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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, January 21, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 2017 SECTION B AROUND SAN GABRIEL VALLEY YWCA PASADENA-FOOTHILL VALLEY HOSTING “TALKING THE TALK: FACE YOUR FEARS” COMMUNITY FORUM ON THE ELECTION AND ITS AFTERMATH AT FLINTRIDGE CENTER ON JANUARY 25TH. CERT PROGRAM OFFERED AND ANOTHER INFORMATIVE MAD TOWN COUNCIL MEETING The YWCA Pasadena-Foothill Valley invites you to attend Talking the Talk: Face Your Fears, the latest in the community conversation series on Wednesday, January 25th, from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm. This community forum will be held at the Flintridge Center, located at 236 W. Mountain St. #117, Pasadena, CA 91103. After a grueling election season, and the current political climate, the YWCA hopes to give the Pasadena - Foothill Valley community the opportunity to share their concerns, questions, experiences, and solutions. The event will be facilitated by Ernst Fenelon Jr., Program Coordinator for the Prison Education Program at Cal Poly Pomona. The event will start at 5:30 with Ernst Fenelon Jr. introducing the event, followed by the main program including group discussions on current fears, counsel for those concerns, a general discussion, and calls to action by participating organizations. These organizations and co-sponsors include Day One, Planned Parenthood Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley, San Gabriel Valley LGBTQ Center, Coalition for Human Immigrant Rights Los Angeles (CHIRLA), National Immigration Law Center (NILC), All Saints Church, Flintridge Center, Pasadena/Altadena Coalition of Transformative Leaders (PACTL), Assemblymember Chris Holden, ACLU of Southern California -Pasadena-Foothill Chapter, Peace Over Violence, League of Women Voters, and the National Women’s Political Caucus. Ernst Fenelon, Jr. is the Program Coordinator for the Prison Education Project, an innovative “inside and outside” approach which enhances educational experiences of inmates and parolees while equipping them with practical, real-world tools for successful reintegration. Aside from being the facilitator for the YWCA Pasadena “Talking the Talk” series, he is also a facilitator for “Trust Talks.” Mr. Fenelon provides a unique perspective to prison education, reintegration and rehabilitation discussions, and was featured on NPR radio in December 2015 Emely Ortiz is a marriage and family therapist who practices in Pasadena with a focus on increasing mental health through awareness of self and mindfulness-based therapy. She graduated from Antioch University in Los Angeles in 2010, and has been in practice for 5 years. She will be facilitating the counsel portion of the event, leading and guiding participants in ways to calm their minds and meditate on solutions for the problems that they are facing, or will potentially face, due to the current political landscape. The YWCA Pasadena’s Talking the Talk series brings our community together to discuss hot button topics and strive to come up with solutions. These moderated discussions allow individuals to see many different viewpoints on the given issues, find like-minded individuals, and have a safe space to discuss their point of view. We hope that you can join us. Entry is free and open to the public. Please RSVP by phone at 626.296.8433 or by email at About the YWCA Pasadena-Foothill Valley: The YWCA acts via a wide range of programs that strive towards the elimination of racism and the empowerment of women and girls in Pasadena and throughout the Foothill Valley. Learn more and donate to the programs of the YWCA at” www. (626) 296-8433. The YWCA is located at 50 N. Hill Avenue, Suite 301, Pasadena, CA 91106. By Joan Schmidt On Wednesday the Town Council representing the Monrovia-Arcadia-Duarte Communities met at Pamela Park. The Sheriff’s report was first on the agenda, and Dep. Nelson, our liaison introduced Temple Station Commander, Cpt. Jacobs. Dep. Nelson shared crime stats showing increase in robberies and reminded residents to yell, “Go Away” if someone suspicious comes to the door. Do NOT pretend that you are not home-that encourages break-ins. Dep. Nelson also reminded everyone to call Temple Station if they see ANYTHING unfamiliar. (626) 285-7171. This was also reiterated by Lt. Reyes, Head of Detective Bureau; Det. Ballesteros from OSS (Operations Safe Street) also attended. Visit for area crime stats. Next was the County report. Representing Supervisor Kathryn Barger was Denise Mendelsohn who introduced herself and I was very impressed. She grew up in the area, has a family here and brings a lot of positive energy with her. After the meeting, she handed me a paper with our communities’ approximate population- 18,039. (Per Urban Research’s calculations based on Census 2010. Unincorporated Monrovia-3,856; Unincorporated Arcadia-9,593; Unincorporated Duarte-4,590) That was REALLY fast! I had called the prior afternoon for the info! Our two wonderful librarians Joanna Gee from Duarte Library (626-358-1865) and Denise Dilley from Live Oak Library (626-446-8803) spoke about their outstanding programs for ALL AGES from Toddlers to Adults-lots of fun activities planned. Please visit to learn of the great programs. The COMMUNITY EMERGENCY REPSONSE TEAM (CERT) program is an all-risk, all-hazard training. This valuable course is designed to help residents protect themselves, their family, neighbors and neighborhood in an emergency situation. CERT is a positive and realistic approach to emergency and disaster situations where citizens may initially be on their own and their actions can make a difference. While people will respond to others in need without training, one of the goals of the CERT program is to help them respond effectively and efficiently without placing themselves in unnecessary danger. CERT TRAINING includes 1. Manage utilities and put out small fires 2. Treat three medical killers by opening airways, controlling breathing and treating for shock 3. Provide basic medical aid 4. Search for rescue victims safely 5. Organize themselves and spontaneous volunteers to be effective 6. Collect disaster intelligence to support first responders. To register or get More Information contact The Community Law Enforcement Partnership Programs CLEPP) At (562) 347-1080 Next Town Council Meeting: Wednesday, February 15th 7pm Annunciation Church Hall, 1307 E. Longden Ave., Arcadia REP. SCHIFF TO HOST FORUM ON AFFORDABLE CARE ACT Hosted at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles in Conjunction with Health Access California and Planned Parenthood Los Angeles, CA – Tonight, Wednesday, January 18 at 7:00 pm PT, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) will host a local conversation on the Affordable Care Act to discuss how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has affected millions of Californians. Schiff will be joined by representatives from Health Access California, Planned Parenthood and local constituents who will share how the ACA has impacted individuals and the broader community. Congressman Adam Schiff, Ellen Zaman, Director Community Affairs/Government and Public Policy, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Nancy Gomez, Health Access California, Bethany Eshleman, COO of Planned Parenthood Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley Local constituents Forum to discuss how the Affordable Care Act has affected Californians Wednesday, January 18 at 7:00 pm PT Media should arrive by 6:45pm for check-in and pre-set Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Saban Auditorium 4641 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90027 *** For further information and to RSVP call 818- 450-2900 or 323-315-5555 *** ***Any journalists who have questions should contact Emilie Simons at 202-225-4176*** Admission to the event is free. Media RSVP is required. Public transportation to the Vermont/Sunset Metro Red Line stop is advised. Parking will be available at the hospital lot for $10. DUARTE ELKS CONTINUE TO SERVE OUR YOUTH Jerry Delker is pillar of the Duarte community. As an active member of the Duarte Elks Lodge, he has created a remarkable program to repair and donate bikes to children in our community. He applied for a national level grant initially, was able to build a storage shed at MIT here in Duarte, and even holds bike repair classes for MIT students on Thursday afternoons. The Elks are also instrumental in providing bike helmets to the Duarte Public Safety office to give to children at various city events. Duarte Kiwanis President, Cheryl Reynolds was happy to support Jerry and the Duarte Elks efforts by providing a $300.00 check for the bike program. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||