Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, February 17, 2018

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Mountain View News Saturday, February 17, 2018 

ArtNight Pasadena March 9 Solar-Powered Rover 
Opportunity Approaching

Enjoy a free evening of art, 
world experiences that prepare music and entertainment as 

5,000th Martian Dawn

 High school counselors and them for the workforce. Pasadena’s most prominent arts 
principals will host four Town Students can complete and cultural institutions swing 

 The Sun will rise on NASA’s Crater, the milestone 

Hall meetings February 20 internships, volunteer with open their doors 6 p.m. to 10 

solar-powered Mars rover sunrise will appear over the 

- March 27, 2018 to inform local organizations, or get on-p.m. Begin your journey at any 
families and students about the-job of 19 participating cultural 
Opportunity for the 5,000th basin’s eastern rim, about 
Pasadena Unified School The graduate portfolio and institutions, where free shuttles 

time on Saturday, sending 14 miles (22 kilometers) 
District’s (PUSD) graduation defense present a valuable will be waiting to transport you 

rays of energy to a golf-cart-away. Opportunity has 
requirements that will take opportunity for students to to your next destination. Last 

size robotic field geologist driven over 28 miles (45 
effect with the graduating class showcase their proficiency in fall, 28,000 people experienced that continues to provide kilometers) from its landing 

of 2019.the four Cs (critical thinking, the excitement of ArtNight. 

revelations about the Red site to its current location 

 “Pasadena Unified high creativity, communication, VENUE 

Planet.about one-third of the way 

schools are preparing students collaboration) and reflect on ARMORY CENTER FOR THE 

 “Five thousand sols after down “Perseverance Valley,” 

with advanced skills to excel their own growth. Portfolios ARTS 

the start of our 90-sol a shallow channel incised 

in higher education and the are a compilation of the 145 N. Raymond Ave.Enjoy Taking Shape: Degas as 
global economy,” said Marisa student’s best work during the 626.792.5101 Sculptor, an exhibition that mission, this amazing rover from the rim’s crest of the 

Sarian, Ph.D., PUSD Assistant course of their high school Diane Christensen and Jeanne explores the improvisational is still showing us surprises crater’s floor. The rover has 
Superintendent of Secondary careers. In the oral defense, Dunning: Birth Death Breath nature of Edgar Degas’s artistic on Mars,” said Opportunity returned about 225,000 
Instruction. “Our high students use technology and An opera “performed” by practice and considers the Project Manager John Callas, images, all promptly made 
school students get amazing audio/visual media to present inflatable lawn decorations in affinities between sculpting, of NASA’s Jet Propulsion public online.
opportunities to put classroom their portfolios before a various stages of inflation and painting and drawing in his Laboratory, Pasadena, “We’ve reached lots of 
learning into practice thanks to panel of teachers, counselors, oeuvre. 

deflation, prompting existential California. milestones, and this is one 

partnerships with Pasadena’s administrators, and industry questions about life, death, PARSON’S NOSE THEATER 

A Martian “sol” lasts about more,” Callas said, “but more 

vibrant health, STEM, arts, and experts.purpose and meaning.95 N. Marengo Ave., Suite 110

40 minutes longer than an important than the numbers 

business sectors.” Four Graduation Requirement City-funded MiniGrant: Janet 626.403.7667 

Earth day, and a Martian are the exploration and the 

 In addition to earning credits Town Halls are scheduled: Klein and Her Parlor Boys Return with us to those 

year lasts nearly two Earth scientific discoveries.”

for required courses, students Tuesday, February 20, 2018, Sleepthrilling days of yesteryear with 

must complete hours of 5:30 p.m.ARTCENTER COLLEGE OF scintillating drama drawn from years. Opportunity’s Sol 1 The mission made headlines 
community service or work-Blair High School - LibraryDESIGN classic scripts from The Golden was landing day, Jan. 25, during its first months 
based learning, submit a 1135 S Euclid Ave, PasadenaWilliamson GalleryAge of Radio such as “Flash 2004 (that’s in Universal with the evidence about 
graduate portfolio, and present Wednesday, March 14, 2018, 1700 Lida St. Gordon” and “The Shadow.” Time; it was Jan. 24 in groundwater and surface 
a graduate defense.6:30 p.m.626.396.2200 PASADENA CENTRAL California). The prime water environments on 

 The graduation requirements John Muir High School -Explore modern and LIBRARY mission was planned to ancient Mars. Opportunity are in line with the Pasadena Librarycontemporary non-iPhone 285 E. Walnut St. 

last 90 sols. NASA did not trekked to increasingly 

Unified “Graduate Profile,” 1905 N. Lincoln Ave., Pasadenaimages of the self, in 626 744-4066 

expect the rover to survive larger craters to look deeper 

adopted as part of the district’s Thursday, March 15, 2018, 7:00 Explore, discover, experience 

this LACMA/ArtCenter through a Martian winter. into Mars and father back 

strategic plan. The Graduate p.m.collaboration, This is Not STEAM at your Pasadena 

Sol 5,000 will begin early into Martian history, 

Profile calls for students who Pasadena High School -A Selfie: Photographic Self-Public Library through science, 

are simultaneously prepared to Cafeteria Portraits from the Audrey and technology, arts and music.Friday, Universal Time, reaching Endeavour Crater 
excel in college and connected 2925 E. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sydney Irmas Collection.Ci t y-f un de d with the 4,999th dawn a few in 2011. Researchers are now 
to the community and world Pasadena City-funded MiniGrant: Who MiniGrants:Crown City hours later. Opportunity using the rover to investigate 
around them.Tuesday, March 27, 2018, 6:00 Can SleepSymphony; Gloria Arjona, has worked actively right the processes that shaped 

 Community service and work-p.m.artWORKS TEEN CENTER PhD; Reiyukai Americathrough the lowest-energy Perseverance Valley.

based learning requirements Marshall Fundamental -2914 E. Walnut St. PASADENA CITY COLLEGE months of its eighth Martian For more about ensure that students connect Auditorium 626.793.9202 1570 E. Colorado Blvd. 

winter.Opportunity’s adventures 

classroom learning with real-990 N. Allen Ave, Pasadena artWORKS teens display 626.585.3285 

 From the rover’s perspective and discoveries, see: nasa. 

their talents through live Kori Newkirksolo show in 

on the inside slope of the gov/rovers and marsrovers.

performances and visual our Boone Family Art Gallery 

western rim of Endeavour

arts. Come for an interactive (brochure essay by Travis 
evening that includes Diehl). Joshua Haycrafthands-on printmaking and (interactive video) solo show in 

Pet of the 

Free February Events at


stamping, alongside musical our Gallery V-108.

entertainment. City-funded MiniGrant: Latin Pasadena Senior Center

City-funded MiniGrant: music by Sister Mantos

 Bitsy (A450413) is a snuggly 

Chet Happens and student PASADENA MUSEUM OF 

 There is something for 

4-year-old Chihuahua mix 

performancesCALIFORNIA ART 

everyone in February at the 

who came to the Pasadena 


Pasadena Senior Center, 85 E. 

Humane Society as a stray. 

HALL 626.568.3665 

Holly St. You do not have to be a 

Bitsy has quickly become 

100 N. Garfield Ave. View artwork in current 

member to attend. Some events 

a volunteer favorite due to 

Metro Art will talk about exhibitions Testament of the 

require advance reservations as 

free art tours and offer a Spirit: Paintings by Eduardo 

her loving personality. She’s 


woodworking workshop with Carrillo; The Feminine Tax Time – Wednesdays 
rubs. Bitsy knows her “sit” 

a lap dog who loves tummy 

Side Street Projects. At City Sublime; and Ana Serrano: and Fridays to Apr. 13, from 

Hall, you can enjoy a snack, Homegrown. Enjoy an 9 to 11 a.m. Representatives 

command and is happy to 

listen to live music, and catch a experimental performance in 

show it off for you. She got from the AARP Foundation’s while learning more about 

along with large and small complimentary health-and-free shuttle to one of the many Kenny Scharf Kosmic Krylon Tax-Aide program will assist your diabetes and how it 

wellness exam from VCA Garage.

cultural venues open for the low- to middle-income filers affects your health. Workshop 

dogs while out on a field 

trip with our Wiggle Waggle Animal Hospitals, as well night.City-funded MiniGrant: in preparing their federal topics include diet, exercise, 

Perishable an 

as a goody bag filled with City-funded MiniGrant: Raga Music, income tax returns. There is medication issues, managing 

Wagon. Bitsy is carrying installation by Federico Llach 

information about how to Essence Indian music. no age limit. Appointments are complications and the impact 

some extra weight and is JACKIE ROBINSON and Now Hear Ensemble 

care for your pet.required: 626-795-4331.of diabetes on eyes, teeth and hoping for a family that can View photos of adoptable COMMUNITY CENTER PASADENA MUSEUM OF Tech It Up! The Basics feet. Reservations are required: 
provide her with regular pets at pasadenahumane.1020 N. Fair Oaks Ave. HISTORY and Benefits of Technology 626-685-6732.

exercise and a healthy diet. 626.744.7300 470 W. Walnut St. LA Opera Talk: “Orpheus 

org. Adoption hours are 11 – Mondays to Feb. 26, from 

If you are looking for a little Enjoy artwork from Alkebu-lan 626.577.1660 3 to 4:30 pm. (the Feb. 19 and Eurydice” – Monday, 
lovebug, stop by and meet a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday; 9 a.m. Cultural Center; learn about the Blast through time and space will be canceled due to the Feb. 26, at 1 p.m. An LA 
Bitsy. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through history of African American art in Dreaming the Universe to holiday). Learn the basics and Opera community educator Friday; and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and the legacy of Pasadena and explore how artistry, scientific/advantages of technology you will lead guests through 

 The adoption fee for dogs 
is $130. All dogs are spayed icons Jackie and Mack technological advancements, can use in your everyday life. the opera “Orpheus and 

 Pets may not be available Robinson. and changing society shaped Each class will have a specific Eurydice,” Christoph Gluck’s or neutered, microchipped, Southern California’s Science 

for adoption and cannot be City-funded MiniGrant: music focus on a common application groundbreaking opera that 

and vaccinated before going by JazzZone.Fiction community (1930–

held for potential adopters of technology, its benefits, bridges the musical worlds 

to their new home. KIDSPACE CHILDREN’S 1980).

by phone calls or email.disadvantages, basic setup and of Handel and Mozart with 

 New adopters will receive a MUSEUM City-funded MiniGrant: music instructions along with other ornate vocal lines and flowing 

480 N. Arroyo American Composers 

helpful hints. Feb. 5: What are melodies that forever changed 

626.449.9144 Forum—LA apps? Feb. 12: Twitter; Feb. 26: the face of opera. Orpheus is Pasadena Chamber Hosts Art is visible, even in the dark. PASADENA PLAYHOUSE Amazon. Presented by Jade granted permission to travel to 

Explore luminescent artistry 39 S. El Molino Ave. Myer, a Pasadena community the underworld to rescue his 

at Kidspace. Create captivating 626.356.7529 Gold Award Girl Scout wife Euridice on the condition 

Info Meeting on Cuba Trip 

rainbow images, make a Join us for an evening where we candidate.that he will not look at her until 

night you’ll get to enjoy the glowing diorama, and interact will explore the collaborative they are back on Earth. For 

 A Toast to the Joys of 

 The Pasadena Chamber of delicious food and incredible with the hula hoop glow field. and playful aspects of acting! 

Music – Tuesdays, to Feb. 27, more information visit www. 

Commerce, with its member entertainment and comfort of Visit the interactive Glow Participants will learn group 

from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Tom or 

Chamber Destinations, is your world-class ship.Gallery where Kidspace artists games and exercises, and then call (626) 795-4331.

Campbell will play guitar and 

offering a unique opportunity Enjoy tours of Havana’s four showcase their work. dive into scene work. sing songs in the Senior Center Elder Abuse –Thursday, 
to sail around historic Cuba major squares, where travelers City-funded MiniGrant: PASADENA UNIFIED Lounge. Stop by and enjoy his Feb. 22, at 10 a.m. Elder abuse 
during an exclusive 8-day will learn of the historical Dioramas with artist Molly SCHOOL DISTRICT covers of traditional country, is a crime, and all seniors 
cruise beginning November 2, significance behind many of the at First United Methodist 

Allis country rock, blues, folk, gospel should know their rights. 

available to chamber members city’s oldest buildings that date LIGHT BRINGER PROJECT Church and classic rock originally Protect yourself by learning 
and their family and friends. Fly back to Colonial times. Visits to @ DAY ONE500 E. Colorado Blvd. made famous by Willie Nelson, what to do in the event you 
from LAX to Jamaica where you the San Jose Craft Market and 175 N. Euclid Ave. 626.449.2742 Merle Haggard, Vince Gill, or someone you love is being 
catch a cruise ship for Cuba. See a local artist’s home studio give 626.590.1134 No Boundaries 13 showcases abused. Presented by Adult 

Elvis Presley, B.B. King, Neil 

all the sights, meet the Cuban art lovers a chance to witness the 

Down the Rabbit Hole An tthe artistic talents of PUSD Young, The Grateful Dead, The Protective Services, Pasadena 

people and experience Cuba creation of beautiful traditional outdoor wonderland of students in the beautiful 

Rolling Stones and many more.Office. 

while you still can, all from the Cuban pieces. The trip will art featuring site specific surroundings of First United Friday Movie Matinees – 

 Savvy Caregivers – 

luxury of a cruise ship. Includes also feature a look at antique installations, Room 13 Methodist Church. Hundreds Tuesdays, Feb. 6 to March 13, Fridays at 1 p.m. Everyoneairfare, cruise ship, all meals American cars, a lesson in local creations, dream-inducing of artworks are on view from 1 to 3 p.m. Caregivers enjoys movies and the pleasures 
and nightly entertainment, as salsa dancing, an interactive music and other playful accompanied by student they bring. March 2: “Mark 

will learn basic knowledge 

well as tours of historic and discussion on Cuba’s healthcare imaginings from the mirror performances.and skills needed to care for Felt: The Man Who Brought 
contemporary Cuba. system, an informative tour of a world. SHUMEI ARTS COUNCIL 

family members who have been Down the White House” (2017, 

 Hear a presentation on local tobacco farm and multiple LINEAGE PERFORMING 2430 E. Colorado Blvd. diagnosed with Alzheimer’s PG-13) starring Liam Neeson 
the cruise, including fare chances to dine at popular local 626.584.8841

ARTS CENTER disease and other dementias. and Diane Lane. Mark Felt, 

information, Cuba destinations, restaurants.89 S. Fair Oaks Ave. Enjoy taiko drumming by Presented by Alzheimer’s known to Bob Woodward and 
food, attractions and more at “This is an awesome 626.844.7008 Makoto Taiko at 6:15 pm, Greater Los Angeles. Carl Bernstein of the New York 
the Chamber office at 44 North opportunity to witness first-Lineage is a home for 7:15 pm, 8:15 pm and 9:15 Registration is required: Times as “Deep Throat,” helps 
Mentor Avenue in Pasadena on hand the noteworthy history connecting through the arts. pm, and Kimono Show by 626-685-6730. them uncover the Watergate 
Monday, February 26, 2018, at and beauty of Cuba, while it is On ArtNight, Lineage will LA Kimono Club. Also, view Scenic Walkers Club – scandal in 1972. March 9:
5:30pm. Enjoy complimentary still open to U.S. travelers,” said present local performing artists inspiring drawings of children 

Wednesdays to Feb. 28, at 10 “Loving Vincent” (2017, PG

mojitos and more at the no-Pasadena Chamber CEO Paul alternating between live dance of indigenous people by artist 13) with the voice talents of 

a.m. Join this new group for a 
obligation meeting. Those Little. “Travelers get a great and live music. Deborah Lomas. series of leisurely walks to enjoy Douglas Booth and Jerome 
wanting to attend the no-rate for a unique opportunity City-funded MiniGrant: music City-funded MiniGrant: 

the great outdoors and get some Flynn. Animated in an oil-

obligation meeting are asked to experience the country’s by Foster, Rowan, & Hoffman-Makoto Taiko drummingpainting style, the film depicts 

exercise. Alan Colville will give 

to please RSVP to leanne@culture, learn about its current Beechko Trio USC PACIFIC ASIA MUSEUM you a list of items to bring, a young man who travels to business climate, and make MUSE/IQUE46 N. Los Robles Ave. 

let you know what to expect, the last hometown of painter 

 This cruise to Cuba includes new friends. 300 E. Colorado Blvd. 626.449.2742 provide detailed itineraries and Vincent van Gogh to deliver 
visits to UNESCO World Space on the ship is limited, so 626.844.7703 Explore the PST: LA/LA arrange transportation. For the troubled artist’s final letter 
Heritage sites and National act fast. Don’t miss out on this MUSE/IQUE creates street-exhibition Winds from Fusang: 

more information or to sign up, and ends up investigating the 

Parks & Preserves. Enjoy the opportunity to explore historic rocking rhythms and jaw-Mexico and China in the 20th email Gogh’s final days there.
uniqueness of Cuba as you Cuba, exchange ideas with local dropping dance moves at Paseo Century and create your own Diabetes Workshop – The Pasadena Senior Center 
encounter the diverse locales business representatives, make Colorado Garfield Promenade. art in a hands-on printmaking Fridays, to March 16, from is an independent, nonprofit 
and people at the east and west This free party features live that 

new friends, and build new workshop.9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Whether organization offers 

ends, and north and south and family-friendly art City-funded MiniGrant: 

you or someone you care about recreational, educational, 

coasts of the largest island in For more information call 626-activities. printmaking with Marianne wellness and social services to 

is diabetic or pre-diabetic, 

the Caribbean, including an 795-3355 or visit: pasadena-NORTON SIMON MUSEUM Sadowski this series will encourage people ages 50 and older in a 
overnight stay in the vibrant 411 W. Colorado Blvd. For more information visit: 

you to make lifestyle changes welcoming environment.

capital of Havana. Each 626.449.6840 

PUSD Meetings on NewGraduation Requirements

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: