Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, January 6, 2018

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 6, 2018 SOUTH PASADENA -SAN MARINO4Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 6, 2018 SOUTH PASADENA -SAN MARINO4
South Pasadena Library Works on Paper by Henry Earthquake Brace andAuthor Night with Dr. Buratti Moore at The HuntingtonBolt Program Registration

Autographed copies 

The Huntington Library, Art made the promised gift of a Registration period to earthquake activity such 
of “Worlds Fantastic, Collections, and Botanical bronze Sounding Sculpture by as ground shaking and soil

will open January 23, to

Gardens announced today Harry Bertoia (1915–1978), 
failure. The seismic retrofitting

Worlds Familiar” will be 

that it has acquired a major which stands to the north of February 23. involves bolting the house to its

available for purchase

collection of graphic art by the American art galleries, 
foundation and adding bracing

Homeowners in South

Henry Moore (1898–1986).and were instrumental in 
around the perimeter of the

An Author Night with Dr. 

Pasadena may qualify for the

A gift of the Philip and Muriel securing the long-term loan of 
crawl space.

Bonnie J. Buratti will be 

Earthquake Brace + Bolt (EBB)

Berman Foundation, the Calder’s Jerusalem Stabile for 
The EBB registration period

presented in the Library 

program, which provides 

collection contains about 330 a stroll garden. In 2016, they 
will open for 30 days from

Community Room on 

up to $3,000 to strengthen 

works on paper and place The donated a large-scale Moore 
January 23, to February 23.

Thursday, January 25 at 7 

their foundation and lessen

Huntington among the largest lithograph. “Nancy tends to lift 
Funds will be available to

p.m. Dr. Buratti, a leading 
the potential for earthquake

Moore repositories in North The Huntington to new levels, 
complete an additional 2,000

astronomer, will be discussing 

damage. The seismic

America. Limited-edition and into new areas, time and 
plus code-compliant seismic

her new book, “Worlds 

retrofitting involves bolting

etchings and lithographs again,” said Catherine Hess, 

Fantastic, Worlds Familiar: 

the house to its foundation 

comprise the greatest part of the interim director of the Art

A Guided Tour of the Solar 

and adding bracing around the 

collection, and these intricate, Collections at The Huntington.

System.” The 2017 book is 

perimeter of the crawl space. 

often delicate works explore “With this major gift—a

an engaging account written 

Applicants will be asked to

the same universal themes selective, well-rounded group

for non-specialist readers of 

fill out a short questionnaire

found in Moore’s monumental of graphic works by one of

high school age and above. the NASA Project Scientist 
to see if their home qualifies 

sculptures, which are enjoyed the greatest artists of the last

Dr. Buratti, a Senior Research for the Rosetta Mission which 
for this program. To learn

by millions in sculpture century—she again exercised

Scientist from NASA’s Jet heading to a comet. She also 
more about the program go to 

gardens and museums around her keen understanding

Propulsion Laboratory, will has expertise on the structure

the world. The gift also includes of The Huntington and its

lead audience members on and evolution of icy moons and 
A residential seismic retrofit

three drawings by Moore—goals—in this case, our aim to

a fascinating tour of some other small bodies and holds 
strengthens an existing older 

one a solidly modeled figure grow our collection of 20th

of NASA’s latest discoveries. degrees from MIT and Cornell 
house, making it more resistant 

of a woman holding a book, century British art. Nancy’s

The free program is for all in Astronomy. The author or 

another a biomorphic form contributions always have a

ages and is sponsored by the coauthor of over 200 scientific 

Free Crowell Library Class

that is possibly a study for a special power to move the

South Pasadena Public Library papers, Dr. Buratti has been 

sculpture, and the third a sheet institution forward.”

and the Friends of the South awarded the NASA Exceptional 
will Explore Healthcare

of varied studies revealing the The Berman Foundation was

Pasadena Public Library.Achievement Medal, and the 

artist’s process as he works founded by Nancy Berman’s

Moving through the Solar International Astronomical 

and Biotechnology

through a series of ideas.parents, devoted collectors who

System from Mercury, Venus, Union recognized her work by 

The collection will form the often built friendships with the

and Mars, past comets and naming asteroid 90502 Buratti 
Hal Slavkin, Professor and and development history,

basis of an exhibition at The artists they admired, including

asteroids and the moons of after her. She is a Fellow of the 
Dean Emeritus from USC, environment, behaviors,

Huntington next summer. Henry Moore. “We’ve long

the giant planets, all the way to American Geophysical Union. 
returns to Crowell Library and susceptibility to certain

“Spirit and Essence, Line and known we’d eventually like

Pluto, Dr. Bonnie will vividly On the morning of August 21, January 9th, with a new class diseases and disorders, so 
describe some of the planetary 2017, Dr. Bonnie served as the Form: The Graphic Work of to give this group of prints about the recent advances that precise high definition

Henry Moore,” will be on view that my parents so carefully

landforms that are similar to moderator for the Total Solar 
in healthcare based on new protocols can be tailored for

in the Virginia Steele Scott assembled to a museum where

those found on Earth. Her tour Eclipse program at the South understanding of the human individual personalized health. 
of the solar system will also Pasadena Library and earned Galleries of American Art’s they were likely to make the genome. In six sessions, This course will demonstrate

Susan and Stephen Chandler biggest difference, and be most

include descriptions of such many compliments and kudos 
participants will explore how phenotype connects

Wing from June 16 through useful to a range of visitors

other-worldly land marvels as from the full house audience. 
healthcare and biotechnology, with genotype; the principles

Oct. 1. 
and scholars,” said Berman.

sulfur-rich lakes and volcanoes Those in attendance were also 
with a focus on the new underlying the development

Berman Foundation president “Once we were ready to make

on other planets, active gullies treated to a live feed from NASA 
personalized healthcare and evolutionary process of

Nancy Berman (member the gift, The Huntington was

on Mars, huge ice plumes and coverage from throughout the 
options. how an organism grows; and 

of Huntington’s Board of the obvious choice. As one of

tar-like deposits on Saturn’s Pacific Northwest. 
It was not that long ago how novel and innovative gene

Overseers), along with her the world’s major institutions

moons, near-bottomless The Community Room is 
when physicians, dentists, editing techniques can address

husband, Alan Bloch, and the for the study of British art and

hydrocarbon rivers and lakes located at 1115 El Centro Street. 
pharmacists, nurses and other major human diseases and

Berman Foundation, have culture, with a substantial body

on Titan, and massive nitrogen No tickets or reservations are 
healthcare professionals had disorders such as birth defects,

contributed to The Huntington’s of secondary sources on Henry

glaciers on Pluto.necessary. Doors will open at 
only a few treatment options diabetes, cardiovascular 

art collections over the past Moore, the addition of this

Dr. Bonnie J. Buratti is 6:30 p.m. for the free program. 
for patients with seemingly diseases, pulmonary disorders,

decade. They donated a series primary material places The

currently serving on the Refreshments will be provided 
similar diagnosis for illnesses periodontal diseases,

of tapestries by Alexander Huntington at the forefront of

Science Teams for both the autographed copies of “Worlds 
or disorders. The result was cancers, mental diseases, and

Calder (1898–1976) that are Moore scholarship in the U.S.”

Cassini and New Horizons Fantastic, Worlds Familiar” will 
that some patients responded neurodegenerative diseases 

on display in Rothenberg Hall, For More call 626.405.2100.

missions. Dr. Buratti is also be available for purchase. 
well to treatment while others and disorders. 
did not. Now healthcare Professor and Dean Emeritus

Library Film 

providers consider factors such at the Herman Ostrow School 
as genotype (an inventory of all of Dentistry, University of


that person’s genes), phenotype Southern California, Hal 
(the sum of observable Slavkin has served as Chair‘Sands Of characteristics from hair color of Biochemistry, and as the 
to cardiac function) and the Director for the NationalSilence’environment (epigenetics) Institute of Dental and 
in which the individual Craniofacial Research at the

By Presidential Proclamation, 

exists. Understanding National Institutes of Health in

January is National Slavery and 

the interaction of all these Bethesda. He lives in Marina

Human Trafficking Prevention 

factors in one person is being Del Rey.

Month, and in recognition 

termed “precision medicine” Crowell Library is at 1890

the Library is proud to co

– a sophisticated assessment Huntington Drive, San Marino,
sponsor with WISPPA 

of each person’s genome, call (626) 300-0777 or visit:

(Women Involved in South 

epigenome, phenotype, growth

Pasadena Political Action) a 
special screening of SANDS OF 

SILENCE, an award winning Nicholas Mcgegan to be

film by producer, director, and 

writer Chelo Alvarez-Stehle. Symphony Guest Conductor 

WISPPA is requesting a 

Join the Pasadena Symphony been fueled by superbly honed 

voluntary $5 donation, and 

and Principal Guest Conductor musicianship and passionately

proceeds will go to fund the 

Nicholas McGegan as he takes informed interpretations,

film's impact campaign and the 

you on a wonderful adventure "mining deep emotion from

Human Trafficking Survivors 

with Baroque Around the the subtle shaping of the lines"

Foundation (Fundación de 

World, on January 20, 2018 (New York Times).

Sobrevivientes de Tráfico 

at Ambassador Auditorium. Bookended by Telemann’s


Highly regarded as “one of Overture des nations anciens

Alvarez-Stehle’s film 

the finest baroque conductors et modernes and Rameau’s

documents a 15-year quest 

of his generation” (London Les Indes Galantes, these twoto expose the underworld Independent), the two-time young soloists promise to bring

of sexual exploitation and 

Grammy nominee will jump together an absolutely riveting

trafficking from Asia to the 

start the new year as only he can performance of a varied

Americas. This intimate story 

with his historical performance program of music, all in the

tracks the transformation 

practice bringing a wealth masterful hands of Conductor 

of sex-trafficking survivor 

of experience to this exotic Nicholas McGegan.

Virginia Isaias—a Mexican-

Baroque repertoire, ranging For those who want to learn

American woman whose past 

from the finest Cleopatra more about the music, join us

is engulfed in a cycle of sexual 

operas to quintessential Bach. for Insights – a free pre-concert 

exploitation—into an inspiring 

For the symphony's entrée to dialogue with Conductor

advocate committed to 

the new year, Colburn artist Nicholas McGegan, which

breaking that pattern. Sands of 

Blake Pouliot will join principal begins one hour prior to each

Silence celebrates the triumph 

oboist Lara Wickes for Bach's performance. Patrons who 

of the spirit with a call to action 

Concerto for Violin and Oboe. plan to arrive early can also

to break the chains of sexual 

Grand prize winner of the enjoy a drink or a bite in the 

violence worldwide. 

2016 Orchestra Symphonique lively Sierra Auto Symphony

The film will be followed by 

de Montreal (OSM) Manulife Lounge, yet another addition

a Q&A with Director Chelo 

Competition, the twenty-three-to the carefree and elegant

Alvarez-Stehle and survivor 

year-old “Pouliot has the whole concert experience the

Virginia Isaias.

package the look, charisma Pasadena Symphony offers. A

Sands of Silence has been 

and talent." (The Toronto posh setting along Ambassador

featured in festivals around 

Star) Soprano Sherezade Auditorium’s beautiful outdoor

the world, including Germany, 

Panthaki will also take the plaza.

Nicaragua, Columbia, Ethiopia, 

stage to invoke the fabled Performances on January 20,

Spain, Belgium, and Denmark, 

queen of the Nile with heart-2018 take place at both 2:00pm 

and has received many awards, 

rending Cleopatra arias from and 8:00pm at Ambassador


Handel, Graun, Mattheson Auditorium, located at 131

2017 Winner Feature 

and Hasse. An acknowledged South St. John Avenue,

Documentary – 59th Southern 

star in the early-music field, Pasadena, CA. Subscriptions

California Journalism Awards 

Panthaki has developed strong start at $99 with single ticket

2017 Nominated as Best 

collaborations with many of prices starting at $35. TicketsDocumentary to the 32nd the world's leading interpreters may be purchased online at

Imagen Awards

including Nicholas McGegan.

2017 Premio fada a la Cultura 

Her international success has or by calling (626) 793-7172.

Award second prize 

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