Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 4, 2015
I believe God created the dog with a capacity to feel,
among many things, empathy and compassion. Perhaps
not to the same extent that we humans experience these
emotions, but in a somewhat similar way. I didn’t used
to believe this. When I was younger I thought it would
be sacrilegious to assign that much meaning to an
animal’s way of thinking, but having spent countless
hours with numerous dogs of all types over the years,
I am now totally convinced it is so. And I believe that
God planned it that way - to create a loveable creature
that would properly manage the task of encouraging
and loving those around them. God knows we humans
have managed to botch that one up more often than
not! Good that we have the dog to come to our rescue.
All one has to do is simply observe the behavior of
a canine for a short while, to begin to understand that
there is more going on inside than initially meets the
eye. Here is a perfect example of what I’m trying to say;
Among the many fantastic furry four-leggers I have on
my friends list, are two pups named Bo and Dixie. They
live together along with two cats, Gus & Darby and
their two humans, Jim & Janis. The two dogs are not
blood-related nor are they the exact same breed - Bo is a
cute curly-haired, standard size Labradoodle and Dixie
is a sweet, petite purebred yellow lab - yet they clearly
regard one another as complete equals and show full
mutual respect.
Although they come from different backgrounds
and there is a healthy gap between their two ages - Bo
is 11 years old and Dixie is a mere youngster at the age
of 3 - they hit it off right away. They became instant
friends and have been getting along famously since the
first day they met. I should probably explain that prior
to Dixie’s arrival on Bo’s turf, he had had another sister-
dog named Loucie, several years his senior, who passed
away a few years ago. Now, Dixie just so happens to
resemble Loucie, and remarkably so. And, during that
“between time” after Loucie’s death and before Dixie’s
arrival, I must say poor Bo was beside himself. He
would cry anytime he was left alone.
So, now Bo has a new little sister named Dixie and
she is one of the sweetest, kindest, most thoughtful dogs
I believe I’ve ever met. You might be wondering how
I know all that about a dog who can’t talk to me and
tell me what she thinks or feels. Well, I’ll tell you how I
know all that…I know it from the way she behaves! She
doesn’t have to talk the talk, because she walks the walk.
When Dixie came into Bo’s life, he suddenly gained a
new attitude. He has always been a gentle giant, always
wanting to meet and interact with others, regardless of
their species. But after Loucie died, he seemed depressed
and lonely. That is, until Jim and Janis introduced Dixie
to the family. That’s when the lights came back on in
Bo’s gorgeous golden eyes. It was like giving a child a
new toy! He walked with renewed vigor, with his thick
curly tail wagging wildly back and
forth, nodding his darling head up and
down like a pony who just won at show.
Yes, that Bo was one happy boy again
when Dixie came along.
It has been a couple of years since
Bo and Dixie first met and moved
in together, and they are absolutely
inseparable now. They share a bond
stronger than words can describe.
Dixie assumed her role as little sister so
graciously, and Bo invited her in with
open paws. Their body language and
behavior toward each other tells it all. It
is a love story extraordinaire! You see,
Bo is moving up in his years and his
body sometimes lags behind his young mind and
energetic attitude. It is obvious that, if given the
opportunity to have a new body, that big ole boy would
jump at the chance to live forever.
Bo just loves to go for walks in hopes of meeting
new people. I mean, that is his favorite part about
getting out. Most dogs that I know are content to be
led on leash, just to sniff all the great scents along the
way. But for Bo, it’s all about socializing! Every time
he sees a person nearby while we are out and about,
he immediately starts getting ready to greet them.
That person might be half a block away, and his tail is
already swishing to and fro with anticipation of having
an interlude with a perfect stranger.
Oh, the lessons I learn from my canine companions.
They are excellent teachers of kindness and good
character. Dixie could easily run ahead of her older
brother and leave him behind to fend for himself.
But, no, she would never do that. She makes a point
of walking within the range that she knows Bo can
keep up with. Some days Bo’s joints just don’t want to
work as smoothly as his youthful mind does, so he has
to move a little slower than he‘d prefer. As we move
along at Bo‘s comfortable pace, Dixie leads the way but
she is constantly looking over her shoulder to make
sure Bo is close behind, because (I believe) she is truly
concerned about her big brother.
I am absolutely sure that Dixie knows Bo is dealing
with an aging body, and she wants to comfort him. She
has an uncanny way of going slow so Bo can keep up,
without letting him know! To me that exhibits respect
for his dignity, and, yes…empathy and compassion.
There is no doubt in my mind that this is what is going
on inside the mind of that darling little lab. She could
easily show Bo up by running ahead as if to win the
race, but instead she does whatever it takes to make him
feel like he is top dog.
I love Dixie and Bo so much, just as I love all the
precious pups I get to spend time with. I really don’t
know what I would do without them in my life. Of
course, I have a human family and plenty of human
friends, but there is nothing like having a close
relationship with a kind canine. I hope you, too, are
blessed with that kind of friendship. If so, don’t forget
to observe and learn from your four-legged friends.
Don’t forget to appreciate every moment you have with
them. They are truly gifts from God. And, as always,
don’t forget to love and let live!
Happy Tails
by Chris Leclerc
Haymish is a petite 2 year
old black and tan Chihuahua
mix boy who weighs 7.3 lbs.
Haymish was found as a stray
in San Gabriel, and no one has
come in to claim him.
Haymish is a friendly boy
and likes people. He is very
excited to go on a walk with our
volunteers, and looks forward
to the adventures awaiting him
outside his kennel. Haymish is
easy to harness and he is good on the leash. He has
quite a bit of energy for a little guy, walking at a
very fast pace. He likes to sniff and explore, but he
prefers to keep moving.
Haymish gets along well with his kennel mate,
and likes being with the other dogs he has met at
the shelter. He also appears to be fascinated with
toys! He is very playful and enjoys a good game of
tug-of-war, as well as chase and fetch.
Haymish would make a charming family dog
and a great playful companion for an active home.
He has a happy disposition and is waiting to meet
you with a smiling face and a wagging tail. Why
not come in to meet this cute little guy to see if he
is the right dog for you? He
is ready to go home with his
forever family!
He currently resides at
the San Gabriel Valley Humane
Society located at 851 E. Grand
Avenue in San Gabriel with his
roommate. We are located
off San Gabriel Blvd., north
of Mission and south of Las
To arrange a ‘Meet and
Greet’ with Haymish, please stop by any time from
10:00am to 4:30pm Tuesday thru Sunday.
His adoption fee is $120 which includes his neuter
surgery, a microchip, first vaccinations and a free
wellness check-up at a participating veterinarian.
Feel free to call us at (626) 286-1159 for more
information on Haymish.
Mark your calendar for our 4th annual ‘Tea for
Tails/Taste of Westfield’ event featuring Warren
Eckstein and Garth Kemp along with a doggie
fashion show and treats from your favorite
restaurants. See our website at www.sgvhumane.
org for information and photos of all our available
pets and more details on ‘Tea for Tails’.
DogWalking & Sitting ServicesSierraMadre, Californiawww.canyoncanine.comchris@canyoncanine.comChris LeclercCanyonCanine626-355-8333 626-533-9536CCConCaCanyonCanineCanineeeieCCChris LeclercChris Leclercae,
chris@canyoncanine.com.canyoncanine.comwwwnCaSierraMadrare, CaliforCaalking&SonDogWWalking & Sitting ServicesonCa626-355-8333 62onCayeclercinnia6-533-95362eclerccanine.comanine.comani,CaliforirnanineSittingServiceseaninee
PET OF THE WEEK Heathcliff: Animal ID #A4812231
Those looking for an endless amount of puppy love, look
no further and meet Heathcliff (A4812231)! Heathcliff
is an intoxicatingly cute 1-year-old black-and-tan male
Miniature Pinscher puppy who was found in Monrovia
on March 26th with Charlotte [A4812232] and brought
to the Baldwin Park Animal Care Center. Weighing 8
1/2 lbs, Heathcliff is a classic puppy. Sadly, he is very
scared in the new and uncertain shelter environment.
But at his size, we don’t blame him! Heathcliff is very
bonded with his buddy, Charlotte. He simply lights
up when around her, and he gains confidence in her
company. He also enjoys the company of people—
especially when held like a baby and carried around
in their arms. Heathcliff is ready to learn the training
basics that all young pups need to grow into the best
dogs they can be. Since he seems so new to the ways of
the world, we think he will be great for a family looking
to share in this growing experience, or even first time-
dog owners. And since he is so bonded with Charlotte,
we would love to see the two of them ride off into sunset
together toward the same forever home. In any case,
we know that whoever adopts Heathcliff will be lucky
to call themselves his pet parents! To watch a video
of Heathcliff, please visit the following link: https://
To meet Heathcliff in person, please see him at the
Baldwin Park Shelter, located at 4275 N. Elton, Baldwin
Park, CA 91706 (Phone: 626-430-2378 or 626-962-3577).
He is currently available now and is ready to go home with
you! For any inquiries about Heathcliff, please reference
his animal ID number: A4812231. The shelter is open
seven days a week, 12 pm-7 pm Monday-Thursday and
10am-5pm Friday-Sunday. This is a high-intake shelter
with a great need for adoptions. For more information
about Heathcliff or the adoption process, contact United
Hope for Animals Volunteer Adoption Coordinator
Samantha at Samantha@hope4animals.org. To learn
more about United Hope for Animals’ partnership with
the Baldwin Park Shelter through its Shelter Support
Program, as well as the many dogs of all breeds, ages,
and sizes available for adoption in local shelters,
visit http://www.unitedhope4animals.org/about-us/
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com