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Mountain Views-News Saturday, August 1, 2015 
“There’s no better feeling in the world than a warmMountain Views-News Saturday, August 1, 2015 
“There’s no better feeling in the world than a warm
REMEMBRANCE Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side


Ruth Eleanor King passed away July 20, 
2015 of heart failure. She resided in Sierra 
Madre for over 50 years. 

Ruth was born January 5, 1931, in Carbondale,
IL, the elder daughter of Otis Bigelow and OliveEleanor Young, professors at Southern IllinoisUniversity, from which she graduated with abachelor’s degree in Art History. 

She is survived by her husband, Russell 

W. King, whom she married in 1951. They 
have five children, Rebecca Floyd, Steven 
King, Suzanne Hammersmith, Leslie McLeod 
and Carol LaCorte, along with eleven 
Known for her warmth, beauty, graciousness 
and love, Ruth’s greatest joy and legacy was her 
family. She was also an accomplished artist, 
both in oil painting and sculpting. She was 
a member of Church of the Good Shepherd 
in Arcadia and was a supporter of the Sierra 
Madre Playhouse, the Humane Society and 
her alma mater. 

A private service was held at Rose Hills 


Memorial Park in Whittier, CA. Donations in 
her memory may be made to: Spunky’s Rescue 
Ranch in Malibu, Sierra Madre Playhouse, or 
the Humane Society of the United States. 

During the week of Sunday, July 19th, to Sunday,During the investigation, the Officers receivedJuly 26th, the Sierra Madre Police Departmentstatements from two witnesses. The witnesses 
responded to approximately 282 calls for service. informed Officers that they were sitting

together on their porch, when they noticed aTuesday, July 21stvehicle pull into the parking lot, stop, and fourAt 10:23 am, Sierra Madre Police responded male subjects got out while the car drove slowlyto the 200 block of South Canon Avenue up Woodland Drive. The four males then wentregarding a grand theft report. Upon arrival car to car trying to open car doors, and thethe victim informed Officers that he parked witnesses saw the men open one of their carhis truck in front of the residence and walked doors and begin rummaging through it, whichinside to meet with the residence, while leaving was parked in the lot. The witnesses walkedsome property unsecured in the bed of the toward the men and activated their car alarm. 
truck. The victim stated that he was only inside The four suspects then took off towards thethe residence for no more than ten minutes waiting car. While fleeing one of the suspectsand when he came back out, he realized his fell, allowing one of the witnesses to catch upproperty was missing. Officers canvased the to him. Both the witness and suspect got intoarea for any witnesses and came across a an altercation until the second witness pullednearby resident who stated he was working in the suspect off. The four suspects fled and gothis front yard when he observed a large brown into the waiting vehicle, while the witnesses ranSUV occupied by two male Hispanics stop to their vehicle and followed the suspect vehiclenear the victim’s truck. The passenger then while calling police.
exited the SUV and walked over to the victim’s At 9:58 am, Sierra Madre Police responded totruck and removed the property and placed it the 300 block of San Gabriel Court regarding ain the SUV. No further information or suspect vehicle theft. The victim informed Officers that 
descriptions were provided. This case has been sometime the night before someone entered herforwarded to the Detective Bureau. unlocked vehicle from the passenger door and

rummaged through her glove box and centerThursday, July 23rdcounsel. Nothing appeared to be stolen. Officers

 At 12:57 pm, Sierra Madre Police respondedthen responded to the next door neighbor for theto the 500 block of Woodland Drive regardingsame type of incident. The victim reported heran auto-burglary that had just occurred. Thepassenger door had been opened and her vehiclevehicle was being followed by the witnesses.had been rummaged through also. Again,
Officers arrived in the area and were able to nothing appeared to be stolen. These cases haveapprehend the suspects without incident. been forwarded to the Detective Bureau. 


Calling all Sierra Madre shutterbugs and iPhone users! We need your help! 

The Sierra Madre Community Services Commission is collecting photos of local Sierra MadreArt (SMArt) around town. 

