Best Friends and More | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, March 18, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS 8 Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 18, 2017 LOOKING FOR A BEST FRIEND Charmander is a sweet teen boy with a glistening black fur coat and serene yellow eyes. He was surrendered to the shelter at a very young age. For a kitten that should still have been with his mother, it was a bit of a rocky start to life. Never fear, Charmander thrived and is now living in Meow Manor with other young cats. He’s no longer shy with visitors, and for those staff, and volunteers that cuddle him, he’s a charmer and often climbs into free laps. Charmander is also very playful, and enjoys a good chase after a moving red laser dot or batting around toys that come in his direction. After such a sad beginning, Charmander is waiting for that forever home he so deserves. Please come in, meet Charmander in Meow Manor. Charmander will do fine as a sole companion or in a multi-cat home. His adoption fee is $99, which includes neuter surgery, a microchip, first vaccinations and a free wellness check- up at a participating veterinarian. Feel free to call us at (626) 286-1159 for more information on Charmander. ID#23602. He currently resides at the San Gabriel Valley Humane Society located at 851 E. Grand Avenue in San Gabriel which is located off San Gabriel Blvd, north of Mission and south of Las Tunas Drive. To arrange a ‘Meet and Greet’ with Charmander, please stop by any time from 10:30am to 4:30pm Tuesday through Happy Tails by Chris Leclerc THE LONE COYOTE Most folks who have lived in Sierra Madre and the other local foothill communities for any period of time, have by now developed an awareness, a respectful regard and a careful concern for the coyotes with whom we cohabitate, particularly when it comes to the safety of their children and small pets. I, myself have had several relatively close encounters with coyotes over the past 26 years I’ve lived here, and fortunately in my experiences there have been no tragic mishaps, however I must admit I have, on occasion felt somewhat intimidated by coyotes traveling in packs. Recently, I have been seeing a particular coyote wandering by itself on the north side of town, more often during the day than at night. I am not an expert on coyotes or coyote behavior, but having observed them countless times over the years I‘ve lived here, I have noticed what I have come to consider a somewhat predictable behavioral pattern. So when I see a coyote behaving dramatically different from what seems normal to me, I can’t help noticing. The coyote I’ve been seeing recently stands out to me because of both it’s appearance and it’s behavior. First I noticed that it has what appears to me to be a multi-colored coat, almost like a brindle pattern which is often worn by certain domestic dogs. This made me think perhaps it could be a mix between a coyote and a feral domestic dog. I took a photograph of the lone coyote one day when I happened to see it standing in a yard on Santa Anita Blvd. When I showed the photo to a few local friends and neighbors, a couple of them agreed it does indeed look like a mixed breed. Others thought it looked more like it might just be sick with mange or another skin disease, causing patches in it’s coat. Either way, I was quite intrigued and decided to keep my eyes peeled for more sightings. When I mentioned my visual & photographic encounters with the elusive lone coyote to a friend who knows quite a bit about coyote behavior, he said he had seen a strange looking coyote pass through his yard recently that fit that very description. He thought it behaved as if it was lost and moved slower than most coyotes he’s seen wandering in our community, and that it seemed much more bold, wandering alone in the middle of the day. Although I am not necessarily afraid of this lone coyote, (I actually feel sorry for it) I have a healthy respect for it‘s presence in our town. In other words, I let it have it’s space! The main thing that concerns me is that this coyote might be more desperate than the ones we are used to seeing. Perhaps it has been evicted from the pack for whatever reason, and must fend for itself, in which case it might be more apt to attack for self-protection or self-preservation. Regardless of why this lone coyote behaves the way it does, the fact remains that it could be more of a threat than your average local coyote. For this reason, I thought it would be a wise idea to remind the local folks about the importance of protecting their pets and small children from what could be a tragic encounter with what might be a desperately hungry coyote. Here are a few safety tips that I consider to be common sense practice when it comes to cohabitating with coyotes: Keep your pets indoors whenever possible. When you do take them out, keep them on a leash or inside a coyote proof fence. A coyote proof fence should be at least 5 . feet tall, and made of wood, brick or wire. To prevent coyotes from digging under the fence, you can attach a wire apron buried 4-6 inches under the ground extending out from the fence at least 20 inches. Rabbit & chicken hutches should be elevated with solid bottoms and partially solid sides versus open wire. Do not feed the coyotes! You may be doing this without realizing it. Make sure the lids on your trash cans are tightly closed and if possible locked. Feed your pets indoors to avoid baiting coyotes into your yard. If you feed your pets outdoors, bring any leftover food inside between feedings. If you have a garden, make sure it is enclosed in a coyote proof fence. Clean out overgrown brush and weeded areas on your property. Coyotes hunt for small rodents, and those are the areas where they are most likely to find them. By allowing brush and weeds to thrive in your yard, you are basically ringing the dinner bell for the coyote. Make loud noises when you do see a coyote close to your home, to help discourage repeated visits. A whistle works well for this purpose. If you encounter a coyote during a walk with your dog, make every effort to avoid it by walking in the opposite direction. Never attempt to approach a coyote, especially with a dog on leash. You are begging for trouble if you do! Coyotes are fascinating, beautiful creatures who have lived in these foothills since long before paved streets and neighborhoods crept up from the valleys. Whatever you do, show respect to them by recognizing their place in the balance of nature and by giving them the space they deserve. Use common sense in protecting your pets and children, enjoy the beauty of our natural environment and above all, love and let live! Meet ZOEY & CHLOE! These two adorable twin sisters, age 8 months, are just so cute and playful! They have beautiful coloring, being a mix of tabby and tortoiseshell. Zoey has the black nose and is a bit tinier than Chloe, who has the lighter colored nose. Chloe is very friendly and outgoing, while Zoey is more shy at first. They are very bonded and will be adopted together, which qualifies for our Twofur Discount. Adoption fee is $100 for both, which includes spay, microchip, exam & vaccines. A great savings! Our cats are negative FELV/FIV unless otherwise indicated. See more pictures, videos, adoption info & application on our website, www.lifelineforpets. org. Sorry, we are not accepting cats at this time. GOOD NEWS: Bugsy & Sylvester, Stryder, and Jasper have all been adopted! HEALTHY LIFESTYLES THE JOY OF YOGA REFRESH YOUR PRACTICE Are you in need of a shift in your practice or do you feel it has plateaued? Each one of us can experience this lack of excitement in practice. Even as a teacher--rather especially as a teacher-- I must keep my practice current and fresh. I have experienced many plateaus or times when I’ve done my practice just out of habit. Good thing consistency has seen me through those times. Whenever I’ve felt in a rut, this meant it was time to shift what I was doing. Literally. I didn’t change everything at once, but a few tweaks can make all the difference! To keep it interesting, I create a shift in my asana practice. Here’s what I recommend: Try a home practice every day and at least three group classes per week. If your home practice is less, practice three times per week and hit a group class 4-5 times during the week. A healthy physical asana practice (advanced, beginning, or gentle) can bring inner light forward, leading to inspiration. While improving digestion, circulation, and respiration, it also balances the subtle energetic body. Next, I always take a class or workshop with a new teacher. Undoubtedly, there is some new nugget of inspiration or a technique that provides greater effectiveness in my practice. Last, there’s some attention needed to my own Svadhyaya, or self-study. There are many areas of study as we delve into yogic philosophy and self-healing. Pick an area of interest and dive in! I’ve created lasting change in this area from changing my environment, lengthening my time in meditation, and changing how and what I eat. These are all parts of a healthy yoga practice. Cheers to evolving your own yoga practice in the best possible way! Namaste, Keely Totten E-RYT 500, Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Reiki Master Practitioner Teacher at YOGA MADRE THE MISSING PAGE Real Life Tips from LIfe's Instruction Manual IT’S NOT ABOUT THE EFFORT I live in an older home and caring for such a home can be challenging. Beloved architectural details require more work than their Plain Jane cousins. Chair rails and wainscoting are dust catchers. Crown moldings, hardwood floors, and floorboards are hosts to dust bunnies. Well, my lovely porcelain tile showers recently me reminded of a lesson. I had been scrubbing the tile grout with a toothbrush because I thought it was the best way to clean small spots in between tiles. I tried hard, I added caustic chemicals, while I rubbed brushed and scrubbed. I had mediocre results. This week the heavens opened to me and revealed another way. I bought a new scrub brush, and it’s amazing! Just a couple of strokes of this brush removes the grime I had been struggling to eliminate. Sometimes, we need to make the easy way welcome and allow a solution in an unexpected form. Just as the fly that wants to escape the house, needs to stop banging against the closed window, and to fly to the open door. We sometimes need to make ourselves open to different possibilities. Do you sometimes feel stuck? Are you simply bored with your routine? Is there something that you are longing to experience? Doing life the same way day after day may no longer be working for you. What could you do to make your daily experience more fulfilling? Is trying hard no longer working? We may need to use a different tool in our toolbox. To accomplish anything you need a clear vision because having a vision will motivate you. Next, you’ll need clarity, and the best way to get clear is to write about your vision and create a vision statement. A vision statement is a personal document that you use to design your life. In it, you record all of the things that light you up and get you excited. You must include every area of your life relationships, creativity, employment, and health. Write down everything with great detail and keep going until you feel a sense of joy and passion. The next step is to choose which area you want to explore first and then take a step. Perhaps start some research on your new adventure, but it is imperative that you take action and keep going. As an empowerment coach, I help my clients welcome more love, fun, creativity, and wealth into their lives with the amazing tools in my toolbox. I’m sharing a free workshop next Sunday, March 19th. Watch your email for the details. Walter Cailleteau, DVM Free Exam! 927 N. Michillinda Ave. For New Clients Pasadena, CA 91107 Bring this coupon to save! (626) 351-8863 Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||