The World Around Us | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, March 11, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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THE WORLD AROUND US 13 Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 11, 2017 CREATING THE COLDEST SPOT IN THE UNIVERSE This summer, an ice chest-sized box will fly to the International Space Station, where it will create the coldest spot in the universe. Inside that box, lasers, a vacuum chamber and an electromagnetic “knife” will be used to cancel out the energy of gas particles, slowing them until they’re almost motionless. This suite of instruments is called the Cold Atom Laboratory (CAL), and was developed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. CAL is in the final stages of assembly at JPL, ahead of a ride to space this August on SpaceX CRS-12. Its instruments are designed to freeze gas atoms to a mere billionth of a degree above absolute zero. That’s more than 100 million times colder than the depths of space. “Studying these hyper-cold atoms could reshape our understanding of matter and the fundamental nature of gravity,” said CAL Project Scientist Robert Thompson of JPL. “The experiments we’ll do with the Cold Atom Lab will give us insight into gravity and dark energy—some of the most pervasive forces in the universe.” When atoms are cooled to extreme temperatures, as they will be inside of CAL, they can form a distinct state of matter known as a Bose-Einstein condensate. In this state, familiar rules of physics recede and quantum physics begins to take over. Matter can be observed behaving less like particles and more like waves. Rows of atoms move in concert with one another as if they were riding a moving fabric. These mysterious waveforms have never been seen at temperatures as low as what CAL will achieve. NASA has never before created or observed Bose- Einstein condensates in space. On Earth, the pull of gravity causes atoms to continually settle towards the ground, meaning they’re typically only observable for fractions of a second. But on the International Space Station, ultra-cold atoms can hold their wave-like forms longer while in freefall. That offers scientists a longer window to understand physics at its most basic level. Thompson estimated that CAL will allow Bose-Einstein condensates to be observable for up to five to 10 seconds; future development of the technologies used on CAL could allow them to last for hundreds of seconds. Bose-Einstein condensates are a “superfluid”—a kind of fluid with zero viscosity, where atoms move without friction as if they were all one, solid substance. “If you had superfluid water and spun it around in a glass, it would spin forever,” said Anita Sengupta of JPL, Cold Atom Lab project manager. “There’s no viscosity to slow it down and dissipate the kinetic energy. If we can better understand the physics of superfluids, we can possibly learn to use those for more efficient transfer of energy.” The results of these experiments could potentially lead to a number of improved technologies, including sensors, quantum computers and atomic clocks used in spacecraft navigation. The Cold Atom Lab is currently undergoing a testing phase that will prepare it prior to delivery to Cape Canaveral, Florida. You can contact Bob Eklund at: b.eklund@ OUT TO PASTOR A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder CHRISTOPHER Nyerges SPRINGTIME FORAGING IN YOUR OWN BACK YARD HEARING AND LISTENING ARE NOT NECESSARILY THE SAME [Nyerges is an ethnobotanist, teacher, and author of “Guide to Wild food and Useful Plants,” “Foraging California,” and several other books on wild foods and survival. He can be reached at, or Box 41834, Eagle Rock, CA 90041.] NOTE: NYERGES WILL BE AT THIS WEEKEND WISTARIA FESTIVAL AT THE MOUNTAIN NEWS BOOTH. HE WILL SHOW SOME WILD PLANTS, AND HAVE HIS BOOKS FOR SALE. With our abundance of rain this winter, our landscape appears markedly different from last years’ near-desert landscape. Now every yard is green, and wild plants have appeared in alleys, hillsides, parks, and backyards. This is the ideal time to learn about many of the common wild plants which you can use for food or medicine. Unfortunately, some of the best wild foods are disguised as “weeds,” and are typically pulled up and discarded as soon as they appear in yards. If you’re interested in being a bit more self- reliant, and using some of these nutritious foods in your diet, then here’s a bit about three of the common wild edibles currently very common. SOW THISTLE (Sonchus oleraceus) When most folks see a sow thistle, they think it’s a tall dandelion, since the flowers are nearly identical to dandelion. Sow thistle is from Europe, and it grows everywhere. It gets typically a few feet high, with clusters of the yellow dandelion-like flowers. The leaves of sow thistle are tender and palatable in salad (unlike dandelion, whose leaves must be cooked). Sow thistle leaves are also great in stews, egg dishes, soups, etc. Sow thistle is nearly as nutritious as dandelion, though its still an excellent source of Vitamin A and calcium. CHICKWEED (Stellaria media) Chickweed is an annual plant from Europe which sprouts up after the rains, so you begin to see it in very early spring in every yard. You can seasonally enjoy this tender plant in salads. I make salads from chickweed whenever I can, adding dressing, tomatoes, whatever. Yes, you can cook it in soup, or with eggs, but it’s really best raw. It has tender stems, with a fine line of white hairs along one side of the stem. Leaves are opposite and they come to a tip. There are five deeply cleft petals on each little flower. Very, very common. MALLOW (Malva neglecta) Mallow is a European native which is found all over the U.S. It’s recognized by its round leaves with fine teeth on the edges, and most people think it’s an ornamental geranium. It can be found in alleys, parkways, empty lots, along the freeways, seeming to like disturbed soils. It’s very, very common this season. The leaves are mild and can be added to salads, or any cooked dish, such as soup, or stews. The leaves are a good source of iron, calcium, and Vitamin A. The little fruits can also be picked and eaten fresh, or they can be picked when mature and cooked to create a sort of “poor man’s rice.” Common mallow is related to another European plant, the marsh mallow. Marsh mallow roots used to be boiled to create an egg white substance, which is whipped to get an old fashioned cough remedy. (Yes, modern marshmallows have no marsh mallow extract and are just another junk food.) You could boil the roots of common mallow to make your own cough remedy, though it probably won’t froth up like the European marsh mallow plant. As big as my ears are, you would think I would be able to hear everything I am listening to. I like to think I am hearing what I am listening to but I have so many illustrations that prove otherwise. I’m not sure what it is, but I am working on it with the help of the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage. It was on a Friday and I was very busy trying to get things done for the weekend. Some in our domicile can multitask and then the other can hardly do one thing at a time. I’m not quite sure how my wife does it, but she can do half a dozen things at the same time and get them all done perfectly. It is like one of those jugglers at the circus who can keep half a dozen balls in the air at the same time. Not me. I can’t even keep one ball in the air at the same time, let alone half a dozen. I was busy trying to get ready for the weekend when the wife came in and said, “Can we borrow your truck on Monday?” I grunted and nodded my head in the affirmative. “We need to move some furniture to a storage unit.” Now, in those two sentences she used the word “we” but I heard the word “I.” I am okay with her borrowing my truck and doing whatever kind of business she needs to do. A marriage works that way. One has a truck and the other borrows said truck. I should have thought something was up, but you know how it is with us men. We do not think unless backed into a corner and we cannot do anything else. All through the weekend when I saw my wife, she would look at me and smile and nod her head. I smiled and nodded my head back at her. After all, isn’t that what a good relationship is all about? Smiling and nodding your head at each other. As I recall, it was a rather pleasant weekend and then it was over. Early on Monday morning my wife came into the living room where I was watching TV and drinking my morning cup of coffee. I can’t start any day without my coffee. Whoever invented coffee should actually get a Nobel Peace prize. My wife came in and looked at me and said, “Are we ready to go?” Then she smiled and nodded her head in my direction. At the time, I had no idea whatsoever of what she was talking about. Where were we going to go? I had no plans for the morning. It was my one morning to chill out and catch up on my resting. “You know,” she said with a big smile all over her face. “We are going to borrow your truck and move some furniture to a storage unit.” “We,” I said very quizzically. “Who is the we? And what are we going to do?” Then she explained to me that on the past Friday I had agreed with her that we would use my truck and move some furniture to a storage unit. Now, for the life of me I did not remember that. All I remember was the word “I.” All things being equal, I assumed she was asking if she and somebody else could borrow my truck and then she and somebody else would move some furniture to a storage unit. My failure was I did not think to ask who that somebody else was. I had no idea that that somebody else was me. If you want to have an argument with your wife, think twice about it and then forget about it. Even when you can prove she is wrong, and I never can, she is always right. The best thing to do is to go along so that you can get along. So, “we” borrowed my truck and then “we” moved some furniture to a storage unit. It took us all morning and not being in the best shape of my life, I was kinda wore out. I never worked so hard in my life that I could remember. All I did that morning was nod my head and smile until we were finished. It was about noontime when we finished and when we got into the truck she said to me, “Goodness, it’s lunchtime and I haven’t prepared anything for lunch. Do you suppose we could go out for lunch?” To this day, I wonder if that wasn’t the plan all along. “We” would borrow my truck and “we” would move furniture and then “we” would go out to lunch. That’s where the “we” stopped. As we finished our lunch the waitress brought the bill and the “we” changed to “me.” Driving home from the diner my wife sighed very deeply and said, “We sure had a wonderful morning didn’t we?” I nodded and smiled and kept driving. Musing along the way I could not help but think that sometimes listening and hearing are two different things. I believe Solomon understood this very well when he wrote, “A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels” (Proverbs 1:5). I may be hearing what my wife is saying, but I may not be listening to what she is saying. The not listening is what really gets you into trouble. Dr. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family of God Fellowship, 1471 Pine Road, Ocala, FL 34472. He lives with his wife in Silver Springs Shores. Call him at 352-687-4240 or e-mail The church web site is www. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||