Mountain Views-News Saturday, August 23, 2014
I had a student
once that had
been coming to
me for some time.
She came every
week, but didn’t
seem all that crazy
about it. One day she came in all excited. She told
me that she had taken a class that had changed her
whole practice because the teacher said to ‘link the
movement to the breath’. I couldn’t believe it! I said
that all the time, many times in class. Had she not
heard me? How could this be? We ALL say that.
I asked other students, “Do you hear me say that?’
They all said of course! And then I understood.
We hear different things from different people at
different times. It could be the very same sentence,
but we may not be ready to hear it, or we block out
the way one person says things and hear them from
another. From that day on, I asked the Universe
to send me students that could hear me. It’s not
really about me at all. It’s about the lessons in the
tradition. I am just the messenger. But my unique
personality can really get through to some people,
but not all.
This is why it is so important to find the right
teacher. We need to hear what they are teaching us.
Then we can go to other classes and enjoy them.
To find your true teacher is huge. This is totally
different than just taking classes. It is a very
personal relationship. We need to be inspired and
given lessons that are specific to each of us. After
it clicks, then we need to stick with that teacher.
We cannot decide that we do not like the lesson of
the day and switch teachers. We need to trust in
the process. I am so pleased that we have so many
amazing teachers at our studio. Come and get
inspired – there are so many choices!
See you in class.
Menopause can be a trying time in the lives of many women, affecting day
to day activities, mental clarity, and mood. Many women find relief from
annoying menopause symptoms using herbs as they have less side effects
compared with hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Here are four very
effective herbs for menopause.
Black Cohosh: Probably one of the most trying symptoms of menopause
are hot flashes. The use of Black cohosh to ease menopause symptoms
is nothing new. This herb has been used for centuries as a powerful tool
for alleviating hot flashes. Black cohosh effectively reduces hot flash
occurrence, duration and intensity.
Ginseng: A great general-purpose herb for menopause. Menopausal
women will often feel physically drained because of symptoms, such as hot
flashes which can deplete energy. Sleep is often interrupted thanks to hot
flashes. Ginseng may help by possibly supporting healthy sleep cycles and
aiding relaxation. Its primary menopausal benefit is its ability to support vitality and ease stress.
Wild Yam: This is native to North America and has been used for both cycling and menopausal
symptoms. Wild yam contains an ingredient similar to DHEA which is a precursor to human sex
Tribulus: The leaves and stems of Tribulus make it a great menopausal herb because it promotes
vitality and stamina, supports physical endurance and promotes an overall feeling of well-being. Note:
quality Tribulus is only found in the Central European regions of Bulgaria and Slovakia. For optimum
outcome make sure your Tribulus is sourced from these regions.
Midlife should be a time women
look forward too. It should be a time
to do the things you have always
wanted since family responsibilities
usually ease at this time. Menopausal
symptoms do not have to hold you
back from doing all the things you
have been waiting to do. Along with
drinking plenty of water and eating a
whole foods diet there are herbs that
can help you transition easily through
this time in your life.
Dr. Tina is a traditional
naturopath and nutritionist
at Vibrant Living
Wellness Center
“Rock the Night Away”
Come Dance the Night Away andRelive Your Senior Prom
Dance to your favorites of the 50s& 60sfeaturing theDennis Kaye BandLight Refreshments .No Host Bar
September 6, 2014 6:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
St. Rita Catholic Church ~ O’Malley Hall318 N. Baldwin Ave., Sierra Madre(enterparking lot from Grand View Ave.)
Limited capacity somake your reservations now:
$25.00 eachmarilyn@st-rita.org(626) 355-1292
We welcome all of our friends and neighbors,
couples or singles of all ages!
Name: ___________________ Phone #: __________________ E-Mail: ___________________
I would like _______ tickets at $25.00 each for a total of $______. (Payment is enclosed)
I would also like to:
_____ donate to help underwrite this event. Amount $______. (Payment is enclosed)
_____ I would need transportation to the Prom _____ From the Prom to home _____
_____ help with taxi service before and after the event (within 3 miles)
_____ help at the event Set Up _____ (Friday) Clean Up ______
Please mail lower portion to: St. Rita Parish, 50 E. Alegria Ave., SM, CA 91024, Attn: MarilynYou may also drop it at the Parish Office or put it in the collection basket at Mass.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com