Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, July 8, 2017

MVNews this week:  Page A:5

Mountain View News Saturday, July 8, 2017 

Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side

by Deanne Davis 

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all 
men are created equal, that they are endowed by 
their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that 
among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of 
Happiness.” The Declaration of Independence 
July 4, 1776

We say this every year, my parade cohort, John, 
and I, that this year was the best ever! We parked 
our chairs under the big tree in front of Faubourg 
and were cool and comfortable all morning. That 
alone is a biggie! As we were next to but not in 
Faubourg’s outdoor seating area, we were able to 
jealously observe, but not enjoy their bottomless 
Mimosas, as several couples were doing. However, 
knowing we had a lot of day ahead of us, it was 
probably just as well. Maybe...

Century 21 Realtors were handing out balloons 
all up and down the street and the nice folks at 
Podley were passing out fans to hot, sweaty parade 
viewers. The Firecracker Fun Run was just finishing 
when we arrived and the Fun Runners were only 
interested in water...lots of water! It seems like 
everybody along the parade route had either a dog 
or a stroller with a little person and a toddler by the 
hand. Monsieur Crepe, Only Place in Town, Corfu, 
Starbucks, Lucky Baldwin’s and Beantown were 
doing great business. We love seeing that. 

The Color Guard of VFW guys from our local 
Post 3208 walked tall, proudly carrying the flag at 
the start of the parade and I’m thrilled to report 
that everybody stood as our flag went by. That was 
wonderful to see. We got a look at our Sierra Madre 
Rose Float in its skeleton form, before the fun 
begins later this year, with Princesses Sarah Adams, 
Camille Buckles, Ashley Conlon and Samantha 
Grijalva aboard. The Gooden School band was 
great, big with lots of brass. Lucky Baldwin’s bright 
red truck was throwing Mardi Gras beads out and 
my son-in-law, Chuck Seitz, was riding shotgun 
on the J J Jukebox float, which you’re seeing 
here. We were so tickled as Rich Johnson and the 
group played a terrific version of “I Can’t Get No 
Satisfaction!” and then Rich announced, “I’m Mick 
Jagger and we’re The Rolling Stones.” Good one, 

The Search & Rescue team was huge and there 
were 9 tractors in the Sierra Madre Deeres group. 
The cars carrying our Sierra Madre Council 
Members, John Harabedian, John Capoccia, Gene 
Goss and Mayor Rachel Arizmendi pulled over to 
idle a minute or two in the shade of our tree, wipe 
the sweat off their faces and take a sip of water. It 

was hot out there, friends and neighbors! We loved 
all the sports teams, the horseless carriages, Sierra 
Madre Music’s float featuring Pink Lemonade at 
the microphone. One of the horseless carriages 
was emblazoned with: Excelsior Steam Laundry – 
Home Delivery – Phone 21! It’s a long time since we 
saw a two digit phone number.

Sierra Madre City College Float and Band 
“Schoolin’ You For 35 Years” playing “Great Balls of 
Fire” and the Mickey Mouse Club Theme. Pasadena 
Rugby Team, rugby-ing down the street, boy 
scouts carrying a giant flag, the Pasadena Humane 
Society’s enormous bus, with a cute pooch or two 
peeking out, the Unknown Band wearing paper 
bags on their heads and playing “Yankee Doodle” 
on kazoos. Memorable stuff! 

And in case you were worried about the future, 
stop worrying! The groups from Hastings Ranch 
Nursery School, Sierra Madre Community Nursery 
School and the Sunnyside School House Preschool 
counted in the hundreds of adorable little tots 
riding in wagons, on tiny little bikes and scooters 
with proud parents in tow. Yes, the world will go 

There was so much more and it was all such 
fun. We wouldn’t miss it for the world. When we 
talked about it later we both agreed that the finest 
moment of the parade was when a Marine in his 
dress uniform, accompanied by two soldiers in full 
combat gear, complete with rifles walked past us. 
They received tremendous applause and cheers. We 
were very proud of our community to respond to 
these servicemen in the way that we all did.

Hope your 4th was as good as ours was and 
that whoever cooked your hamburger did as 
outstanding a job as son-in-law, Dave, did for us. 
We heard the fireworks booming far into the night 
and have enough left-over potato salad to feed the 
neighborhood. God bless America!

My book page: Deanne Davis 
“A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of Laughter” 
is now available at 
Sunrise Books + Coffee at Pasadena First Church of 
the Nazarene – 
just down the road on Sierra Madre Blvd.
Kindle readers, give yourself the gift of: 
A Treasure Map, A Drunken Owl, and 47 Rattler’s 
in a Bag

 It’s on on my book page!
Follow me on Twitter, too!


June 25 , to July 2 , 2017 During this time period, the Sierra Madre Police Department responded toapproximately 502 day and night time calls for service. 

Sunday, June 25

A vehicle was stopped for a violation at about 3:05 

p.m. The officers determined through a DMV checkthat due to a previous arrest for a DUI, the vehiclewas not equipped with a court ordered IgnitionInterlock Device. The driver was issued a citation 
and the vehicle was impounded. Case referred tothe Pasadena DA’s office for filing considerations 
Wednesday, June 28 

Officers responded to Bailey Canyon parkinglot at about 3:15 p.m. for a burglary of a vehicleinvestigation. An unknown suspect attempted topry open the front passenger side window causingthe window to shatter. The suspect reached insidethe vehicle and took a bag containing a Chase Debitcard, CA identification card, two school ID cards, 

headphones and a watch. Case to Detectives 
On July 2, 2017 At around 1:15 a.m. officers 
responded to the area of Orange Grove Avenue andSunnyside Avenue regarding a one vehicle trafficcollision. Officers arrived and contacted the driver 
of the vehicle. It was determined the driver was 
driving under the influence of alcohol. The driverwas arrested and booked at Pasadena Jail. Case 
referred to Pasadena DA’s office. 

NOTE TO DRIVERS! Be aware of the expirationdate of your California Driver’s License! In additionto the cases shown above, we have conducted 
several traffic stops this week for various violationsthat have shown, that in addition to the traffic 
violation, they were driving with either an expiredor suspended driver’s license.