Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, September 23, 2017

MVNews this week:  Page A:5


Mountain View News Saturday, September 23, 2017 


Council will discuss accepting $100,000 to assist with SMPD Policing

At next week’s City Council meeting, the council will discuss whether or not to accept the “Citizens 
Option for Public Safety, Supplemental Law Enforcement Service Funds” (COPS/SLESF) that 
have been approved by the State of California for Sierra Madre. If accepted, it will not be the first 
time the city has received such funds, but the need for this additional support may very well be 
more critical than ever before given the increase in residential burglaries in not only Sierra Madre, 
but surrounding cities. Sierra Madre has received the grants every year since 1996.

 According to the staff report to be presented Tuesday evening, the funds, “ have certain 
restrictions on their use, which include the fact that they must be used to support “frontline” 
police operations, require a public hearing as to proposed use, and that they must not supplant 
funds that would normally be used for police operations. These funds do not require any matching 
contribution from the City.” 

In the past, according to the city, nearly seventy-five percent of the funds received from this 
grant, will fund the city’s current Community Service Officer (CSO) program. CSO’s perform 
a variety of non-hazardous duties in support of sworn personnel, including report preparation, 
investigation and public education. Sierra Madre now has two CSO’s working in the unit. One 
officer is dedicated to community outreach and social media and the other officer is assigned 
to uniformed position(s) in Patrol, Crime Prevention, Evidence, Administration, Investigation, 
Parking Enforcement or other duties within the Police Department. Additionally, the CSO 
Program will continue to provide focus on crime prevention and parking enforcement as well 
as taking some of the non-law enforcement duties away from the police officers, allowing them 
more time to focus on high visibility patrols and enforcement. 

Community Service Officer. 

If approved, the funds received this year will go towards:

Community Service Officer Program Cost: $75,000 

Helicopter Services - payment to Foothill Air Support for annual Police 

Helicopter Services in the community. Cost: $12,000 

ICI Radio System - Annual ICIS subscriber cost for radio system. Cost: $13,000

Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side 

by Deanne Davis


The Sierra Madre Rose Float Association 
is once again seeking applications for the 
position of Princess/Ambassador (in any 
combination of female/male) to represent 
the City at local functions and activities and 
to ride on our float on New Year’s Day in the 
Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade!

This year we are searching for three (3) 
Princesses/Ambassadors who will not only 
have the honor of riding on the Sierra Madre 
float, but will have the pleasure of speaking to 
the Sierra Madre City Council and local service 
organizations and clubs. In addition, they will 
assist with float decorating and contribute 
to publicity opportunities. Princesses/
Ambassadors will have a very exciting and 
educational year!

Application Guidelines and Process:

1) Applicants must be 15 to 18 years old, 
have a 3.0 grade average and be a resident of 
Sierra Madre.

2) Applications may be picked up at City 
Hall, your High School or downloaded from 
the Sierra Madre Rose Float Association 

3) Applications must be received at the 
SMRFA post office box by Friday, September 
22th, 2017. Applications submitted later than 
September 22 will not be considered.

4) Applicants must be able to attend judging 
interviews on Sunday, September 24th at 
3:00pm at the Sierra Madre Lodge. (No parents 

5) Princess Coronation Ceremony will be 
held Sunday, October 1, 3:15 PM at the Sierra 
Madre Lodge. Tickets are $5.00 for friends 
and family (candidates are free). Tickets will 
be available 
at the door. 
Refreshments will be served.

 For more information or questions, please 
contact Donna Sutcliffe at 626-355-8579.

“Scarecrows, corn in rows, pumpkins on the vine...
leaves curl, wind swirls, fall is right on time.”

“Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot 
cake, zucchini bread and pumpkin pie.”

 It felt sort of fall-ish this past weekend, we walked 
Sierra Madre with mist falling on our heads and I 
actually turned the heat on one day last week. My 
son-in-law, Chuck, the family weather prognosticator 
says we should expect rain and I certainly hope he’s 
right. I’d really love something other than me and 
our hose to water the trees. I keep telling them to 
hang in there, rain’s coming!

We love fall...we really do! College football is back, 
USC has won both their games – that last one being a 
real cliffhanger and then that final field goal. Pshew! 
There are pumpkin spice lattes all over the place and I 
have devoured a scoop of Baskin-Robbins Pumpkin 
Cheesecake ice cream twice! Soooo good! And we 
even had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory, including 
Pumpkin Cheesecake. Trader Joe’s has pumpkins for 
sale, just in case you’re wanting a few.

 All our fall stuff is out and it’s looked like Halloween 
at our house since September 1st. The pumpkins 
down the street at the Parker’s are enormous and 
have another month to go before they start turning 
them into fantastical creatures. The picture here 
doesn’t do justice to the size of this baby... it’s huge!

 We’ll be seeing scarecrows all over town soon after 
the Creative Arts scarecrow workshop last Saturday. 
We are a creative and imaginative bunch here in 
Sierra Madre. 

 All this talk of pumpkins has made me want some 
pumpkin bread and now that it’s cool enough to 
think of turning the stove on, I’m getting out the 
flour. Here’s my recipe, which is actually one 

I got from my sister-in-law, who lives in Las Vegas. 
She makes tons of it for friends, neighbors and 
Mah Jong buddies and shared it with me. I’ve made 
different recipes of pumpkin bread for years and 
years and hers is the best one ever. I’ve adapted it a 
little, can’t help myself!

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 

Lightly coat two loaf pans (those foil ones are dandy) 
with cooking spray.

2 cups sugar

1 cup vegetable oil

3 large eggs

1 15 oz. can solid pack pumpkin

Put all that in your electric mixer and blend till it’s 
totally combined. Set aside.

3 cups all purpose flour

1 tsp. ground cloves

1 tsp. cinnamon (generous)

1 tsp. nutmeg

1 tsp. baking soda

. tsp. salt

. tsp. baking powder

Mix all that together then add to the pumpkin 
mixture, mixing till it’s totally combined. You can 
add a handful of dried cranberries, a Granny Smith 
apple cut in chunks, raisins, nuts (I like pecans for 
pumpkin bread), pretty much whatever you like to 
find in bread. Or nothing at all if you’re a purist!

 Divide between the loaf pans and bake till a tester 
inserted in the center comes out clean. About an 
hour or so. Transfer to racks to cool and remove 
from pans. Wrap in foil or cling-wrap and guess 
what, this freezes beautifully! You can double this 
recipe, which makes about 5 loaf pans, or you can 
make a whole bunch of small loaves and consider 
yourself ahead of the game if you’re a Christmas 
baker. You’re house will smell divine and people will 
beat a path to your kitchen to ask when they can have 
some! Think how many loaves of bread that giant 
pumpkin would make! Awesome!

 My book page: Deanne Davis


 “A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of Laughter” 
is now available at Sunrise Books + Coffee at 
Pasadena First Church of the Nazarene –

just down the road on Sierra Madre Blvd.

 Kindle readers, give yourself the gift of the Emma 
Gainsworth Adventures:

 “Just Dessert: A Fall Fantasy” – “The Intergalactic 
Pumpkin Battle” – “The Lost Amulets”

 They’re on on my book page!

 Follow me on Twitter, too!


During this time period, the Sierra Madre Police 
Department responded to approximately 298 day and 
night time calls for service. 

Wednesday, September 13 

A residential burglary occurred in the 500 block of 
W. Orange Grove Ave. At about 3:25 p.m., officers 
responded to the home to find that unknown 
suspect(s) had entered the rear yard through an 
unlocked gate, sometime between 8:30 a.m. on 
9/10/17 and 3:00 p.m. on 9/13/17. Suspect(s) 
entered the home by breaking a rear stationary glass 
door. Several rooms were ransacked. The suspect(s) 
left through the same smashed glass door and fled in 
an unknown direction. At this time the loss of items 
has not been determined. Case to Detectives 

Thursday, September 14 

At about 10:55 p.m., officers conducted a traffic 
stop on a vehicle for traffic violations in the area of 
Baldwin Ave. and Orange Grove Ave. The officers 
determined after field sobriety tests that the driver 
was driving under the influence of alcohol, he was 
arrested and transported to Pasadena Police jail. 
Case to Pasadena DA’s office. 

Friday, September 15 

A traffic collision occurred in the 100 block of W. 
Sierra Madre Bl. at about 1:48 p.m. The driver of 
a vehicle driving west bound was reading a text 
message and drifted into the right hand side of the 
lane and struck a parked vehicle. The driver was 

Saturday, September 16 

A vehicle travelling westbound with the driver 
apparently asleep at the wheel in the 00 block of 
W. Grandview Ave. collided head on with a parked 
vehicle at about 1:35 a.m. The driver was cited, no 
one was injured in this accident.

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: