Mountain Views News Saturday, June 18, 2016
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
Richard Garcia
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Dr. Tina Paul
Rich Johnson
Merri Jill Finstrom
Lori Koop
Rev. James Snyder
Tina Paul
Mary Carney
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Greg Welborn
Renee Quenell
Ben Show
Sean Kayden
Marc Garlett
Pat Birdsall (retired)
TOM Purcell
I woke up, like
everyone else, to
tragedy Sunday
Five minutes into
my bleary-eyed
view of the CNN
reports, I already
saw how this
would go. First, there would be a wringing
of hands about guns. Then there would be
attempts to identify a motive. If a Muslim
was somehow involved, a search for motives
would cease. There would be moving
disavowals of violence from Muslim-
American leaders, and Facebook or Twitter
would fill up with comments about
how “they” never do enough to disavow
Even while they were doing it.
There would be gun-control advocates
wondering why a civilian would get
his hands on a military-style automatic
weapon, and others who’d respond that
the carnage could have been avoided if
there were other civilians with military-
style weapons allowed in that presumably
gun-free zone.
There would be the obligatory attack
on President Obama if he didn’t use the
“right” words to describe the carnage,
meaning that he didn’t call it an attack of
Islamic terror.
When it came out that the target was a
gay club, people who have a thing against
Christianity would be bummed because,
darn it, they couldn’t blame evangelical
or Catholic haters for the violence. They’d
like to blame Islam, but they wouldn’t
want to offend the wrong people.
And, this being an election year, the candidates
would try to figure out a way to
pick up electoral support, all the while
pretending not to care about the polls.
My parents should have named me Cassandra,
not Christine. All of this came to
pass. Not that it makes me happy to have
the playbook for these tragedies imprinted
on my mind.
When something like this happens, there
is always the hope that something new or
better will emerge. One prays (in the secular
sense) that cooler heads and voices will
prevail. One prays (in the real sense) that
this will be the last time anything similar
happens (except for the media, who exist
for just such moments).
But there is always disappointment because
we are human beings and we want
to blame “the other.”
That “other” could be a responsible gun
owner, if you think gun access is too easy
and gun-control laws are too lax. That
“other” could be a native-born U.S. citizen
whose parents immigrated from Pakistan,
and you think all refugees fleeing ISIS are
actually jihadists in sheep’s clothing. That
“other” could be someone who opposes
same-sex marriage if you think any criticism
of gays amounts to bigotry.
I’ve been to this dance too many times to
believe we’re capable of change. We are so
hard-wired to believe that “the other” is a
threat that we don’t want to listen to other
Gun-control advocates think those who
defend gun ownership are natural enemies.
They hate the NRA and blame all
carnage on people who arm themselves,
whether legally or not. Conversely, NRA
members resent gun-control advocates
for trying to eliminate their constitutional
People who think a wall should be built
blame jihad (or Mexicans) for mass murder,
even when presented with the fact
that killers are native-born-and-bred.
People who think any discussion of the
intersection between violence and ethnicity
or nationality is racist feel superior to
those knuckle-dragging bigots and discount
their concerns.
And people who, like Hillary Clinton recently
noted, think we should be able to
“love who we love” think that anyone who
defends their religious freedom to dissent
is at best spouting hate speech and at
worst, apologists for mass murder.
I’m sick of them all. What happened to
the days when deaths were mourned,
and fingers pointed afterwards when the
heat of anger and despair had cooled to
the equally painful but more manageable
state of sad clarity? I think social media,
including Facebook, Twitter and iPhones
erased that possibility, forever.
We are pathetic, my friends, because we
are predictable in the roles we play. It’s
not a Greek tragedy, but a reality Cassandra
would recognize.
Flowers is an attorney and a columnist for
the Philadelphia Daily News, and can be
reached at cflowers1961@gmail.com.
I don’t know
what I was thinking:
In 1973,
when I was 11, I
flushed an apple
core down the
toilet, an action
I would come to
As it went, my
father had remodeled our basement
into a family room. He installed the
inexpensive pine paneling common to
the times. He also built a small bathroom,
which would be the bane of his
existence for more than 30 years.
My father, always looking to save a
buck — he had six kids to feed, after all
— bought the cheapest toilet he could
find. It never did work right. He spent
much of his spare time unplugging it.
Armed with this knowledge, then, it
is remarkable I did what I did.
One Sunday morning, after chomping
on a large Washington apple, I lay
on the family room couch, too lazy to
go upstairs to the kitchen to dispose of
it. (My father warned against throwing
apple cores in the downstairs garbage
can, as they would draw ants.)
About then I noticed, some 12 feet
away, that the toilet lid was up. In a
moment of insanity, I aimed the core
at the toilet and flicked my wrist. The
core floated majestically in the air, a
perfect trajectory, and landed in the
center of the bowl with a satisfying
I flushed it and never gave it another
Six months later, another clogging
was reported with that toilet. As fate
would have it, this happened on a
Sunday morning. I lay on the couch,
holding another Washington apple.
I watched television, while my father
fought to free the plug.
But nothing would free it. The
plunger failed, but not before my father
was soaking wet. Two jars of Drano
had no effect. Even the plumber’s
snake, which my father always borrowed
from the Krieger’s next door
when all other measures failed, was
unable to dislodge the blockage.
In a fit of rage, my father unbolted
the toilet from the floor. In one mighty
heave, he lifted it off its mount and set
it in front of the television. My mother
was there by now, desperately trying
to calm him. I walked over for a closer
look, horrified by what I was about to
My father knelt before a black hole
in the floor. Despite mother’s protestations,
he reached his mighty paw
inside it, then his forearm, then his
biceps. His head was now pressed
against the damp floor, the veins in his
temples ready to explode.
His eyes lit up. He had something.
He carefully removed his biceps, then
his forearm, then his paw. He was on
his knees now staring at his clenched
fist. He unpeeled his fingers slowly. In
the center of his palm was a black, rotten
apple core.
I could go into detail about my father’s
incredible reaction — how he
ran through the house shouting, “Who
the hell flushed an apple core down the
toilet?” I could describe the shock and
horror he felt when he discovered that
I, his 11-year-old son and only hope in
carrying on the family name, was the
imbecile who did it.
But I won’t. I will tell you I was paralyzed
with fear that day, a fear born
out of respect. My father loved me and
wanted the best for me, I know now.
He wanted me to master basic virtues
— certainly to master common sense
— and I’d failed him.
At the time, it would have been great
if he were a father like the hapless idiots
portrayed on television these days.
But lucky for me he was, and still is,
a man. Unlike too many fathers today,
he was firm and strong and unafraid to
confront me and discipline me in the
unpleasant challenge of preparing me
for life.
The hard feelings the apple core incident
caused have mostly been forgotten.
Still, every now and then I receive
a call late at night. I answer and
hear a familiar male voice:
“Why the hell did you flush an apple
core down the toilet?”
Tom Purcell is a Pittsburgh Tribune-
Review humor columnist Send
comments to Tom at Tom@TomPurcell.
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JOHN L. Micek
So U.S.
House Speaker
Paul Ryan
thinks Donald
about the
heritage of a
federal judge
hearing a civil
case against
him are an example
of “textbook racism,” but he won’t
rescind his endorsement of the presumptive
Republican presidential nominee?
And U.S. Rep. Bill Flores, R-Texas, says
he’ll vote for Trump “but in terms of getting
my endorsement, I don’t endorse
people that bash a judge based on his ethnic
Sorry, Republicans.
As the old saying goes, you can’t be kind of
pregnant. By backing Trump, you’re giving
your explicit endorsement to whatever
nonsense comes tumbling out of his candyflake
orange head.
And no amount of rhetorical contortions
will get you out of that one.
You can’t say you didn’t know what you
were getting into when he scurrilously
suggested that all undocumented immigrants
were rapists and murderers; when
he suggested that the odious “Operation
Wetback” might be a good model for deporting
11 million people; or when he proposed
an unenforceable and fanciful ban
on foreign Muslims.
Yes, the nativist twaddle Trump spouted
worked to your advantage when he was
deploying it against President Barack
Obama or presumptive Democratic nominee
Hillary Clinton, herself a candidate
who is, in many ways, as flawed as Trump
himself – as a pair of just awful headlines
related to her email scandal drove home
last week.
But whatever angles of attack open to Republicans
on Clinton - and there are plenty
- fall to the wayside as the national party
(filling the space that should be occupied
by Trump’s campaign, but is not because
of its well-documented barebones nature)
does damage control.
So why are senior Republicans infantilizing
Trump by holding onto the vain hope
that he’ll somehow mature and grow into
a proper presidential candidate?
“Using a prepared text last night and not
attacking any other Americans was a good
start,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell,
R-Ky., said of a recent Trump
speech. “I think it’s still time for him to act
like a presidential candidate should be acting.
So I haven’t given up hope.”
If you’re rejoicing that he got through one
whole speech without managing to insult
a religious, racial or ethnic group, then
you’ve set the bar so low that it’s essentially
Liberated from his teleprompter, Trump
took to Twitter to respond to the tragic
shooting at an Orlando gay club, and ended
up patting himself on the back.
“Appreciate the congrats for being right
on radical Islamic terrorism, I don’t want
congrats, I want toughness & vigilance.
We must be smart!”
As columnist Michael Gerson observed,
Republicans are between a rock and a hard
On one hand, they can’t very well turn
their backs on the man who won the majority
of the votes from GOP primary
On the other, they’re spending all their
available free time (and political capital)
putting out the Trumpian brush fires that
erupt among key constituencies -- such as
Hispanics - every time their presumptive
nominee gets too close to an open microphone
or a device equipped with any sort
of social media application.
Some Republicans, notably U.S. Sens.
Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and
Ben Sasse of Nebraska, as well as U.S.
Rep. Charlie Dent, of Pennsylvania, have
remembered that both principle and the
long-term future of the party are more
important than short-term political gains.
But they are in the profound minority
of their party as more Republicans jump
aboard the Trump train.
Republicans, with justifiable pride, cling
to their mantle as “the Party of Lincoln,”
and, for many years, that legacy stood in
marked contrast to the Democrats of the
segregationist south.
As fringe elements have risen to prominence,
particularly since the emergence
of the Tea Party movement in 2010, those
days seem to be increasingly in the rearview
And Trump is putting ever more distance
between them.
At the dawning of the American war
in Iraq, another great Republican, Colin
Powell, famously observed that if the
United States broke Iraq, it would own the
It was famously referred to as “The Pottery
Barn Rule.”
Republicans own Trump now. And they
own whatever damage he’ll wreak on both
their party and the nation if he wins in
An award-winning political journalist,
John L.Micek is the Opinion Editor and
Political Columnist for PennLive/The Patriot-
News in Harrisburg, Pa. Readers may
follow him on Twitter @ByJohnLMicek
and email him at jmicek@pennlive.com.
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