Now through Labor Day weekend while walking around town, if you spot some SMArt, snapa photo and email it to us at telling us where thephoto was taken, or post it on Facebook and 

The City will be using selected images to create the SMarts database and catalog local SierraMadre Public Art for others to enjoy. This includes sculptures, gardens, paintings, murals, stainglass, iron work, tiles – art in all shapes and sizes. If you know of hidden treasures in Sierra Madre,
we want to know! 

pizza box on your lap.” Kevin James 

“Your little chefs will have a blast earning theirPizza Diplomas! After they decorate their apronsand chef’s hats, we’ll teach them how to flip doughand decorate their own personal pizzas. Oncethey’ve worked up an appetite, they can take theirseats for pizza and desserts!” (The Kid’s PizzaCooking Class for Birthday Parties)

Now I ask you, doesn’t that sound like a greatparty? Having just attended a birthday party atChuck-E-Cheese, where the noise level is...well, 
it’s pretty intense...this party where your littlebirthday person and their guests can get up closeand personal with their pizza sounds simplydivine. Where is this, you’re wondering? It’s VillagePizza, conveniently located at 41 North Baldwin,
or Villaggio Pizzeria to use the Italian version.

Village owner, Jinah Yang, took me out to theparty patio, charmingly decorated with murals ofa Venice canal, gondola and handsome gondolier.
That romantic O sole mio feeling settled overme just like a balmy evening in Venice. Well, wehaven’t actually experienced a balmy evening inVenice, but, hey, I can use my imagination. Jinahsaid they have special tablecloths, balloons, games,
TV and parents can bring along a piñata if theywant one. Think Top Chef Pizza!with mixed greens, assorted Italian meats, Provolone

Jinah is really excited about her pizza making

cheese, olives, tomatoes, red onions, pepperoncini;

birthday parties. She’s had at least 25 of them since last

and they were sharing a small pizza. I’m pretty sure it

October and word is spreading. The Kid’s Pizza Class

was the Olive Tapenade with roasted tomatoes, pine

includes chef’s aprons and hats, decorating supplies,

nuts, mozzarella, romano and olive tapenade. Or it

the pizza diploma, of course, a personal pizza with

could have been the Caprese with cherry tomatoes,

two toppings, a Nutella dessert pizza and pitchers of

baby balls of fresh milk mozzarella, fresh basil

fountain soda. It’s just $15/child,10 person minimum,

chiffonade, pesto sauce and fresh basil. Or maybe the

and let’s face it, you can’t put on a home party for

House Specialty with artichoke hearts and sun-dried

that and then there’s the horrendous cleanup! Jinah 

tomatoes on a whole wheat crust. After Jinah handed 

described one exceptionally artistic little guy who

me a menu I needed to take home The Village Works

wanted to create a pizza mountain and did exactly

pizza with pepperoni, sausage, Canadian bacon,

that with cheese, cheese and more cheese! He loved 

mushrooms, onions, green peppers, olives, extra

and devoured every bite of his creation! She’s had very

cheese. Village has traditional pizza, California pizza

successful parties with birthday people as young as 5

and New York pizza so they’ve got your favorite, no

up to about 14.

matter what it is. 

Originally from South Korea, Jinah and her family

If you haven’t been in to Village Pizza lately, you

immigrated to the United States when she was ten.

need to go! And they deliver, too! Check out their

She’s owned Villagio Pizzeria for the last ten years

website for hours, delivery times, specials and menus.

and fell in love with Sierra Madre the first time she

drove up Baldwin. “It’s so cozy, like an extra vacation

If you’ve got a birthday coming up, give Jinah a

kind of place.” Her husband, Sean, is a CPA and the

call and get yourself on the schedule. Reservations

Jangs have three grown children. She employs all

required for parties, of course. 626-355-8817. How 

local young people and prides herself on her gourmet

about Chipotle Pizza?

pizza. There’s also a catering menu which includes

Vegetarian? Roasted Veggie? Hungry yet?

lasagna, several pastas and salads, buffalo wings and

My book page: Deanne Davis 

hot or cold sandwich baskets. 


The day I stopped in to chat a young woman and her

 “Tablespoon of Love, Tablespoon of Laughter” is

daughter were enjoying a late lunch. She had one of

available there… 

the best looking salads I’ve seen in a while...Antipasto 

An excellent wedding gift, by the way! 


Hosted by the Sierra Madre Police Department

August 4th, 2015 from 6pm - 8pm at Sierra Madre Memorial Park 

Come out and meet with Sierra Madre's finest Police Officers, Firefighters, EMTs, Paramedics and the 
Search & Rescue Team. 

There will be bounce houses, activities, food trucks and music as well as local vendors and businesses! 

Boys and Girls remember to dress up as your favorite crime-fighter or hero for a chance at winning a specialprize. 

We’d like to hear from you! 
What’s on YOUR Mind? 
Contact us at: or 
mountainviewsnews AND Twitter: #mtnviewsnews 
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: