Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, September 23, 2017

MVNews this week:  Page B:1







Supervisor Barger Directs Public Health to Conduct Prevention Effort

After my father suffered a head injury from 
a motorcycle accident when I was 17 years 
old, I soon found myself face to face with an 
“ambulance chaser.” I had no idea what an 
ambulance chaser was, how they made their 
money or that signing their contract entitled 
them to a large percentage of my father’s 
insurance claim settlement. 

 In the past 30 years, having adjusted claims 
for over 25 different insurance companies, I saw 
similar deceit and fraud in my industry. This 
compelled me to want to help others avoid the 
pitfalls of contractor and insurance scams. I now 
make it my personal commitment to inform and 
educate others. 

 Most people are unaware of the strategic and 
shady antics of Public Adjusters (ie. ambulance 
chasers), and their contractors who prey on 
the misfortunate at a time when they feel 
overwhelmed and are vulnerable. They show 
up after devastating and catastrophic events 
like Hurricane Harvey, local wildfires and 
earthquakes. They listen in on 911 scanner 
radios, showing up at your home in droves after 
a fire is reported to 911 or even after local media 
coverage reports on property damage. 

 Public Adjusters are polished sales people who 
are desperate to gain your confidence and trust 
because their fee can be as high as 40% of your 
insurance claim settlement, despite them telling 
you there is no cost for their services. They start 
by planting a seed of fear that your insurance 
company won’t be fair in settling your claim and 
that you need someone with their expertise on 
your side. 

 Offering bribes with envelopes of cash, paying 
for hotel expenses or paying for your family to 
go on vacation are also common tactics. Because 
they don’t want your insurance company to 
warn you, they offer to report your claim for 
you. They wait 3 days to do so until the time in 
which their contract becomes legally binding. 

 To learn more about Public Adjusters, please 
visit our website at www.TrustSOS.Solutions/
Home-Help and read our blog article “Is 911 
Costing You Money?”.


 Jenee’ Child is a local resident of Sierra Madre 
and CEO of SOS Solutions, Inc., which offers free 
help to home and building owners looking to 
hire reputable and trusted contractors for home 
remodel projects; after emergency damage from 
plumbing leaks, water or fire damage occur and 
for removal of mold, asbestos or lead.

LOS ANGELES COUNTY — On a motion by 
Supervisor Kathryn Barger, unanimously approved 
by the Board of Supervisors, the Department of 
Public Health will begin implementation of a 
Hepatitis A prevention and response action plan 
as part of a greater effort to avert a Hepatitis A 
outbreak similar to what has occurred in San 
Diego County.

 In a report before the Board today, the Department 
of Public Health confirmed three cases of Hepatitis 
A occurring in persons who acquired the infection 
in San Diego. Following the first two cases, a Health 
Advisory was issued through the Los Angeles Health 
Alert Network (LAHAN) describing the situation 
and providing prevention strategies.

 “It is critical that the County and the Department 
of Public Health work proactively to educate the 
public about prevention and prepare for a potential 
outbreak,” Supervisor Barger stated. “In addition 
to the vital public health concerns, this situation 
highlights the continued need to provide stable 
housing for the homeless who are at the highest risk 
of contracting Hepatitis A.” 

 Barger further requested that the Department 
engage food truck commissaries and street based 
food vendors as part of this effort and list on its 
website the pharmacies that offer vaccinations.

 A viral infection of the liver, Hepatitis A is 
transmitted by close personal and fecal exposure, 
often through food or water. Outbreaks have 
occurred when a food handler who has poor 
hygiene contaminates food. Currently, a Hepatitis A 
outbreak is ongoing in San Diego County and Santa 
Cruz, with most cases occurring among homeless 
and drug using populations. The virus was also 
identified in a case involving a food handler in 
Lancaster and outreach is ongoing to inform patrons 
of the need to be vaccinated. Following exposure, 
vaccination or immunoglobulin given within two 
weeks prevents illness. 

GOLD LINE EXPANSION: Statement by Foothill Gold Line Construction 
Authority Board Chairman, Doug Tessitor

The recent motion by Metro Directors Solis, 
Barger, Najarian and Fasana to study the 
Claremont Metrolink station and system is well-
timed and important. 

Knowing the results of the Claremont-specific 
analysis in the next few months will afford 
appropriate time to build consensus for any 
recommended changes and receive necessary 
approvals in advance of the procurement package 
being finalized for the Foothill Gold Line's 
Alignment design-build contract. Any changes 
to the Claremont Metrolink station or track 
system directly impact the Foothill Gold Line 
project, which includes relocating the Claremont 
Metrolink station and tracks, and building a 
large shared parking structure, as part of the $1.4 
billion project. 

In order to integrate any changes to the Metrolink 
system that might be recommended and approved 
into the Foothill Gold Line project - without 
costing taxpayers money in change-orders - the 
information must be included in the procurement 
package that will be provided to the bidding 
teams early next year. Having that information in 
the next few months will allow the Construction 
Authority the time we need to incorporate any 
approved changes into the package.

The Metro Directors understand that the 
Construction Authority is on schedule to break 
ground on the Foothill Gold Line from Glendora 
to Montclair later this year. While the first 
contract to be awarded, for utility relocation, will 
not be impacted by the results of the Claremont 
Metrolink station analysis, the Alignment 
design-build contract will. The process to hire the 
Alignment design-builder will begin in October 
2017. The time available to make big changes to 
the project without significant cost ramifications 
is quickly coming to a close. We thank them for 
their leadership on this issue.

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