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Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, April 15, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 2017 SECTION B AROUND SAN GABRIEL VALLEY OUR NEW COMMANDER AT TEMPLE STATION: CAPTAIN DAVID FLORES SALPI MANKERIAN HONORED BY CONGRESSWOMAN JUDY CHU Salpi Mankerian receiving the Congressional Certificate of Recognition from Congresswoman Judy Chu. Photo courtesy of ABMDR. Los Angeles, April 11, 2017 — On April 10, Salpi Mankerian was honored by Congresswoman Judy Chu, the US Representative for California’s 27th District, with a Congressional Certificate of Recognition, for her years of community service as a community volunteer and benefactor. The Congressional Certificate of Recognition was conferred on Mankerian during an award ceremony that took place at Congresswoman Chu’s offices in Pasadena, California. As she presented the award to Mankerian, Congresswoman Chu said, “I’d like to present this Congressional Certificate of Recognition for your tireless volunteer work and generous philanthropy. For the past ten years, as a member of the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry’s (ABMDR) volunteer corps, you have volunteered for and helped organize all of the Registry’s community-outreach and fundraising events. In addition, you and your husband, Mr. Viken Mankerian, have graciously hosted ABMDR’s annual benefit wine-tasting at your home in Sierra Madre, sponsoring all aspects of this very important event. You’ve exhibited such extraordinary altruism, volunteerism, and compassion, and you’re a role model for our new generation.” Congresswoman Chu also mentioned that Mrs. Mankerian has been equally active in organizing and supporting the annual benefit Fashion Show of Pasadena’s St. Gregory Church, as both a benefactor and Ladies’ Society member, and that she continues to serve as a committee member and volunteer with the American Cancer Society, USC Town and Gown, and the St. Leon Church Ladies’ Guild. About the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry: Established in 1999, ABMDR, a nonprofit organization, helps Armenians and non-Armenians worldwide survive life-threatening blood-related illnesses by recruiting and matching donors to those requiring bone marrow stem cell transplants. To date, the registry has recruited over 28,000 donors in 43 countries across four continents, identified over 4,200 patients, and facilitated 27 bone marrow transplants. For more information, call (323) 663-3609 or visit By Joan Schmidt At our last town Council Meeting, outgoing Temple Station Commander Coronne Jacob announced her replacement would be Captain David Flores. My ears perked up. Could that be our Dave Flores, first Special Assignment Deputy to the Monrovia-Arcadia-Duarte Unincorporated Area? Yes he was, and Council Members Dave Hall and Yvonne Bullock, since its inception were also elated. I spoke to Captain Flores early in the week, and introduced him to my husband Bob at Assistant Sheriff Richard Barrantes’ Retirement Party. Then on Friday, Captain Flores and Sergeant Mario Avola came for an interview. Back in the 90’s, Captain Flores and I spoke to the Community Development Commission for the unpaved Camino Real to be paved, He was very conscientious when assigned to our area. Years later I would meet him again when he was with the Asian Task Force. Sergeant Avola and I go back many years when he was the VIDA Deputy and worked the Program with at-risk youths. Captain Flores joined the Sheriff’s Department in June, 1987. Since that time, he has worked at various assignments and gained much knowledge and experience. He worked at Men’s Central Jail for three years. Then he was assigned to Temple Sheriff’s Station from 1990-1999. Besides being the MAD Special Assignment Deputy, he was a Training Officer, and worked on Gang Suppression and Crime Prevention. In 1999, he went to the Asian Task Force for three years. While there he was on the Suppression Team and promoted to Detective. Then he was transferred to San Dimas Station from 2003-2006, where he did Patrol and was a Special Assignment Deputy. In 2006, after promoting to Sergeant, he was at Men’s Central Jail for one year and from 2007-2008, spent one year at the Cerritos Station. In 2008, he went to the Internal Affairs Bureau which is a review board and does investigations. Then he became Chief Roberta Abner’s Aide at the Professional Standards and Training Division. He assisted in the Department’s Reorganization. The next assignment was Aide to Chief Jim Lopez, East Patrol. In 2013, he promoted to Lieutenant and was assigned to Men’s Central Jail, but pulled to do projects at the Internal Affairs Bureau. In late 2016, he was appointed Executive Aide to Sheriff Jim McDonnell. Captain Flores main goal is to strengthen the LASD’s partnership with local communities. He wants to “bring in a spirit of cooperation, not hostility…the communities to trust us…a mutual trust and to improve the quality of life in the community.” I asked him about his new position-being Commander of Temple Station is really being Chief of Police to FIVE cities-Rosemead, Temple City, South El Monte, Duarte, and Bradbury, but he is so humble. He wasn’t interested in titles, but doing all he can to improve our community and working with residents. Captain Flores has such great enthusiasm. He certainly will be a great asset to our communities and improving the quality of life. SENATOR ANTHONY J. PORTANTINO AND FIRST DISTRICT PTA HOST SB 328 SCHOOL START TIME TOWN HALL Senator Anthony J. Portantino, Sandy Russell, First District PTA, Terry Cralle, MS, RN, Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality, Kyla Wahlstrom, PhD- University of Minnesota (Researcher in School Start Times), Linda Shack, MD - Manhattan Beach United School District Medical Advisory Board, Mini Mehra, MD - Manhattan Beach United School District Medical Advisory Board, Patty Scripter, CA State PTA, Lisa Lewis, Start School Later Organization Experts say that most teenagers don’t get an adequate amount of sleep. Studies have confirmed that insufficient sleep in teenage adolescents poses a public health risk and has an adverse effect on academic success. For this reason Sen. Portantino has introduced SB 328 (School Start Time) which addresses the need for California middle and high schools to start the school day no earlier than 8:30 am. At the Town hall Meeting we will learn from a variety of experts about the benefits and challenges of shifting middle and high school start times later, followed by a Q&A so attendees can express concerns. Thursday, April 13 2017 7pm – 9pm, Creveling Lounge at Pasadena City College, 1570 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA COUNTY ACTIONS RISK FEDERAL FUNDING CURTAILMENT AND FORCE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS FURTHER INTO THE SHADOWS LOS ANGELES COUNTY – On a 4-1 vote, the Board of Supervisors voted today to call on the county’s lawyers to develop a “sensitive location” policy and report back in 45 days. Supervisor Kathryn Barger voted no based on strong concerns about possible fiscal consequences of non-cooperation by the county with federal law enforcement authorities. Supervisor Barger also voted against another motion to formally establish a task force to develop a countywide “immigrant protection and advancement strategy” by the end of this year. “Creating a task force and hiding illegal immigrants from federal enforcement only institutionalizes their illegal status and forces them further into the shadows,” Supervisor Barger said. “These actions are reactionary and counterproductive in the effort to help individuals seek a path to citizenship or apply for legal status to be in the United States.” “Rather than moving toward becoming a ‘sanctuary’ state and county in violation of federal law, both the state and the county should be leading the effort to initiate congressional action to enact comprehensive immigration reform,” she added. LA COUNTY FIRE HOSTS BRUSH FIRE DRILL ABOVE DUARTE, MAY 8, 9 & 10TH DUARTE, CA, APRIL 12, 2017 – In preparation for fire season, LA County Fire Division II will host a Brush Drill in Spinks Canyon above the Cities of Bradbury and Duarte on May 8th, 9th and 10th, from 8:30-1:30 PM daily. Each session will begin with an overview of our current structural defense tactics and unified command communications. Immediately following, fire personnel will participate in a series of drills and exercises in the general area. During the three-day exercise, Duarte and Bradbury residents and businesses will notice increased activity in hillside areas in addition to fire safety equipment moving through the streets in the adjoining neighborhoods. For questions about the drill or wildfire preparedness in general, please call 626-974-8371 or visit About the City of Duarte The City of Duarte was incorporated on August 22, 1957. With integrity and transparency, the City provides exemplary public services in a caring and fiscally responsible manner with a commitment to our community’s future. For more information visit or call (626) 357-7931. Follow the City of Duarte on Facebook at duartecommunity; Twitter @CityofDuarte; Instagram @city_of_duarte and LinkedIn. “I HAVE AN EMERGENCY AND NEED MONEY” by Jennifer Leach Assistant Director, Division of Consumer and Business Education FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION If you’ve ever gotten one of those calls, you know how alarming they can be. And that’s exactly what the scammers count on. They want you to act before you think – and acting always includes sending them money: by wiring it or by getting a prepaid card or gift card, and giving them the numbers on the card. Either way, your money’s gone. Here’s the story of Pablo Colón from Bridgeport, Connecticut, and his family. When both his sister and his father got a call about a family “emergency,” Pablo spotted the scam. And, luckily for the good people of Bridgeport, Pablo’s family owns a radio station – so he put the story on the air and warned his community. Talking about a scam is important – even if only one person is listening, instead of the thousands who heard Pablo’s story. So watch this video. And then pass it on. Today, tell someone about this scam, about Pablo’s story, about why we should all talk about the scams we see. And, whenever you spot a scam, please call you local police department. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||