Mountain Views-News Saturday, November 14, 2015
For the period of Sunday, November 1st, through Saturday,
November 7th, the Police Department responded to 967 calls
for service of which 122 required formal investigations. The
following is a summary report of the major incidents handled
by the Department during this period.
Sunday, November 1:
Just before 2:20 a.m., an officer initiated consensual
contact with two individuals sitting in a parked car in
the 5400 block of Peck Road. The driver of the vehicle,
a 22-year-old male from El Monte, admitted to having a
loaded firearm in the vehicle. The suspect was arrested
and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
The passenger was the suspect’s juvenile brother. He was
released to his mother.
At approximately 8:23 a.m., an officer responded to a
residence in the 1600 block of Old Oak Lane regarding a
grand theft report. After an open house for the for-sale
residence, the victim discovered her personal property was
missing from her dresser. The investigation is ongoing.
Monday, November 2:
At about 1:36 a.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop on a
vehicle in the area of Foothill Boulevard and Santa Anita
Avenue for having a broken license plate light. Upon
contacting the driver, the officer detected a strong odor
of alcohol emitting from the driver’s breath. Through a
series of tests, the officer determined the 25-year-old male
from Hacienda Heights was driving under the influence
of an alcoholic beverage. The suspect was arrested and
transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
Around 9:14 p.m., an officer responded to the Station Bar,
1218 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a battery report.
An investigation revealed a physical altercation occurred
between friends resulting in the suspect pushing the victim
off a bar stool, causing bruised ribs and a laceration to his
leg. The 45-year-old male from Arcadia was arrested and
transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. The victim
refused medical attention.
Tuesday, November 3:
Around 12:39 a.m., an officer responded to Knockouts
Gentlemen’s Club, 1580 Clark Street, regarding an assault
with a deadly weapon. The officer discovered the victim was
hit in the face with a blunt object by an unknown suspect
while in the men’s restroom. The suspect was seen leaving
the location in a Toyota sedan. The investigation is ongoing.
The suspect is described as a Hispanic male in his late
20’s to early 30’s, light complexion, 5’8”, medium build, with
short black hair and brown eyes. The driver of the vehicle
was a thin, Asian male.
Just after 7:34 p.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop
on a vehicle near the intersection of Huntington Drive and
Fifth Avenue for using a cellphone while driving. Upon
contacting the driver, the officer discovered the 36-year-
old male from La Puente had been driving with an expired
license. He was cited and released in the field. His vehicle
was released to a licensed driver.
Wednesday, November 4:
Shortly after 9:15 a.m., an officer responded to the 600 block
of Michillinda Avenue regarding a vandalism report. An
investigation revealed unknown suspect(s) spray painted
graffiti on the walls of an abandoned parking structure
sometime during the previous night. No suspects were seen
and no witnesses were located.
At about 7:48 p.m., an officer responded to a residence in
the 2200 block of South Fifth Avenue regarding a burglary.
The officer determined unidentified suspect(s) entered the
residence by unknown means, stole jewelry, two firearms,
and handbags, before fleeing. No suspects were seen and no
witnesses were located. The investigation is ongoing.
Thursday, November 5:
At approximately 7:26 p.m., an officer responded to a
parking lot of the Westfield Shopping Town, 400 South
Baldwin Avenue, regarding a grand theft report. The officer
discovered an unknown suspect stole all four tires and
wheels from a 2015 Honda Civic. No suspects were seen and
no witnesses were located.
Around 9:30 p.m., an officer responded to the parking
lot of 24 Hour Fitness, 125 North First Avenue, regarding
an attempted vehicle burglary. An investigation revealed an
unknown suspect broke the front window of the vehicle in an
attempt to commit a vehicle burglary. No loss was reported,
no suspects were seen, and no witnesses were located.
Friday, November 6:
At about 12:05 a.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop on a
vehicle in the area of Duarte Road and Lyndon Avenue for
having a broken tail light. Upon contacting the driver, the
officer discovered the 20-year-old male from Monrovia was
driving with a suspended license. He was cited and released
in the field. The vehicle was left legally parked.
At approximately 7:41 p.m., an officer conducted an
enforcement stop on a vehicle in the area of First Avenue
and Alta Street for having expired registration. A records
check of the vehicle revealed the registration had expired;
however, the vehicle displayed a 2015 registration sticker.
The driver, a 39-year-old male from El Monte, admitted
to knowingly placing the forged sticker on his vehicle. The
suspect was cited and released in the field. His vehicle was
not towed.
Saturday, November 7:
Just after 10:05 a.m., an officer initiated consensual contact
with a subject near the intersection of San Luis Rey Road
and Colorado Boulevard. During a consensual search of the
subject, the officer located a small bag of methamphetamine.
The 25-year-old male from Altadena was arrested and
transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
At about 3:38 p.m., an officer responded to an apartment
complex in the 100 block of California Street regarding
a commercial burglary report. An investigation revealed
unknown suspect(s) pried open the mailbox to the complex.
It is unknown if any mail was stolen. No suspects were seen
and no witnesses were located.
By Joan Schmidt
Once again the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce
put on a spectacular event. This time it was the
celebration of the 50th anniversary at its present site
on Huntington Drive right across from Santa Anita
The Arcadia Chamber of Commerce actually began
in 1921, celebrating its 90th Anniversary in 2011. In
July, 2009, there was a big bash to mark the 75th year
of its official incorporation. TV personality Wink
Martindale, a former Arcadia resident came by to join
in the festivities.
In 1965, the Chamber moved to its current building
and a time capsule was buried. It was only fitting that
this capsule would be opened at the Anniversary
There was fantastic lunch-Twohey’s served their
smoked pulled pork sandwiches, homemade kettle
chips, hot fudge sundaes and their award-winning
lemonade. Embassy Suites provided quinoa, chicken
sliders, beef/lamb sliders and brownie bits. During
the event, we listen to great 60’s music- thanks to DJ
John Villa of Dance Syndicate Entertainment.
Attendees were able to see the newly-renovated
building- thanks to the City of Arcadia. (The
Chamber rents the building from the City) Also
people walked around the new landscaping which is
drought-resistance. Dave, in charge of the landscaping
explained what was done and spoke of special plants
such as Mexican Sage and Lion’s Paw- they do bloom
and will bring color.
Congresswoman Judy Chu made presentations to
both the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce and the City
of Arcadia. The Chamber made a Presentation to the
City in appreciation for all the City has done to support
them in their mission and especially for all the great
renovations to the building and grounds. The City in
turn also presented a Proclamation to the Chamber
recognizing the 50th Anniversary at the current site
and commended the Chamber for all its fine work and
what the Chamber has done to enhance the city.
The Arcadia Rotary Club made the pit at the side
of the building-its volunteer members worked hard
many hours and bought rocks from Irwindale!
Wells Fargo provided a beautiful seven foot mural
depicting historic scenes from Arcadia, now hanging
on a Chamber wall. Wells Fargo has a mural on the
wall of its Arcadia branch and throughout the U.S.,
there are 1800 murals at various bank branches.
Members of the Chamber since 1965 and prior were
all given a special plaque. On it was the Chamber seal
and the date they became a member.
The capsule was opened and its contents were NOT
anomic! There were film strips, film, papers, a lot were
faded from time. People were given the opportunity
to bring up something to
place in a 2015 time capsule,
and Congresswoman Judy
Chu brought up a copy of
the LA Times. Its main story
was that a portion of the San
Gabriel Mountains became a
National Monument.
It was wonderful to see
past Mayors-Floretta
Lauber, Bob Harbicht and
Peter Amundson, and of
course many local residents
came out and joined the
chamber members in a great
Arcadia CA – November 9, 2015—High-speed
Internet access is now available at the Arcadia Public
Library. Users of the Library’s 65 public computers can
experience the Internet over a connection that is up to
20 times faster than before! The Library’s free Wi-Fi
service has also been greatly improved.
Director of Library and Museum Services Mary Beth
Hayes has stated, “We conducted a library community
needs assessment earlier this year and our computer
and Internet services were identified as second in
importance only to access to books by respondents.
