Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, September 2, 2017

MVNews this week:  Page A:8



Mountain Views-News Saturday, September 2, 2017 


Happy Tails

by Chris Leclerc



When I am tempted to complain about the intense 
heat wave we’ve been having these past couple of 
weeks, I am quickly reminded of what a ridiculous 
notion that is, in light of what is going on in 
Houston, Texas right now.

 I could be sitting on a mat on the floor of a public 
make-shift shelter with nothing more than my dog 
and the clothes on my back, amongst hundreds 
of others whose homes were engulfed beneath 
Hurricane Harvey’s fierce flood waters.

 Indeed, any time I am tempted to complain, all 
I have to do is look around me and realize that 
there is someone else suffering far and away worse 
circumstances than my own.

 I will say that if there is one good thing that can 
be extrapolated from the deadly disaster that was 
reeked upon the citizens of southeast Texas this 
past week, it is the fact that there are thousands of 
people from all around the country who have taken 
it upon themselves to run to the rescue.

 Among those who’ve volunteered are the dear 
and devoted people at Search Dog Foundation, a 
group that makes it their mission to lend a helping 
hand (or paw, as it were) to those in need of their 

 Some of you may remember an article I wrote 
about this awesome organization a year or so 
ago, wherein I shared stories of their unrelenting 
dedication and willingness to be of service to folks 
who’ve fallen victim to disaster. Well I honestly can’t 
think of a better example than that of the current 
aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

 On Friday, August 25, Tropical Storm Harvey 
was upgraded to hurricane status, made landfall 
with a vengeance in Houston Texas, and became 
the first of it’s magnitude to do so on US soil since 
Wilma hit the Florida peninsula in 2005.

 Over the weekend, Harvey continued to pummel 
Houston and the nearby communities, killing 33 
people and inuring countless others in it‘s path. 
No one in the vicinity could possibly have been 
properly prepared to withstand Harvey’s hard hit, 
indeed an estimated 30,000 have been rendered 
homeless by the enormity of it’s impact.

 During the nightmarish moments, hours 
and days that have followed Harvey’s landfall, 
the emergency response entities in the affected 
jurisdictions all went immediately to work, rescuing 
people and saving lives. But the local agencies were 
overwhelmed in short order, with 
complete communities barely 
keeping their heads above water.

 Many of the victims were (and 
potentially still are) trapped in 
their homes, on their rooftops, in 
their cars, and even in trees with 
their survival depending fully upon 
someone to come to their rescue. In 
many cases, only a trained canine 
would have the accessibility to reach 
trapped individuals, and that is 
where the Search Dog Foundation 
has focused their efforts.

 Search Dog Foundation (SDF) is 
the leading volunteer rescue response organization 
in the US that uses trained rescued canines to seek 
out and retrieve victims during and after a disaster. 
With the lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina 
and a number of other past disasters, both natural 
and unnatural, SDF is confident in the skills of the 
14 Canine Disaster Search Teams they deployed in 
response to Hurricane Harvey.

 While it is sometimes challenging to get timely 
updates from the field during a deployment as 
serious and major as this one, SDF promises to 
continue updating their Deployment Report 
page, which can be viewed on one of their 
website pages. Here is the URL link to that page:

 As you can imagine, deploying 14 trained canine 
rescue teams in response to a major disaster is no 
small task, and even just the basic costs associated 
with such an on-taking can be exorbitant. SDF 
does have it’s loyal supporters, many of whom have 
proven to be consistent givers throughout the years 
since they began operations in 1995.

 However, the immensity of their current project 
is such that SDF is appealing to any and all who are 
able and willing to donate to their worthy cause, 
and I personally decided I wanted to be a part of 
ensuring that their teams have everything they 
need to carry out their mission.

 I may not be able to physically go and assist in the 
rescue effort myself, but I can be a part of making 
the rescue of many victims possible. I found it easy 
to take part in SDF’s mission by donating a money 
gift to help purchase food and other supplies needed 
for their teams to provide their unique brand of 
assistance to the desperate souls they will be able to 

 All I had to do was visit the webpage highlighted 
above and click on the “donate today” link. By 
giving a money gift, I feel I am coming alongside 
the good folks at Search Dog Foundation, and I’m 
making an appeal to my readers to do the same. Are 
you willing to get on board and do your part to help 
SDF help the victims of Hurricane Harvey? I hope 
you will.

 Remember to be grateful for something each 
day - your life, your health, your family, your pets, 
your friends…and above all, don’t forget to love 
and let live!


A few friends 
tried yoga for the 
first time recently. 
Both were in 
wonder and awe 
over the practice, 
particularly the 
physical and mental effect produced by yoga. “Why 
does it work?” they asked. How does it work so well? 
My simple answer is energy.

 Did you know each and every practice has an effect 
on you? Depending on the kind of practice, the body 
and mind can end up invigorated or completely calm 
and relaxed. Yoga Teachers really are artists weaving 
in techniques and creating practices for a multitude 
of reasons: balance, calm, energy, focus, creativity, 
or healing. It’s interesting to practice with different 
teachers and different styles just to find out what 
the effects are of the practice. As both lab rat and 
observer, we can learn a lot. Every practice creates an 
effect or feeling at the end. 

 As you continue in your yoga practice, more layers 
of the onion are peeled away and the subtleties of 
how you’re changing can seep into your awareness. 
You might gravitate toward a specific practice 
because it makes you more productive during your 
work day or because it grounds you during times of 
upheaval. It becomes important to observe this about 
yourself. Once you know, you have the ability to 
practice yoga that’s right for you and supports you in 
all areas of your life. And conversely, stay away from 
practices that aren’t ideal for your body, your mental 
or emotional state, or your spiritual health. 

 Next time you are practicing or attending class, 
place your point of view in both the experience of one 
who is practicing and one who is observing. See what 
you notice. How does your day go after practice? We 
have a few great workshops coming up at Yoga Madre, 
one of them just on THIS topic… “Unfold the Beauty 
of Practice.” We’ll take a closer look at postures and 
energetics with time for questions and answers. 
Come if you want to deepen your practice and come 
if you’re curious! Check out all the information here: Please email me at any time 
with questions or inquiries: 

Namaste and Love,

Keely Totten, E-RYT 500, Yogi, Teacher Trainer


Real Life Tips from LIfe's Instruction Manual


We are co-creators in the life 
we’re living. Everything in 
life is created twice, first in 
our imaginations and then again as a physical 
manifestation of our thoughts and vibrations. 
It is essential that we be aware of our thoughts. 
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Stand guard at the 
portal of your mind.” We must take control of 
where we place our attention.

 I am very protective of my mind. I am careful 
with what I read, listen to, and watch. And still, 
it’s a challenge! I recently read a social media 
post written by a young, single mother and it 
bugged me. It bothered me because it affirmed 
a negative view of men and the possibility of 
finding authentic, empowered love.

 Here is a quote from her much longer post:

 “... that leaves us at this juncture where women 
who have done the work and are ready to love 
and be loved at a level that supports continued 
healing, begin to feel that we cannot find a loving 
male partner.” 

 Rather than be aggravated by her post and then 
read the many supportive responses, I posted my 

 Here’s a portion of my response: 

 “I understand your disappointment, but you have 
to understand your power in this situation and turn 
it around. State your disappointment, but state with 
clarity and power what you want and shall have for 
yourself and your family. There are more than 7 
billion people on the planet. I am meeting women 
every day that stopped their patterns. I know that 
you can too. Stand in your power and be prepared 
for your man to show up fully, ready to look you in 
the eye and meet you as an equal.”

 She said more, and so did I, but there is a 
lesson here. In order have a different experience, 
we must change the story we tell ourselves. We 
cannot say to ourselves, “I am open and available 
for love” while telling our neighbors, colleagues 
and Facebook friends, “there aren’t any good men, 
they don’t exist.” As long as that is the internal 
narrative, that will be the external experience.

 Recognize your part in every experience. 
Release your attachment to blocks and limiting 
beliefs. Take responsibility for past thoughts and 
decisions and stop being a victim. Look for the 
lesson from every experience and opportunities 
for growth. Turn your attention to life and love 
you want to create, rather than focusing on the 
difficulties you hope to avoid. Fill the void with 
your desire. Tune into the feelings. How does the 
life of your dreams feel?

 What love will you co-create for yourself? 
You’ve got the power.


 Lori is a Lawyer and coach helping women over 
40 find love and have fun doing it. Learn more 
about her at her website 


Adorable twins, 
& PARKER, are 
at the great age 
of 3 months. 
Hard to beat 
this twosome! 
What’s cuter than 
2 identical gray 
tabby kittens, 
snow white paws, 
and sweet little 
faces, all wrapped up in a cuddly, friendly, and 
loving package of double trouble? These two cuties 
will energize your home, and make you laugh 
at their antics! Adopt them together, as they are 
very bonded. Use our Twofur Discount of $100 
for both, and they will come already spayed & 
neutered, current on vaccines, and microchipped. 
Call to make an appointment for a Meet & Greet: 
626-676-9505 or visit for 
adoption info and application. See more pictures, 
adoption info & application on our website, www. Can’t adopt? Visit our website 
for our easy Sponsor A Kitty campaign.

GOOD NEWS: Zephyr & Zinnia have been 


Whiskers is a handsome young 
guy who is aptly named with 
dramatic white whiskers above his 
lips and eyes standing out against 
his glistening black fur. He wears 
his tuxedo with the confidence of 
a debonair leading man, charming 
his fans. Whiskers was found in an 
apartment building wearing a black 
leather collar with bandana attached. 
He is healthy and sociable, so he was 
definitely was someone’s companion. 
Whiskers is now at the shelter waiting 
eagerly for his new home. He is an 
adventurous boy and still acts like a 
kitten. He is very playful and loves chasing strings 
and trying to catch flying feathery things. One of 
his favorite toys is a stuffed fish that he especially 
loves when marinated in catnip! Once Whiskers 
has had enough play time, he enjoys being petted. 
He’s energetic and would do very well 
in a family with additional cats or no 
cats, as long as there is someone to 
play with him. Please stop by and 
meet this cute little fellow with the 
big charismatic personality. His 
adoption fee is $99 and includes 
neuter surgery, vaccinations, 
microchip and a free wellness exam 
at a participating veterinarian. Feel 
free to call us at (626) 286-1159 for 
more information. He currently 
resides at the San Gabriel Valley 
Humane Society located at 851 E. 
Grand Avenue in San Gabriel which 
is located off San Gabriel Blvd, north of Mission 
and south of Las Tunas Drive. To arrange a ‘Meet 
and Greet’, please stop by any time from 10:30am 
to 4:30pm Tuesday through Sunday.Website:www. ID#29022.

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: