Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, February 3, 2018

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, february 3, 2018 SOUTH PASADENA -SAN MARINO 4Mountain Views-News Saturday, february 3, 2018 SOUTH PASADENA -SAN MARINO 4
'Huizache' Literary Love-Exhibition to Focus on 19th-Dorothy Cohen (1925-2018)
Century Astronomical Prints— Former Mayor and Longtime

In at Library Tonight 

 In honor of the release of peace through music.
the 7th Annual anthology Doors will open for the 
“Huizache: The Magazine of event in the beautiful, 
Latino Literature”, a Literary historic Community 
Love-In will be presented in Room at 6 p.m. The event 
the South Pasadena Public is presented by the Lucille 
Library Community Room and Edward R. Roybal 
on Saturday, February 3 at 6 Foundation, the South 

p.m. “Huizache” is America’s Pasadena Public Library, 
premier U.S. Latinx literary and the Friends of the South 
magazine. The event will Pasadena Public Library. It’s 
start with readings by a free and open to the public. 
trio of the anthology’s most No tickets are required, but 
celebrated writers: Selene attendees are asked to RSVP 
Santiago, Adolfo Guzman-to pachangahuizache@
Lopez, and UCLA’s own Dr. Refreshments 
Alicia Gaspar de Alba.and light appetizers will be 
Dynamic Latin American provided.
singer, songwriter, and The Community Room is Dorothy Mahoney 

pianist Julia Vari sings in located at 1115 El Centro A rare set of exquisite observation demonstrates his 
Station Plaza of the walking 

Cohen, age 92, former 

lithographs, depicting the uncanny capacity to combine 
man sculpture, “Astride

eight different languages. Street. Please note: South 
South Pasadena mayor 

pastel drawings of planets, art and science in such a 
Aside,” by Michael Stutz. At 

Julia has dazzled audiences Pasadena Public Library 
and 55-year-resident, died 

comets, eclipses and other way as to make substantial with her stage presence closes at 6:00 p.m. on celestial wonders by artist/ contributions to both fields,” January 20. She served nine a later time, she sponsored 

and vocal techniques at Saturdays but the Library astronomer Étienne Léopold Satrum said.years on the City Council the installation of a plaque at 
some of the most important Community Room will Trouvelot (1827-1895), Trouvelot’s artistic talent and from 1994 to 2003 and 14 the site.

 She took particular pleasure 

festivals and theatres in the open at 6:00 p.m. for this takes center stage in late eye landed him a position at the years as a public information 
world including Mexico very special event. No April when The Huntington Harvard College Observatory, assistant for the South in overseeing the installation 
City’s National Auditorium tickets, but space is limited. Library, Art Collections, and where he produced highly Pasadena Unified School of a city clock on a pole on 

“Lunario”, the CARIFIESTA Special thanks to “Brooklyn 
Botanical mounts the new detailed drawings of his District.the grass strip on Meridian 
exhibition "Radiant Beauty: observations, many of which Avenue across from the 

International Fiesta in Haiti, & Boyle”, Abel Salas, and 
A native Californian 

E.L. Trouvelot's Astronomical were published in the Annals of 
Gold Line Station. Wishing 
National Arts Center in 210eastsound. 
descended from late 19th 

Drawings" in the Library's West the Astronomical Observatory 
to preserve the small-town 

Ottawa, and the CLAZZ 

century Sonoma County 

Hall. The exhibition is on view of Harvard College. In 1875, 

character of the community, 

International Latin Festival. 

April 28 - July 30.he was invited to the U.S. Naval 
pioneers, she also was 

she was proud of helping 

Julia’s albums “Lumeo” and 

 The set of 15 chromolithographs Observatory to use their 26- 
a former reporter and 

pass a city ordinance 

“Adoro” remained 6 months 

was the crowning achievement inch refracting telescope, at the 
columnist for the San Diego 

restricting additional drive-

on the “Top Five” jazz-

of Trouvelot’s career, said time, the world’s largest. He Union Tribune and had 
world music charts in Latin 

curator Krystle Satrum, then went public, exhibiting worked for newspapers in restaurants. She pushed 
American music stores.

assistant curator of the Jay several astronomical pastels 
in Denver and Phoenix. for greater communication 

T. Last Collection at The at the 1876 Centennial 
between city government 
Now based in Los Angeles, 

Cohen was active in many 

Huntington. “He was both an Exposition in Philadelphia. 
and residents and assisted in 

Julia studied voice and 

civic organizations, serving 

extraordinarily talented artist With the success of that 
establishing a city newsletter, 

piano at the prestigious 

as president of the Library 

and a scientist, producing exhibit, Trouvelot sought to 
“Neighbors.” She served 

Eastman School of Music 

Board of Trustees, as 

more than 7,000 astronomical publish a portfolio of his best 

as its Editorial Adviser for 

in New York, and New York 

illustrations and some 50 drawings. He teamed up with 
president of the Friends of 

seven years.

University. Her fourth album 

scientific articles during his New York publishers Charles 
the South Pasadena Public 

 Another successful personal 

“Borderless” is an exciting 

working life.” Scribner’s Sons, selecting 15 Library, as co-founder 
blend of original tunes and 

In vivid color and meticulous drawings to be made into in 1982 of the Friends’ effort was spearheading 
covers, stimulating a wide 

detail, the works depict a range chromolithographs, which Bookstore, where she the painting of a highly 
array of emotions in listeners 

of astronomical phenomena. were finally published in 1882.volunteered weekly for 35 visible city water tower. It 
“The high quality of both the It is estimated that some 300 was peeling and dirty and 

that are tied together in a 

Years, as president of the 

artwork and the scientific portfolios were published, but had not been repainted in 

thread declaring 
League of Women Voters, 

only a handful of complete sets 
decades, she said. Since 

and as a member of the 

still exist. Initially the portfolios 
South Pasadena is certified as 

South Pasadena Beautiful 

were sold to astronomy libraries 

a Tree City USA, she insisted 

and observatories as reference Board of Directors, 

that a tree be included in 

tools that astronomers could the South Pasadena 

the design imprinted on the 

use to compare with their Preservation Foundation 


own observations. However, and The Woman’s Club of 
as early 20th century advances South Pasadena.Cohen supported the 
in photographic technology She received many anti-710 freeway crusade 
allowed for more accurate and and flew to the state capitol 

awards and certificates of 

detailed depictions of the stars, 
in Sacramento with the 

recognition, including the 

planets, and phenomena, these 
city manager to testify 

prestigious President’s Award 

prints were discarded or sold to 
before both the Senate and 

from the California Library 

collectors. The Huntington’s set 

Assembly transportation 

was acquired by Jay T. Last as Association, designation as 

committees. Despite her 

part of his collection of graphic Outstanding Volunteer from 

many activities, she was 

arts and social history, then the California Association 

a voracious reader and 

donated to The Huntington.of Library Trustees and 
Trouvelot’s legacy is not without Commissioners, the 29th traveled widely in the United 

controversy, said Satrum. 
States, Europe and the Far 

Congressional District 

Born in Aisne, France, he fled 

Woman of the Year award, 

to the United States in 1855 
Tax deductible memorial 

the Los Angeles County 

with his wife and two children 
donations in honor of 

Commendation for 

following Napoleon’s coup 
Dorothy Cohen can be made 

Dedicated Service and the 

three years earlier, settling in 

to the Friends of the South 

Medford, Massachusetts. While Awesome Ostrich Award 

Pasadena Public Library, 

supporting his family as an as adviser to the founding 

1100 Oxley Street, South 

artist, he spent much of his free board of the South Pasadena 

Pasadena CA 91030. 

time studying insects, working Chamber of Commerce.
to see if better silk-producing 
caterpillars could thrive in the Judy Chu Criticizes Trump overUnited States. During a trip 
back to France in the late 1860s, Guests at the State of the Unionhe collected live specimens 

 White House Press 

of the gypsy moth, bringing 

Secretary Sarah Sanders 

them home to Medford. 

announced today that 

“Unfortunately, after hatching, 

President Trump has once 

some of them escaped his 
backyard, infesting the nearby again invited families who 

woods, then quickly spread lost a loved one in a crime 
throughout New England and committed by an immigrant 
Canada, destroying millions to be his guests at the State of 
of hardwood trees,” she said. the Union. These guests are 
Though large-scale efforts to a part of his anti-immigrant 
eradicate it were underway by 

campaign, despite statistics 

1890, they proved unsuccessful; 

that immigrants are more law victims of gangs like MS-13 

the gypsy moth continues 

abiding and less violent than who particularly terrorize 

to be a scourge of U.S. and 

native-born individuals. immigrant communities. 

Canadian forests today, causing 
millions of dollars’ worth Rep. Judy Chu (CA-27), But Trump instead chooses 
of damage annually. “This who invited a Dreamer to to hold up tragic exceptions 
episode also seems to have be her guest to the State as a norm in an attempt to 
soured Trouvelot’s passion of the Union, released the create fear and mistrust of 

for entomology, for by 1870, following statement:immigrants. That’s because, 
he had turned to astronomy,” “Manipulative. Exploitative. despite his claims, Trump’s Satrum said.Bigoted. Misleading. These anti-immigrant agenda 

 The West Hall is adjacent to the 

are just a few of the words is not driven by safety or 

astronomy section of “Beautiful 

I have to describe President economics (economists 

Science: Ideas that Changed 

Trump’s use of grieving 

the World” The Huntington’s 
agree that immigration 

permanent exhibition on the families at tonight’s State of improves our economy in 
history of science, featuring the Union. It is a fact that the long term). It’s driven by 
rare books and manuscripts by immigrants are more law white nationalism.

the likes of Ptolemy, Galileo, abiding and less violent than “His goal is persecution. 
Newton, and Einstein, among native-born individuals, His motivation is bigotry. 
others. and are more likely to be His methods are lies.” 

 Cohen served on many 
committees dedicated to 
improving the city, among 
them the Oaklawn Bridge 
Restoration Committee, the 
General Plan and Mission 
Street committees, the 
Community Redevelopment 
Commission and the Senior 
Citizen Commission. She 
was Co-chair of the Gold Line 
Art and Design Committee 
during the construction of 
the light rail through South 
Pasadena. One result of that 
committee’s work was the 
installation in 2003 on the 
Library Volunteer and Co-Founder 
of Friends Bookstore
Julia Vari 

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