The World Around Us | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, May 13, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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THE WORLD AROUND US 11 Mountain Views-News Saturday, May 13, 2017 SURPRISE! WHEN A BROWN DWARF STAR IS REALLY A PLANET Sometimes a brown dwarf is actually a planet— or planet-like anyway. A team led by Carnegie’s Jonathan Gagné, and including researchers from the Institute for Research on Exoplanets (iREx) at Université de Montréal, the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), and University of California San Diego, discovered that what astronomers had previously thought was one of the closest brown dwarfs to our own Sun is in fact a planetary-mass object. Smaller than stars, but bigger than giant planets, brown dwarfs are too small to sustain the hydrogen fusion process that fuels stars and allows them to remain hot and bright for a long time. So after formation, brown dwarfs slowly cool down and contract over time. The contraction usually ends after a few hundred million years, although the cooling is continuous. “This means that the temperatures of brown dwarfs can range from as hot as stars to as cool as planets, depending on how old they are,” said the AMNH’s Jackie Faherty, a co-author on this discovery. The team determined that a well-studied object known as SIMP J013656.5+093347, or SIMP0136 for short, is a planetary like member of a 200-million-year-old group of stars called Carina-Near. Groups of similarly aged stars moving together through space are considered prime regions to search for free-floating planetary like objects, because they provide the only means of age- dating these cold and isolated worlds. Knowing the age, as well as the temperature, of a free- floating object like this is necessary to determine its mass. Gagné and the research team were able to demonstrate that at about 13 times the mass of Jupiter, SIMP0136 is right at the boundary that separates brown dwarf-like properties, primarily the short-lived burning of deuterium in the object’s core, from planet-like properties. Free-floating planetary-mass objects are valuable because they are very similar to gas giant exoplanets that orbit around stars, like our own solar system’s Jupiter or Saturn, but it is comparatively much easier to study their atmospheres. Observing the atmospheres of exoplanets found within distant star systems is challenging, because dim light emitted by those orbiting exoplanets is overwhelmed by the brightness of their host stars, which blinds the instruments that astronomers use to characterize an exoplanet’s atmospheres. “The implication that the well-known SIMP0136 is actually more planet-like than we previously thought will help us to better understand the atmospheres of giant planets and how they evolve,” Gagné said. They may be easier to study in great detail, but these free-floating worlds are still extremely hard to discover unless scientists spend a lot of time observing them at the telescope, because they can be located anywhere in the sky and they are very hard to tell apart from brown dwarfs or very small stars. For this reason, researchers have confirmed only a handful of free-floating planetary like objects so far. Étienne Artigau, co-author and leader of the original SIMP0136 discovery, added: “This newest addition to the very select club of free- floating planetary like objects is particularly remarkable, because we had already detected fast-evolving weather patterns on the surface of SIMP0136, back when we thought it was a brown dwarf.” You can contact Bob Eklund at: b.eklund@ An artist’s conception of SIMP J013656.5+093347, or SIMP0136 for short, which the research team determined is a planetary like member of a 200-million-year- old group of stars called Carina-Near. Image is courtesy of NASA/JPL, slightly modified by Jonathan Gagné. OUT TO PASTOR A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder CHRISTOPHER Nyerges MUSICAL MEMORIES: Cream’s “We’re Going Wrong” invokes memories of survival. “YOU CAN’T HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO” [Nyerges is the author of “How to Survive Anywhere,” “Extreme Simplicities,” “Foraging California,” and other books. He can be reached at www.Schoolof Self-] Everyone from every culture has musical memories: a song that brings back the memory of a significant moment, the song you heard when you met your spouse, the song you heard while driving to the Grand Canyon that made you change the course of your life, the song you heard when your mother died, etc. And when we call a song “classic,” we mean that the song is so good that it captured and epitomized our very thinking and feeling at that time. Though there is always the intellectual question: Did that particular song really capture my feeling, or did I merely embrace that song to allow it to represent a particular time? The answer is that we’ll never really know, especially if you’re not a song-writer. For most of us, we simply know that the song embodies the memory of the time. For me, when I was trying to figure out the meaning of life, and more particularly my life during the mid-1960s to the early 1970s, music was a big part of my mental world. Sometimes the words and music inspired me. Musicians such as Bob Dylan, Traffic, the Doors, Cream, and the Chamber’s Brothers were much a part of the network of ideas that I wove together to create my inner reality and my outer plan of action. There was a feeling of change in the air, and the expectation of a new world, if we only were brave enough to make the inner and outer changes necessary. My best friend Neil and I would talk about the world as we saw it, and the various particulars of what would happen as western civilization could no longer maintain itself, and how the vast infrastructure that so many depended upon would crumble all around us. Somehow, we felt that we were above it all, as if we were on top of Mount Olympus looking down objectively at the doings of mortal humans, wondering and picturing how the collapse would occur. We had no doubts that another fall of the Roman Empire was slowly unfolding all around us. We listened to the enigmatic words and mournful tune of “We’re Going Wrong” by Cream, and discussed the many layers of meaning that were not found in the words. Was it about someone personally going wrong, or was it about the fall of western civilization, and the very collapse of what some called “modern Babylon”? We didn’t know, but that song was a sort of anthem to us. We didn’t really know how grossly ignorant we were of the ways of the world, and the intricate network that kept churning out food for everyone’s table, and the profits that were earned all along the way. We knew really very little, but that song by Cream was one of our inspirations to begin studying ethno-botany, and the rich botanical and earth knowledge that our ancestors somewhat took for granted in the pre-electrical and pre-computer days. We were short on details, but we felt that if we could just learn to feed ourselves – even just a little – from local resources, then we’d be on our way to becoming a part of the solution. We didn’t know how electricity was created, stored, or transported, but we felt that if we could provide some of our daily needs without the use of electricity, then we believed that we’d relieve an over-burdened system at least a little, and we’d be on the road to being part of a solution. We were just high school boys, interested in adventure, and girls, and wondering how we’d ever support ourselves. Even then, we knew that an increasing population stresses all resources, and we did our best to educate ourselves on how to live better by using less. That was over 40 years ago. Life has continued, and for various reasons, some of the situations on earth have gotten better, but many have gotten worse. Neil and I knew back then, as we know today, that they who do not learn from the lessons of their past are doomed to repeat them, as we were told by philosopher George Santayana. (Some of our school mates insisted that was a quote by Carlos Santana!). We ruefully listened to the words of “We’re Going Wrong,” realizing that collectively we do not seem to learn from the past, because of our pride, our ego, or our belief that somehow we are better than all that, that we have overcome all that silly stuff from the past and therefore we are immune from the consequences of our actions. Neil and I never were soothsayers or psychics, but we knew that we could not go wrong if we pursued the best of the past, and the ways of our ancestors that were sustainable for millennia. I was waiting in line at the grocery store minding my own business, which is a full-time job these days. I have worked hard over the years to master this “minding my own business.” I have not been all that successful, but I still try. As I was standing in line I heard the woman behind me say, “Johnny, you can’t have your cake and eat it too.” I did not know the background story because I did not hear the whole conversation. When I heard that my mind took me back to those thrilling days of yesteryear when my parents, both of them addicted to this phrase, said to me, “You can’t have your cake and eat it too.” I cannot remember the reasons that this phrase kept popping up in my parents’ conversation. But I never could figure out what in the world they were talking about. Through the years, I have noticed people say things they have no idea what they are saying or what it even means. Sometimes people will say some odd phrase or a quote in order to bring the conversation to a standstill. My parents were not interested, particularly when we were out in public, for me to carry the conversation. Many times, they would shut me down so that I would not embarrass them. Also, I never could figure out why somebody on the stage would be encouraged to “break their leg.” It is not a rather mean thing to say to someone who is about to go out on stage and do some kind of performance? What mean person would hope that someone would break their leg in front of an audience? Someone said to me recently, “May the force be with you.” I knew the movie he was quoting from but I had no idea what he meant for me. What is the force he wanted to be with me? Moreover, what if I didn’t want that force to be with me? We often say things we do not understand or mean and I am as guilty as anybody else. When something tragic happens some religious minded person will say, particularly someone on television, “My thoughts and prayers are with you.” What in the world does that mean? What thoughts do they have, what prayers do they have, and how in the world can they transfer it to me? Usually the person saying this is someone who is not very religious. I do not know what came over me, but once somebody, I forget the situation, said, “My thoughts and prayers are with you.” For the life of me, I do not know what I was thinking about, but all of a sudden, I heard myself saying to that person, “Thanks but I don’t need your prayers.” Why I said that I don’t know, but I do know that the person that said it to me was about his religious is a dead cockroach. If you don’t pray on a regular basis, why do I want your prayers? But back to my days of youth. I cannot remember how many times my parents, both just as guilty as the other, said to me, “You can’t have your cake and eat it too.” I am still as confused today as I was then. If I have my cake, why in the world can’t I eat it? After all, it’s my cake. If it wasn’t my cake, I don’t think I would eat it. However, the most disturbing thing was whenever my parents told me that there was no cake in view. For example, the young boy standing in the line behind me had no cake on his mind when his mother told him that. Once when my parents said that to me, I said, “What cake?” My mother looked at me and said, “If you don’t know, I’m sure I can’t tell you.” Now I was really confused. She is talking about a cake but she cannot tell me what cake it is. Her assumption is that I know about the cake she is talking about when in fact, I have no idea about the cake she is talking about. I have no scruples about eating my cake, but I like to know where it is at. My father tried to explain to me one time by saying, “Once you eat the cake, it’s no longer yours.” Where are parents trained to be parents? If I eat the cake, whose cake is it? In fact, if I do not eat the cake there is a danger that somebody else might eat my cake and I sure do not want that to happen. I think the most disturbing time in a person’s life is when they find themselves talking like their parents. I distinctly remember the time when my kids wanted to do something and I responded by saying, “You can’t have your cake and eat it too.” Saying things that we do not quite understand often gets us into difficulty particularly with family. I wonder if the apostle Paul had this in mind when he writes, “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers” (Ephesians 4:29). I must be careful that I am using words that encourage people rather than confuse them. Dr. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family of God Fellowship, 1471 Pine Road, Ocala, FL 34472. He lives with his wife in Silver Springs Shores. Call him at 352-687-4240 or e-mail jamessnyder2@att. net. The church web site is www.whatafellowship. com. We'd like to hear from you! What's on your mind? 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