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Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, December 16, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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TOP 10 COMEDIC NEWS STORIES OF 2017 Put down the nog. Let in the dog. Delay your spouse’s jog. Buy a mask for thesmog. Alert the press in Prague. Because the eagerly awaited list of Top Ten Comedic News Stories of the Year has finally arrived. It truly is… the most wonderful time of the year. But first, a word of caution: these stories are not be confused with the Top TenLegitimate News Stories of 2017. No. No. No. They are as dissimilar as Ruth BaderGinsburg and strip poker. Like aluminum snow shovels and chocolate lava cakes. Oxblood wing-tips and tufted wrestling mats. These are the events that most lent themselves to jocularity. The ones with a comedic angle. You will find no mention of snipers, Nazis, hurricanes, wildfires, terrorism, Democrats or sexual assaults. Those may have been major occurrencesduring the past year, but in terms of mockability, not a match. So, here they are: The Top Ten Comedic News Stories of 2017.10. SEAN SPICER. Donald Trump’s proxy punching bag. I kept waiting forhim to show up at a press briefing with his tie around his forehead and a knifeclenched in his teeth sputtering “Who wants a piece of me?” He resigned in orderto spend more time lying to his family. 9. SECRETARY OF STATE REX TILLERSON. He refuses to deny he called thepresident a moron, becoming the new hero of millions. Afterwards the presidentchallenged him to an IQ test even though it is not a slam dunk he could spell IQ ifyou spotted him the I. 8. INAUGURATION. The 45th president called it the most well-attended inaugural in the history of ever, despite photographic evidence to the extreme contrary. I’m still amazed he put his hand on the Bible and it didn’t burst into flames. 7. PRESIDENT FEUDS WITH NORTH KOREA. Imminent nuclear warfare is usually not that amusing. Hopefully this schoolyard tussle between two grownadolescents with weird hair and daddy issues is not the beginning of the sequelto Dr. Strangelove. Every day without a mushroom cloud has to be counted as avictory. 6. ANTHONY SCARAMUCCI. For 10 wonderful days, this train wreck with thename of a 16th commedia dell’arte villain spun out of control like a gyroscopethrough four magnetic fields on its path to a black hole. 5. RUSSIAN PROBES. Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III saysthe reason he keeps giving different answers to Congressional Committees is because he remembers more whenever he learns there is evidence. 4. DONALD TRUMP JR. The Fredo of the Trump Crime Family. He’s going tomake us an offer we can’t understand. 3. SPECIAL PROSECUTOR. Robert Mueller was appointed in middle of May, which means in four short months, Donald Trump went from zero to Nixon. 2. PRESIDENT FEUDS WITH NFL. Tweeted 24 times about players not standing for national anthem and not once about the ongoing humanitarian crisis inPuerto Rico. That’s leadership like two bottles of Jagermeister are dinner. 1. PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP. The man has single handedly done for political comedy what legalized marijuana did for Cheetos. George W Bush may havebeen a Wheel of Fortune president in a Jeopardy world, but Donald Trump looksto be more of a Chutes & Ladders kind of a guy. ——Copyright © 2017, Will Durst, distributed by the Cagle Cartoons Inc. syndicate. Will Durst is an award-winning, nationally acclaimed columnist, comic andformer sod farmer in New Berlin, Wisconsin. For a calendar of personal appearances, including his new one-man show, “Durst Case Scenario,” please visit willdurst. com. KUDOS TO OUR SAVIORS IN ALABAMA I agree with Roy Moore. There really is a God. But I’m talking about a sane compassionate God - not the bigoted, homophobic, hate-filled God that Moore sought to impose on Alabama and this benighted nation. I’m talking about a God whose spiritburned bright in the hundreds of thousands of citizens who pulled usback from the amoral abyss Tuesday night. I’m talking about the people who saved us fromthe most repugnant manifestations of Trumpism. Trump and Moore made quite a team: a lying serial sexual harasser and a mall-trawlingserial teen harasser. Moore functioned as Trump’s mini-me, attacking female accusers andspewing the usual tinpot tripe about “fake news.” And Trump assumed he had political muscle in a state that he won last year by 28 points. Instead, the two credibly accused pervs - alongwith Trump’s dirtbag doppelganger, Steve Bannon - suffered an ignominious defeat. Did Trump have muscle in Alabama? Nope. According to the exit polls, 51 percent of voters said his repeated endorsements of Moore wasn’t a factor, and among those 56 percentvoted for his opponent, Doug Jones. That was the ballgame right there. By the way, Trump won 62 percent of the presidential vote in 2016, but his Alabama approval rating has dropped to 48 percent. Even in Alabama, he’s bleeding badly. Combine thatwith everything else we know - his national approval rating in the latest Pew poll is 32 percent; his party lost the gubernatorial races last month in Virginia and New Jersey; his party trails byroughly 10 points in the generic midterm election balloting - and it’s possible that Alabama ishis dead canary in the coal mine. So much for the losers (including Alabama’s white evangelicals, who betrayed their moralsby giving Moore 81 percent of their votes). Let’s put our hands together for the winners: African-Americans. By turning out in numbers that far exceeded expectations (29 percentof last night’s electorate, with 96 percent of their votes going to Jones), they pulled Alabamainto the 21st century. Apparently it didn’t sit well with these black citizens that Moore wasopenly pining for the good old days of slavery and musing that America would be better offwithout the constitutional amendment that guarantees equal protection of the law. Nor didit probably sit well that Trump came to Alabama and denounced kneeling black athletes asSOBs. Women. There’s no way of knowing whether they were turned off by Moore’s cruising ofteens, or his stated belief that America would be better off without the constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote, or his belief that Muslims shouldn’t serve in government, or his belief that America is evil because it allows gay marriage, or his alliance with a“president” who’s accused of harassment by at least 16 women. Whatever the mix, the numbers tell the tale: They favored Jones over Moore by a whopping 16 points, 57 to 41. Moore’s female accusers. By a 20-point margin, women voters said the allegations aboutMoore were true. Indeed, among mothers with children under 18, Jones won by 34 points, 66to 32. Richard Shelby. Last weekend, Alabama’s senior Republican senator put country aboveparty, urging his constituents to write in a “distinguished” Republican. He thus defied Trump, Bannon, the Republican National Committee (which sent Moore $150,000), and his own stateGOP. Though Shelby’s influence is hard to measure, he deserves some of the credit for arresting our race to the bottom. Which brings us to… Senate Republicans. They’re winners too, inadvertently so. A Moore victory would’ve madetheir lives hell. A Moore defeat frees them from conducting an ethics investigation and contemplating expulsion. A Moore defeat spares them from having to answer press questionsevery time Moore opened his yap. They get enough grief as it is from Trump’s moronic tweets. On the other hand, Jones’ ascent to the Senate narrows the Republican majority to 51-49, which means the GOP has even less margin for error as it labors to deliver legislative wins forTrump in 2018. The party still seems determined to enact a tax “reform” bill that screws theworking- and middle-class voters, a bill most Americans strongly oppose, and Jones won’t besworn in until after it’s passed. But there’s hope for 2018 that at least a few Republican senatorswill read the Alabama tea leaves and act in the national interest. As conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin says, “If pure, undistilled Trumpism is a dud ina deep-red state, perhaps Republicans will conclude it is a failed political philosophy for thecountry at large.” If so, then there truly is a God. -Copyright 2017 Dick Polman, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspapersyndicate. Dick Polman is the national political columnist at NewsWorks/WHYY in Philadelphia(newsworks.org/polman) and a “Writer in Residence” at the University of Pennsylvania. Email him at