capabilities 

and California Boulevard.

Siraganianas New 
Sandra Siraganian is 
the newest member of 
the Pasadena Armenian 
Genocide Memorial 
Committee formed to 
establish and maintain a 
memorial in Pasadena that 
will commemorate the 
Armenian Genocide and 
condemn all crimes against 
Approved by the City 
Council in September 2013, 
the Pasadena Armenian 
Genocide Memorial will be 
completed and dedicated 
at Memorial Park in April 
2015 to mark the 100th 
anniversary of the killing 
of 1.5 million Armenians 
over a three-year period 
beginning in 1915. 
Born in Pasadena, 
Siraganian lives in Sierra 
Madre with her three 
children and is a realtor 
with Sotheby’s International 
She has been a community 
volunteer in Sierra Madre 
and Pasadena for several 
years, serving on the Don 
Benito Elementary School 
PTA, Pasadena Unified 
School District School/ 
City/ Community Work 
Plan Team, Sierra Madre 
Little League Board of 
Directors and Maranatha 
High School Booster Club 
Board of Directors and 
Fundraising Committee. 
Siraganian joins six other 
members of the Pasadena 
Armenian Genocide 
Memorial Committee. 
Collision Analysis App: Uses Department of Information 

Pasadena Community Access to produce and air videos. The 

 During the crime, suspects 

City’s traffic collision database Technology staff plan to follow-
forced entry and collected 

Corp. [Pasadena Media]. “We’re organization now can work 

and overlays time, weather, up with each of the teams 
numerous containers of 

delighted to welcome the greater on a community membership 

directional analysis and other to discuss the feasibility of 
prescription medication 

Pasadena community to see our drive as well as offer its creative 

factors to assess risk at traffic continuing development of the 
intersections.App for community benefit. 

new space supporting public, production services to other non-

government and educational profit organizations, businesses 

before exiting through an 

 Most Accessible For more information 

cable TV programming and and agencies wishing to produce 
media access.” informational videos and public 

access door.

Implementation of Technology about the event and the apps 

 According to police they 

to Engage the Community: developed, please contact 

 The modern, 6000-square-service announcements. Local 

obtained surveillance 

Utility Conservation App: A Michael Royer, IT Manager – 

foot facility provides local businesses also will be able to 

footage of the suspects. 

group of Pasadena High School Enterprise Computing at 626

independent TV produces with work with Pasadena Media 

One suspect appears to 

freshmen in the App Academy 744-7929.

a multi-set production studio Executive Director Keri Stokstad 

be a White male, about 30 

and the latest in virtual meeting on sponsorship opportunities 

years of age, 6 feet tall, and 

studio equipment, editing while nonprofit organizations 

approximately 200 pounds. 

facilities, meeting rooms and will be offered training classes 
The second suspect appears 

training areas, including new catered to their organizational 
to be a Hispanic male in his 

digital video upgrades, cameras needs. 
mid-20s, 5 feet 10 inches 

and equipment. The ribbon cutting ceremony 
and approximately 180 
pounds, with short black 

Senior Center April Events

hair. Video of the suspects 
can be seen at http://www.

 Anyone with information 
is asked to contact Pasadena 
Police Detective Robin 
Stinson at (626) 744-7097 
or Police Dispatch at (626) 

 You can also report 
anonymously through 
Crime Stoppers at (800) 

and Lifestyle to be Held

222-TIPS (8477) or http://

health and Alzheimer’s Disease, (insert 

Monday, April 7, from noon to 

People in the U.S. are living long-term care, prevention from 

key word Pasadena).

 There is something for everyone 2 p.m. Surprise someone special 

longer than ever before and falling, putting osteoporosis 

at the Pasadena Senior Center with a personalized, handmade 

many lead active, healthy lives.pain in its place, preventing 

in April. You do not have to be a greeting card that reflects your 

 Seniors ages 50 and older will hearing loss, eating well for 

member to attend. Some events unique style. All materials will 

learn to fine-tune their lives, older adults and more.

require advance reservations as be provided. Workshop leaders 

health, safety, relationships and Participants will make the 

noted. All events take place at will help you bring your ideas 

more at the free 2014 Pasadena most of on-site tai chi, chair 

Pasadena Senior Center, 85 E. and designs to life.

Conference on Aging and aerobics, Cane Fu, Zumba Gold 

Holly St.Class Tasting – Monday, 

Lifestyle Fair Saturday, April and pickleball and an array of 

Sharpen Your Mind and Body and Tuesday, April 7 and 8, 

26, from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at health screenings, from blood 

– Thursday, April 3, at 10 a.m. from 9 a.m. to noon. As the 
First Church of the Nazarene, pressure to cholesterol, will 

Learn how the mind and body registration period for spring 

3700 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. in be available on the Walgreens 

are linked. When physical classes approaches, anyone 

PasadenaWellness Bus.

health improves, so does mental can sample the most popular 

 Fritz Coleman, stand-up More than 60 booths will 

health. Presented by Heritage classes by attending free half-

comedian and KNBC-TV provide additional information 

Clinic. hour sessions, meeting the 

weather forecaster, will open and resources of interest to 

Friday Movie Matinees – instructors, learning more 

the conference with a keynote seniors.

Fridays, April 4, 11 and 18, about the courses and trying 

address titled “Laughter Is the While there is no cost 

at 1 p.m. Movies can take us them out. 

Best Medicine!”to attend the conference, 

to different places and times Taking Care of Your Mental 

 The popular annual event registration is required. Visit 

like nothing else. April 4 – Health – Thursday, April 10, 

features a full slate of workshops

“American Hustle” (2013, R) at noon. Learn to identify signs 

focused on common interests (click on Events and then Event 

starring Christian Bale and of stress, know the difference 

and concerns among seniors Online Registration) or call 

Adams; April 11 – “Nebraska” between “blues” and depression 

of all ages, backgrounds and (866) 402-6797.

(2013, R) starring Bruce Dern and how to seek help when you 

abilities. Complimentary valet parking, 

and Will Forte; April 18 – “To or a loved one is depressed. 

 Workshop topics will continental breakfast and a full 

Catch a Thief ” (1955) starring A boxed lunch will be served 

include romance after 50, lunch will be included with 

Cary Grant and Grace the first 50 people with 

consumer scams, putting conference registration.

Ms. Senior Pasadena Pageant confirmed reservations. RSVP 

health care wishes in writing, The conference is presented by 

– Saturday, April 5, at 11:30 to (626) 795-4331. Presented by Antonovich 
family caregiver superheroes, the Pasadena Senior Center and 

a.m. Enjoy an afternoon of Pacific Clinics. 
MediCare and MediCal, brain City of Pasadena. 

contestants ages 60 and up in Chair Yoga – Wednesday, April Announces elegant evening gowns vying for 16, at 1 p.m. Improve strength 
the title of Ms. Senior Pasadena and flexibility in this gentle Dodgers Bus 

Learn How to Produce 

as they are judged on poise, and meditative class taught by 
presence and talent. The winner Kathy Eastwood, a registered Service

Your Own TV Show

and first runner up will continue nurse and certified yoga Providing baseball fans with 

 In anticipation of Pasadena 

on to the Ms. Senior California instructor. The class is limited convenient, no-cost public 

Media opening new studios at 

Pageant this summer in hopes to 25 participants. Register in transit rides between Union 

150 S. Los Robles Ave, they are 

of eventually becoming Ms. advance at thewelcome desk or Station and Dodger Stadium, 

offering free television-training 

Senior America. If you’d like to call (626) 795-4331. Chair yoga the “Dodger Stadium Express” 

programs for producers. Plan 

be a contestant, call Carol Hess is offered the third Wednesday began its fifth season Thursday, 

to attend an orientation to 

at (562) 595-7422.of every month. Presented by announced Supervisor Michael 

discover the right classes for 

Cardmaking Workshop – Huntington Hospital. Antonovich. 

you. Producers’ Training 

 The “Dodger Stadium Express” 

teaches how to produce shows 

E-Waste Recycling and 

is a public-private partnership 

for The Arroyo Channel. Studio 

with the Los Angeles Dodgers, 

Production/Equipment training 

Document Shredding 

the MTA, the South Coast Air 

is also offered to volunteer 

Quality District, the Mobile 

 Residents and businesses can fax machines, computer mice, 

crewmembers. In addition, 

safely dispose of electronic waste telephones, televisions, flat Source Air Pollution Reduction 

on-going training will soon be 

and have personal documents screens, VCRs, DVD players, Review Committee, and 
shredded at the City’s popular PDAs, cassette players, tape Metrolink.

Class Offerings 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Nightly 
electronic “E-Waste” event drives, stereos and household 

 “The ‘Dodger Stadium 
from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, batteries. 

Express’ is a homerun for fans 

Training Orientation 

-- and for alleviating congestion 

April 5, 2014, in Parking Lot I Public Works is also providing 

Monday March 31 at 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 

outside the Rose Bowl Stadium free paper shredding during the and improving air quality,” said 

PCAC Board Of Directors - Regular Meeting 

near Brookside Park, 360 N. event. The public can bring a Supervisor Antonovich. 
Arroyo Blvd.maximum of five small boxes. 

The service is free for people 

Tuesday April 1 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm 
Shredding trucks and e-waste Sensitive documents and files 

with game tickets and will 

Studio Dedication and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 

operate 90 minutes before 

collection sites will be arranged such as receipts, checks, pre-

Wednesday April 2 at noon - 2:00 pm 

games and 45 minutes after 

at different stations in Parking approved credit applications, 

Introduction to Field Production Training 

Lot I. credit card statements, outdated games.

Wednesday April 2 at 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 

 E-waste items include tax returns, pre-printed Regular season service will 
computers, keyboards, printers, envelopes, return address labels begin Monday for the Dodgers’ 

Citizen Journalism coming soon 

opening game against the San 

monitors, laptops, docking and business cards are items 

Digital Film Group coming soon 

Francisco Giants. 

stations, scanners, shredders, that can be shredded. 

Pasadena Community Access Corporation board members get a tour during construction of the new 

Hack for Pasadena 
Winners Announced 

Hack for Pasadena Photo D.Lee/MVNews

Free Conference on Aging 

Pet of the 
Cassidy is a one-and-ahalf-
year-old Labrador 
retriever/ pit bull mix. She’s 
very playful and enjoys 
playing fetch with tennis 
balls. She’s sweet and loves 
Cassidy’s adoption fee 
is $125, which includes 
her spay surgery, a 
microchip, the first set of 
vaccinations, as well as 
a free follow-up health 
check at a participating vet. 
New adopters will receive 
complimentary health and 
wellness exam from VCA 
Animal Hospitals, as well 
as a goody bag filled with 
information on how to 
care for your pet. Ask an 
adoptions counselor for 
more information during 
your visit. 
Call the Pasadena 
Humane Society & SPCA at 
626.792.7151 to ask about 
A350965, or visit at 361 S. 
Raymond Ave. in Pasadena. 
Adoption hours are 11-4 
Sunday, 9-5 Tuesday – 
Friday, 9-4 Saturday. Pets 
may not be available for 
adoption and cannot be 
held for potential adopters 
from phone calls or email. 
Directions and photos of all 
pets can be found at www. 
available in citizen journalism 
and digital film groups. Call the 
office (626) 794-8585 or go to 
explore what Pasadena Media 
has to offer.