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Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, September 9, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2017 SECTION B AROUND SAN GABRIEL VALLEY CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE IS FIRST IN THE US TO NAME FREEWAY FOR PRESIDENT BARACK H. OBAMA State Senator Anthony J. Portantino (D—La Cañada Flintridge) is proud to announce that SJR 8, a Senate Joint Resolution to name a portion of the 134 freeway in Los Angeles County the President Barack H. Obama Freeway, has passed both the State Senate and the State Assembly. As a result, the 134 freeway from the 2 freeway to the 210 Freeway interchange will be named in honor of our 44th President. President Obama used this portion of California’s freeway system to travel from his college home in Pasadena to Occidental College. President Obama attended Occidental his freshman and sophomore years and has attributed his time there as the beginning of his political activism. It is the place where he gave his first political speech. “I am so proud to have authored this proposal to forever appreciate and commemorate President Obama’s tremendous legacy, statesmanship and direct connection to Southern California. When my friend John Gallogly suggested the idea I was touched that he suggested it to me and extremely honored to be in a position to bring it to fruition. It is also quite appropriate and symbolic that the California legislature would pass this Resolution for a compassion-filled President filled with compassion on the same day we witness another President turn his back on 800,000 children,” commented Portantino. After the City of Pasadena placed a plaque in front of the home where President Obama lived when he was a student, local activist John Gallogly approached Portantino with the suggestion to name the 134 freeway after the President. Portantino ran with the idea and authored SJR 8 the very next week. Senator Portantino currently represents Pasadena and represented the Los Angeles Eagle Rock neighborhood where Occidental is located while in the State Assembly. “It is so important that California highlights the dignity of President Obama. His direct connection to Southern California in general and to the 134 freeway specifically makes this the appropriate and exciting place to recognize his tremendous accomplishments and the Presidential manner in which he led our country. It is a plus for our region that Anthony is so connected to the grassroots and that he takes our suggestions to heart,” added Gallogly. SJR 8 passed with bipartisan support in the Assembly and the State Senate. Recently sworn-in Congressman Jimmy Gomez succeeded Portantino in representing Eagle Rock in the Assembly and is a co-author of the Senate Resolution. GOVERNOR SIGNS SENATE BILL PROTECTING RECIPIENTS OF ACUTE MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Sacramento, CA – This week, Senate Bill 565, by Senator Anthony J. Portantino (D – La Cañada Flintridge), was signed and chaptered into law by Governor Brown. SB 565 requires a mental health facility, prior to a certification review hearing, to make reasonable attempts to notify family members or any other person designated by the patient of the exact time and place of the hearing at least 36 hours prior to the certification review hearing. “Having had personal experience with this issue I strongly believe that it is vital we improve patient care and possibly save lives by enacting a modest and reasonable notice requirement. Encouraging a reasonable attempt to contact and include a family member or designated person’s comments during the evaluation process allows doctors and health care professionals to be better equipped to make evaluations in the best interest of their patients. Having a time certain for such an evaluation allows the family member or designated persons time to be at the hearing and the opportunity to add information germane to that evaluation,” stated Portantino. Portantino became aware of barriers placed between family members and a loved one in treatment when his brother was placed on three short-term holds but was then released. Ultimately he took his own life. “I was quite concerned that I could not find out when the evaluation hearings were taking place and I could not share my feelings about his desires. There needed to be some formal way for loved ones to share their concerns and I am very grateful to Governor Brown for sharing this concern. Hopefully, the implementation of SB 565 will have a positive benefit for patient mental health care,” concluded Portantino. SB 565 received support from the California Council of Community Behavioral Health Agencies, Disability Rights California, NAMI California, National Association of Social Workers–CA, Pacific Clinics, and the Professional Fiduciary Association of California. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||