Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, July 8, 2017

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 8, 2017 
Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 8, 2017 
Jeff’s Book PicsBy Jeff Brown FAMILY MATTERS By Marc Garlett 

missions, Parazynski never lost sightA Gentleman in Moscow: A 

Novel by Amor Towles 

of his childhood dream to one dayHe can’t leave his hotel. You won’t 

don a spacesuit and float outside thewant to.From the New York Times 

airlock. With deep passion, unbridledbestselling author of Rules of 

creativity, resilience, humility, and 
Civility—a transporting novel about a

self-deprecation, Parazynski chases 
man who is ordered to spend the rest

his dream of the ultimate adventure 
of his life inside a luxury hotel In 1922,

experience, again and again and again.
Count Alexander Rostov is deemed an 

In an era that transitioned from moon 
unrepentant aristocrat by a Bolshevik

shots to the Space Shuttle, space station,
tribunal, and is sentenced to house arrest 

and Mars research, Parazynski flies within the Metropol, a grand hotel across

John Glenn, tests jet packs, trains inthe street from the Kremlin. Rostov, an 

Russia to become a cosmonaut, and flies 
indomitable man of erudition and wit, 

five missions to outer space (includinghas never worked a day in his life, and

seven spacewalks) in his seventeen-yearmust now live in an attic room while 

NASA career.An unparalleled, visceralsome of the most tumultuous decades 

opportunity to understand what it’s likein Russian history are unfolding outside

to train for—and deploy to—a homethe hotel’s doors. Unexpectedly, his

in zero gravity, The Sky Below also 
reduced circumstances provide him 

portrays an astronaut’s engagemententry into a much larger world of

with the challenges of his life on Earth,
emotional discovery.Brimming with 

including raising a beautiful autistic 
humor, a glittering cast of characters,

daughter and finding true love. 
and one beautifully rendered scene 
after another, this singular novel casts a

The House of God by Samuel 

Shem (Author), John Updike spell as it relates the count’s endeavor to

gain a deeper understanding of what it


means to be a man of purpose. 

By turns heartbreaking, hilarious, andutterly human, The House of God is a

The Sky Below: A True Story of

mesmerizing and provocative journey

that takes us into the lives of RoySummits, Space, and Speed by 

Basch and five of his fellow interns at 
“Scott Parazynski’s drive, curiosity, 

Scott Parazynski & Susy Flory 

the most renowned teaching hospitalinventiveness, and great humor shine

in the country. Young Dr. Basch andthrough the pages of The Sky Below and

his irreverent confident, known onlywill certainly inspire future generations

as the Fat Man, will learn not only howto pursue their dreams with every fiber

to be fine doctors but, eventually, goodin their being.” —John Glenn, NASA

human beings. Samuel Shem has doneastronautAn epic memoir from a man

what few in American medicine have 
whose life is defined by exploration

dared to do---create an unvarnished, 
and innovation, The Sky Below re

unglorified, and amazingly forthrightcreates some of the most unforgettable

portrait revealing the depth of caring,
adventures of our time. From dramatic, 

pain, pathos, and tragedy felt by allhigh-risk spacewalks to author Scott

who spend their lives treating patientsParazynski’s death-defying quest to

and stand at the crossroads between 

summit Mount Everest—his bodyravaged by a career in space—readers will experiencethe life of an elite athlete, physician, and explorer.
This intimate, compelling account offers a rareportrait of space exploration from the inside. Aglobal nomad raised in the shadow of NASA’s Apollo 

science and humanity.With over twomillion copies sold worldwide, The House of Godhas been hailed as one of the most important medicalnovels of the 20th century and compared to SinclairLewis’s Arrowsmith for its poignant portrayal of theeducation of American doctors. 


When you hire an attorney for estate planning, 
help administering a loved one’s estate, or any 
other legal matter, you want to make sure the work 
gets done as quickly as possible and at the best 
possible value. Here are some tips to have the most 
useful and value-oriented law firm experience.

Get to know the lawyer and the law firm staff. 
You’ll be working with the entire team, so it’s a 
good idea to know who to reach out to at the office. 
Paralegals and office assistants are employed by the 
lawyer to help you. Make sure you are comfortable 
with each person on the team. 

The more organized you are, the easier and 
more efficient the entire process will be. Provide 
copies of documents as soon as possible when 
they are requested. This will save the lost time 
and delays caused when your lawyer must wait for 
documents before proceeding with your matter.

Keep your original documents in a secure place 
and only bring in copies (unless the original of a 
particular document is specifically requested). It’s 
always a good idea, however, to bring the original 
will to the first meeting when you need to probate 
a loved one’s estate or administer their trust. Your 
lawyer will also need an original death certificate 

in those situations. 

Be brutally honest with your attorney about 
your situation. Give the whole story so that the 
advice you receive (and pay for) is information 
based on real facts and not a sanitized version 
of them. Your attorney is not there to judge, but 
rather to develop solutions to the issues you and 
your family are facing. 

Bring a list of goals, concerns, and questions 
to each meeting so you can cover everything you 
want to discuss. Feel free to take notes during 
the meetings and ask your attorney to explain 
anything you don’t fully understand. Remember, 
it’s your meeting and your case – your satisfaction 
and peace of mind should always be a priority, 
both for your lawyer and for you. 

Carefully review your fee agreement so 
you understand how you’ll be charged for 
services rendered. Ask about fees for phone 
calls, emails, plan reviews, amendments, or 
special circumstances. Where possible, avoid 
hourly billing as this inhibits attorney-client 
communication, gets in the way of trust, and 
doesn’t give you a clear picture of the total cost 
involved to work with the law firm. 

In summary, when you hire a law firm, you gain 
access to a team of attorneys, legal support staff, 
and administrative professionals who are there 
to help you achieve your legal goals. You should 
feel confident your entire legal team is working 
together on your behalf to provide the best client 
experience and the best value for the price. If 
you’re not sure that’s exactly what you’d be getting 
from a firm, walk away and find one that gives you 
that confidence. Trust and estate matters are far 
too important to settle for anything less.

Dedicated to empowering your family, building 
your wealth and securing your legacy, 

A local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on amission to help parents protect what they love most.
His office is located at 49 S. Baldwin Ave., Ste. G, Sierra 
Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an appointment to sit downand talk about ensuring a legacy of love and financialsecurity for your family by calling 626.587.3058 or for more information. 


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