Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 4, 2015
Tis’ the season for
Spring Cleaning. It’s
one of my favorite
times of the year.
It’s a chance to
shed the heaviness
thus far and move forward again in a new way.
Whether this means re-adjusting my schedule,
or actually creating space by getting rid of stuff
in the house, it’s creating freedom. I love the
analogy of my yoga practice being like a garden.
The garden must have light; water and old weeds
must be removed to allow for new blooms. Here
are a few tips to support you in springtime fun
and reflection:
First, don’t forget exercise. A 30-minute walk
each day can do wonders! If you live near the
studio, maybe try a walk to and from yoga class.
It’s funny we can live 2 blocks from some place
and never think to walk. Try adding in an extra
yoga class each week as well. If you can’t make it to
class, roll out your mat at home and do 10-15 sun
salutations with a resting savasana afterwards.
Secondly, make a daily meditation part of your
routine. In the hustle and bustle of the day, we
need this quiet time as calming, centering refuge.
This practice will help to balance out our emotions,
provide a place to breathe and create peace.
Last, make sure your diet is healthy, balanced
and regular. Skipping a meal is so easy to do
when we’re working hard. Later on, our mood
could suffer as a result. Food choices should be
light, refreshing and warming. Fresh greens are
wonderful, as well as fresh cooked vegetables such
as broccoli, asparagus or artichokes seasoned
with garlic, ginger and pepper.
Enjoy your time shedding those extra layers!
Literally and figuratively. If you’re feeling weighed
down by stuff, people or responsibilities, ask the
question: What can I do differently? Is there
something I can give up doing that might shift
Namaste and see you in class!
Less than 2% of Americans get an adequate intake of potassium. This
is because we don’t eat enough plant foods. When you think of a food
source for potassium, how many of you immediately thought of bananas?
Bananas are a good source of potassium but there are almost 50 better ones.
Every cell in the human body requires potassium to function. Potassium
is an electrolyte or a mineral which means it helps your body to conduct
electricity. People who eat a potassium rich diet have a lower risk of stroke.
They also have lower levels of inflammation. Not enough potassium in
our diets can cause fatigue, irritability, and even hypertension (high blood
pressure). If you occasionally get nighttime leg cramps, they could be
caused by insufficient potassium. Here is a list of some great foods that are
very high in potassium and most if not all are higher than bananas:
Avocados Pumpkin Dried apricots
Papaya Parsnips Spinach (raw)
Edamame Raisins Dark Leafy Greens (raw)
Sweet Potatoes Winter Squash Seaweed
White beans Prunes White potatoes w/skins
French beans Acorn Squash Beet Greens (cooked)
Lima beans dMushrooms
Give your body the potassium that it needs. Be sure and include plenty of these foods in your diet.
Dr. Tina is a traditional
naturopath and nutritionist
at Vibrant Living
Wellness Center
By Dennis Buckley, DC
The most incredible thing has happened. The
government did something that worked. I cannot
believe it because the intended purpose has not
been realized but the surprising “side-effect” has
been so encouraging.
With the introduction and implementation of
the Affordable Care Act (ACA) the purpose was
that underinsured Americans would have access
to “affordable” health care and be covered.
The truth everyone is now realizing, especially
those who already had insurance, is their
insurance has become more expensive (monthly
or yearly cost) and what it covers is less with
higher deductibles.
Those who were uninsured can now buy
insurance but it is not cheap and has high
deductibles also.
Good news, everyone has insurance. Bad news,
it is expensive and covers less.
So, how can this be a good thing? Well
unintentionally (or covertly) people are being
forced into making a choice. Will they continue
on the path they have been on expecting someone
else to try to medicate or perform surgery to
combat a bad lifestyle? This most likely will
result in becoming sick or injured and this is
going to cost them quite a lot of money out of
their pocket until they hit that high deductible.
The other option they have is to not get sick or
injured. They know how to do that. They have
always known. Exercise regularly, eat right, get
rest, don’t smoke, don’t drink excessively, and
avoid risky behavior.
The real enlightened people know that if you
add chiropractic care into this strategy you
perform better, longer and it enhances the other
lifestyle choices to maximize your performance.
In the first month of January the phone was
ringing off the hook and the rooms are filled
with people wanting to implement a “healthy
Lifestyle” program or as we have in my office,
“The 100 Year Lifestyle.”
The facts are in, it is expensive to get sick or
injured so you had better start self-care and take
better care of yourself.
You have a choice, crisis care or lifestyle care.
One cost a lot and interrupts your life. The other
cost less and is controllable and enhances your
Studies have shown you will be living longer,
whether you want to or not! So if that is true`1
now is a great time to take better care of yourself.
The government has forced you into this situation
so take advantage of it.
Consult with the health and wellness
leaders for the past 100 plus years, doctors
of chiropractic. Learn to live The 100 Year
Lifestyle, save money and enhance your life
and performance. Find out what the top
performers in sports, business, entertainment
and families have known, chiropractic, along
with healthy lifestyle choices, works! Check out
Thanks government!
I recently saw a great article called “What do
you want Students to Do with Technology” from
Bill Ferriter (http://bit.ly/StudentsTechnology).
Although it is intended for educators, I think
it applies to everyone using technology today
especially small businesses.
Ferriter’s bottom line is that “Technology is a
tool, not a leadership outcome.” I think businesses
should look at Social Media in a similar way.
Social media is more than just tweeting
and posting. It’s about building relationships
and starting conversations that could lead to
collaboration. If you own a business, you know that
relationships are everything. Are you cultivating
important relationships with today’s tools?
Blogging, publishing videos, sharing slides and
building a web site is not just about uploading
content and adding pretty pictures. These tools
allow you to tell your story in a dynamic and
engaging way. What stories can you share about
your business and the people you serve?
About MJ: MJ and her brother David own
HUTdogs, a creative services and digital marketing
business. Get information about their upcoming
classes, webinars and presentations at: www.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com