Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, July 29, 2017

MVNews this week:  Page A:10

Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 29, 2017 10 THE GOOD LIFE THE GOOD LIFE 

Dear Savvy Senior,
How does one go about choosing a walker? I have 
some balance issues along with arthritis in my knee 
and could use a little more help than a cane provides. 
Unsteady at 70 

Dear Unsteady,
When it comes to choosing a walker, there are 
various styles and options to consider, but selecting 
the best one for you will depend on your needs, as 
well as where you’ll be using it. Here are some tips 
that can help you choose. 

Types of Walkers

There are three basic types of walkers on the market 
today. To help you choose, consider the type of 
support you’ll need. Then, pay a visit to a medical 
equipment store or pharmacy (see
SupplierDirectory) that sells walkers so you can 
test-walk a few. Here are the different types you’ll 
have to choose from. 

Standard walker: This is the most basic style of 
walker that has four legs with rubber-based feet (no 
wheels), is very lightweight (around 6 pounds) and 
costs between $50 and $100. This type of walker 
must be picked up and moved forward as you walk, 
so it’s best suited for people who need significant 
weight bearing support, or who are walking very 
short distances. 

Two-wheeled walker: This has the same four-legstyle as the standard walker except it has wheels onthe two front legs that allow you to easily push thewalker forward without lifting, while the back legsglide across the floor providing support while youstep forward. These are best for people with balanceissues, and are priced at around $60 to $120.

Rollator: This is a rolling walker that has wheels 
on all four (or three) legs. These work best for people 
who need assistance with balance or endurance 
inside or outside the home, but require some upper 
body strength to prevent them from rolling out 
from under you. Rollators typically come with a 
built-in seat, basket and hand-breaks. Or, for those 
with hand arthritis or gripping problems, there are 
rollators with pushdown brakes that engage with 
downward pressure, and will lock if you sit on the 
seat. Rollators typically run between $75 and $225. 


Although Fourth of July has 
passed, I thought I’d share about 
my mom’s friend, Donna, andher husband, John Andersen’s, 
recent trip to Denmark to 

festivities. Since that time the 
Danes have been gathering every year to celebrateAmerica’s birthday, with the exception of WW1and WW2. It is a symbol of friendship betweenthe United States and Denmark and a wonderful 
opportunity for catching up with family and friends.

The party starts on July 2nd and continuesthrough the 5th. Denmark, for the most part, is flat,
but Rebild is hilly and offers a pleasant venue for the 
event. The main pathway is lined with flags fromeach of the 50 United States, and large tents are setup for gathering. The food and entertainment is a 

Other Tips

After deciding on a type of walker, there a few 
additional things you need to double-check to 
ensure it meets your needs.

First, if you’re a large person, make sure the 
walker’s weight capacity will support you. And if 
you choose a rollator, check to see if your body can 
fit between the handgrips when sitting. 

Also make sure the height of the walker is set 
appropriately for you. To do this, stand with your 
arms relaxed at your sides. The handgrips of the 
walker should line up with the crease on the inside 
of your wrist. 

You also need to check that the walker folds 
easily for transport and storage, and that it’s light 
enough to lift into your car. Test the handgrips to 
make sure they’re comfortable. And, be sure you 
measure the doorways in your home to ensure 
your walker will fit through them. If you have 
narrow doorways consider installing “swing clear” 
offset door hinges as a simple and affordable way to 
widen them an extra two inches. 

Walkers also have lots of accessories that can 
be added for your convenience such as food tray 
attachments, tote bags for carrying personal items, 
oxygen tank holders, and tennis ball walker glides 
that go over the feet of a standard walker to help it 
slide more easily across the floor. 

For more tips on how to choose and use a walker, 
It’s also a smart idea to work with your doctor or 
a physical therapist, and be sure to get a written 
prescription, as Medicare will cover 80 percent of 
the cost. 

Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. 
Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.
org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today 
show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book. 

the Fourth of July, as only

Disney is said to have gotten

Danish-Americans can! 

the idea for the look of his 

Sort of like how Americans 

theme park from Tivoli 

seem to celebrate Cinco de 

Gardens. One night features

Mayo in a bigger way than

a formal gala dinner and

Mexicans do, the Danes turn 

dance. If you’d like to support

out a bigger Fourth of July

the Rebild National Park 

festival than anyone in the 

Society, you can sponsor a


state flag or have your name

It started in 1912 when 

engraved on a stone at 

Danish immigrant to the

the entrance to the Rebild 

United States, Max Henius, 

hills. Each year the Danish-

organized fellow Danish-

American Friendship

Americans to purchase 200

organization awards special

acres in the Rebild region of

recognition to one person

Denmark. They presented

who has exemplified the 

this land to the Danish 

bond between the US and 

government to be used as a

Denmark. This year Donna’s

national park and the setting

husband, John, was honored 

of the annual Fourth of July

with the award!

mix of Danish and American fares. This year a bluegrass group from Kentucky performed.

There are picnics, fireworks, and speeches bypoliticians and other notable people. Richard 
Nixon, Walt Disney, Victor Borge, and Danny Kaye

have all spoken there. Walt 

 When Danish-Americans 
aren’t celebrating the Fourth of July, they arekeeping up with a variety of reunions andcelebrations throughout the year. Each spring, theDanish-American Friendship organization puts ona conference in a different state. This year it was in 
the US Virgin Islands. I believe Donna and John 
went to it, and I’m pretty certain they’re going thiscoming spring to the meeting in Kentucky. All in all 
it looks like Donna sees more of America by beingmarried to a Danish-American than she would 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ….July Birthdays 
Nina Bartolai, Mary Lou Caldwell, Louise Neiby, Eunice Banis, Betty Hansen, 
Christine Durfort, Shahrzad Azrani, Jeanne Borgedahl, Janet Cox, Dorothy 
Montgomery, Bess Pancoska, Janet Swanson, Linda Thunes, Barbara Watson, Pat 
Alcorn, Karma Bell, Alice Clark, Dorothy Jerneycic, and Betty Dos Remedios. 
ACTIVITIES: Unless listed differently, all activities are at the Hart 
Park House (Senior Center) 222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre 
Hawaiian & Polynesian Dance Class: Every Tuesday morning from 10a.m. to11a.m. Join instructor Barbara Dempsey as she leads you in the art of Hula. 
Bingo: Every Tuesday beginning at 1:00p.m. Cards are only $0.25 each!
Everyone is welcome to join. May be canceled if less than five people. 
Free Blood Pressure Testing: 2nd Tuesday of the month from 11a.m. to 12p.m. No appt. is necessary. 
Brain Games: Thursdays, 10:30a.m. to 11:30a.m., improve your memory and strengthen your 
brain. Activities facilitated by Senior Volunteers. 
Free Legal Consultation: Wednesdays from 10:30a.m. to Noon. Attorney Lem Makupson isavailable for legal consultation. He specializes in Family Law, Wills, Trusts, Estates, and Injury.
Appointments are required by calling 626-355-7394. 
Senior Club: Meets every Saturday at the Hart Park House Senior Center. Brown Bag Lunch at 
Tax Assistance: Every Wednesday beginning on February 1st through April 12th from 1:00p.m.
to 2:00p.m. - Don Brunner is available for income tax consultation. Appointments are required by 
calling 626-355-7394. 
Chair Yoga: Mondays and Wednesdays from 11:00 to 11:45a.m. with Paul Hagen. 3rd Monday of eachmonth, a variety of balance exercises are practiced. All ability levels are encouraged and welcomed! 
*A suggested donation of $5 at one of the classes is requested, but is not required. 
Case Management: Case Management services are provided by the YWCA and provide assistance in 
a variety of areas. Appointments are required and can be scheduled by calling the Hart Park HouseOffice at 626-355-7394. 
Birthday Celebrations: Every 2nd Thursday of the month at the Hart Park House, share some freebirthday cake provided by the Sierra Madre Civic Club. 
Game Day: Every Thursday starting at 12:00p.m. Come join this group of Seniors in a poker game. 
Other games are offered to all. Please note time change. 
Free Strength Training Class: Every Friday from 12:45p.m. to 1:30p.m. with Lisa Brandley. Thisenergetic class utilizes light weights for low impact resistance training. All class materials are provided. 
Stress, Resilience, Positivity: Finding Balance - by The Kensington Sierra Madre Four Tuesdays,
March 7 - 28th from 2:00 - 4:00p.m. Register by calling 213-821-6919 or 213-821-6908. 
Call Patricial @ 626-818-2698 
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: