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Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, May 6, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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5 Mountain View News Saturday, May 6, 2017 INVESTIGATION CONTINUES INTO GUNS CONFISCATED IN SIERRA MADRE Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side by Deanne Davis Full List Of Seized Items Made Public Public records recently released show the contents of the two truckloads of weapons seized in a raid at the Sierra Madre home of Pasadena Police Lt. Vasken (Kenneth) Gourdikian in February, 2017. (http://mtnviewsnews. com/v11/htm/n07/index.htm), The residence contained as many as 62 items of which 57 were guns. One of the items seized, a handgun, has been valued at $3,800. Various other news sources have placed a total value of the guns taken to be between $50- $100,000. According one source, “A wide range of guns were seized, including 34 pistols, valued at about $27,900, 21 rifles or rifle receivers, valued at about $20,450, and two shotguns, valued at about $2,600.” The complete list can be viewed at: The guns were confiscated as part of a federal investigation by the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Recently the Los Angeles office warned of a “growing trend” of law enforcement officers engaging in unlicensed, illegal firearms dealing. In March, Special Agent in Charge of the ATF in Los Angeles, Eric D. Harden, warned that the agency has learned of an “emerging problem” with respect to law enforcement officers buying and then reselling guns, in possible violation of federal firearms law. The involved guns include many which are considered “off- roster” under California law, meaning that they can be purchased only by law enforcement officers and are not available to the general public. “In some instances, ATF has discovered officers who purchased more than 100 ‘off roster’ firearms that were subsequently transferred to non-law enforcement individuals,” Harden continued. “Such transactions potentially constitute violations of federal firearms laws, to include dealing firearms without a FFL, and lying on a federal firearms form when purchasing said firearm — also known as ‘straw purchasing. Whether or not there is a relationship between the raid of Gourdikian’s home and the advisory sent by the ATF recently is not known. At press time, there have been no charges filed against Gourdikian, and because of the ongoing investigation, very little information has been made public. Gourdikian remains on administrative leave from the Pasadena Police Department. MVNews “The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.” William Arthur Ward “A great wind is blowing and that gives you either imagination or a headache.” Catherine the Great That pessimist would be me. William Arthur Ward was, obviously, not hanging around Sierra Madre last week when we had a couple of really windy days, which did not inspire imagination in us, but gave us a pounding headache when we looked around our yard. We didn’t lose any big branches, not too many palm fronds, but Oh My Gosh! the twigs, the leaves, the unbelievable quantity of stuff we didn’t need all over the place. I realize that wind is nature’s way of cleaning all the stuff off the trees that needs to go, but still... “The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind.” Bob Dylan Walking around town, we noticed changes! Citta Café is gone and there’s a beer and wine license application in the front window! Something new to eat... let’s see, that spot has been a sushi place, Vicious Dogs, Citta Café featuring bagels and interesting wheatgrassy sorts of drinks and now, something new is on the horizon. The last remaining bicycle shop next door to T’Neer is gone, too. Charlotte’s Jewelry will be leaving us later this month, but Sierra Madre is such a tremendous place to shop, live and work, we’re sure we’ll have exciting new businesses joining us very quickly! A little note about our Representative, Judy Chu: We were delighted to see that she introduced a bill a week or so ago to prohibit airlines from forcibly removing passengers after they have boarded, except in cases of safety or security issues. Good for you, Judy! The very idea of someone saying - after I’ve checked my bag, found my seat, buckled my seat belt and opened my Kindle - that I need to get off now, makes me feel very cranky. The 55th Annual Art Fair is this weekend. We are so jazzed about this and looking forward to seeing all the neat things which will be filling up Memorial Park. Our featured artist, Karen McLean-McGaw has some really beautiful work we are anxious to get a closer look at. Every year we, my Art Fair browsing companion, John, and I are astonished by the creativity we see in each one of the artist’s booths. Again this year, I am so hoping that Van Noppen Glass will be back. David VanNoppen is the artist who had the fantastic blown glass pumpkins two years ago, which I looked at, lusted after, thought about and, foolishly, didn’t buy! Looked for him last year but, alas, he wasn’t there. Fingers crossed that he’ll be back and still be doing pumpkins. The Friends of the Library will be hosting 80 artists, lots of children’s activities, live music, a silent auction, and there will be exciting food, the beer and wine garden and the Friends of the Library will be selling their special ‘baked by human hands’ breads, while the guys from the Historical Society will have lemonade made from Rangpur limes. Lime-ade? Anyway, it’s today, 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. and tomorrow, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Rumor has it that it will be cooler on Saturday and a possible chance of rain on Sunday so don’t wait too long to do your Art Fair shopping. In case you didn’t know, all proceeds from the Art Fair benefit our own Sierra Madre Public Library. The shirt this year is really cool, too. Mark your calendars for the Chili Cook-off on May 13th. We will be there, taking pictures, tasting chili and – maybe even dancing the night away with JJ Jukebox. Peter Dills will be judging and we think it will be a lot of fun. It’s 6-10 p.m. on Saturday the 13th in the Sierra Madre Room. More about this next week. So here we are in May, friends and neighbors, and the next thing you know, school will be out. Yes, I know, that’s kind of a shocker as it seems like we just barely got past Halloween. Anyway, Here’s a suggestion for something for the kids to do other than hang around the house and complain they’re bored and there’s nothing to do there: Enroll your 4-8 graders in the Pasadena Musical Theatre Program! Five weeks – June 12-July 13, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. with a performance on July 13th. More information online at www. Miss Emily Clark will be the director and it will be held right here at Sierra Madre Elementary School in the Bluemel Auditorium. Check it out! One last thing...Mother’s Day is May 14th. You have time to get a card for all the mothers in your life, order flowers, make reservations. Here’s a gift suggestion for the best gift ever! It’s a digital picture frame. Daughter Patti gave us one for our 50th anniversary, an Insignia 10” and with the insertion of a flash drive, all 565 pictures taken at our party are on there rotating away! We love it!! Yes, they have it at See you at the Art Fair! My book page: Deanne Davis Blog: “A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of Laughter” is now available at Sunrise Books + Coffee at Pasadena First Church of the Nazarene – just down the road on Sierra Madre Blvd. Kindle readers, give yourself the gift of: Noah & The Unicorns...A Fanciful Tale! It’s on on my book page! Follow me on Twitter, too! playwrightdd Two truckloads of weapons were seized fromVasken (Kenneth) Gourdikian's Sierra Madre home in February DR. BILL PATZERT TO SPEAK ON “DROUGHTS AND DELUGES” World renowned Climatologist, Dr. Bill Patzert will speak to the Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club on Tuesday, May 9, 2017 at noon. Patzert has been a research scientist in oceanography at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, since 1983. He explores the ocean’s role in climate variability, seeks to improve climate forecasting using NASA- generated global data in concert with longer, land-based records of temperature and precipitation, and communicates scientific knowledge to the general public through popular articles and media interviews. Patzert also is a member of NASA’s Sea Level Change Team. Prior to joining JPL, Patzert was a research oceanographer at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego. On Tuesday, he will speak on Droughts and Deluges and California’s forecast. The Kiwanis Club meets at The Lodge, (formerly the Masonic Temple), 33 E. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre. Lunch will be served at noon ($10). The program, which is free, will begin at 12:40. For reservations, please contact Kiwanis President Judy Webb-Martin at 626-688-2273. REMEMBRANCE MICHAEL J. PARKER SIERRA MADRE POLICE BLOTTER SIERRA MADRE GARDEN CLUB PRESENTS: LIVING WITH MOUNTAIN LIONS Long-time Sierra Madre resident Mike Parker passed away on March 30, 2017. He was 75. Mike was born in Selborne, East Hampshire England on May 25, 1941. He spent his childhood in England during WWII and the post-war period. After completing his schooling, Mike worked on a farm and then for 2 years as a police officer, or “Bobbie”, in London. He later joined Morphy Richards, a recreational vehicle company, that transferred him to Elkhart Indiana, and then to Los Angeles. While in California Mike met his future wife Gerd. In 1976, they were married and settled in Sierra Madre. In 1990, he opened a home repair business, which he successfully operated for the next 20 years. Also in 1990, Mike joined the all-volunteer Sierra Madre Search and Rescue Team, where he was very active for 18 years, serving as a Crew Chief, Operations Leader, and member of the Board of Directors. After retirement, Mike and Gerd enjoyed frequent excursions with their dog in their 5th wheel trailer in the US and other travel abroad. Mike is survived by his wife Gerd, his son Charlie, daughter-in-law Kelly and two granddaughters: Kimberly (Kim) and Felicity (Libby). The family asks that in lieu of flowers contributions be made in memory of Mike to the Sierra Madre Search and Rescue Team, PO Box 24, Sierra Madre, 91025, or at the Team’s website: April 23, to April 30, 2017 During this time period, the Sierra Madre Police Department responded to approximately 330 day and night time calls for service. Friday, April 28 At about 10:31 a.m., officers were dispatched to a call regarding a passerby who saw two male subjects running from a residence. Officers responded to the residence and after further investigation determined a burglary attempt had occurred. It appears that there was no loss of property. Saturday, April 29 Officers on patrol observed a damaged vehicle on the northwest corner of E. Grandview Ave and Stone House Rd. at about 12:30 a.m. After stopping to render aid, it was determined that the driver was driving under the influence of alcohol. The Driver was arrested and booked at Pasadena Jail. Case referred to Pasadena DA’s office. 7:51 a.m. Officers were flagged down by a motorist at who witnessed a vehicle collide into a light pole and left the scene at the intersection of Michillinda Avenue and Sierra Madre Blvd. The witness gave officers a description of the vehicle involved in the traffic collision and the last known location. Officers were able locate the vehicle stopped in the 00 block of S. Sunnyside Avenue. During the investigation, officers discovered front end damage to the vehicle. When interviewing the driver, he admitted to colliding with a light pole and droving away from the scene. The driver was arrested for misdemeanor hit and run, driving on a suspended license, and for a $50,000 warrant from the San Bernardino Sheriff Department. The driver was transported to Pasadena jail where he was booked and later released on a citation. Case pending NOTE: Several citations were issued for unlicensed drivers and/or driving without a license, a few resulting in impounding of the driver’s vehicle. A reminder to be aware of the expiration date of your California driver’s license and vehicle registration tags. REMEMBER!!! IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING You are invited to the Garden Club meeting on May 8th to learn more about the plight of mountain lions in Los Angeles and the Santa Monica Mountains, and the quest to build the largest wildlife crossing in the world over the 101 Freeway to help save this population of cats from extinction. The program will include advice on how to be a good neighbor to a mountain lion and other wildlife in our area. Guest Speaker, Beth Pratt-Bergstrom, is California Director of the National Wildlife Federation. A lifelong advocate for wildlife, Beth has worked in two of the country’s largest national parks, Yosemite and Yellowstone. Her conservation work has been featured in numerous national media sources and her book “When Mountain Lions are Neighbors: People and Wildlife Working it out in California” was published in 2016. Beth leads the #SaveLACougars campaign. MARK YOUR CALENDAR. Everyone is invited. Dinner begins at 6:30 P.M.; followed by the program at 7:15 P.M. Catered dinner is $11; reservations for dinner must be made by May 5th by calling 626-836-4945. There is no charge for attending only the program. Location: Hart Park House, Memorial Park, 222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre. For information call the reservation number or visit INTRODUCTION TO RUNNING Attention beginning runners! Boost your confidence by wearing your running shoes over to the Sierra Madre Public Library at 10:30 am on Saturday, May 13, 2017. Join runner Chantal Cravens, for a brief Power Point Presentation, running-related treats, a stretch demo, and a short, easy jog from the Library to Memorial Park. Local running stores and the Foothill Flyers Running Club will be part of the event to help you get started improving your life with running. Cravens will share the positive impact running has had on her life and how it can help others with school and self-esteem. A teacher, Cravens said physical fitness ties in with standardized testing, academic improvement, and a positive outlook. For more information contact Meegan Tosh at the Sierra Madre Public Library, (626) 355-7186 Read, Discover, Connect @ Sierra Madre Public Library 2017 4TH OF JULY PARADE REGISTRATION NOW OPEN The Sierra Madre 4th of July Parade is an annual tradition that is an integral part of the Sierra Madre community! This hometown parade features community members, organizations, classic cars, a marching band, kids on their decorated bikes and so much more. Join us for the 2017 parade on Tuesday, July 4, from 10:00am – 12:00 pm. The parade route will begin at the corner of Sierra Madre Blvd. and Sunnyside Avenue, and will travel the length of Sierra Madre Blvd. to Sierra Vista Park. Parade participation is open to all; young, young- at-heart, and everything in between. There is NO FEE to participate in the parade this year thanks to a sponsorship from the The Kensington. If you are interested in participating in the 4th of July parade, please submit applications online at www. Parade registration is now open and all applications must be submitted by Wednesday, May 31st. ****Due to staging concerns, NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED!**** For more information on the parade and all of the happenings please visit our website at www. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||