Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, December 16, 2017

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, December 16, 2017 SOUTH PASADENA -SAN MARINO 4Mountain Views-News Saturday, December 16, 2017 SOUTH PASADENA -SAN MARINO 4
Judy Chu Arrested in 
Schiff Condemns Russia Earthquake Brace and 

Demonstration Calling 
Designation of Foreign Bolt Program RegistrationMedia as ‘Foreign Agents’ Registration period making it more resistant 

for a Clean DREAM Act 
will open January 23, to to earthquake activity such 

 Rep. Adam Schiff and Rep. 

as ground shaking and 

than human. Today it is on 

February 23.

Steve Chabot (R-OH), Co-

soil failure. The seismic 

 Last week, U.S. Capitol behalf of immigrants who are 

Chairs of the Freedom of the 

 Homeowners in South retrofitting involves bolting 

Police arrested 182 individuals facing threats of deportation 

Press Caucus, released the 

outside of the U.S. Capitol, and separation from family Pasadena may qualify for the house to its foundation 

following statement last week:

including Rep. Judy Chu (CA-and the only home they have 

the Earthquake Brace + and adding bracing around 

 “President Putin has signed 

27). The arrests came after a ever known. Dreamers have 

Bolt (EBB) program, which the perimeter of the crawl 

legislation that would empower 

rally and march to the Capitol lived here their whole lives 

the government to designate 

provides up to $3,000 to space.

where thousands called for a and are American in every 

foreign media organizations as 

strengthen their foundation The EBB registration period 

vote on the DREAM Act. Rep. way. They do not deserve this 

‘foreign agents’ and place even 

and lessen the potential will open for 30 days from 

Chu, who was charged with cruel uncertainty created by 

more restrictions on them. 

for earthquake damage. January 23, to February 23. 

“crowding, obstructing, or President Trump’s attack on 

This law further threatens 

The seismic retrofitting Funds will be available to 

incommoding”, was processed DACA. Nor need they. There 

what little remains of free and 

involves bolting the house complete an additional 2,000 

and released Dec. 6 and has is a bipartisan bill ready to be 

independent journalism in 

to its foundation and plus code-compliant seismic 

issued the following statement:voted on that I know could gain 

Russia. Having systematically 

“‘Anyone who lives inside a majority vote if only Speaker 

adding bracing around the retrofits. 
the United States can never Ryan would let us bring it to the 
suppressed the independent 

perimeter of the crawl space. 

press through attacks and 

be considered an outsider floor. We have tried everything 

imprisonment, while building 
Applicants will be asked to 

anywhere within its bounds.’ from large scale rallies to a 
a result of the U.S. intelligence 

a state-sponsored propaganda community’s finding that they 
fill out a short questionnaire 

Those are the words written by small meeting with the Speaker 
network to take its place, Putin to see if their home qualifies 

spread disinformation as part of 

the Rev. Martin Luther King to make our case. But each 

has taken yet another step to 

Jr. during his own, far more time, we have been ignored. 
a Kremlin effort to undermine for this program. To learn 

further choke off discussion and 

dire, arrest in Birmingham. Today, I know our words were 
investigation into corruption Western democracies. FARA more about the program go 

And while my brush with heard, but will Republicans 
promotes transparency, which to

and other issues the Kremlin 

the law today was planned have the courage to act on 
would prefer to far different from designating A residential seismic 

and civil, those words from them? Our ask is simple: let us “Russian officials have stated independent media as a foreign retrofit strengthens an 

his famous letter continue to vote on the DREAM Act so we 
this legislation is a ‘reciprocal agent and subjecting them to existing older house, 

inspire our civil disobedience. can do the right thing for our 
interference by state authorities.

response’ to the U.S. Justice 

“A free and independent 

Then it was on behalf of families, our communities, and 

Department decision requiring 

press is a crucial ingredient 

Free Crowell Library Class

black citizens treated as less our economy.” 

the Russian state-funded media 

in any democracy to hold 

outlets RT and Sputnik to 

those in power accountable. 

will Explore Healthcare

clause, or possible collusion register in the United States 

It’s abundantly clear that this 

with Russia. That’s why there are 

Judy Chu on 
under the Foreign Agents and Biotechnology

action has nothing to do with 

currently three investigations Registration Act (FARA). 

reciprocity, and everything to 


into the President’s actions. This is just a pretext to further 

do with the Kremlin’s efforts to 

There is a process that has limit opposition voices. The 

crack down on all dissent and Hal Slavkin, Professor and 

Motionbegun, and so far, it has resulted 
Justice Department required 

free exchange of information in Dean Emeritus from USC,

in Michael Flynn pleading 

 The House of Representatives 
RT and Sputnik to register as Russia.” returns to Crowell Library 

guilty to lying. I believe we 

voted last week to table a 
January 9th, with a new class 

owe it to our institutions 

measure by Rep. Al Green that 

to continue the process to Holiday Schedule. Beginning at about the recent advances 

would bring impeachment 

determine the truth about the 
12:00am Friday, December in healthcare based on new 

charges against President 
understanding of the human 

Trump administration, and 

Donald Trump. Rep. Judy Chu 
Overnight 22, 2017 - January 2, 2018, 

genome. In six sessions, 

that any impeachment vote 

(CA-27) released the following 
residents will be able to park participants will explore 

should take place after the 

Parking their vehicles overnight. 

healthcare and biotechnology, 

investigations have concluded. 

 “Donald Trump has exhibited 
Regular Overnight Parking with a focus on the new 

I look forward to reviewing the 

alarming behaviors that raise 
Schedule Restrictions will resume on personalized healthcare 

findings from Special Counsel 

questions about his fitness to 
January 3, 2018. options. 

Robert Mueller and the Senate The San Marino Police 

serve since before he was sworn 
It was not that long ago 

and House committees so that 

in, from his myriad lies, to 
Department would like to 

we can make a fully informed 
Business when physicians, dentists, 

accusations of sexual assault, 
remind our Residents of the pharmacists, nurses and other 

decision about the President’s 

violations of the emoluments 
Holiday Overnight Parking License Tax healthcare professionals had how phenotype connects 


only a few treatment options with genotype; the principles Amnesty for patients with seemingly underlying the development 
similar diagnosis for illnesses and evolutionary process of Programor disorders. The result was how an organism grows; and 
that some patients responded how novel and innovative gene Ends Mondaywell to treatment while others editing techniques can address 
did not. Now healthcare major human diseases and 
In an effort to better providers consider factors such disorders such as birth defects, 
assist our residents with as genotype (an inventory of all diabetes, cardiovascular 
the Business License Tax that person’s genes), phenotype diseases, pulmonary disorders, 
Amnesty Program, South (the sum of observable periodontal diseases, 
Pasadena City Hall is open characteristics from hair color cancers, mental diseases, and 
to cardiac function) and the neurodegenerative diseases 

for extended hours. the 

environment (epigenetics) and disorders. 

last day will be Monday 

in which the individual Professor and Dean Emeritus 

from 7:30 am to 7:00. They 

exists. Understanding at the Herman Ostrow School 

said they are making every 

the interaction of all these of Dentistry, University of 

effort to return your calls 

factors in one person is being Southern California, Hal 
and e-mails. If you have not termed “precision medicine” Slavkin has served as Chair 
received a response from City – a sophisticated assessment of Biochemistry, and as the 
staff we have noted that we of each person’s genome, Director for the National 
need to return your e-mail or epigenome, phenotype, growth Institute of Dental and 
call and they want to assure and development history, Craniofacial Research at the 
you that they will honor the environment, behaviors, National Institutes of Health in 

and susceptibility to certain Bethesda. He lives in Marina 

Amnesty program. Business 

diseases and disorders, so Del Rey.

licenses will be valid one year 

that precise high definition Crowell Library is at 1890 

from your purchase date. For 

protocols can be tailored for Huntington Drive, San Marino, 

questions or to submit your 

individual personalized health. call (626) 300-0777 or visit: 
business license online please This course will demonstrate 

email: businesslicense@ 

 All persons or companies 
conducting business within 
the City limits of South 
Pasadena are required 
to obtain a city business 
license. This includes but 
is not limited to retailers, 
wholesalers, manufacturers, 
service providers, 
professionals, non-profit 
organizations, independent 
contractors, home 
businesses and residential 
landlords renting three or 
more units. Please note: 
businesses based outside of 
the City of South Pasadena 
who are conducting business 
in the City (e.g. contractors, 
consultants, architects, 
designers, landscape 
maintenance companies, 
mobile food vendors) must 
also file an application.

 The City of South Pasadena 
welcomes you to our 
business community and are 
here to assist you through the 
business license process. For 
more information call (626) 
403-7257 or (626) 403-7259. 

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Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: