Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, September 5, 2015

MVNews this week:  Page 5



Mountain Views-News Saturday, September 5, 2015 



By Joan Schmidt

 At a recent Monrovia-Arcadia-Duarte Town 
Council Meeting, the late John Nicoloro was 
honored, and it was a beautiful tribute. 

 All of John’s Family were there- beloved wife Lucy 
of 53 years and their children, Michael, Christine, 
Johnny and Nancy. In attendance were Supervisor 
Mike Antonovich’s Chief Deputy Kathryn Barger 
and Field Deputy Brian Mejia, Captain Coronne 
Jacob, Liaison/Deputy April Nelsen, Deputy 
Valenzuela from Pamela Park, Past Town Council 
Members Kim Sanders and myself, Kevin Paris 
from LA County Probation, and many residents.

 The accolades were many: State Senator Ed 
Hernandez and State Assemblyman Roger 
Hernandez sent Certificates of Recognition. From 
Supervisor Antonovich’s office, Kathryn Barger 
and Brian Mejia made a presentation and Brian 
who attends EVERY Council Meeting spoke of 
John, whom he’s known for close to eleven years 
and all John has done. Both Captain Jacob and 
Deputy Nelson also make a presentation and 
thanked the family for all John has done to better 
the county area.

 The entire Town Council, Chair David Hall, 
Council Members Yvonne Bullock, Gloria Huss, 
Linda Sells and Terence Williams presented a 
beautiful plaque to Lucy. She and the children 
were very touched as Dave spoke lovingly of 
the selfless man who never stopped working to 
improve our community.

 It was business as usual and Deputy Nelsen 
gave an update on area crimes. A few disgruntled 
residents complained about the time it took a 
deputy to arrive, and wanted to know about 
Monrovia Police Response Time. I have listened 
to this off and on for twenty years and am sick of it. 
If you want CITY services, move to a city and pay 
the extra taxes! I had PROOF of how Mayflower 
Village COULD HAVE BEEN incorporated 
Almost 20 years ago, Hugh Campbell gave 
me the paperwork from a “Mayflower Village 
Association”. (It was dated in the 50’s. They 
warned everyone, “Not to incorporate” so it was 
THEIR choice.) I have lived in my home 27 years 
and I am VERY SATISFIED with county services.

 On a much more pleasant note, Deputy 
Valenzuela and Kevin Paris gave a glowing report 
of Pamela Park activities. County residents-
please come to the Monrovia-Arcadia-Duarte 
Town Council Meetings. They meet only ONCE 
a month-the third Wednesday and so much 
information is shared.

John’s family joined by Katrhryn Barger and Brian Mejia__ representing Supervisor Antonovich.



LOS ANGELES COUNTY – After more than 10 
years of discussion and two independent studies, 
the Board of Supervisors approved a new 
downtown jail and also created an innovative 
diversion program. 

 “Approving the jail plan is a step forward and 
avoids further delays in treatment services for 
inmates with medical, mental health and drug 
addiction problems,” said Mayor Antonovich.

 “Public safety and diversion cannot be achieved 
without appropriate jail capacity especially in the 
wake of rising crime rates statewide including 
in the Sheriff’s and the LAPD’s jurisdiction 
resulting from AB 109 and Proposition 47,” said 
Mayor Antonovich. Proposition 47 was passed 
by the voters in November which reduced certain 
felonies to misdemeanors without mandating 
treatment services for those with mental illness 
or drug addiction. “In LAPD’s jurisdiction, 
violation crime is up by nearly 20% and property 
crime is up by 11%. In Sheriff’s jurisdiction, 
violent crime is up by over 5.5% and property 
crime is up by over 7%,” said Mayor Antonovich.

 Supervisors Sheila Kuehl and Hilda Solis 
amended the jail plan motion calling for various 
mitigating efforts to assist families of inmates 
with transportation and visitation, among other 
things, due to the proximity of Mira Loma to 
downtown Los Angeles. Mayor Antonovich 
amended that motion to consider county owned 
facilities that are in close proximity to downtown 
Los Angeles in the future.

 “As the county considers expansion of 
treatment facilities in the community, Sybil 
Brand Institute and MacLaren Hall could serve 
as suitable options and ought to be considered,” 
said Mayor Antonovich.

 Mayor Antonovich’s motion on the jail plan was 
approved as amended by Supervisor Kuehl on a 
3-1 vote with Supervisor Knabe voting no and 
Supervisor Solis abstaining. The joint motion on 
diversion by Supervisors Mark Ridley-Thomas 
and Sheila Kuehl were approved with Supervisor 
Don Knabe voting no on portions of the motion. 



Assemblymember Chris Holden’s bill to 
expand access to mutual water companies’ 
board meetings through the utilization of 
modern teleconference and internet streaming 
has passed the Legislature. 

 AB 1077 strengthens the Mutual Water 
Company Open Meeting Act by requiring all 
shareholders to be guaranteed, at a minimum, 
the right to teleconference into any meeting and 
prohibiting the water company’s board from 
meeting exclusively in executive session. 

 “For too long mutual water companies went 
unregulated and operated without meaningful 
oversight,” explained Assemblymember Holden. 
“AB 1077 is another step in the Legislature’s 
ongoing efforts to promote good governance 
and public participation in the decisions made 
by mutual water company boards by adding a 
new layer of transparency and oversight to the 
governance of mutual water companies. 

 This measure ensures that the Californians who 
receive water from these companies, including the 
constituents of mine whose complaints motivated 
me to introduce this bill, have a voice in the 
decisions that impact their water rates, quality 
and service.”

 This transparency measure has received bi-
partisan support all year. It now goes to the 
Governor for signature. 

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