dickpolman7@gmail.com. ALABAMA STUPIDITY Democrats can dream all they want. They and their soulmates in the liberal media can celebrate thevictory by Doug Jones in Alabama’s U.S. Senate race until nextfall. They can continue to fool themselves into thinking that Republican candidate Ray Moore’s narrow defeat was a sign from abovethat the Democratic Party will regain control of Congress in 2018. And that Moore’s defeat will prove to be the beginning of the end for President Trump. But what happened on Tuesday in the reddest state in America – the state DonaldTrump won by a landslide – was not a harbinger of the death of the GOP. The Moore-Jones contest was a bizarre one-off – a controversial, nationally publicized, expensive, hard-fought special election featuring a horrible Republican candidate that willgo down as one of the most embarrassing races in modern electoral history. Jones, the Democrats and Trump-hating media have good reason to high-five eachother over their victory – in the short run. But the biggest loser on Tuesday was not President Trump, who publicly supported Moorein the final days. It wasn’t even the incompetent GOP, whose meddling national leadership made Jones’seemingly impossible win possible. The biggest loser by far was Steve Bannon, Roy Moore’s chief cheerleader and future puppet-master. Moore was his “flawed” candidate, as I’ve heard some people in the GOP call him. “Flawed”? I’m not an establishment Republican. But I know stupid when I see stupid. MOORE WAS ACCUSED OF SEXUAL MOLESTATION! AND HE WAS NOT ABLE TO CONVINCINGLY DEFEND HIMSELF! ` That’s why Moore lost. That’s why so many Republican women stayed home. That’s why so many Republicans would not put their party’s political interest above acandidate who had been credibly accused of molesting teenagers decades ago. That’s why 22,780 Alabamans cast write-in votes – 2,000 more than Jones’ margin ofvictory. Moore and his backward brand of Christian “conservatism” were an embarrassment to Republicans long before he was accused of molesting teenagers half his age. No matter how important it was to preserve the GOP’s slim majority in the Senate, President Trump and the Republican National Committee never should have jumped backin the game and backed Moore. Now the Moore loss is hung around their necks – and they’ve given the Democrats agreat campaign ad for the 2018 elections: “Hello voters. We don’t support child molesters. Republicans do.” Nevertheless, all this happy talk in the liberal media about the Moore-Jones race being areferendum on Trump is simply not true. It was a referendum on Moore and Bannon. That’s all. In fact, President Trump actually dodged a bullet when Moore was not elected. Moore would not only have been an ongoing GOP embarrassment. He would havebeen a Bannon puppet in the Senate, not a Trump puppet or a Mitch McConnell puppet. What Republicans have to do now to keep control of the Senate is what PresidentTrump said – find better candidates. That’s not going to be easy. Anyone running for office today has to be willing to have anything bad they did in theirentire life plastered on the front page of the local paper. Everyone, including me, did something wrong or stupid in their life they don’t want tosee made public. So President Trump may want the GOP to find better candidates, but good luck on that. Jesus died on the cross a long time ago. --Copyright 2017 Michael Reagan. Michael Reagan is the son of President Ronald Reagan, a political consultant, and the author of “The New Reagan Revolution” (St. Martin’sPress). He is the founder of the email service reagan.com and president of The ReaganLegacy Foundation. Visit his websites at www.reagan.com and www.michaelereagan. com. Send comments to Reagan@caglecartoons.com. Follow @reaganworld on Twitter. Mike’s column is distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate. Forinfo on using columns contact Sales at sales@cagle.com. RAGING MODERATE by WILL DURST B3 Mountain Views News Saturday, December 16, 2017 Mountain Views News PUBLISHER/ EDITORSusan Henderson PASADENA CITY EDITOR Dean Lee EAST VALLEY EDITOR Joan Schmidt BUSINESS EDITOR LaQuetta Shamblee PRODUCTION Richard Garcia SALES Patricia Colonello 626-355-2737 626-818-2698 WEBMASTER John Aveny DISTRIBUTION Kevin Barry CONTRIBUTORS Chris Leclerc Bob Eklund Howard HaysPaul CarpenterKim Clymer-KelleyChristopher NyergesPeter Dills Rich Johnson Merri Jill Finstrom Rev. James SnyderDr. Tina Paul Katie HopkinsDeanne Davis Despina ArouzmanRenee Quenell Marc Garlett Keely TotenDan Golden Mountain Views News has been adjudicated asa newspaper of GeneralCirculation for the County of Los Angeles in CourtCase number GS004724: for the City of SierraMadre; in Court Case GS005940 and for the City of Monrovia in CourtCase No. GS006989 and is published every Saturday at 80 W. Sierra MadreBlvd., No. 327, Sierra Madre, California, 91024. All contents are copyrighted and may not bereproduced without the express written consent ofthe publisher. All rights reserved. All submissions to this newspaper becomethe property of the Mountain Views News and maybe published in part or whole. Opinions and viewsexpressed by the writersprinted in this paper donot necessarily expressthe views and opinionsof the publisher or staffof the Mountain Views News. Mountain Views News is wholly owned by GraceLorraine Publications, and reserves the right torefuse publication of advertisements and other materials submitted for publication. Letters to the editor and correspondence should be sent to: Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Bl. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Phone: 626-355-2737 Fax: 626-609-3285 email: mtnviewsnews@aol.com Mountain Views News Mission Statement The traditions of community news- papers and the concerns of our readers are this newspaper’s top priorities. We support a prosperouscommunity of well- informed citizens. We hold in high regard thevalues of the exceptionalquality of life in our community, includingthe magnificence of our natural resources. Integrity will be our guide. MAKING SENSE byMICHAEL REAGAN OPINION Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com DICK POLMAN KUDOS TO OUR SAVIORS IN ALABAMA I agree with Roy Moore. There really is a God. But I’m talking about a sane compassionate God - not the bigoted, homophobic, hate-filled God that Moore sought to impose on Alabama and this benighted nation. I’m talking about a God whose spiritburned bright in the hundreds of thousands of citizens who pulled usback from the amoral abyss Tuesday night. I’m talking about the people who saved us fromthe most repugnant manifestations of Trumpism. Trump and Moore made quite a team: a lying serial sexual harasser and a mall-trawlingserial teen harasser. Moore functioned as Trump’s mini-me, attacking female accusers andspewing the usual tinpot tripe about “fake news.” And Trump assumed he had political muscle in a state that he won last year by 28 points. Instead, the two credibly accused pervs - alongwith Trump’s dirtbag doppelganger, Steve Bannon - suffered an ignominious defeat. Did Trump have muscle in Alabama? Nope. According to the exit polls, 51 percent of voters said his repeated endorsements of Moore wasn’t a factor, and among those 56 percentvoted for his opponent, Doug Jones. That was the ballgame right there. By the way, Trump won 62 percent of the presidential vote in 2016, but his Alabama approval rating has dropped to 48 percent. Even in Alabama, he’s bleeding badly. Combine thatwith everything else we know - his national approval rating in the latest Pew poll is 32 percent; his party lost the gubernatorial races last month in Virginia and New Jersey; his party trails byroughly 10 points in the generic midterm election balloting - and it’s possible that Alabama ishis dead canary in the coal mine. So much for the losers (including Alabama’s white evangelicals, who betrayed their moralsby giving Moore 81 percent of their votes). Let’s put our hands together for the winners: African-Americans. By turning out in numbers that far exceeded expectations (29 percentof last night’s electorate, with 96 percent of their votes going to Jones), they pulled Alabamainto the 21st century. Apparently it didn’t sit well with these black citizens that Moore wasopenly pining for the good old days of slavery and musing that America would be better offwithout the constitutional amendment that guarantees equal protection of the law. Nor didit probably sit well that Trump came to Alabama and denounced kneeling black athletes asSOBs. Women. There’s no way of knowing whether they were turned off by Moore’s cruising ofteens, or his stated belief that America would be better off without the constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote, or his belief that Muslims shouldn’t serve in government, or his belief that America is evil because it allows gay marriage, or his alliance with a“president” who’s accused of harassment by at least 16 women. Whatever the mix, the numbers tell the tale: They favored Jones over Moore by a whopping 16 points, 57 to 41. Moore’s female accusers. By a 20-point margin, women voters said the allegations aboutMoore were true. Indeed, among mothers with children under 18, Jones won by 34 points, 66to 32. Richard Shelby. Last weekend, Alabama’s senior Republican senator put country aboveparty, urging his constituents to write in a “distinguished” Republican. He thus defied Trump, Bannon, the Republican National Committee (which sent Moore $150,000), and his own stateGOP. Though Shelby’s influence is hard to measure, he deserves some of the credit for arresting our race to the bottom. Which brings us to… Senate Republicans. They’re winners too, inadvertently so. A Moore victory would’ve madetheir lives hell. A Moore defeat frees them from conducting an ethics investigation and contemplating expulsion. A Moore defeat spares them from having to answer press questionsevery time Moore opened his yap. They get enough grief as it is from Trump’s moronic tweets. On the other hand, Jones’ ascent to the Senate narrows the Republican majority to 51-49, which means the GOP has even less margin for error as it labors to deliver legislative wins forTrump in 2018. The party still seems determined to enact a tax “reform” bill that screws theworking- and middle-class voters, a bill most Americans strongly oppose, and Jones won’t besworn in until after it’s passed. But there’s hope for 2018 that at least a few Republican senatorswill read the Alabama tea leaves and act in the national interest. As conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin says, “If pure, undistilled Trumpism is a dud ina deep-red state, perhaps Republicans will conclude it is a failed political philosophy for thecountry at large.” If so, then there truly is a God. -Copyright 2017 Dick Polman, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspapersyndicate. Dick Polman is the national political columnist at NewsWorks/WHYY in Philadelphia(newsworks.org/polman) and a “Writer in Residence” at the University of Pennsylvania. Email him at dickpolman7@gmail.com. ALABAMA STUPIDITY Democrats can dream all they want. They and their soulmates in the liberal media can celebrate thevictory by Doug Jones in Alabama’s U.S. Senate race until nextfall. They can continue to fool themselves into thinking that Republican candidate Ray Moore’s narrow defeat was a sign from abovethat the Democratic Party will regain control of Congress in 2018. And that Moore’s defeat will prove to be the beginning of the end for President Trump. But what happened on Tuesday in the reddest state in America – the state DonaldTrump won by a landslide – was not a harbinger of the death of the GOP. The Moore-Jones contest was a bizarre one-off – a controversial, nationally publicized, expensive, hard-fought special election featuring a horrible Republican candidate that willgo down as one of the most embarrassing races in modern electoral history. Jones, the Democrats and Trump-hating media have good reason to high-five eachother over their victory – in the short run. But the biggest loser on Tuesday was not President Trump, who publicly supported Moorein the final days. It wasn’t even the incompetent GOP, whose meddling national leadership made Jones’seemingly impossible win possible. The biggest loser by far was Steve Bannon, Roy Moore’s chief cheerleader and future puppet-master. Moore was his “flawed” candidate, as I’ve heard some people in the GOP call him. “Flawed”? I’m not an establishment Republican. But I know stupid when I see stupid. MOORE WAS ACCUSED OF SEXUAL MOLESTATION! AND HE WAS NOT ABLE TO CONVINCINGLY DEFEND HIMSELF! ` That’s why Moore lost. That’s why so many Republican women stayed home. That’s why so many Republicans would not put their party’s political interest above acandidate who had been credibly accused of molesting teenagers decades ago. That’s why 22,780 Alabamans cast write-in votes – 2,000 more than Jones’ margin ofvictory. Moore and his backward brand of Christian “conservatism” were an embarrassment to Republicans long before he was accused of molesting teenagers half his age. No matter how important it was to preserve the GOP’s slim majority in the Senate, President Trump and the Republican National Committee never should have jumped backin the game and backed Moore. Now the Moore loss is hung around their necks – and they’ve given the Democrats agreat campaign ad for the 2018 elections: “Hello voters. We don’t support child molesters. Republicans do.” Nevertheless, all this happy talk in the liberal media about the Moore-Jones race being areferendum on Trump is simply not true. It was a referendum on Moore and Bannon. That’s all. In fact, President Trump actually dodged a bullet when Moore was not elected. Moore would not only have been an ongoing GOP embarrassment. He would havebeen a Bannon puppet in the Senate, not a Trump puppet or a Mitch McConnell puppet. What Republicans have to do now to keep control of the Senate is what PresidentTrump said – find better candidates. That’s not going to be easy. Anyone running for office today has to be willing to have anything bad they did in theirentire life plastered on the front page of the local paper. Everyone, including me, did something wrong or stupid in their life they don’t want tosee made public. So President Trump may want the GOP to find better candidates, but good luck on that. Jesus died on the cross a long time ago. --Copyright 2017 Michael Reagan. Michael Reagan is the son of President Ronald Reagan, a political consultant, and the author of “The New Reagan Revolution” (St. Martin’sPress). He is the founder of the email service reagan.com and president of The ReaganLegacy Foundation. Visit his websites at www.reagan.com and www.michaelereagan. com. Send comments to Reagan@caglecartoons.com. Follow @reaganworld on Twitter. Mike’s column is distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate. Forinfo on using columns contact Sales at sales@cagle.com. RAGING MODERATE by WILL DURST B3 Mountain Views News Saturday, December 16, 2017 Mountain Views News PUBLISHER/ EDITORSusan Henderson PASADENA CITY EDITOR Dean Lee EAST VALLEY EDITOR Joan Schmidt BUSINESS EDITOR LaQuetta Shamblee PRODUCTION Richard Garcia SALES Patricia Colonello 626-355-2737 626-818-2698 WEBMASTER John Aveny DISTRIBUTION Kevin Barry CONTRIBUTORS Chris Leclerc Bob Eklund Howard HaysPaul CarpenterKim Clymer-KelleyChristopher NyergesPeter Dills Rich Johnson Merri Jill Finstrom Rev. James SnyderDr. Tina Paul Katie HopkinsDeanne Davis Despina ArouzmanRenee Quenell Marc Garlett Keely TotenDan Golden Mountain Views News has been adjudicated asa newspaper of GeneralCirculation for the County of Los Angeles in CourtCase number GS004724: for the City of SierraMadre; in Court Case GS005940 and for the City of Monrovia in CourtCase No. GS006989 and is published every Saturday at 80 W. Sierra MadreBlvd., No. 327, Sierra Madre, California, 91024. All contents are copyrighted and may not bereproduced without the express written consent ofthe publisher. All rights reserved. All submissions to this newspaper becomethe property of the Mountain Views News and maybe published in part or whole. Opinions and viewsexpressed by the writersprinted in this paper donot necessarily expressthe views and opinionsof the publisher or staffof the Mountain Views News. Mountain Views News is wholly owned by GraceLorraine Publications, and reserves the right torefuse publication of advertisements and other materials submitted for publication. Letters to the editor and correspondence should be sent to: Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Bl. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Phone: 626-355-2737 Fax: 626-609-3285 email: mtnviewsnews@aol.com Mountain Views News Mission Statement The traditions of community news- papers and the concerns of our readers are this newspaper’s top priorities. We support a prosperouscommunity of well- informed citizens. We hold in high regard thevalues of the exceptionalquality of life in our community, includingthe magnificence of our natural resources. Integrity will be our guide. MAKING SENSE byMICHAEL REAGAN OPINION Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com DICK POLMAN | ||||||||||||||||||||