Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, July 29, 2017

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 29, 2017 SOUTH PASADENA -SAN MARINO 4Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 29, 2017 SOUTH PASADENA -SAN MARINO 4
South Pasadena Public Paul Riddle Appointed South Pasadena 
Library Baseball NightSouth Pasadena Fire Chief Transitioning to

 A ‘Baseball Night’ showcasing 
the art of Jon SooHoo, 

 The South Pasadena City 

District Elections

Council appointed Monday 
Los Angeles Dodgers, will 

official photographer for the 

Deputy Chief Paul Riddle as the 
be presented in the South 

City of South Pasadena’s Fire 
Pasadena Public Library 

Chief, making Chief Riddle the 
Community Room on 

17th Fire Chief in the 110-year 
Thursday, August 17 at 7:00 

history of the Department. His 

appointment followed the City 
photographer since 1985, will 

p.m. Jon SooHoo, the Dodgers’ 
Council’s approval of a new, 
be sharing many of his favorite 

Two City Cooperative Fire 

Vin Scully to the White House 

photos, including some that 
Services Agreement with the 

to record the Presidential 

have been permanently etched 
City of San Marino.

 The South Pasadena City to provide input and listen to 

Medal of Freedom ceremony. A 

into the iconography of Los 
Chief Riddle was born 

Council adopted a resolution what other members of the 

Angeles baseball history.couple of months prior to that, and raised in West Covina, 

last week declaring its intent community are suggesting 

Jon also recorded a poignant 

California. His father was a 

 The event will be moderated 

to transition to district-based as communities of interest. 

video clip of Scully, his wife 

by Mark Langill, the Historian 
Firefighter for Pasadena Fire 

elections in response to a threat However, if you are unable 

Sandi, and their daughters in 

for the Dodgers and the 
Department and his older 

a Warner Brothers recording 
of litigation asserting a violation to attend a scheduled Public 

brother currently works as qualities necessary for the 

author of numerous highly-studio as they listened to a 
of the California Voting Rights Hearing, you are welcome 

a Firefighter for the City of position,” stated Interim City 

regarded baseball books. Mark playback of Scully’s singing of 
Act (CVRA). While the City to provide input via email 

Seattle. Chief Riddle started his Manager Elaine Aguilar. 


be seen frequently on “Wind Beneath My Wings” 
maintains its position that (cityclerk@southpasadenaca.

career in the fire service in 1991 As Fire Chief, Riddle will 

the SportsNetLA television which was played at Dodger 
its election system does not gov). Your comments will be 

as a Volunteer Firefighter with be responsible for leading a 

network and his articles appear Stadium after Vin’s final game 
violate the CVRA or any other collected by the City Clerk’s 

the City of South Pasadena. department composed of 21 

regularly in Dodgers programs there. 
provision of law, the cost of Division and shared with the 

He was brought on as a full-full-time uniformed personnel, 

and yearbooks, as well as in The Langill, a native of South 
litigation is prohibitive and the City Council at the upcoming 

time Firefighter in July of 3 part-time Fire Prevention 

Quarterly. The free event for all Pasadena, is the author of 
public interest would be better Public Hearings.

1992. He has served the South Specialists and administrative 

ages is presented by the South 4 baseball-related books: 
served by transitioning to a Schedule ImageSchedule of 

Pasadena Fire Department as staff. 

Pasadena Public Library, the “Dodgertown,” “Dodger 
district-based electoral system. Public Hearings 

an Engineer, Captain, Battalion Additionally, on Wednesday, 

Friends of the South Pasadena Stadium,” “Los Angeles 
Pursuant to Elections Code Wednesday, August 16, 2017; 

Public Library, and the South 
Chief, and in 2014 was July 19th, the City Council Section 10010, the City will 7:30 p.m.

Dodgers,” and “Game of My 

Pasadena Chinese American Life, Dodgers.” Prior to joining 
promoted to Deputy Fire Chief. approved an agreement with conduct a series of Public Amedee O. “Dick” Richards, Jr. 

Club. Special thanks to 210 the Dodger front office in 
As the Deputy Fire Chief, he the City of San Marino for Hearings over the next 90 Council Chamber 
eastsound and the Hospitality 1994, Langill covered the team 
was in charge of training for the the sharing of Fire Command days to receive community 1424 Mission Street, South Staff. The agreement identifies 

Committee of the Friends of Cities of South Pasadena, San 
input on the composition of Pasadena, CA

the Library.for five seasons as the beat Marino, and San Gabriel Fire each City having its own Fire 

reporter for the San Gabriel 
proposed electoral A City Council Public Hearing 

J on SooHoo has snapped 
Departments as part of Verdugo Chief and Division Chief. The 

Valley Newspaper Group, 
for City Council seats. It is of to review the districting process 

thousands of significant images 
Cities Fire. He has also held remaining Division Chief will 

which includes the Pasadena 
upmost importance that South and to hear from residents 

through the years --first 
the positions of Department be identified as the Shared 

Star-News and San Gabriel 
Pasadena residents participate about their ideas for potential 

on film, htne on slides, and 
Training Officer, Safety Command Position. Each 

Valley Tribune. Langill has 
and provide feedback during “communities of interest” and 

now digitally - ever since he 
Officer, Emergency Manager, City will be responsible for 

appeared on both radio and 
the upcoming Public Hearings. the composition of districts.

graduated from USC 32 years 
and Fitness Coordinator. He 50% of the mutually agreed 

television to discuss Dodger 
It is the City’s desire to ensure Wednesday, September 6, 2017; 

ago. Devoted Dodgers fans, 
has an associate in science upon shared cost of services 

history, including the MLB 
that the proposed districts 7:30 p.m.

particularly younger ones, 
degree from Mt. San Antonio for the Shared Command 

Network Dodgers programs 
reflect prevalent communities Amedee O. “Dick” Richards, Jr. 

now follow SooHoo’s photos in 
College in fire technology and Position. The agreement will 

and yearbooks, and he is a 
of interest and that the citizenry Council Chamber 

real time since many of them 
is completing his Bachelor’s allow each Department to 

frequent guest and host for 
be engaged in this urgent 1424 Mission Street, South 

are uploaded immediately via Degree in Management. “Chief continue providing the highest 
the social media platforms: programs and yearbooks, and Riddle has the experience, level of customer service to its matter. Pasadena, CA

he is frequent guest and host 
What Kind of Feedback A City Council Public Hearing, as 
professionalism, and leadership communities at a reduced cost. 

for programs on the SportsNet Does the City Need From Its to review the districting 
well as his Twitter, Instagram, LA television network.Residents? process, to hear from residents 

and Facebook accounts. Jon 

 The Community Room is South Pas National Night OutThe Federal Voting Rights about their ideas for potential 
SooHoo has a Facebook located at 1115 El Centro Street Act (FVRA) and CVRA “communities of interest,” 
fanpage as well.and doors will open at 6:30 With warmer evenings to Orange Grove Park for an prescribe specific criteria to be and to receive City Council 

 Late last year, Jon SooHoo p.m. No tickets or reservations and longer summer days, evening August 1, filled with considered during the drafting direction on the criteria to 
followed recently-retired are necessary and stadium-type the Community Services games, activities, food trucks, of proposed district maps. This be considered for mapping of 
broadcaster for the Dodgers, refreshments will be served. Department invites you out educational opportunities, criteria includes the following: districts. 

and information from our 1) nearly equal populations, Wednesday, September 20, 
Police and Fire departments, 2) contiguous and compact 2017; 7:30 p.m.
territories, 3) continuity in Amedee O. “Dick” Richards, Jr. 

Management Services Office, 

office, and 4) communities of Council Chamber 

and others. Come mingle 

1424 Mission Street, South 

with your community and 

 The City needs to know what Pasadena, CA

enjoy an evening of activities. 

communities of interest the A City Council Public Hearing Admission is free. 6:00 p.m. residents would like to be to seek resident input on the 
to 9:00 p.m. Orange Grove considered. For instance, are content of the draft district 
Park 815 Mission Street. there specific social, cultural, map(s) and sequence of 

ethnic, or economic interests? elections. 
Should school attendance areas, Wednesday, October 4, 2017; San Marino single-family and multi-family 7:30 p.m.
housing unit areas, income Amedee O. “Dick” Richards, Jr. Used Oil levels, or areas around parks or Council Chamber 
other neighborhood landmarks 1424 Mission Street, South Collectionbe considered? The City needs Pasadena, CA

 San Marino residents are to hear from you! A City Council Public Hearing 
reminded they are able to The community is invited to to select a preferred district map 
drop off used oil and used attend the upcoming Public and to introduce an ordinance 

Hearings listed below. These to transition to a district-based 

oil filters to the approved 

hearing will be an opportunity electoral system. 

location at 2200 Huntington 

Drive, City Hall- The drop off Buffalo Bill Starring Joellocation is located in Street 
Department maintenance McCrea to be Screened

yard at the south side of 

 A free screening of “Buffalo its zenith in the 40s with the City Hall complex. Bill,” a 1944 Technicolor Alfred Hitchcock’s “Foreign The used oil must be free Western starring South Correspondent” (1940),
of any foreign materials Pasadena’s Joel McCrea (1905-“Sullivan’s Travels” (1941),
including but not limited 1990), will be presented on a classic Hollywood spoof 
to water, gasoline or other Thursday, August 31 at 7 p.m. directed by Preston Sturges, and 
potential contaminants. in the Library Community as the long-haired, mustachioed 
Contaminated oil will not be Room. The classic western “Buffalo Bill” (1944). For 

features an all star cast that Paramount, McCrea garnered 


also includes Anthony Quinn, top billing in the title role of 

 Used Oil/Used Oil Filter 

Maureen O’Hara, Linda Darnell the Technicolor version of “The 

Drop off Scheduling: 

and Edgar Buchanan. The Virginian” (1946). From this 

Wednesdays from 9:00am 

compelling, well-acted film is point on McCrea would only to 3:00pm- Please call set against the backdrop of the play western roles. McCrea 
ahead to set up a time for bloody battles between white made 17 westerns in the 50s, all 
the drop-off- Public Works settlers and Native Americans.of which were successful at the 
Department- Ask for Rob or Joel Albert McCrea was box office.
Gene-626-300-0794born in South Pasadena on Master of Ceremonies for the 

 Alternate Locations for 
November 5, 1905, the son free screening of “Buffalo Bill” 
of Lou Whipple and Thomas will be the dynamic Cowboy 

used oil and used oil filter 

P. McCrea. Joel McCrea Poet, Helping to introduce the 

eventually went on to blaze a film will be Wyatt McCrea, 

965 East Las Tunas 

remarkable trail, appearing in one of the grandsons of Joel 

San Gabriel, Ca. 

90 feature films over a 50 year and Frances McCrea. Wyatt 1860 East Colorado BLVD period. By the time Joel retired and Larry will also team up 
Pasadena, Ca. after 80 starring roles during to conduct a Q & A with the 
Pep Boys:Hollywood’s Golden Age, he audience after the screening. 
5439 Rosemead BLVD was declared “The Last of the The Library Community 
San Gabriel, Ca. Great Cowboy Film Heroes.” Room is located at 1115 El 

As an actor McCrea was known Centro Street. No tickets or 

1135 E Colorado BLVD 

for his strength, realism, and reservations are necessary. 

Pasadena, Ca. 

dependability. Although he Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. and 


appeared in comedies, thrillers, refreshments will be served. 

6300 Rosemead BLVD 

adventures, and romances, The Community Room is only 

Temple City, Ca.

westerns became his forte. about a block away from the 

 For questions contact Ron McCrea was one of the very few Metro Gold Line Station and 
Serven, Environmental actors who started as a lowly free parking will be available at 
Services Manager 626-300-extra in the film business and the Mission-Meridian Parking 
0789. rose to leading roles.Garage, located at 805 Meridian 

 Joel McCrea’s career reached Avenue.

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: