Mountain Views-News Saturday, September 27, 2014
In a yoga class, the job of the teacher is to get you to turn your gaze
inward. This allows you to know what feels good and what doesn�t
and keeps you from getting hurt. The teacher can guide you � but
you are the one in charge of your body and its movement. When
practicing, we are focusing on what�s happening in the body but also
what is happening in the mind. If we are thinking about what we are
going to have for lunch after class, then we are not present to what�s
going on in the body. We do not just want to move through the poses
because the teacher says so - while we think about work or the weekend - we want to really think
about how the hamstring is lengthening or the shoulder is opening and what the other supporting
muscles are doing while we are there. We want to think about the breath and what it can tell us
about how we are doing. Were we holding our breath? Where was the stress? How can we calm
the stress? How can we breathe into the release?
This internal gaze prepares us for meditation. The thing we really want to know: Can we be alone
with our thoughts? What can the subconscious mind tell us? The yogis say that if we can spend
some time with these thoughts during meditation, then we will not be kept awake by them all
night. In meditation, we can see what our mind is processing. We can see what we need to focus
on and pay attention to, just like in the movements.
In this world of multi-tasking, it is really nice to get in there and concentrate. You may even have
a better night�s sleep!
See you in class. Namast�, Ren�
Fall is here. The
weather is about to
cool down. The kids
are back to school and
they are planning their
Halloween costumes.
Fall also means that we
have a whole new crop of
fresh produce available
to us. Fall produces tends
to be rich in nutrients
and fiber. When we eat
the produce that is in
season we tend to eat
fresher produce and
less expensive produce.
This is because store
can obtain these crops
from more local sources
cutting down on fuel
cost and storage cost. To
get the most nutrients
from produce is best to eat it as close to when it was
Here are my top 5 picks for fall crops that you should
try to incorporate into your diet each week this fall:
Beets: They can lower blood pressure, they are
anti-inflammatory and their fiber helps to keep your
digestive track clean. Use the greens (Top leaves of the
beets) in stews and salads as they have a higher iron
content than spinach, and a higher nutritional value
than the beet itself.
Winter Squash: Winter squashes are low in calories
and high in vitamin C and potassium. Winter squash
is a rich sources of anti-inflammatory nutrients such as
omega 3s and beta-carotene, which are important for
a strong immune system so they help protect against
colds and the flu. No to mention that these squashes
are very inexpensive. There are many varieties of
winter squashes available at the grocery stores. Some
traditional favorites include acorn, butter nut, pumpkin,
and spaghetti varieties.
Broccoli: Best known for being rich in Vitamin C
just 1 cup of raw florets a little more than your daily
needs. It also is also known to lower your risk of type 2
diabetes. It may also be a cancer fighter.
Pears: Pears are an excellent source of fiber and a
good source of vitamin C. They are full of fiber, twice
as much as brown rice. They are nutrient dense too
meaning they only have 100 calories per serving.
Sweet Potatoes: These delicious potatoes also help
in prevention of heart attacks. They contain vitamin
C which besides improving immunity it also produces
collagen which helps maintain skin�s youthful elasticity.
Sweet potatoes contain Vitamin D which plays an
important role in our energy levels, moods, and helps
to build healthy bones, heart, nerves, skin, and teeth,
and it supports the thyroid gland. If this is not enough
they also are a good source of magnesium, which is the
relaxation and anti-stress mineral.
Why not sample every fresh taste of fall. My
recommendation above will not just keep you healthy
but by eating produce in season you are getting the best
tasting produce and saving money too!
Dr. Tina is a traditional
naturopath and nutritionist
at Vibrant Living
Wellness Center
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com