South Pasadena / San Marino | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, September 9, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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4 SOUTH PASADENA - SAN MARINO Mountain Views-News Saturday, September 9, 2017 Historic Library Community Room Improved, Repainted South Pasadena Library Offers ‘Mango Languages’ LIST OF WINNERS Continued from page 1. · A Noise Within—$6,500, artist fees for Spring 2018 production of “A Raisin in the Sun.” · About Productions—$6,240, Young Theaterworks “Through the Ages” residency at Marshall Fundamental where 30 sophomore students will participate in theater, writing and community building in a 13-session program culminating with two stage readings by professional actors and students. · Armory Center for the Arts—$7,200, in-class delivery of “Artful Connections with Math,” a 12-week visual arts and math integrated curriculum for PUSD 2nd and 3rd grade students . · Deborah Aschheim—$4,500, to support “Time Travel,’ a series of temporary public art pieces combining drawing and participant interviews on memories of civil rights activism in Pasadena. · Boston Court Performing Arts Center—$7,200, for “Music@ Boston Court” a 12-concert music series. · Consejo Fronterizo de Arte y Cultura—$4,628 to “Poetry Within Reach,” an ongoing public poetry reading series by the Pasadena Rose Poets in City Council Chamber on four Wednesdays in 2018. · Floricanto Dance Theater—$7,200 for Fiesta de Cinco de Mayo at ARC Pasadena May 5 & 6, 2018 with live music and dance concerts in partnership with ARC Pasadena and PasadenaLEARNS. · Luis Ituarte—$2,316, cataloguing and documenting the artist’s work into a comprehensive database with an index to support work placement in museums, public spaces and publications. · Kidspace Children's Museum—$8,500, Free Family Night performance series 2017-18. · Levitt Pavilion—$6,500, to support planning and production of the annual Summer Concert Series at Memorial Park of 50 free outdoor concerts July 1-September 3, 2017. · Light Bringer Project—$7,200 for the 2018 Pasadena Chalk Festival, June 16-17, 2018. · Lineage Dance Company—$8,500 for five performances of Stories that Move Us, a dance and theater piece combining storytellers with choreography. · LitFest Pasadena—$4,400 towards community literary festival in Playhouse District, May 2018. · Makoto Taiko—$1,440 to support classical Taiko drumming free event at Shumei Hall. · MUSE/IQUE—$8,500 for live musical event “GLOW/TOWN” part of the 2017 Summer of Sound series. · John O'Brien—$4,500 for “Gadzook” large-scale laser-cut metal and drawing of work to exhibit with Surrogate Gallery Projects. · Parson's Nose—$5,000 to help fund “Clearly Classic” production of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. · Pasadena Community Orchestra—$7,114, Young Artist Competition & Winner’s Concert, May 11, 2018. · Pasadena Conservatory of Music—$7,200 funding of Young Musicians Program at Jefferson Elementary with 32 weeks of sequential, standards-based music curriculum in the 2017-18 school year. · Pasadena Master Chorale—$7,200 to support staff and artist salaries, plus composer-mentors for “Listening to the Future” which pairs composer-mentors with local youth to develop new choral pieces to be presented at a concert in Pasadena. · Pasadena Museum of California Art—$6,500 to help underwrite exhibition “Feminine Sublime” bringing together the works of five contemporary women artists based in Los Angeles. · Pasadena Museum of History—$7,200 for development and implementation of “Emerging From the Shadows,” exhibit that explores women artists working in California 1860-1960. · Pasadena Photography Arts—$4,250 to support expanded marketing to increase attendance at Pasadena Photography Arts’ two free monthly programs. · Pasadena Playhouse—$8,500 to help produce “Our Town,” classic American play by Thornton Wilder. · Pasadena Symphony Association—$6,500 to help support five “Random Acts of Music” with interactive music events in unexpected public venues. · Jamie Crooke Powell—$4,250 for meetings with community members interested in contributing to the culture of health the City. The project will focus on coalition building, outreach and drawing activities. · Red Hen Press—$7,200 to support literary events around Pasadena; free books and writing workshops at Eliot Middle School. · Side Street Projects—$8,500 to help bring the mobile youth education program, the Woodworking Bus, to La Pintoresca Library and Day One Pasadena. · Susan Franklin Tanner—$4,250 covering production of “No Word in Guyanese for Me,” coming of age play about gay, immigrant, Muslim woman who struggles for acceptance in a post-9/11 America. · TA'YER—$7,200 for “Chambeando en Pasadena” (Working in Pasadena), community workshops and six public performances based on the lives of migrant workers. The South Pasadena Public Library announced that it now offers the “Mango Languages” online language-learning system. Guided by its core purpose to enrich lives with language and culture, Mango is the leading provider of language-learning resources in public libraries in America, offering fun and immersive courses that appeal to students, lifelong learners, and business and leisure travelers. PhD-created and linguist- approved, “Mango Languages” courses include more than 70 languages, and for English language learners instruction is available in 17 languages. Lessons combine real life situations and audio from native speakers with simple, clear instructions. The courses are presented with an appreciation for cultural nuance and real-world application by focusing on the four key elements of language learning: vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, and culture. In addition to traditional language courses, Mango also offers the opportunity to learn through foreign film with “Mango Premiere”™ and access to a variety of specialty mini courses, like Pirate, Medical Spanish and even a Wine and Cheese course in French! “Mango Languages” is available free to South Pasadena Public Library cardholders and can be accessed from the Library’s website (southpasadenaca. gov/onlineresources) using any computer with an internet connection as well as via apps for iPhone, Android™, Kindle and Nook. Learners will need their library card number to get started, and can study as a “guest” or create a personalized account that allows them to track their progress. Click here to start learning now! For more information or help getting started, visit the Library or call the Reference Desk at (626) 403-7350. The South Pasadena Public Library is located at 1100 Oxley Street, South Pasadena, California, 91030 (see map), and open 7 days a week, now including Thursday nights for the convenience of visitors to the South Pasadena Farmer’s Market which is only one block from the Library. Library hours are Sunday 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.; Monday 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.; Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 11:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.; and Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. “Mango Languages” is generously sponsored by the Friends of the South Pasadena Public Library. The interior of the historic South Pasadena Public Library Community Room was recently repainted by a crew from Hands On Painting, Inc. of South Pasadena. The painting of the inside of the venerable room was undertaken after the recent installation of the new Audio Visual system in the Community Room by Studio Spectrum. Hands On Painting also painted the exterior of the South Pasadena Public Library two years ago. Both painting projects, the first in many years for the Library, were funded with the City Council’s approval of a pair of Supplemental Budget Requests. The funding for the new AV system for the Community Room was also approved with the City Council’s approval of another Library Supplemental Budget Request. The Community Room was first constructed as the main reading room of the South Pasadena Public Library in 1907 using a grant of about $19,000 from the Carnegie Corporation. In 1930 the exterior of the Library’s main room received an architectural style makeover reminiscent of Northern Italy by the firm of Smith, Marsh & Powell. The renovation and remodeling project also included artwork adding stone carvings by distinguished sculptor Merrell Gage. His six decorative panels depict scenes from classic literature. Different periods and phases of literature are represented in the scenes of David and his sling, Perseus with the head of Medusa, Don Quixote charging a windmill, an Indian (Hiawatha perhaps), Rip Van Winkle, and Hamlet. Two shields were added over the exterior of the main entrance: an orange tree representing the coat of arms of South Pasadena and the other a bear representing the state of California. The interior arrangement of the original building was not altered in 1930, although a woodwork of Philippine mahogany was added to augment the windows and unusually striking chandeliers were hung from the 24 foot ceiling. The most beautiful touches came from modernist muralist Lucille Lloyd who created ornate hand painted designs on the ceiling beams which, of course, still remain. Lucille Lloyd also painted murals for the South Pasadena Middle School, Griffith Park Observatory and a decoration for the State Capitol in Sacramento. Written by Steve Fjeldsted, Library Director New Teen Center Drop- in Program Offered The South Pasadena Teen Center is a free drop-in program for teens, ages 13-18. The program is supervised by Recreation staff, and will be offered during the school year on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 3:15pm to 6:00pm. The goal of the Teen Center is to provide a safe environment for teens to express themselves in a positive manner and provide current resources geared towards teens. Workshops and classes will be scheduled throughout the school year, including topics from Planned Parenthood, Self-Defense, SAT/ACT workshops, homework help, and open dialogue on current events. The Teen Center is located at the Orange Grove Recreation Building (mid-level) at 815 Mission Street. For questions please call staff at 626-403- 7380. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||