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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, December 31, 2016 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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6 Mountain View News Saturday, December 17, 2016 ARCADIA HIGH SCHOOL BAND TO PERFORM IN ROSE BOWL PARADE By Joan Schmidt Arcadia High School has an exceptional band of 375 members under the direction of Kevin Sherill and Seth Murphy. It is truly one of the largest and most accomplished bands in the country, so this writer was very thrilled when the Media was invited to attend its rehearsal on Thursday, prior to the Parade. The rehearsal involved the Band marching on Campus Drive from the High School to El Monte Avenue. After the rehearsal, there was an opportunity to interview both directors and several band members. The 2017 Rose Parade marks the 16th time in the past 50 years that Arcadia High School Band will participate. It has marched in two Inaugural Parades-Dwight Eisenhower, 1957 and George W. Bush in 2005. The band also performed at the very first Super Bowl in 1967, in the 1981 World Series, Gator Bowl, Alamo Bowl, was featured in an NFL Super Bowl commercial last year, and has won countless field show competitions. When I arrived in the Parking Lot, I saw three small planes (Replicas of Air Force planes) that were going to be in the Parade. I was told that the Air Force Band was using the Performing Arts Center to practice. (The Performing Arts Center had been such a great addition!) After the first march across Campus Drive, the Band was stopped. Assistant Superintendant Jeff Wilson thanked band members for their hard work during the Winter Break-practicing many hours and the District is very proud of them. Superintendant Dr. Dave Vannasdall, explained to me that in addition to the two band directors, there were three or four assistants, section leaders and many wonderful volunteer parents that have made all of this possible. The Band was going to Disneyland; there is a band fest at PCC and viewing the floats! Hope they have a GREAT TIME and CONGRATS to the APACHE BAND! WELL DONE! The Library Board of Trustees have appointed Darlene Bradley to the position of Library & Museum Services Director after a nationwide search. Ms. Bradley is currently an Assistant Library Director and will succeed Mary Beth Hayes who will retire on December 30. The appointment will be effective December 31, 2016. “Making a person’s day a little brighter and making a difference in people’s everyday lives is one of the most rewarding parts of my job,” said Bradley. “Working with a supportive Library Board of Trustees, the Friends of the Arcadia Public Library, and talented staff, it will be an absolute honor to continue to serve the community as the new Director of Library and Museum Services.” Bradley’s 30 year career began as a Shelver and Circulation Clerk at the Arcadia Public Library while in high school and college. After earning her undergraduate degree in Business Administration from Cal Poly Pomona and Master’s degree in Library Science from San Jose State University, Bradley became a Children’s Librarian for the City of Pasadena in 1989 and was promoted to Research and Reference Librarian in 1992. In 2004, Bradley returned to Arcadia as a Principal Librarian for Children’s Services. Since 2007, she has held the position of Library Services Manager. “Darlene has demonstrated a passion for not just for the Library and the Museum, but for the City of Arcadia itself,” said City Manager Dominic Lazzaretto. “The Library Board made an excellent decision. I look forward to helping Darlene achieve her vision as she guides the Department through its next exciting chapter.” Unlike other executive positions, according to the City Charter, the Library Board of Trustees is responsible for appointing the City’s Librarian. Bradley is a 15-year native of Arcadia and enjoys spending time with family, friends, and the great outdoors. When asked about her new role, she said, “public libraries and museums provide an essential service not found elsewhere. They connect people to books and information, past and present, but they are also so much more. They are community places where people can learn, explore, create, connect, be inspired and pleasantly delighted.” NEW ARCADIA LIBRARY & MUSEUM DIRECTOR APPOINTED BRADBURY CSO PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM BEING DEVELOPED During the past few months, staff has had several discussions with the City of Bradbury regarding the development of a Community Services Officer (CSO) partnership program. Under the proposed program Bradbury has proposed sharing the costs of an in- field Community Services Officer with our Police Department. Should this program be developed and implemented, an in-field CSO would certainly serve as an asset for our police officers here in Monrovia. The non-sworn in-field CSO is a position that can take over the investigation of crimes that have already occurred which have little or no workable leads, investigate non-injury traffic collisions, enforce parking restrictions, write crime reports, and handle other public safety related tasks for our sworn police officers. This position would take over these tasks that are currently being handled by our sworn Police Officers, thereby freeing our cops of administrative processes so that they can focus on higher priority items. We have discussed the possibility of sharing a CSO with Bradbury whereby we would equally split the costs associated with funding the position. As staff has assessed this possibility, we believe that having the in-field CSO position working at least 20 hours / week in Monrovia would be beneficial to our overall public safety / law enforcement operation, and during the next few weeks, we plan on pursuing the discussion with Bradbury in greater detail. PASADENA HUMANE SOCIETY SET TO BEGIN SHOWCASING ADOPTABLE PETS AT CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS IN 2017 This past week, Mayor Adams, Police Chief Hunt, and I met with Julie Bank, the new President / CEO of the Pasadena Humane Society (PHS). Ms. Bank just started in her role as President / CEO of PHS a few months ago, and incidentally, she is also a new resident of Monrovia! Our discussion was intended to serve as a meet-and-greet, and we discussed a few ways that we could partner with the PHS as we move into 2017. During our meeting, one of the programs we discussed was having a representative of the PHS attend a City Council meeting each month and introduce an adoptable pet! Preliminarily, we plan on rolling this program out beginning with at our January 17, 2017 City Council meeting, and once a month moving forward, the PHS will bring an adoptable animal every month to introduce to our community! CANYON PARK AND HILLSIDE WILDERNESS PRESERVE: NORMAL OPERATING HOURS DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON! Just a quick note to let everyone know that the City’s Canyon Park and our Hillside Wilderness Preserve will be operating under normal hours throughout the holiday season for our residents to use and enjoy! This means that all pedestrian gates will be open at 6:00 a.m. each day, and will be closed at 9:00 p.m. every evening. Everyone here at the City hopes that you and your loved ones enjoy the holiday season, and if you have some time, feel free to take a hike in our beautiful hillsides here in Monrovia! Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||