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Mountain Views News Saturday, August 1, 2015 BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS12 
Mountain Views News Saturday, August 1, 2015 BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS12 


There are three critical aspects to estate planning. Let’sreview: first, a customized set of documents unique toyour situation and goals should be the foundation of yourplan; second; the plan must be properly and completelyfunded (your assets must actually be transferred into theplan). So what’s the third? 

Once you have your documents in place and yourplan fully funded, you can’t simply stick it on your shelf,
check it off your bucket list, and assume it will worklike you need it to 20 or 30 years from now. If you don’tperiodically review (and update, when necessary) your

plan you have only managed to buy yourself a false sense of security. 

Over time your assets will change. You may buy property; you may sell property. Your stock portfolio may losevalue; you may receive an inheritance. There are thousands of things which can – and will – change with your estate(your estate is simply the legal way of saying, “all the stuff you own”). Your plan needs to adapt and transform toyour changing financial situation. 

Over time your family dynamic will change. There may be births; there may be deaths. There may be marriages;
there may be divorces. Your kids will grow up; you may have grandkids on the horizon. Your plan needs to acclimateand adjust to your ever evolving family. 

Over time the laws regarding estate planning will change. For example, the estate tax exemption has been as lowas $600,000 and as high as unlimited over the last two decades. The estate tax rate has been as high as 55% and aslow as 35% over that same period. The laws in this area change all the time. Your plan needs to change and adapt tomeet whatever new laws Washington throws at you from year to year. 

My firm reviews the plans we put in place for clients every 1 to 3 years – at no additional charge. And if your planisn’t being reviewed at least as often, you may be living with a false sense of security. And ultimately, it’s your family’ssecurity that’s on the line. Do NOT let that happen! 

You cared enough to put a plan in place. Make sure it is up to date with your present situation, your family goals,
and the current laws. That’s the only way to ensure your plan will protect and provide for your family as you intend,
when it’s needed. 

If you already have a plan in place and haven’t had it reviewed recently, it’s time for a checkup. And if you’re readyto put a plan in place to provide the protection your family deserves, be sure to ask your attorney how often they willreview the plan and how much extra that will cost. 

I recommend putting an attorney on your team who will take care of all that for you, so you don’t even have tothink about it. That’s the only real way to make sure it’s not forgotten about and that your plan stays up to date,
providing a “real” sense of security rather than a false one. 

Dedicated to your family’s health, wealth, and happiness, 

A local attorney, father, and CASA volunteer (Court Appointed Special Advocate for Children), MarcGarlett is on a mission to help parents protect what they love most. His office is located at 49 S. Baldwin 
Ave., Ste. G, Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an appointment to sit down and talk about ensuring alegacy of love and financial security for your family by calling 626.355.4000 or visit www.GarlettLaw.comfor more information. 

Call Patricia at 626-818-2698 Today!
There are two important poses in a standard vinyasa flow that

deserve a breakdown. They are cobra pose, or bhujangasana and

up dog, urdhva mukha svanasana. Both are excellent backbends,

but they each have their individual alignment. As a teacher, I 

often see a hybrid of the two that’s not so good for the lower back.
Cobra pose is a lovely, strong belly backbend. In a standard vinyasa, you come into cobra from knees, chestand chin (ashtanga prinom) or chaturanga dandasana. 

As you lower down, the belly comes all the way to the earth. Hands are planted right in line with the chestand elbows are in toward the ribs. Tops of the feet are pressing down onto the floor actively and triceps movetoward the feet. As you inhale, press into your hands, activate the muscles along your spine and peel the heartup. Shoulder blades draw together on the back and collarbones in front become broad. Elbows stay bent theentire time in cobra. The legs and pelvis stay on the mat. Release on exhale and press back into downward dog.
Upward facing dog, is usually reached from chaturanga. You have a choice to keep your toestucked or come onto the tops of the feet. On the inhale, you powerfully press into the handswhile pulling the heart and chest forward. The thighs and legs are actively engaged. Arms arestraight and the entire leg(s) excluding the toes are off the mat. Find extra space right at the topwith an external rotation of the inner upper arm and draw shoulder blades deeper into the back. 

So, in short, elbows stay bent in cobra, while in updog, arms are straight with thighs off the mat. If the arms arestraight with thighs down, there is undue compression on the lower vertebrae. It’s best to work up to transitioninginto updog. Both are excellent for the breath and gaining strength in the back body and stretch on the frontside. 

Happy practice and enjoy your flow with comfortable alignment! 


Keely Totten 


As business owners, it’s our job to get to know our on your surveycustomers. The better you know them, the better youKeep your questions simple and easy to answercan meet their needs. The best way to know what they(multiple choice)
like and need is to ask them. Thank participants

Surveys give you an opportunity to get feedback fastDirect them to a page that rewards their participationand they promote brand loyalty.(coupon etc.) 

Our client, Palau Dive Adventures, sends a survey totheir customers following a trip. They average 95-100%About MJ: MJ and her brother David own HUTdogs,
open rate and are able to collect valuable feedback anda creative services business that specializes in Internetinformation about their customer’s experience. At the Marketing strategies and Social Media. They offerend of the survey they direct them back to a link withsocial media management services and help theira special offer or other strategic web address. This is anclients build a strong on-line presence. “Like” them onimportant part of their customer experience and greatFacebook for trending news in social media, internetway to follow up after a customer experience. marketing and other helpful tips,

Tips for successful surveys:Sign up for their upcoming classes, webinars and

Keep them short, no more than 5-10 questions.presentations at:

Let people know upfont how many questions will be 

Recently, a friend asked me about food combining and if it could help withher digestive distress. So I thought I would give you a brief idea of what foodcombining is and how it can work for or against you. The first thing youneed to know is that all foods require different amounts of time to digest andmove though our system. The next thing you need to know is that eatingcertain food combinations can hinder digestion. If you suffer from gas orbloating after meals you may want to give food combining a try.
One of the secrets of establishing good health as well as maintainingweight loss is to have a properly functioning digestive system. This means 
that you are able to absorb the maximum amount of nutrients, proteinsand enzymes from your food. When this is accomplished it can preventbloating, burping, gas and even indigestion.
Dr. Tina is a traditional 
naturopath and nutritionist 
at Vibrant LivingWellness CenterFruits digested faster than any other food. Next in line would be 
non-starching vegetables including herbs, nuts, seed, and seed and olive oil.
The third group is your grains (products made from grains), then sugars andstarchy vegetables like corn on the cob. The foods that digest slowest are 
meats, dairy and fish.
Raw fruits (cooked fruits take a little longer and dried fruits even

longer still) take approximately 30 minutes to exit the stomach. Try to eat fruits first thing in the morningor 3 hours after a meal. Problems arise when you eat a slow digesting food followed by a quickly digestiblefood. The quickly digestible food will remain in the digestive track too long and can cause gas and bloating.

All non-starch vegetables may be eaten with flesh dishes.
All vegetables may be eaten with starches.
This is very basic description of food combining. You can get much more detail and fine tune what

you eat but this is a quick primer for those just starting with food combining. What I take away from thisis that the traditional meal I grew up on of meat, potatoes, vegetables and a raw lettuce salad is hard onthe digestive system. A better meal would leave out the potatoes. Or keep the potatoes and eliminate the 

There are many books available on the subject of food combining. When done properly, food combining 
can help you feel great, lose weight and maintain weight loss. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: