Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, October 15, 2016

MVNews this week:  Page B:1





Breast cancer tops all cancers for women across the 
globe with more than 1.7 million new breast cancer 
cases detected worldwide in 2012 alone. Women 
who live in developed countries such as the United 
States, England and Australia experience a higher 
rate of breast cancer incidences. In October 1985, 
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month initiated 
its inaugural health campaign to support research, 
prevention, diagnosis, treatment and a cure for 
the disease. Today, widespread international 
join in setting 
aside every 
October as 
Breast Cancer 

In the United 
States, an 
246,700 women 
are diagnosed 
with breast 
cancer each 
year and more 
than 40,000 
die. On average, a woman is diagnosed with breast 
cancer every two minutes nationwide. The lifetime 
risk for getting breast cancer is one in eight for 
U.S. women and one in 1,000 for U.S. men. Breast 
cancer in men is rare but carries a higher mortality 
rate primarily because men are less likely to seek 
medical attention for a breast concern or lump.

“In spite of the death rates, almost 3 million 
breast cancer survivors are currently alive in the 
United States,” said Renee Concialdi, President 
of Right at Home of Pasadena. “To beat breast 
cancer, prevention through a healthy lifestyle and 
early detection are key. Our in-home care agency 
works predominantly with seniors, and many older 
women think they are immune from breast cancer, 
but they are not. Age increases breast cancer rates.”

Concialdi notes that the average age for U.S women 
to develop breast cancer is 61, and rates are highest 
in women over age 70. The median age for breast 
cancer among U.S. men is 68. As part of Breast 
Cancer Awareness Month, Concialdi recommends 
a review of the following breast cancer risk factors, 
symptoms and prevention guidelines.

Breast Cancer Common Risk Factors

Certain known risk factors can increase the 
likelihood of developing breast cancer, including 
the following:

•Genetic Risk Factors
o Age—Two-thirds of breast cancer
develops after age 55.
o Gender—Women are nearly 100 times
more likely than men to develop breast cancer.
o Race and ethnicity—White women are
at a slightly higher risk than African-American 
women for developing breast cancer. Breast 
cancer is more common in African-American 
women under age 45.
o Family history—Having a parent,
sister or child diagnosed with breast or ovarian 
cancer increases a person’s own risk for breast 
cancer (the risk is even higher if the relative was 
diagnosed before age 50).
o Personal breast cancer history—A
person with cancer in one breast is at higher risk 
for future breast cancer in another part of the 
same breast or in the other breast.
o Inherited genes—Roughly 5 to 10
percent of breast cancer is connected to 
hereditary defects or mutations passed from a 
parent. The most common of these abnormal 
genes are BRCA1 and BRCA2.
o Menstrual and reproductive history—
Starting menstruation before age 12 or going 
into menopause after age 55 increases breast 
cancer risk. Never giving birth or having a first 
child in older age are also risk factors.
o Dense breast tissue—Breasts that have
more fibrous and glandular tissue than fatty 
tissue are considered dense breasts. Women 
with dense breasts have up to twice the risk for 
breast cancer.

•Environmental or Lifestyle Risk Factors
o Physical inactivity—A sedentary
lifestyle heightens breast cancer risk.
o Excess body weight—Being overweight
or obese adds to the likelihood of breast cancer.
o Alcohol—Drinking two to five drinks
daily increases the possibility of breast cancer by
1. times.
o Birth control—Oral and injectable birth
control have shown to elevate the risk level for 
breast cancer. Once oral contraceptive pills are 
stopped, the risk appears to return to normal 
over time.
o Combined hormone replacement
therapy—The use of both estrogen and 
progesterone hormones (cont. on page B3)


By Joan Schmidt

 In the City of Downey, there is an exceptional 
facility-Rancho Los Amigos National 
Rehabilitation Center. For the past several years, 
Rancho has continued to be the only public facility 
in the top 15-20 rehab hospitals in the United 
States. Rancho began in 1888 to treat farm workers 
who could not afford medical care and also 
previously served as a facility for mental health 
and polio patients.

 On four different occasions, Rancho Los Amigos 
was in danger of closing. Its champion has been 
LA County Supervisor Don Knabe who is soon to 
retire. Under his watch, Rancho has gone through 
great transformation to become a magnificent gem 
in LA County Healthcare System.

 How could one man accomplish such a feat? 
One example is by raising . billion dollars for 
that purpose! And always voting to keep it open at 
Board meetings!

 I learned of this wonderful facility over twenty 
years ago via Duarte Library and its then-Director 
Peter Rosenwald who brought several Rancho 
artists not only to display their work, but give 
demonstrations like Kenneth Younger and his 
marbling technique.

 Over the past twenty years, I have attended 
a few of their annual receptions and it was 
wonderful to see familiar artists like Robert 
Thome, Ann Ruth, Fernando and Ligia Sturla, 
Barbara Bain and many others. At the last event 
I attended, there was a second room of art with 
children’s works-thanks to Supervisor Knabe. He 
encouraged the youth program and there were 
paintings of him by the children. It was awesome. 
They loved him!

 Knabe learned of Rancho when his dear friend, 
a Cerritos City Council Member was seriously 
injured and admitted to the hospital for his 
recovery. During his daily visits Knabe realized 
the incredible impact Rancho had on so many 
lives-there were arts and sports programs, new 
technologies and cultural excursions.

 This past October 12th, the Don Knabe Wellness 
Center was officially dedicated. It will include a 
state of the art gymnasium and therapy pool. (It is 
very difficult for special needs people to find pools 
or gyms that they can utilize.)

 The Dedication had 600+ attendees and many 
special speakers. Supervisor Hilda Solis assumed 
office in 2014 and immediately toured Rancho. She 
couldn’t say enough about how wonderful Rancho 
was and praised Knabe for his role in its growth 
and great new programs. Solis had introduced the 
measure to name the new center, the Don Knabe 
Wellness Center.

 Robert Thome a Rancho patient, artist, teacher, 
and mentor could not praise Knabe enough. 
Thome had also spoken at the Supervisors Meeting 
to keep Rancho open.

 I want my readers to know what Rancho offers 
and why Knabe has been its champion all these 
years: Inpatient and Outpatient Services include: 
Stroke Rehabilitation, Adult Brain Injury, Spinal 
Cord Injury, Orthopedic Disability, Acute 
Neurology Unit, and Physical and Developmental 
Disorders. Specialty Services: Center for Applied 
Rehab Technology, Day Rehab Center. Don 
Knabe Pediatric Arts Program, Driver Rehab and 
Training Program, H.O.M.E., Know Barriers: 
Peer Mentoring and Life Coaching, Language 
and College Resource Center, Pathokinesiology 
Lab, Performing Arts of Rancho, Rancho Works, 
Enterprises, Recreation Therapy, Transportation, 
Tyler A. Dykes Center for Robotic Rehab, Wellness 
Center, Wheelchair Sports Program and World-
Renowned Seating Clinic.

 Please consider contributions to Scholarships 
Funds. For example, a $50 donation = 2 
Individual Scholarships which are for a 3 month 
period. THANK YOU!! Please visit www. for further information.

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