We’re excited to be able to offer this greatly improved
Internet access to our patrons thanks to generous grant
The new one gigabit-per-second broadband access
comes thanks to the Library’s participation in the
California Public Library Broadband consortium,
part of a state initiative to eventually connect all of
California’s 1,112 public libraries to the California
Research and Education Network (CalREN) for
high-speed Internet access. CalREN is provided by
the Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in
California (CENIC), and also serves the University
of California, the California State University system,
California Community Colleges, the California K-12
system, and some private universities.
Funding for the Library’s improved connection
comes from the Federal Communications
Commission’s Universal Service Program for
Schools and Libraries, the California Public Utilities
Commission’s Teleconnect Fund, and the California
State Library.
A recent study by the Pew Research Center found
that 26% of all Americans depend on libraries for
Internet access. These users connect to do research for
school or work (66%), obtain information about health
and wellness (47%), and apply for jobs (36%).
The Arcadia Public Library is located at 20 W. Duarte
Rd., Arcadia. The Library is open Monday through
Thursday, 10:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. and Friday and
Saturday, 10:00
a.m. until 6:00 p.m.
About the City of Arcadia
Nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains,
Arcadia is an 11.38 square mile community with a
population of just over 56,000. Located approximately
20 miles east of downtown Los Angeles, Arcadia is a
full-service charter city governed by a five-member
City Council, elected at large. Recognized for
exceptional education and recreation opportunities
and beautiful neighborhoods, Arcadia is also defined
as the “Community of Homes” and has twice been
designated the “Best City in California in which to
Raise Kids” by Business Week Magazine.
The City of Duarte’s new field use rental policy will
go into effect beginning Monday, November 16.
The new policy for the City of Duarte will help to
coordinate the allocation of all sports fields and park
facilities available to the general public in an equitable
and fair manner. The policy will help user groups to
secure fields for games, practices, and other events,
avoid disputes among users over field usage, ensure
Duarte residents have priority usage and access
to Duarte facilities and ensure that maintenance
and renovation can be scheduled and implemented
properly to maintain the quality of the facilities to be
used by the public.
Groups Now Priority Ranked For Field Use
A field rental application for permission to use the
sports fields and park facilities must be submitted
by all organizations, teams, or individuals for all
field uses. All groups will be prioritized depending
whether they are a resident group, youth non-profit
groups, adult groups or other varied criteria.
New 5-Month Field Rental Period
Users requesting fields for league play or on-going
uses will now need to submit a bi-annual rental
application for a maximum 5-month use period.
These rental uses will be approved based on the
prioritized rankings. A maximum of 3 uses per week
will be approved for applicants that are not recreation
programs, DUSD uses and contract agreements.
Applicants will be contacted after applications have
been prioritized and use requests have been inserted
into the master calendar. The Bi-annual applications
for use of fields must be submitted to the Recreation
Office at Duarte City Hall as follows:
Submit your application during the 3rd week of
November (November 16-19), Monday - Thursday
(except for holidays), 7:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. for
5-month facility uses that will begin after January
Submit your application during the 3rd week of
May, Monday - Thursday (except for holidays), 7:30
a.m. – 6:00 p.m. for 5-month facility uses that will
begin after July 1st.
All other applications for use of available fields or
facilities must be submitted at least eight (8) working
days and not more than ninety (90) days prior to
the time of use ending December 1st and June 1st.
Facilities uses will be subject to availability.
To download the full application form and policies
please visit HYPERLINK “http://www.accessduarte.
com” www.accessduarte.com and navigate to City
Departments/Parks and Recreation/City Facilities
and scroll down to see the links for Field Rental
Form and Field Rental Policies. Call (626) 357-7931
for more information on this or any Parks and
Recreation programs.
For more information visit “http://www.accessduarte.
com” www.accessduarte.com or call (626) 357-7931.
Follow the City of Duarte on Facebook at facebook.
com/duartecommunity; Twitter @CityofDuarte;
Instagram @city_of_duarte and LinkedIn.
Following are the weekend’s
highlighted issues and events. To see
a complete listing of crimes reported,
go to the City of Monrovia website
and click on the crime mapping link.
Sign up to follow us on Twitter for
police notifications.
Theft From a Vehicle November 5
at 6:55 a.m., a theft from a vehicle
was reported in the 800 block of
West Duarte Road. The victim went
to his vehicle, which he had parked
in the carport area, and saw items
were missing. He realized he left
the vehicle unlocked and someone
entered his vehicle without his
permission and had stolen his
belongings. The investigation is
Stolen Vehicle Recovered
November 5 at 4:10 p.m., an officer
on patrol saw a vehicle traveling
at a high rate of speed, heading
south on Ivy from Colorado.
Officers tried to catch up to vehicle,
but lost sight of it until a caller
reported a subject fleeing from a
vehicle matching the description
in an alley in the 200 block of West
Maple Avenue. Officers arrived and
located the unoccupied vehicle. A
search of the surrounding area was
conducted for the fleeing suspect,
but no suspect was located. The
vehicle was stolen earlier in the day
from another city.
Identity Theft/Fraud Investigation
November 5 at 6:58 p.m., an officer
responded to a location in the
800 block of West Duarte. The
victim reported that several credit
card accounts had been opened
fraudulently in her name by an
unknown suspect. The suspect had
also canceled her cell phone service.
The investigation is continuing.
Theft From a Vehicle November 5
at 7:05 p.m., a theft from a vehicle
was reported in the 100 block of
North Ivy. The victim parked her
vehicle and had left it unlocked.
An unknown suspect entered the
vehicle and stole several items
that had been left inside. The
investigation is continuing.
Stolen Vehicle
November 5 at 8:12 p.m., a vehicle
was reported stolen from the 200
block of East Huntington. The
victim reported her 1998 Honda
Civic was stolen from the business
parking lot while she was at work.
The investigation is continuing.
Shoplifting – Suspect Arrested
November 6 at 8:16 p.m., a theft
was reported at a business in the
500 block of West Huntington. An
adult female walked into the store,
selected and concealed several
items in her purse, and walked out
of the business without paying. She
was stopped outside by store loss
prevention. An officer responded
to the location, arrested the suspect
and took her into custody. She
was later released on a citation to
appear in court on the charges.
Shoplifting – Suspect Arrested
November 6 at 10:37 p.m., an
officer responded to a business in
the 500 block of West Huntington
regarding a theft of merchandise.
A male and female went into the
business and concealed several
items of merchandise on their
persons. They attempted to leave
the store without paying for the
merchandise and were stopped
by loss prevention personnel. An
officer responded to the business
and they were arrested and taken
into custody. They were later
released on a citation to appear in
court on the charges.
Hot Prowl Burglary November 7
at 7:38 a.m., an elderly resident in
the 1000 block of East Huntington
Drive phoned police to say she
heard a noise inside her mobile
home sometime in the middle of
the night. She went into the spare
bedroom to see what the noise
was, but did not notice anything
unusual. She did not turn on the
lights. She returned to the room
in the morning and found the
screen had been removed from the
window, which she had left open,
and the room had been ransacked.
Two pieces of costume jewelry
were missing. The investigation is
Driving Under the Influence
Traffic Collision November 7 at
4:31 p.m., officers responded to
the report of a male subject who
had driven his vehicle into a wall
in the 900 block of West Duarte
Road. Officers arrived and found
the subject unresponsive behind
the wheel with the doors locked
and the windows rolled up. The
officers broke a window to the
vehicle to gain entry. Once inside,
they determined the subject was
breathing. It was determined
that the subject was intoxicated
and was possibly driving under
the influence. He was taken to a
hospital for treatment. Charges will
be filed pending blood test results.
Domestic Violence – Suspect
Arrested November 7 at 11:30
p.m., officers were dispatched
to the 200 block of West Lime
regarding a male and female adult
couple arguing. When Officers
arrived, they learned the male had
struck the female in the face with a
clenched fist during the argument.
The male suspect was arrested and
taken into custody for domestic
Driving Under the Influence –
Suspect Arrested November 8 at
5:20 a.m., an officer responded to
the intersection of Colorado and
Ivy regarding a subject passed out
behind the wheel with the vehicle
running. When officers arrived,
they discovered the driver was
intoxicated. He was arrested for
driving under the influence and
held for sobering.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com